Going to Jotunheim and the Start of a Gigantic Brawl

"Loki!" I heard Thor yell from behind me, so I turned around only to met with the sight of Thor and the others (Sif, and the Warriors Three). Furrowing my brows, I quickly put on a smile before walking to them.

"Brother," I started my smile turning to a mischievous smirk, "I thought you'd be flipping tables still. Have you calmed down yet? Have you come to involve me in a wonderful feast?" I eloquently asked, hiding my frustration.

Frustration? At what? Well, the fact I couldn't find my sister anywhere. I knew she was somehow involved in the entry of the Frost Giants, her magic was very present near the border if my senses were correct. The border being where the Frost Giants broke through. If I couldn't find Hela, I wouldn't be able to convince her not to do whatever she was doing.

Sif, smiled provocatively and came over to me and pulled me into a headlock, "We are going on an adventure, Loki, and we need Asgard's favorite trickster to help us!" she sounded excited as she said this, but she always was a battle junkie, and she got especially touchy-feely with everyone before a battle. Nothing romantic, or sexual, of course. She just got excitable and started hugging, headlock-ing, and grabbing things, whenever we were heading toward a fight.

Though opposed to the excitement I'd usually feel, I felt some semblance of dread in my chest as I looked at Thor with a frown, "Thor, I hope this has nothing to do with what you and father talked about," I gave a stern look to him and he replied with only a smile before Sif jabbed me in the ribs.

"Oh? Is the powerful God of Mischief, Loki Odinson, scared of going to Jotunheim?" Sif said with a teasing tone to her voice, and looking up, a matching smile that looked very beautiful but infuriatingly full of teasing as well.

But I didn't let her have the win as I escaped her headlock and tickled a sensitive part of her neck that she'd had since we were kids, "No, I just disdain making stupid decisions when I have the choice, Sif," I smirked sadistically as I poked and squeezed her neck, sending her into a slight spasm as she started laughing. Though from the angry look in her eyes, the laughter was out of her conscious control.

A hand rested on my shoulder, and I stopped messing with Sif and turned to see my brother looking at me with a rarely seen serious face, "Please, Loki. I wish to have my brother with me when I storm Jotunheim."

I met his gaze before thinking about it.

It would give me a chance to test that empowerment I felt in the Vault, and it would also help the future of this universe if I kept Thor alive, so helping him in such a shitty situation would be good for that.

...And most important of all; wouldn't it be pretty fun to storm Jotunheim?

My eyes brightened at my excitement and I have a full-blown smile as I gave Thor a casual nod, "You know what? Sure, I'll tag along~" I said with a tone of barely concealed excitement.

Thor and the others gave out a boisterous, joyful laugh before we headed for the stables to get our horses.

As we walked, I somehow didn't see the red blush on Sif's face as she looked at me.

. . .

POV Change - Sif

Looking at Loki I couldn't help but feel a slight amount of annoyance as he walked with such a carefree gait. Hadn't he just been close to a beautiful woman, like me? You'd think he'd have some kind of reaction...

And how dare he use that weak point on me! I showed him that Centuries ago...I thought he'd have forgotten about it by now.

...Though it does warm my chest to think that he remembers such things about me.

Looking between him and Thor, I caught Thor's gaze and he gave me a thumbs-up that was slightly discreet but still made my face burn with embarrassment. Thor had been trying to help me get with his brother for as long as I can remember. It helped that I'd had...had f-feelings for Loki for as long as I remember as well, otherwise what Thor had been trying to do would have been annoying.

In the same way that Loki trying to get me with Thor was annoying. Dense idiot.

Turning my gaze back to Loki I wondered how he was related to such a big brute like Thor. Thor was big, bulky, and had a squarish face...pretty much like the average Asgardian warrior.

Loki, on the other hand, was equally as tall and broad as Thor, but his muscles were lean and compact, perfectly in proportion to his body and his size. I would say they were the perfect balance between strength-type and speed-type muscles. But his true shining point was his face and his eyes. Unlike the squarish and brutish faces of the average Asgardian, Loki had a handsome, angular face, with high cheekbones and a straight and slightly pointed nose. It was like a noble's face. Fitting of his royal heritage, I would guess.

But it was his eyes that stood out. They were a sort of harlequin green - bright beyond belief - yet they also had a sort of darkness to them that was only seen in forest green eyes. They were mysterious and when they flickered with excitement or happiness...my heart skipped and felt like an Asgardian teenager's, not like the hardened warrior it actually belonged to.

Thinking about such things, I could only remark that he's also a brilliant Warrior who had the same physicality as his brother, being much stronger than myself and other Asgardians, yet also fought with technique and skill - unlike his brother who fought like a mindless troll. Overall it made him look so...beautiful and graceful when he fought. Like a painter. It had entranced me the first time I ever saw it.

