Waking up as a Baby, Next to Thor. Who is also a Baby. (Prologue)

Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was the color gold. The room I was in was seemingly made from the stuff.

I tried to move but found I couldn't; my body refused to move. But I could still hear something next to me. Something giggling.

With supreme effort, I moved my head to the side and saw a baby with small tufts of blond hair sticking out of it's head. It looked at me with baby blue eyes and reached out to me, giggling all the while. Before I could try to roll away, the kid got a hold of me and I realized something:

I was a baby as well.

I tried to remember what was happening before I woke up as a child but...I couldn't. Everything was blurry, muffled. My mind was slow and wouldn't work, just like my body. Is this what babies experience?

Well, clearly not the child next to me because it pulled me close and hugged me, it's giggling picking up in volume and seeming to alert someone as I heard doors open near us.

"What will I do with you, child..." a regal voice spoke next to us before a truly beautiful woman came into view. Strawberry blonde hair, draped from her head, onto her shoulders and back before falling toward me like ropes of honey. Before I even realized I was doing it, I had reached out to her, hoping to hold one of those locks of beautiful hair. It interested me and my childish mind, for some reason.

This action brought a smile on the woman's beautiful yet dignified face. Her eyes filled with love as she looked at me and the blond brat holding me. Before I could wonder who she was, the brat's hold on me got even tighter and for some reason...that pissed me off.

With a sudden burst of control, I placed a hand on the baby's chest before pushing with as much strength as my child arms could manage.

That was a mistake.

That was what I thought when the kid went flying to the other end of the cot we were in, before hitting the wooden side with a thud. Unfortunately for us, the momentum I'd given him wasn't spent yet, somehow, and the cot tipped to the side before beginning to fall. Just as I began to flinch at the pain I was no doubt about to feel, the thought of 'How did I manage to use so much strength as a baby?' no where in my mind, I felt the cot stop.

Cracking my eyes open, I saw a slender hand holding the cot and remembered the beauty who had been overlooking us. Thank god she was here.

I moved my head to look in the direction I'd sent the kid and found them just looking at me, smiling a toothless smile. At least they weren't hurt.

"Now now, Loki, you shouldn't try to hurt your brother, Thor, like that~" the woman cooed before scooping both me and...Thor? As in the God of Thunder? Who the hell names their kid after a God? And what did she call me? Loki? Are our parents nutjobs or something? Before I could think any further the woman looked to the door before smiling lovingly at someone next to it, "Hela, come meet your little brothers, Thor and Loki," and as she said that, a small girl, who looked no older than six, walked over to us. She had very pale skin, which only made her black hair stand out even more. But what truly stood out was her green eyes which were full of intelligence yet also...indifference.

Until she met eyes with me.

She, at first, glared at me, seemingly wanting me to submit to her. But I just kept my gaze on her, wondering why a child her age was so...confrontational.

And who the hell calls their child Hela?!

Her glare slowly softened before she stopped in front of the woman holding me before holding her arms out at me. Both the woman and I could tell what she wanted: She wanted to hold me.

The woman smiled and before I could object in baby screams, I had been handed to my older sister. If I was following the prior conversation properly.

She looked down at me, her green eyes meeting mine and they seemed to spark with something soft. Protectiveness and love seemed to burst into existence in the girls eyes as she looked at me, her brother.

"Mother?" she said breaking eye contact with me and looking at the beautiful woman who had been holding me--Wait a minute, mother? If this Hela is my sister, and that woman is her mother...Then she's also my mother? Goddammit. Understanding shit like this as a baby is...well, it's not hard. Just annoying because I can't vocally ask questions.

"Yes, dear?" my mother(?) answered with a caring yet graceful smile, her dark eyes sparkling with joy as she watched one of her children holding the other.

"This one is named after Uncle Loki, correct?" she spoke with an indifference that was ever so different to how she looked at me, and I could see that she looked at her mother with the same indifference as the one that she spoke with. Seeing our mother nod her head, Hela continued as she looked down at me with a small smile, "I want to train this brother of mine. He looks like me. I love him. I know that he'll love me as well."

With that, Hela carried me to the other side of the room before sitting down with me. I wouldn't be opposed to this if it wasn't for the mutterings about me becoming Hela's best General and Warrior when she becomes Queen. Also about the mutterings when she said I 'had' to love her more than anyone else.

I was sufficiently creeped out, honestly. Very creeped out.

But I'm sure this is a relatively normal family, right? They can't all be as...odd as Hela?


. . .

I was wrong. So very, very wrong.

My mother, who was named Frigga, straight up used some kind of magic in front of me, and when I was taken to see my father. Who just happened to be called Odin.

Even I wasn't dense enough to not put the pieces together. Loki, Thor, Hela, Frigga, Odin. The name Asgard and Prince was mentioned more than once as we walked to the palace and throne room my father was currently residing in.

I was in the MCU. Or Marvel at the very least.

And I was Loki. A Villain.

That was a rough thing to come to terms with. In fact, I hadn't come to terms with it just yet but I had come to terms with something; I wouldn't take the same path as Loki in either the comics or the Cinematic Universe.

So what if I was adopted? It didn't really matter, did it? I would have a life much better than most people could ever dream of, with family who loved me. I couldn't ask for much more.

But it did bring into question; how much of the timeline had changed? Hela was much younger and hadn't been banished yet, so that was a big difference. The fact I wouldn't do the same things Loki had done in the MCU meant that I wouldn't be the reason the Avengers come together, practically slapping the entire MCU timeline out the window.

How was I so sure this was the MCU? People's faces. I had seen Heimdall and he looked exactly as he did in the movies. So did my father, or rather, Odin. I'm beginning to think that Thor would look exactly like Chris Hemsworth and I would look like Tom Hiddleston. Though I hope I'm a bit taller and more handsome.

...What? A man can dream!

And from what I saw, there are certain differences in people's appearances. Odin, for example, only shared the same face as his movie counterpart. His body, however, was much taller and more robust, looking every bit the Warrior King as he was supposed to. So, the chances I'll end up different looking are actually pretty high.

All Odin wanted was to see us and give us some kind of blessing (apparently Thor had been born a few days ago, and I assume I had been adopted around a similar time frame as well) as he was recently back from the war against the Jotunn aka the Frost Giants and this was the first time he'd seen his sons.

I was soon back in my cot with my brother and my sister next to us, having her finger held by my hand. Which she was pretty happy about. Ecstatically happy, actually.

But it's not my fault! It's a reflex for babies to hold something if it touches their palm! A reflex, I tell you!

Nevertheless, it gave me her good graces, so I wouldn't need to worry about her flicking my head. Which she had done multiple times to Thor when he tried to interrupt...as she so eloquently put it, 'Hela and Loki's bonding time'. I'm pretty sure my sister is a maniac, honestly. A Yandere, for those who know what that is.

Help. Me.