Resurrected King

Doing his best to ignore the sight of Felli impaled by a giant spike the size of his body almost, Xilo focused on the man in front of him. He had really hoped his guess was just way off and far fetched thinking from before however the sight before him said otherwise. "Same Beard, Same rugged face and the eyes." Those are were the same as the ones on the statues except they fluctuated between more colours then the three on the statues.

"So he has a lot more than just three elements."

He didn't really know why that was the case for the King though, People could only have up to three maximum and that fell in line with the three different coloured statues from before. "Felli didn't cause these." Felli might have had more than one element but these definitely weren't hers. The traces the elements he felt leftover were more attuned to the man who was currently eyeing him like a hawk after he had spoken up.

"Recognized by one. Rare."

"It's hard not to when this place is full of you. Don't be so surprised."


Listening to the King's broken language he tried to get a grasp on his strength while he stalled. "There's no way he's like he was back in his prime." If that was the case Felli wouldn't even be alive still and the same would be true for them. "Just like the commander too they're strength couldn't fully be kept." Though unlike the Commander the King still seemed to be in his original body besides the grey skin. "They probably did everything they could simply for him." It was something to respect going that far someone yet the methods they probably used for that were not respectable.

Chilling the air Xilo got a little hint at his strength as ice came to life while he grabbed his blade off his neck. "The same as that damn commander if not stronger." He could already see things going poorly but he had to try, there was no more escaping this place anymore after getting blocked off and Tearia's friend was in a lot of danger. "You're lucky you're Tearia's friend you know that?" Eyeing Felli he noticed the king was done with his words as he raised the sword he held.

"Tearia, I need your help too."

"Not even a question."

Taking Ravenous off her wrist she wouldn't relent until this man paid. She didn't like what Felli did to them but that didn't mean she would accept her getting hurt because of it. "Besides I wanna give her a little slap myself afterwards." If Felli really thought she could just walk off so easily from them like it was nothing she had another thing coming. Grasping Ravenous in her hand a black light showed itself to the world. Hearing the chains rattle she stared at the red blade that was at eye level as she pumped some energy into it.

"Think we can beat him?"

"We can try."

Seeing Tearia so ready to fight was sort of surprising still especially since it was a person. Last time she had hesitated and he had to step in for her but now it looks like she was ready to tear his throat apart. "I guess she really cares for Felli." Seeing her hurt like that most of set her off a lot more then he had initially thought. "Good." gripping his blade he felt Gravity barrel down on him as his blade became heavier.

"Gravity just like Felli, that's one."

Counting the element in his head he watched the King come straight for them, he knew dodging wasn't the best choice. Bracing himself he pumped energy into his arms as his blade started to hum with excitement before the King's sword slashed at him. Blocking quickly he felt the weight of his blade as he backed off instantly. Trying to defend against that would get him crushed in seconds especially when a green plant was flying towards his legs. "Nature, second." Jumping back over it he avoided being tripped up as Tearia attacked her from the back only to be blocked by a wall of Earth that sprung up protecting him.

"Earth, Third."

Just from that small exchange he had already used three different elements and Xilo was sure more were coming. Rushing while he was slightly distracted by Tearia a bit he tried to see how his guard would be well summoning Elements. "Need to find a weakness." Creating one giant sword he connected his blades with ice as he swung down hard on the King. Sadly he didn't seem as distracted as he had hoped.


Keeping the Earth wall up behind him he watched the the silver haired man charge him as he slightly lifted up his blade. Slamming down, their blades collided as Xilo saw him flinch slightly before getting pushing back a bit as the wall of Earth dropped letting Tearia attack again.

With his wall dropped Tearia swung Ravenous at him as the red blade made contact with his skin instantly piercing it. "No blood?" She didn't hit him deep with that attack but she knew she had done some damage but no blood came out of his body. "The arrows didn't either....Does he have no blood or something else?" Trying to dig into him for a couple seconds she felt the air grow even colder as Ice covered her feet freezing her in place.


"Not me! Move it now!"

Seeing him use a fourth Element that was ice he panicked as Tearia was trapped inside of it. Choosing to break away from his attack he rushed to Tearia as he slammed the ice around her feet breaking her free quickly. He was scared to see her end up like Felli with an Earth spike in her stomach so he had to react fast to protect her. Even if it meant giving up an opening.

"Are you alright Tearia."

Dragging her away a little bit Xilo made sure she was okay.