A Soul for a Soul

They were flying towards Vormir when Jack says, "I might make a space ship after everything is done. But before that, I might take you to meet my friend I made on the world I was."

"Were they nice people?" asks Kara as she sees Jack's smile.

"Like a family once you let them enter your heart. Many of them reminded me of you and the other. And some I wanted Alura to become as cute as them. I hope that you and the others can meet once this is over. They are anticipating us after all," says Jack as they arrived over Vormir.

"It seems we arrived," says Kara as she sees Vormir. They land the ship and walk around until finding a man in a black tunic.

"I hate people wearing black tunics like you last time I almost died," says Jack as he sees the red skin under the tunic and suddenly Jack had his spear in his hand and says, "No step further. I thought you died in World War II."

"Welcome, Kara, daughter of Zor-El and Alura Zor-El. And you, John Francis Parker, son of Benjamin Franklin Parker and Maybelle Parker. Also, son of Janet Striker and G-," says the Stonekeeper when Jack interrupts.

"I don't have a father in my first life," says Jack angry as his spear touched the Stonekeeper and says, "Why are you here Red Skull and how did you know our names and parents?"

"I'm the Stonekeeper now. I was brought here by the Tesseract back then when I fought Captain America. I became the guardian of the Soul Stone. Also, I was cursed to know who comes for the stone it would be quite rude don't you think so even if she comes from another world," says the Stonekeeper as he takes a step back and says, "Are you sure that you only lived twice. I could see two other names but they were blurry. That means someone really powerful doesn't want me to know about them."

That made both Jack as well as Kara now curious since Jack doesn't remember anything about another life. As they arrive at the platform and Jack asks, "Where is the stone?"

"A soul for a soul only then can you obtain the stone. You need to sacrifice what you value most to get the stone," says the Stonekeeper as he looks at the sun while Jack was feeling someone spying on them.

"It would be best to show your presence before I rip your body apart," shouts Jack angry making Kara and the Stonekeeper look confused.

"You might be able to hide from them but not from me," says Jack as his armor appears on his body and he felt sudden pain going all over his body.

The new stones were now the first time in contact with Jack while a woman in black appears wearing light clothes having black eyes and hair as she floats slowly down beside them.

"I thought you were stronger," says the woman when Jack used an illusion over her making some proper clothes appear but she just snapped them away.

"They really have tomatoes on their eyes for gifting you this much power," says the woman again mocking Jack when Kara gets angry.

"You wanna fight," says Kara as she wants to beat the shit out of the woman in front of them. But Jack stops her and shakes his head like saying her to not interfere.

"Who are you?" asks Jack as the pain he was feeling was disappearing but was feigning to still feel pain.

"I'm Death or Mistress Death for you," says Death as she waits for the people to show her some respect but except for the Stonekeeper the other two didn't do so and she says angrily, "You both want to die right."

"I already met someone like you he didn't have a happy ending," says Jack as he still feigned.

"Really," says Death as she walks towards Kara and wants to touch her when Jack grabs her arm and she asks, "What do you think you are doing?"

"A soul for a soul," says Jack as his fist was suddenly surrounded by magma as he pierces with his fist through her chest and says, "If I'm right she should appear to help you."

Death was lying on the ground as her wound wasn't healing like it should and asks nervous, "What have you done to me?"

"Nothing much just attacked you with my Monkey King's Iron Fist. Just that I infused some divinity into it. Since you are Lorena's servant she should appear in any second," says Jack as the sky over them turned dark or better said darker than normally on Vormir.

Then a woman and her maid appeared and Jack recognizes both when Lorena says, "I told you before not to mess with him, didn't I."

"But he wanted the stone," says Death as she was slowly bleeding out.

"Do you know why I made this rule," says Lorena as Death shakes her head.

"Because no one in his right mind would do that to his or her loved ones," says Lorena as she stretches her hand up and the Soul Stone appears in her hand as she then says, "You Stonekeeper keep up the good work in testing them. Jack retract your divinity."

