A mystery in a small town: Part 2

For the next couple of days day walking back home with the handsome brothers became a routine for the girls. Every day she will ask things about his world, she found out that they could shift into the shape of animals,some people only could shift into the shape of one animal, others could choose from two different animals and a very few had 3 animals to choose from. She knew about the wolf been him all along, although she hasn't seen him shift yet,but she wanted to know if he could change into other animals and what they were,but she never asked. The incident with Thomas was forgotten and nobody asked Raven about it anymore, just a girl called Sarah have tried to spread rumors about Raven seducing Thomas but everyone knew that the only reason was because she (not so secretly),liked Thomas. Something that have many peopled puzzled and scared was that in the last 3 days, 4 girls have disappeared, the first one was a nurse from a nearby Hospital, the other was a teacher and pastry chef, the fourth was a local singer, the only thing they had in common was been young and good looking. Everyone was whispering about a serial killer.The only thing was that the last girls that have disappeared were in two different places around the same time so that indicated more than one killer, other thing was that the bodies haven't been found. The brothers were worried so they followed the girls all the time and that night they decided to patrol the town and found what was happening. That afternoon they made sure the girls were safe inside the house and waited until the night to go and find what was going on.

Brian : I don't think this is the work of a human.

Ryan: Yeah, this is just too suspicious,what are we going to do if this are Malachi 's soldiers?,The portal is closed and there won't be any help from Alec.

Brian had a worried look on his face but then a small sound distracted him from his thoughts, there was this brimstone smell in the air.

Brian: Do you smell that?

Ryan sweared in his head.

Ryan:Shadow beasts!

Brian: Yeah, follow the smell and don't let them alive!.

Ryan nodded and took of running in the direction of the shadow beast. When they got to the corner of an alley they found a girl cowering in a corner and two shadow beasts in the form of a panther and a fox ready to attack her, quickly they shifted to wolfs and attacked the shadows, it was a brutal fight,the shadows kept shifting making it hard to lend a blow on them, but were able to hurt the brothers,after a few minutes of intense fighting Ryan manages to gutt his opponent and Brian was able to get the shadow panther on the ground with his mouth around its neck but before he bit down on it the shadow panther said...

Shadow panther: Is ok if I die, Lord Malachi will kill you all and tonight the bi...ch will die at the hands of my brother.

Brian froze, could it be that this was all a trap, the enemys plan was to live Raven without protection and they have fallen for it. Anger and fear run thru the brothers and with a bite Brian broke the panthers neck, as soon as it wasdone they took off running.

Brian: Please goddess, let us be in time to save them.

He prayed.

In the other end of town a scream broke the silence.