Acknowledging my feelings...was hard. And it was even harder to come to terms with the fact that Loki has no romantic interest in me. I know that he doesn't hold those feelings for me but I guess I'm allowed to feel whatever unrequited feelings I have, right?

. . .

POV Change - Loki

Getting to the stables didn't take long, and the horse ride to Heimdall was even shorter. Yet a nagging feeling seemed to grow within me as we got closer and closer to the Bifrost. As the six of us urged our horses to go faster, I looked around with my Magic Sense and found that Hela's energy was completely flooding the surroundings.

Pure warriors like the others wouldn't feel this unbalance, but to me, someone who knows sorcery, it's as clear as day. But there was little I could find out from such knowledge, so I just kept riding.

Before long we arrived in front of the Bifrost, or rather in front of the building that uses the Bifrost to travel between the Realms.

Standing in front of it was a tall, dark-skinned man with golden eyes who was adorned in fancy, yet sturdy-looking golden armor. As we walked to him, he looked us over before smiling in a very indiscernible manner, "You're not dressed warmly enough, Princes of Asgard," he turned his eyes to the others, "Nor are you Sif and the Warriors of Three."

"As expected of Heimdall, you knew about my brother's idiotic plan," I began before smiling like a fox at the man in front of me, "But the fact you haven't already told our father...means you're going to let us through, right? Probably something to do with your curiosity on how the Frost Giants got in~" I playfully remarked as I saw Heimdall flinch slightly as I hit the bullseye.

He quickly recovered and gave me a stony-faced stare, "As always, Loki, you are as perceptive as you are annoying..." he sighed before stepping aside, "Tell me how they entered and I will keep your little...excursion a secret."

Giving him a thankful, yet smug smile, I walked past him, followed closely by Thor and the others.

As we stepped into the building, Heimdall quickly got to his post where he slowly put his sword into the compartment which activated the Bifrost. As soon as the sword was fully sheathed inside it, a storm of energy, not unlike Thor's storms when he used Mjolnir, spread outward, with the sword as the epicenter.

Bolts of energy struck out like lightning, hitting the walls in a specific pattern and the spherical building around us started kicking into action. The walls began spinning, a low hum slowly building up in intensity along with the speed of the rotation.

As the rotation hit a certain speed, the building leaned forward the cannon-like top of the building pointed out into the starry expanse surrounding Asgard. This appeared to us as an opening in front of us, something we could step through.

I felt the energy underneath me build up before finally, a boom occurred and like a sun, the opening in front of us lit up in white light before the light blasted outward like some kind of laser.

"Be warned," Heimdall started, "I will honor my sworn oath to protect this Realm a it's Gatekeeper," he said sternly, before continuing in a more grim tone, "If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, the Bifrost will remain closed and you will be left to die in the cold wastes of Jotunheim."

Volstagg, ever the big oaf, gave a nervous laugh before asking, "Couldn't you just leave the bridge open for us?" he asked with a sliver of hope, yet Heimdall soon squashed it.

"Leaving the bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost, and destroy Jotunheim with you upon it," he said grimly, but also with a tone of annoyance, like he was dealing with children. Which, knowing his age, I guess he was.

In reply, however, and proving the fact that he was dealing with children, Thor gave a jolly smile before arrogantly speaking out, "I have no plans to die today!"

"None do, Thor Odinson...None do," he said in a wise and indifferent voice but he didn't seem to be trying to convince Thor against his actions, as before any of us could speak again, Heimdall did something with his sword as we were suddenly sucked into and blasted through the Bifrost.

. . .

We came to a strong stop, the ground around us quaking as we crashed against it.

Almost instantly I felt that same empowerment and instantly knew that my previous hypothesis was correct. Even if it were only a small amount of strength gained per second, it was still strength being gained as easily as breathing.

Though I could feel that I could stop absorbing the power if I wished. I kept that in mind but continued to absorb the power. But I still kept sending Magic through my body, looking for any problems that may or may not pop up because of the absorption of whatever is present on Jotunheim.

While I was doing this, the others were warily looking around, feeling the full brunt of the harsh cold that pervaded the whole of Jotunheim.

Hogun shivered before looking worriedly at Thor, "We shouldn't be here," he whispered harshly, probably feeling the same sense of danger I was. It was like everything here wanted to kill us. Whether it was the atmosphere or the inhabitants we couldn't see yet. Even I, a half-Jotunn, felt danger, let alone something not born for this land.

Though Thor ignored his friend's advice and started walking forward.

