Brawl and Banishment

Running towered the Giant, I slid across the ground, under the Ice Hammer it had summoned. I felt the cold air pass just over my face and the thrill caused a manic grin to crawl up the side of my face. Using my momentum, I straightened my body before jumping up at the Jotunn that was right in front of me by now.

I slammed a dagger of mine right into the bottom of the Giants's head, skewering them on the sharp black metal. Using it as a fulcrum and with my momentum, I swung myself around onto the back of the Giant before twisting my dagger free and killing the being.

Without a moment to spare, I pushed off of the back of my victim, somersaulting through the air and building up momentum before I landed a strong kick on another Frost Giant's head, causing a booming sound to echo outward, along with the squelching sound of its head popping under the force of my kick.

By this point, Thor and the others had got into action themselves, and we had started a slaughter. Our individual skill was much higher than the average Frost Giant army, but the behemoths just didn't stop coming.

I guess that's to be expected, seeing as we're in their Realm and all that.

Oh well, more fun for me, right~?

Smiling, I used Magic to make myself quicker and I threw one of my daggers at the chest of a nearby Frost Giant. The dagger flew true and sunk into the Giant's chest, causing it's red eyes to widen before looking at me in fear. Before it could try anything in its fear, I collided with the Giant and took its legs from under it.

Giving a wider smile than before, I grabbed my dagger before dragging it down, bisecting the Giant's torso and stomach, cutting them open. Before I could steadily get up, I had to throw myself out of the way as two giants slammed down ice-covered fists where I was. They only succeeded in finishing off the Frost Giant I had cut up, and that only seemed to fuel their anger as they both roared and flew at me, both of them sending fists of immense strength my way.

Or they would of if what they tried to punch wasn't an illusion of mine.

While still invisible, I slashed the taller Giant's Achilles heels, causing him to fall to the ground with a cry of pain that brought the attention of more Frost Giants who rushed to help.

Though they were still too late as I cut his head off once he was around eye level with me. Flicking off the blue blood from my dagger, I kept myself invisible but sent multiple illusions around me to confuse the Frost Giants. While they looked confused and flailed at my many illusions, I simply smiled, getting ready to enact a slaughter on the Frost Giants who'd run over to help their recently deceased brethren.

. . .

POV Change - Random Frost Giant

I watched as my brethren get cut down, I could only hurriedly look from illusion to illusion, trying to discern which one was the Asgardian and which one was fake. Yet I had no luck as one of my brothers was cut down next to me.

I struck at where the cut had been given from, confused and most of all, scared, at what was happening currently.

I heard a chuckle as my fist hit nothing, only to see another Jotunn fall to the left of me, causing me to attack that location on reflex...only to hear another chuckle as I missed again. I went to warn the others near the chuckle, but I found myself muted, unable to warn them as I saw a pair of toxic green eyes peer at me with sadistic thoughts. A wide, bestial smile was shown to me for a flash before it disappeared again and another of the surrounding Jotunns died.

I wanted to run. For the first time in centuries, I wanted to run from a fight.

Yet I couldn't.

Just like how I'd been muted, my bottom had been bound in such a way that I could no longer move. Sorcery. I tried to break the spell with my strength yet it seemed impossible as I was forced to watch the Jotunns around me get cut down like animals.

My group and I consisted of 15 Jotunn Warriors. 10 of us had been alive when King Laufey had led us in a war against Odin and the Asgardians on Midgard, I included.

But...right now I was the only one left. The Green-eyed Demon had made sure of that. Appearing, disappearing, making illusion clones of himself, confusing us into attacking one another...we were puppets dancing to his tune.

"Well..." I heard a playful voice as the Green-eyed Demon appeared in front of me, his golden horns being very fitting of the internal moniker I'd given him, "...Looks like you're the only one left?" he asked with a wide smile, bloodlust practically flooding off of him. I tried to back away but I still couldn't move.

I looked around, wondering why none of the others were trying to attack the Asgardian when he had his back turned to them and his attention solely on me. But when I saw his smirk, I knew why:

He'd used magic to cloak this entire area in an illusion not unlike what he used when he turned himself invisible.

...We were doomed from the start, weren't we? I wish we went after that blond prince instead. At least death under him would have been quicker.

I felt myself kneel against my will before the Green-eyed Demon's daggers were put on my throat.

