Life So Far

"Loki!" I heard a scream and I smirked, giving out a chuckle as I leaned against the other side of the wall from where the scream originated from. Taking a bite from an apple I found somewhere near, I stored the apple with Magic before donning the disguise of one of the many Einherjar who guarded and patrolled the palace.

Running, I slipped into a patrol already running to the noise and all my acting lessons from Mother and Hela were coming in very handy. Faking seriousness, and the stony-look of a soldier was easy enough and my own warrior training under Hela and Father allowed for me to look the part in terms of demeanor and stance.

Before long we arrived at a guest room - one of many in a palace as big as ours - and the leading Einherjar opened the door quickly, "Lady Sif, are you okay?!" he said in his deep voice but before he could rush in, he stopped in his tracks seeing what was happening: Sif and Thor conjoined at the hand, with Sif and Thor partially naked.

...What? Someone has to help them get together, right?

Smirking slightly, I hid behind my 'fellow' Einherjar to make sure Sif didn't see - she was absolutely furious over this latest prank and I didn't want to deal with her wrath just yet - but before long I got back to my proper position and watched, wondering how Thor and Sif would explain this.

"Find Loki!" Sif roared, not bothering to hide her wonderful curves and bountiful, half-naked, assets, "Bring him here and I'll make him undo this sorcery!" her blue eyes blazed as she looked over each and every one of the people in front of her. No doubt looking for me. She had known me for centuries, after all. She knew I'd have the front seat to see my prank play out.

Why was I acting so much like Loki, despite not being the same Loki from the MCU? Because I liked doing stuff like this. It was fun. I had found that I lived for fun in this life. Fighting, drinking, women, adventures, etc, etc--As long as it was fun, I enjoyed it. But pranks. Pranks were, and still, are my favorite past time for some reason. Maybe something to do with my body? Or maybe I'm just that sadistic. Either way, I liked messing with people.

This particular prank was actually quite simple. Magic that bound people was quite simple, but what's to say the same magic can't bind two people together? The smaller the place you bound the less energy it takes to keep the spell going. So, binding two people's hands together...It was quite cheap.

And with bountiful sources like mine, I could make the spell so strong not even the Mighty Thor could escape, let alone the beautiful Lady Sif.

Speaking of Thor, he looked at the people in front of us and addressed us with a goofy smile.

"I know you're here, brother; so let us go from this spell so we can go and have something to eat! I'm starving and I doubt I could eat with my hand attached to Sif!" he started laughing. The big buffoon.

Before anyone could say anything, Sif spoke up again, "Just go, all of you. Loki will turn up eventually," she sighed, annoyance still having a very heavy presence in her tone but nonetheless, she sounded tired--That was new. Sif and the others had always taken my pranks as what they were; jokes. Sure, they'd been annoyed but it had soon turned into begrudged laughter. Maybe I pushed too far this time?

Nah. Maybe she's just getting annoyed at Thor's inability to return her feelings.

Yeah, that sounds like it.

The commander, having his orders, turned around and motioned for us to follow him. I was near the back so I turned last. Sif gave me a suspicious look, along with Thor who seemed to sense something. But I didn't let them break my concentration and I turned around before walking.

Though before I got very far, I heard a shout before the air behind me was whistling as it was cut by the finest of Asgardian metal, "LOKIII!"

In reply, I smiled before giving an exaggerated bow which took me under Sif's blade. I discarded the illusion before summoning my two trusty daggers, made by my slightly crazy older sister, Hela. Not having time to admire the perfection she'd given me, I used one of the daggers to parry the blade sideways as I did a graceful spin so I was facing the conjoined 'lovers'.

"And here I thought I'd have to play as a little Einherjar for the entire day," I smirked, my tone full of mirthful playfulness, "Well done, Sif. Though, may I ask what gave it away?" my smirk turned into a Cheshire cat smile as I asked my question, playing the part of a gentleman and not the trickster I was.

Scoffing at my words and actions, Sif gave a glare before replying, "Your eyes always shine green whenever you're having fun. Even through illusions," her glare became a teasing one before she lunged at me again, my brother being dragged behind her with a smile on his face.

Is what she said true? Yes, sadly. Whenever I got happy, or excited, my eyes would brighten. It was a real bitch, especially when it ruined my disguises.

