Meeting Kiba and Kuoh Academy

Soon after leaving the Occult Research Club, I walked towards the school buildings in hopes of finding the faculty room. Classes had already started so there weren't many people walking around the hallways. After a bit of walking I finally found the faulty room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Came an aged, male voice. I slid the door open and entered the faculty room. The owner of the voice was an elderly man who was sitting at his desk, looking through some files on his computer. Next to the man was a boy who looked to be the same age as Rias. He had longish blond hair and bright blue eyes. He had a nice build, looking like each muscle contained tremendous power which, I guess, was obvious considering who it was. It was very charming and cute overall.

"Oh, you must be Damien Gremory." Kiba said with a smirk, extending his hand towards mine. I looked Kiba in his eyes, seeing a sweet and friendly smile on his face. I returned the smile and extended my hand towards his, shaking it.

"Gremory?" I thought to myself. "Must be the surname Rias chose for me. That's kinda strange considering she belongs to a noble family and everything."

"That's right. I'm Damien. And you are?" I ask, our hands still together after we finished shaking each other's.

"I'm Kiba, Yuuto Kiba." He said, introducing himself. There was a long moment of silence that pervaded afterwards before the teacher coughed, drawing attention back to him.

"Damien, Kiba here will be taking you from class to class. You have all your classes with him so it'll be convenient for both of you." The teacher said, giving me a school uniform for me to change into before ushering us out of the room.

"So that's what happened. Rias wanted to keep an eye on me and probably wanted someone in her peerage to establish a connection with me. It was weird that I had the same classes as Kiba since he's two years older than me but I guess Rias pulled some strings, not that I'm complaining or anything. Freshman year would be way too easy what with my eidetic memory and everything. Senior year will be easy too but at least Rias, Akeno, and Kiba are all in that year." I think to myself as I walked to the nearest bathroom and change before coming back out and meeting Kiba before walking to homeroom.

Kiba was pretty attractive in the anime but an anime can't compare to real life. He looks exactly the same just, a lot more. I caught myself staring every now and then which I'm sure Kiba caught as well since he laughed a bit under his breath causing me to quickly look away. We spent the rest of the walk in silence, not an awkward silence but a peaceful one. Neither of us were big talkers and it felt like we were getting to know each other a lot faster just be feeling the atmosphere. We eventually came to homeroom and Kiba slid the door open.

"Kiba, good of you to finally join us." An attractive woman who looked to be about thirty-five said, sitting on her desk.

"Sorry, sensei. I was called by another teacher to bring Damien to class. He's a transfer student and didn't know his way." Kiba explains as I stand behind him, well outside the classroom.

"Fine, Fine. Come in and introduce yourself." She says to me, waving her hand at me. I walk into the classroom and introduce myself to the class, causing the girls to blush and the guys to glare when they saw me.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Damien Gremory. I hope you'll take care of me this year." I say, taking a small bow as I take my seat next to Kiba, drawing the eyes of everyone in the room as I took my seat. The teacher grabbed everyone's attention and proceeded to go through homeroom.

The bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom. I stood up from my desk and stretched my torso before sighing.

"Exhausted already?" Kiba asks, laughing a bit as he collected his stuff and stood beside me.

"Well, it's been an exhausting day for me." I say, scratching my head a bit.

"Oh yeah? How so?" He asks, obviously wanting to find out as much information as possible about me so he can report to Rias.

"Nothing really. I just got up really early today. A lot of unexpected things happened today." I said, vaguely. Kiba, knowing he wasn't going to get any information from me, let out a small sigh that would've been unnoticeable if you weren't looking for it. "Well, cmon, don't want to be late to math too." Kiba said as he walked out of the classroom and I followed after him.

The school day continued in this way. Kiba and I flirted subtly with each other but other than that, nothing really interesting happened. Soon school had ended and it was time for my meetup with Rias and the Occult Research Club. I broke away from Kiba and walked towards the back of the campus where the Club was located. I entered the club room to find no one there.

"I guess I'm the first to arrive." I said out loud as I take a seat on one of the couches loctaed inside the clubroom. I waited for a bit but soon got bored so I faced my opened palm upwards and formed an intricately made dagger. It took a little longer to make since I was thinking of every little design and all the materials I wanted to use for it. It had a black handle in the shape of a dragon with outstretched wings and blade was made of silver. Rubies decorated the hilt and one was also in the mouth of the dragon. I look at my work, examining every little part of it. I soon heard footsteps coming towards the door so I willed the dagger away, causing it to burst into manna particles and return to me. Soon after, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba walked through the door. Seeing Koneko made the timeline quite obvious. It seemed like I was thrown in just before Raynare attacked Issei. The four high schoolers took their seats on a couch in front of mine.

"Hello, Rias, Kiba." I said, nodding to both of them. "I didn't realize you were also apart of the Occult Research Club, Kiba." I said, smiling at him.

"Yes, I am. It was Rias who wanted me to show you around the campus. The girls beside me are Akeno and Koneko." Kiba said as he pointed to the two girls which they responded with nods and Akeno added a flirtatious smile. Kiba, smiling with a slightly more authentic smile than he usually showed. This definitely caught the girl's attention but they chose to keep it to themselves, for now.

"Well anyway." I said, taking my eyes off of Kiba. "I'm here to join the Occult Research Club, just like our deal entailed." I told Rias.

"Yes, about that." Rias said, crossing her legs in a seductive way. "You remember me talking about certain conditions, correct?"

"Yes. I'm prepared to fulfill those conditions as long as it's in my ability to do so."

"Excellent!" She said, showing me a charming smile. "Tell me, Damien. Do you believe in the supernatural? In angels, devils and gods?" She asks bluntly.