"Well, it was fun," he said, the blades digging into my neck and drawing blood, "But nothing lasts forever, huh?" he said, seemingly wanting to get somewhere else, "Bye-bye~!" he said and moved his arms with blistering speed.

Yet by that point, everything had gone black for me.

. . .

POV Change - Loki

I had no time to watch as the Frost Giant died, as I flung myself in Sif's direction. In her fervor, she'd left a blind spot and a Giant was currently about to crush her head.

Yeah, no. I'm not about to let that happen.

"Sif!" I shouted, earning a look from the black-haired woman. I pointed behind her with my eyes and she turned to see the person about to attack her, lifting her sword to block the attack.

Luckily she was stronger than the average Asgardian and could withstand the attack before I got there and sent a powerful punch into the Jotunn's chest, breaking multiple of its ribs and sending it flying away. It was still alive, yet it wouldn't be fighting anymore. As Sif watched me, I sent a knife through a Jotunn's forehead behind her, before sending her a reprimanding gaze.

"Snap out of it, Sif," I said before nodding toward Fandral who'd had his shoulder impaled by some icicles a Frost Giant had summoned, "Go help Fandral. I'll cover your retreat," I said without leaving any room for an argument on her end.

She huffed before jogging off, but not before she uttered out something in an annoyed tone, "I didn't need you help, Loki..." she said, and I didn't miss the redness to her face and the weird twinkle in her eye she had when I saved her, but I ignored it as I turned around to face the other Giants who were slowly closing in on us.

How could I not know about Sif's feelings for me? I'd known her for centuries, so I'd have to be an idiot to not see those feelings.

Sure, Sif was a very beautiful woman, and a brilliant warrior, but...I just wasn't feeling anything other than possible lust for her. The same goes for, Hela. Regardless of what I feel, am I supposed to just force myself to be with them? No. That would be unfair on them and me. If something builds between us naturally, then fine, but if not...well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Turning my attention back to the Giants in front of me, I summoned some throwing knives after putting away my daggers, before I started to throw them out. I either aimed for lethal areas which would lead to the Jotunn's death, or I aimed to maim and injure them, stopping them from carrying on fighting.

My accuracy was seamless and every single one of my throws hit their target, effectively giving us time to retreat. Well, for all but one of us.

"Thor! We need to leave!" I shouted to my brother, who was about 80 or 90 meters away, spinning his hammer around while utterly destroying the Jotunns surrounding him.

Finishing off a bigger than normal Giant, Thor looked back at me and roared back, "No! You leave if you want, but I will stay and finish what must be done!" his blue eyes, alight with feelings of rage and a slight amount of excitement.

Shaking my head, I gave a sigh before using magic to enhance my speed to the max and I took off in Thor's direction. I knew he wouldn't be killed by being left behind - he could just fly away, after all - but I was just getting sick and tired of him thinking he was invincible. I could kick his ass if I tried, yet I'm still retreating--is he trying to say he's better than me?!

...Okay, I will admit there are some selfish motives at stake here.

Anyway, I practically appeared in front of Thor and I cast a paralyze spell on him before picking him up and dashing back off toward the others who were still retreating. This all took around a second or two, so the speed I was traveling at was pretty much like teleportation.

The only problem was that it wasn't sustainable, and could only be used in bursts, so I couldn't constantly be that quick.

"Volstagg, take the big oaf off my hands while I deal with the thing Laufey sent after us," I said, sensing something running after us from behind, before throwing a still paralyzed Thor toward Volstagg who caught him like this was a regular occurrence. It would be a lie to say this is the first time I've paralyzed Thor with magic so we can retreat with him, is all I will say on the matter.

Turning around I saw a massive, brutish creature barreling toward us. Its body looked similar to a Gorilla's if the Gorilla was hairless and had dark blue skin. But its head looked weird...kind of reptilian...Like that thing from that movie from the 80s, what was it called...The Rancor from Return of the Jedi! That's it!

...What? I'm allowed to go to Midgard to catch up on the culture if I want. Sue me.

But overall, the creature was full of dense, thick muscles, and it's long arms ended in four claws that glinted in the sparse light of Jotunheim.

As it approached, the ground started to shake and crumble as it's tremendous bulk bounced up and down as it charged at me.

Giving myself a quick stretch, I broke out in a run of my own, planning to meet the creature head-on.