Bringing my daggers up in the shape of an 'X' I trapped Sif's sword in between them before skillfully disarming her and sending a light kick to his abdomen. This light kick would no doubt kill a normal human, it would probably even wound a normal Asgardian, but Sif was far from normal.

She went back a few steps before colliding lightly with my brother. She used him as a replacement for a springboard and flew back at me. I de-summoned my daggers but took a few steps back, seamlessly leaving an illusion clone behind while I turned myself invisible. Sif was none the wiser and sent a kick at my clone's head.

Though to her dismay, the clone fazed out of reality and she continued flying and at some point, she and Thor ran out of arm to allow for her movement and the stop straightened her out because of the momentum she had from her launching herself off of Thor.

Before she fell, I appeared under her and grabbed her in a princess carry, "Did you really fall for that, Sif? You know I'm quicker than you--" I was interrupted as I bent my head backward to dodge a punch she sent at my face. Smirking, I smugly spoke, "See?" before she could react, I threw her to Thor who fumbled before catching her.

"Well, it was fun, Sif, Thor. Seeing you embarrassed before you became the mighty King of Asgard, that is," I laughed before clicking my finger undoing the binding spell keeping them together.

Feeling her freedom, Sif instantly lunged at where I was only to stop herself as she saw I was no longer there.

"Damn you to Niflheim, Loki!" Sif gave out one last scream as Thor just merrily laughed. Meanwhile, I was leaning against the doorway watching these two people I would always recognize as family. Smiling, I left, setting out to prepare for the coronation tomorrow.

. . .

Where do I start? Explaining my life so far, that is.

Weeks after waking up in Asgard, I could walk. A few weeks after that I could talk. And a few months after that, I was finally able to start combat training.

Why so soon? Because I needed as much time as possible to become as good as I knew I could be. The original Loki was a good fighter, no doubt, but he wasn't a fighter. He didn't like fighting as much as Thor. He was more of a mage-type. I knew I wasn't like either of them. I just liked the fun. That I learned early on.

When you smile as you fight someone much stronger than you, enjoying the feeling of your straining muscles and your creaking bones, knowing that the thought of winning, then you know you're a thrill-seeker. Of course, I didn't win. I was fighting Odin, my father, after all. But it was the very thought of winning against insurmountable odds that made it a fun endeavor.

Like the original Loki, I took up the practice of using knives and daggers during combat - it was the perfect way to keep fighting fun, being so close to the danger and all. But as I grew in strength, I made sure the weight of the daggers was increased to monstrous levels, allowing me to give out both swift and devastatingly powerful blows. Though I made sure to train my hand-to-hand combat technique to the same level, if not even further.

I don't know exactly how strong I am, but I'm physically stronger than the MCU Loki. Especially seeing that I can physically match my brother. I could maybe even exceed his strength if I really tried.

But as you might have guessed, alongside my warrior classes, I was also taught Sorcery by my mother, Frigga. Those lessons are something I will always be grateful for.

In the meantime, Thor, Me, Sif, and the Warriors of Three...well, we went on the odd adventure every now and then, making a name for ourselves. The two princes of Asgard and their merry band of champions.

My sister often tried to come along but father or mother would have something more serious for her to do, so she could only, reluctantly, do as they told. She continued to dote on me, calling me who 'brilliant little brother' whenever I did something of particular importance. Or such as the time I took down a Bilgesnipe with my bare hands. That one earned me an excited hug and multiple smothering kisses all over my face.

...She's not perfect, let's just say that.

And that's how I spent hundreds of years. It was weird to think that I was once a Human, or a Midgardian in Asgard terms. It's weird to think I once had such a limited lifespan. How I experience time now, however, is much, much more different. Though I wouldn't know. Or remember.

Because yes, you may have guessed it, but my memories have never come back to me. No matter what Sorcery I tried.

All I had was information about the Marvel Universe. It was frustrating at times but throughout hundreds of years, I'd gained many lifetimes of memories, so I honestly couldn't bring myself to care any longer. Right now, in this life, was all I needed to know. Memories of another life, of another family...I didn't need that on my conscience.

What was I currently doing? Getting ready for my brother's coronation, obviously.

Fitting my golden, horned 'helmet' onto my head, I looked at myself in the mirror. Well, when I say helmet, it only really covered the sides of my fare and my forehead, so I guess it was more of a mask?*

(*A/N - Just look at the book cover and that's the helmet/mask he's wearing.)

