Meeting the Doctor


Kris logged out and went to sleep. The time was already 1 am and he needed rest since he had to go the therapy this morning for his run time schedule.

After waking up, he went and ate with his family. They talked about the usual family things. If he was questioned, Christian would answer it with few words but he didn't answer any words that came out from his father's mouth.

He was more on the side of his mother than his father because of an issue connected to the death of his sister. He still had a grudge on him on that time but his father had done anything he could, hoping that he will be given forgiveness but Christian's heart was as hard as stone. He couldn't treat his dad as his father nor a stranger anymore.

Christian doesn't even talk to him or just even looked at him in the eyes. It was like his father was invisible to Christian's eyes.

His father understood Christian's hate and willing to do everything he can.

The reason why Christian doesn't speak to his father is because on his sister's burial, his father wasn't there with them to grieve.

His father was too focus in work that he didn't have time with his family. He went overseas for an important meeting to attend to and it is also the time of her daughter's funeral.

This caused a big impact on Christian. He became cold hearted to everyone even to his closed ones.

He had already reached the bottom of despair but his father just worsen the situation. Christian almost committed suicide fortuitously, he was stopped by his mother that is why she was the only shoulder that Christian could rest on.


Christian arrived inside the therapeutical office. As all it seems, he was greeted by his personal doctor, Dr. Joan; a very beautiful and tall woman. She had huge breast, her hair: a jet black color that falls down between her neck. She had a pink lips and beautiful brown eyes partnered with her reading glasses made her stand out more. A perfect posture and body complex that men fall in love on. It was hard to tell that she is already in her 30s yet she looked very young.

"Oh Christian! How was your day?" Dr. Joan asked giving a soothing smile.

"Not much." Christian answered and sat on the sofa.

"Hmmm... I see, well how about your time in the game? Did you gain another level or is it just the usual?" Dr. Joan gave a sigh thinking that she had already know the answer that come out from Christian's mouth.

"Yeah, it was great." Christian said looking down the floor.

"Oh! Isn't that the first! Looks like you're condition is getting better well I'm happy that you're actually enjoying the game. How about this, if you add me in the game we could play together! Wouldn't it be fun?" Dr. Joan jumped in excitement.

'Oh? Dr. Joan has an account?'

"What is your level?" Christian asked seriously like he was having a drug agreement.

"Oh, its not that high, just in the level 400s." Dr. Joan gave a smirk to Christian acting as if she was making a sarcastic joke.

'What? Level 400? Isn't she an apex level player!? Or is she bluffing?'

"What's your class?" Christian asked who looked unsurprised that just recently heard her god tier level.

'Oh? Aren't you surprised? Oh yeah I almost forgot that you don't express anything.' Dr. Joan chuckled to herself and stare at Kris who was seriously interested to what she would say.

"I'm a fighter class."

"What type?"

"Look at you, making such serious intimidation. Shouldn't I be asking questions since I'm your doctor? Well if you insists, I still can't tell you until we meet each other." She crossed her hands pouting like a little child.

"Okay, I'm sorry well I'll get going now." Christian stood from his seat and quickly exited the door.

"Oh wait! You forgot your...medicine." Dr. Joan hadn't even finish her procedure and went to rush him but Christian had hurriedly return to his house.

"Dr. Joan? What's the matter?" Christian's mother asked who was waiting in the lobby.

"Oh! Mrs. Nietes! Where did your son go?" Dr. Joan asks.

"He said that he'll be going home. What's the matter?"

"Its seems that your son's condition is getting better."

"Really?!" Mrs. Nietes expression was filled with joy after hearing those words.

"Yes, and here. This is his medicine, don't forget to give him this once a day." Dr. Joan gave the packets of tablets to her hands.

"Yes! Thank you Dr. Joan! Well be going now!" Mrs. Nietes waved goodbye and the smile on her face couldn't be erased after hearing such wonderful news.

"Sigh, well then. I should meet up with Christian. I wonder what his level and class is?" Dr. Joan said to herself and proceed to enter on her little private break room where the capsule was placed just in the middle along with her laptop on the desk and a small fridge placed beside the desk.


'Can't wait to see Dr. Joan! What could her class be?' Christian placed the VR helmet on top of his head and lay down capsule.


He heard the ring noise on his head activating the system that thoroughly scanned his body from head to toe.

Time continued to elapse and the scanning procedure finish. Christian was now verified causing his body to move costly in a beam of light.


Welcome! Kris

He was greeted by the systematic voice of a woman.

His vision had regained back and he could see a shady forest afar and behind a huge cave that seems to be empty for some reason.

'I'm back.' Kris looked at his appearance, he was still in his skeletal form since the duration would be paused if he was to log out.

"Should I cancel it?" Kris thought about it. He wanted to cancel the duration of his skeleton form so he could properly meet Dr. Joan since if he was to show up to Dr. Joan, she might think of him as a wandering monster resulting to a pity death. But if he was to cancel, the duration would be doubled and he was still marked as a criminal and surely, his bounty should be astronomically high considering that he had killed, a dozen of NPC soldiers, players and a captain NPC which is a special type.

Mercenaries should be scattered everywhere trying to find Kris's whereabouts so he had no choice hut to continue on with his concealment.

"What if I tell her that I'm in a skeleton form. She would believe that and won't try and kill me." Kris said while thinking of other possibilities.

He continued to think but then, he was greeted by a message from a certain player.



Pixie Dust (lvl. 407) [F]

- Hey Christian! Its Dr. Joan!

"She really is not lying, accept!"


Just after the ringing noise, he was then greeted by a whisper.


Pixie Dust- Kris! Let's meet up in Ivory Village in Ramses Kingdom.

"Wait! Isn't that a bit far from Seville Kingdom?"

Pixie Dust- Don't worry, there's a portal that will lead you here. Just go to the Kingdom's Temple, and there you'll be able to enter it. You'll have to pay 5 gold per transportation.

"Ah crap! There's a bit of a problem." Kris worriedly said.

Pixie Dust- What is it? Don't tell me you've done some crime in the territory of Seville Kingdom?

"Well, something like that but its a bit worse."

Pixie Dust- I see, well at least that criminal mark will disappear in a week in the game?

"Maybe, who knows."

Pixie Dust- Sigh, well I'll be meeting you a week from now on and be focused on leveling up, your level is still to low for me and I can't afford riding you on the bus since I'm also gonna be busy with some business here.

"Okay, I'll assure you that I will become stronger than ever!" Kris call out his words. He was pumped up thinking that he would be able to meet with an apex player and not just any player, it was his own personal doctor.


The whisper ended and Kris returned by clearing up some monsters in the Black Forest.

The levels of the monsters in the black forest were now a bit low since Kris had reached level 300. He needed to find a new place to level up on and nothing rings on his head.

The only thing he could do was go to the kingdom but with his situation now, he couldn't help but sigh it out.

'Karma is a bitch huh. Well maybe I could try and meet up with the trio but I had promised them to wait for 3 years so my pride wouldn't break such oath.' Kris said to himself deeply unmoved and sought for another idea.

'Or maybe, I could browse in the internet! That should help!'