Throughout the entire fight, I'd been absorbing strength from the surrounding cold and I wished to see if I'd had any visible improvement. But I'd reinforce myself with magic just in case anyway.

The two of us, the beast and I, crossed the distance quickly enough and soon got within striking range of one another. The Frost Beast stood up onto its hind legs and lifted it's hammer-like clawed fists into the air, preparing to slam them down on top of me.

Though before the beast had a chance, I flooded my body with magic and enhanced my strength, speed, and overall durability, and with one big push, I jumped toward the Frost Beast's head and sent a reinforced fist in an uppercut toward it's chin-area. The first collided with the chin and a visible shockwave spread outward from the point of impact, quickly followed by the dull sound of flesh hitting flesh and the snapping of the beast's jaw bone.

The strength of my punch was so much, in fact, that the titanic creature's body was lifted off the ground a few feet before it fell backward and onto it's back, spread out like a starfish and in a dazed state. But not one to leave things unfinished, I conjured a platform of air above me and flip myself mid-air so my feet were facing the platform.

Just as the beast was coming out of its daze, I pushed against the invisible platform, feeling a bottomless amount of strength emanating from my body, and shot back down at the creature even quicker than I'd risen while maneuvering myself mid-air so my feet were positioned for a two-footed stomp.


As I collided with the beast's chest, I heard it's rib cage completely give way, as the organs inside its torso and abdomen were either pierced by its own bones or squished by the force of my attack.

The icy ground we were on instantly gave away, the combined weight of the Frost Beast and the force of my attack being too much for its structural integrity to withstand. Though that proved to be of little trouble to me as I quickly pushed off of the beast and onto the more secure ground before sprinting to catch up to the others.

As I was getting near them, I heard the hordes of Frost Giants running behind me and I could hear their shouts for Heimdall to open the Bifrost. But nothing happened and as I got near them, the horde running at us slowed down to a jog before they stopped altogether, just looking at us with their red eyes. They looked practically ready to pounce on us, like predators in front of the perfect prey.

The nervousness I could feel from the others was practically palpable and even Thor looked slightly troubled at the number of enemies there were in front of us. The silence was making me itchy and I wondered if I'd changed canon a little too much that we wouldn't be rescued like in the original movie.

But such thoughts were proven to be incorrect.

Just as the first of the horde in front of us started to step toward us with hostile intent, the skies above us boomed before a multi-colored cloud appeared in the sky and lit the surroundings up with its multi-colored light. A circle of concentrated light covered the others and me before we heard a horse's neigh as the Bifrost traveled down towards us at a blistering speed.

The snow around us lifted as my father and his steed, Sleipnir, landed on the snow, and Thor's face lit up with joy as he lifted his hammer, "We can finish them together, father!" he shouted with a fierce yet excited expression, and I could practically see Odin's disappointment at such a sight.

"Silence!" Odin hissed in a harsh whisper before Laufey manipulated the ice around him to allow for him to meet Odin eye-to-eye.

"Allfather," Laufey said with a tired voice, obviously expecting some kind of explanation, yet he smirked and carried on, "You look weary," he mocked, trying to incite something.

But father kept a calm gaze and replied, "Laufey," he greeted with a nod, "End this now," he left no room for another choice, yet he still sounded polite about it.

Laufey scoffed in reply before answering with disdain dripping from his voice, "Your boys sought this out, Allfather."

"You're right," Odin nodded, "And these are the actions of a boy, treat them as such. Laufey, you and I can end this here and now, before any further bloodshed," Odin seemed to plead but his voice kept it's dignified and regal tone as he looked down at Laufey from atop Sleipnir.

"We are beyond diplomacy now," Laufey said with a grim voice, "Allfather," he spat out like he was disgusted with the word. "They'll get what they came for...War and death," he said with a voice which picked up in intensity, his anger obvious to all who heard him.

Resigned to what was happening, Odin closed his eye before opening it and nodding, "So be it."

Before any of us could react, Laufey conjured up an ice spike in his hand before he lunged at Odin. Odin, ever so casually, lifted Gungnir and the Bifrost activated with a melodic sound, throwing Laufey back dozens of meters. Odin, and all of us, were sucked into the Bifrost and sent back to Asgard.

No doubt for a massive reprimand. Why does fun always have to get me in trouble?

. . .