"Let's move," he said with a harsh voice, filled with determination to enact his stupid plan.

But then again, I was along for the ride and I didn't really try to stop him. Sooo...I guess I'm partly to blame for this stupid plan. Oh well, it's a part of canon, so my foreknowledge should come in handy.

Warily, we all followed Thor as he walked toward the ice structures we could see in the distance.

We walked and we walked, the silence pervading the place being the only thing that accompanied us along our journey. The place was barren and dead, nothing other than Frost Giants could live and survive in such a place, and even then, anyone who could survive wouldn't wanna live here anyway. I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to.

The place looked boring as hell.

Soon, we got to what looked like a massive fortress, built out of stone on the side of a massive ice mountain. It was massive, which is to be expected of something made by Giants, but still, the absolute scale of the building was mind-numbing. The mad thing was, however, that it was probably even bigger on the inside, having been built into a mountain.

As we approached, Sif, who had entered her serious battle-ready demeanor, asked with palpable confusion, "Where are they?" only to get a scoff from Thor.

"Hiding. These cowards always do," he harshly said, as if not even wanting to say their name.

I wonder if he'll still see me as a brother if I brought up my heritage to him, right now? Questions, questions~

Nothing else was said as we walked up to the door of the fortress before suddenly a deep, booming voice spoke out at us, "You've come a long way to die, Asgardians," the voice echoed around us, bouncing off the walls and ringing in our ears multiple times.

"I am Thor Odinson," my brother said, ever so sure of himself, an arrogant tint to his face and his tone. But what he wasn't expecting was to hear a slight scoff before the voice replied.

"We know who you are; a child," the voice said with a hint of mocking which, as you might have expected, sent my thick-headed brother into a little tiff.

"How did you people get into Asgard, Jotunn?!" Thor, surprisingly, kept enough of his cool to keep his questioning on the topic of why Heimdall let us through.

I was proud of him. Slightly, at least.

The Frost Giant King, Laufey, smirked at the question before looking down from his gigantic throne at Thor, "The House of Odin is full of traitors--!"

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!" Thor roared.

Obviously taking problems with that, Laufey shot up and glowered over at us, his red eyes alight with anger, "Your father is a murderer and a thief!" he roared back, some Frost Giants walking from behind the many pillars around us, surrounding us. We all got into position as Laufey continued, "And why have you come here? To make peace? Do not treat me as a fool. You long for battle, you crave it. You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man," he said disdainfully as he looked down at Thor.

More and more Frost Giants appeared and Thor ignored it all as he replied.

"This 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery," the Giants surrounding us summoned weapons of Ice from their fists. Some even just covering their fists in ice for a weapon.

Stepping closer to him, I sincerely whispered to him, "Calm down, Thor. He's playing you for a fool--!" I was cut off by Thor pushing me back with a forceful hand.

"Know your place, brother," he harshly said to me, causing me to squint my eyes at him.

Fine, if he wants to get banished, it's up to him. I tried to stop it, that's all I can do.

"You know not what your actions would unleash, boy," he trailed off before speaking in a gruff voice, "Well, I do. So go now, while I still allow it," he waved his hand as he looked back toward his throne like he was about to sit down again.

Seeing me not doing anything, nor was Thor, Sif quickly stepped forward and placed a hand on Thor's shoulder, holding him back slightly, "We will accept your most gracious offer, King Laufey," she did a slight bow before tugging on Thor's cape.

As we began to turn around, one of the Frost Giants closest to us gave a short, gruff chuckled, "Run back home, little princesses of Asgard," hearing his remark and his Frost Giant pals laughing, I smiled. But it wasn't a happy smile. And from the way, Sif and Fandral winced when they saw my face...it was no doubt a very predatory, very pissed off smile.

I heard Thor drop his Hammer into a swinging position but before he could even get a swing off, I appeared in front of the Frost Giant before thrusting my hand into his chest cavity.

"You know what? I know this is gonna seem very hypocritical of me right now, but I'm too annoyed to care about that right now, honestly, so, bye-bye~" I smiled, before clicking my fingers inside the Frost Giant's body, using Magic to enhance the shockwave made by it until it--


--Blew out the Frost Giant's back and splattered his organs against the thrones behind him.

Pulling my hand from the Frost Giant, I ignored the tingling I felt there. I knew my arm had changed upon contact with a Frost Giant, but its blue blood was currently masking it, so I didn't worry about it and simply cast an illusion over it after I flicked the blood off. But it seems that it was unnecessary because my skin instantly changed back after the blood came off.


Ignoring such thoughts, I summoned my daggers before charging at the Frost Giant nearest to me.

I had some steam to blow off. How fun.