Jack does so and Lorena whispers something into Mia's ears and Mia disappears and Death wanted to leave when Lorena says while radiating an aura that made Death feel small, "You won't leave until I'm done with you."

Then she turns to Jack and Kara and says, "It seems you only meet my servants that lose their path. They focus too much on the Death part that they forget the Life part."

Then Mia returned with a woman that looked like Death and Mia says, "I'm back, master."

"Good," says Lorena as she rams her hand into the woman's chest and rips her heart out. The woman falls to the ground and Death turned white from seeing her future self die like that.

"Now you can run and don't forget that your life is still in my hand," says Lorena as Death runs away in a panic while Kara, as well as the Stonekeeper, were shocked from seeing that.

Lorena turns to Kara and says, "I need a new servant in your reality. You as Kryptonian would be perfect even more so with Jack as your husband. What do you say?"

Kara looks at Jack, who didn't know what to do and Kara asks, "Can I do this from wherever I am?"

"Yes, you can even have children. You will just be bounded to me. That means once the cycle ends and begins anew you will come back to this reality and will be overlooking it," says Lorena as she suddenly created Darkness around herself and Kara and says, "Don't be nervous. We are here to talk. Now think about the offer."

"What do I have to do?" asks Kara as she was nervous.

"You will be the one responsible to guide soul out of your reality into the Nothingness as well as bringing them back. I really like all the King Yamas from the Dragonball Universe. It's quite easy and the benefit is that you become Immortal like your husband," says Lorena with a smile on her face as she cleans her hand.

"Only that," says Kara confused.

"Only that. Many really forget that it's quite an easy job. Just don't become like the person I killed just a moment ago. She was for a long time on my blacklist," says Lorena as Kara made her mind up.

"Alright what do I do," says Kara with confidence.

"Good repeat," says Lorena as both then say, "I, Kara Zor-El, swear to support Lorena in her duties of guiding souls."

Then Kara felt how something entered into her body and she felt suddenly powerful as if nothing could stop her. Then Lorena puts her hand on Kara's shoulder and seals that power partly letting only some of that power flow in her body.

"You need to learn how to control your divinity from now on. You can ask your husband about that. I sealed most of it so it doesn't destroy your body from an overflow of power," says Lorena as she whispers something into Kara's ear.

Kara opens her eyes and wants to say something but Lorena puts her finger on her lips and says with a smile, "This is our secret. I know you can't hold it away from Felicia but never let Jack know about it."

"Alright," says Kara confused after hearing that. The darkness that surrounded them disappears and Jack sees Kara was fine and sighs in relief.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything to her, aren't I right," says Lorena with a smile.

"She is right," says Kara as she smiles at Jack and gives him a hug and kisses him.

"Now someone is happy but we should return to the others," says Jack as he waves his hand at Lorena and Mia with Kara as they do the same back before disappearing and the sky cleared up.

They returned to the ship and shrunk it down again before returning back to their time. At the same time in Asgard, Hela was talking to Odin.

"You don't want revenge for what I did to you?" asks Odin as he sees Hela.

"I wanted revenge 6 years ago. But killing you wouldn't bring all those years back that I was imprisoned. Also, I'm here to get my pet and return with Thor and that rabbit back to my time," says Hela still a little angry as she confronts her father.

"You changed to better. Was it the imprisonment or something else?" asks Odin as he sees his daughter changed and walks towards her.

"Stay back!" says Hela angry as Odin suddenly stood in front of her.

"I could never show you love because I twisted you to become a weapon. That wasn't fair from my part. I shouldn't have used you like that and imprisoned you afterward. But that was the only way to keep the people safe. Can I show you some love now that I can," says Odin as Hela didn't know how to answer to it when Odin suddenly hugged her and says, "I'm sorry for what I did. Your pet is under the Treasury. Take it and do what you have to do. I'm proud of what you have become."

"When you are about to die let Jack Parker take some of your power in exchange for sealing my powers. That's what made me who I am today," says Hela as she returns the hug before letting go and she walks to the treasury as she breaks open the ground and takes her pet that was neither dead nor alive and reunited with Thor and Rocket to return to their time.