Anyway, each side of the forehead section of the item had a curved horn coming from it, reaching into the air and curving back slightly. The gold contrasted well with my raven black hair. Said hair was slightly messy and wild, but still looked groomed to perfection, only being around chin/neck level in length.

My pale skin had always annoyed me but I guess it looked nice and fit my image; a handsome prince, obviously. It was unblemished and untouched by the imperfections most Humans would find on their skin. My Jotunn physiology making me immune to such imperfections. I had discovered later in my life that I wasn't just Jotunn, as well. I was half-Asgardian. How had I discovered this? Magic. What did it mean? It explained why I was so small when compared to other Frost Giants. It was because my biological mother had cheated on my biological father.

Heh. Serves the bastard right.

Anyway, me being half-Asgardian, half-Jotunn had allowed me to become much stronger than my MCU counterpart. It seems hybrids are stronger in this universe because I was much stronger than either a Frost Giant or an Asgardian. I was much denser as well. It may have something to do with why I'm so good at Sorcery but I can't exactly test that.

But the main thing was that my wishes came true! I was taller than I thought I would be! And much more handsome!

I was around 6'4" (195cm) and my density made me weigh around...I don't know, 305kg (672lbs). So I was very heavy. At least by Earth standards.

My body was much leaner than my brothers - he was a bulky brute, after all - but even then--No, especially then, I still put many Midgardians to shame with how perfectly sculpted my body was. I had put a lot of effort into it when I was training after all and it was both lean and big, neither making me look bulky nor skinny and fragile. So, perfect.

...I may be a slight narcissist, but who isn't, huh?!

Anyway, back to what I'm dressed in...

Knee-length black boots, with the trimmings laced with green, with black leather trousers, with padding along the thighs and around the knee. The thigh area had the same green trimmings as the boots, making them fit well together, but with a small amount of gold around the waist-area.

Above that, I had a form-fitting green tunic which was of the highest quality and it had pieces of gold-colored armor attached to it, lining my abs, all the way to the bottom of the tunic. The top of the line was connected to a horizontal arrow that pointed down and followed the same kind of shape as my collarbone. Over the shirt, I wore a green coat that reached my feet. The collar-area of the coat was, instead of a normal collar, a plume of light green fur that puffed out around my neck without looking too obnoxious.

The shoulders of the coat were fitted with golden pauldrons that matched the golden headpiece I was wearing.

(A/N - If that description confused you, then just look at the cover photo for the story and that's what he's wearing.)

As I was admiring myself in the mirror, I heard a soft voice behind me.

"You always did like to dress up nicely, little brother," Hela practically purred as she came up behind me, "It's a shame you never dress up for your dear older sister, isn't it?"

Turning around I smiled as I saw my stunning sister. She had the same hair, eyes, and skin from all that time ago when I first saw her. But her beauty had exploded as she grew up into a woman. She was tall, only a few inches below me, but unlike my muscular figure, hers was curvy and bountiful in all the right ways. The sight of such a beautiful woman was only made worse by the fact that I knew this beautiful woman wasn't actually my blood-related sister.

Her eyes seemed to see this slight fluster as they squinted in barely hidden joy, her dark eye shadow making the whites of her eyes, and therefore the intense green irises, pop out.

Smirking, I quickly recovered as I quipped back at her in reply, "Yes, it truly is a shame that I don't indulge my older sister more. Though I wonder if you won't try to kiss me again - like you did last time we celebrated mine and Thor's birth - if I dress up exclusively for you," my smirk grew into a smile as the teasing and mature air my sister held, melted away into embarrassment.

"I had drank too much mead, Loki! I've already told you that--So don't go misunderstanding anything! I thought you were someone else!" she huffed, her pale skin allowing for me to easily see the redness that was quickly filling her cheeks.

Though I wasn't done.

"Oh?" I questioned with a fake surprised face, "And pray tell who has garnered the passion of my sister that she would try to fervently kiss him the way you tried? Hmm?" I playfully smiled, all the while raising my eyebrows with an 'I'm waiting' expression.

All I got in reply was a sword to my throat. Or at least a clone's throat.

The clone disappeared as I reappeared at the doorway, "Do not worry sister, I do not judge what you did," I said before disappearing again, heading on my way to the coronation.