As we entered Asgard, in the room which controls the Bifrost, Thor roared with rage as he pointed his hammer at father, "Why did you bring us back?!" he huffed before pacing back and forward like an angry bull.

"Do you realize what the two of you have done?" Odin asked in a calm, yet sharp tone, "What you've started?" he looked between the two of us and I knew I was in for the same shit Thor was gonna get.

Welp, you gotta deal with the consequences of your actions, I guess.

"I was protecting my home!" Thor gave a shout, which earned a scoff from Odin, who turned to me.

"And you Loki, why did you go? Was it also to protect your home?" he harshly asked and I just shrugged before answering once he'd glared at me strongly enough.

"I went along to make sure Thor didn't get himself killed, father. Though I would be lying if I didn't have other reasons for why I went. Reasons driven by stupidity, no doubt--" I was cut off by Odin who was laughing. Yet the laughter wasn't happy; no, it sounded full of anger.

"What did I do to deserve two unruly sons like you two?" he stared us down, his voice booming in the building we were in. He tore Heimdall's sword from the compartment with controlled the Bifrost before tossing the sword at the Gatekeeper. He looked toward Fandral who was still injured and bleeding heavily, "How do you think you can protect the Kingdom if you can't even protect your friends?" Odin glowered down at Thor as he asked this question, his single eye gleaming with anger before he finally looked back toward Fandral and the others, "Get him to the healing room! Now!" he boomed at Sif and the others carrying Fandral.

Offended, Thor replied with outrage, "There won't be a kingdom if you're afraid to act, father!" he said quickly, spittle flying from his mouth, "The Jotunns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you!"

"That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership!" Odin suddenly looked incredibly tired and his massive frame slightly slouched, "You've forgotten everything I've taught you, haven't you? About a warrior's patience?" he looked to me, "About a warrior's dignity?" he questioned and I felt a small amount of shame but I can't exactly fully change who I am, even if my obsession with fun is negative at times.

While I felt some shame from my father's words, Thor only felt more anger, "While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us! The old ways are done, father. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls--!" Thor was cut off by Odin as he was mocking our father.

"YOU are a VAIN, GREEDY, CRUEL boy!" Odin shouted as he looked at Thor with a glare that made his blue eye look incredibly threatening. Then he turned to me, "And YOU are a DISHONORABLE, HEDONISTIC, ARROGANT fool, Loki! You could have stopped your brother, but you did not!" his words cut into in ways I didn't know were possible and the only thing left was shame and anger; both at myself and my father for saying the things he did, no matter the truth they spoke.

But that anger quickly faded for shock as Thor made our situation ten times worse by shouting in reply when he should have just kept his mouth shut.

"And YOU are an OLD MAN and a FOOL!" even Thor seemed shocked by what he said, and as his face lost it's 'warped in rage' look, regret was quickly showing on his face.

Odin simply looked surprised Thor would even talk back to him like this, and he looked down slightly, "Yes..." he whispered, "I was a fool to think you were ready to be king. To think that either of you had grown up at all and that I could leave the kingdom to the both of you," he let out a regretful sigh before continuing to speak with a more stern and solid tone of voice, "Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, you have betrayed the expressed command of your King and through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful Realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of WAR!" father shouted as he placed his spear into the control module of the Bifrost before activating it and walking over to the two of us.

He ripped off my headpiece before throwing it to the ground, "You are unworthy of these realms," he said as he ripped both Thor's cape and my armored coat off of us, "You're unworthy of your TITLES!" he roared with a rough and hoarse voice, "YOU'RE BOTH UNWORTHY--!" he gave a final shout as ripped my Daggers from my magical storage and threw them to the floor before continuing with a saddened voice, "Of the loved ones you have betrayed."

He looked at us with such disappointment, I was hurting inside. No one wants either of their parents to look at them like that, even if they do know they've done something stupid.

But again, I guess I've gotta deal with the consequences of my actions. Plus, it's a bonus that I get put into canon like this, right?

Gotta look on the bright side of life, after all~

"I now take from you, you power," Odin lifted his hand and Mjolnir flew to him while I suddenly felt much, much weaker, "In the name of my father and his father before him!" Thor's armor began to rip itself off of him, while the luxury trimmings and armor plates impeded on my clothes just disappeared.

"I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" he gave a tremendously loud shout before he raised Mjolnir towards us and we were blasted back into the Bifrost.