Jane Foster Meets The Princes of Asgard

POV Change - Jane Foster

Puente Antiguo, New Mexico. For a place that's so hot in the day, it sure as hell is pretty cold right now. But I have to put up with the weird weather, so I can see if my theory is correct.

Turning on the sensor with a few taps on my laptop, I started up the multitude of programs needed to make sense of the data the sensor would pick up. Picking up the actual sensor, which was a circular object with quite a bit of techno-wizardry in it--It kinda looked a lot like a power extension reel. To people who didn't know what it did, anyway.

Erik and I stood up in the van, before poking our heads and upper bodies through the sunroof the van had. I fit the sensor to the roof of the car, before making sure the leads were still firmly connected to the computer; I didn't wanna lose these test results, after all.

Looking down at the timer I'd brought with me, I saw that I had 5 seconds until the next event, and so I eagerly looked up, hoping to finally see one with my own eyes.

But soon the counter hit zero and nothing had happened. I felt Erik's stare pointed at me and I gave him a sidelong glance, "W-wait for it..." I said with a nervous tone, starting to fidget back and forth from foot to foot.

"...Can I turn on the radio?" I heard Darcy's tired, and ultimately bored voice coming from below.

Turning to look down at her I gave her a serious look, "No," I said firmly, only to hear her sigh some kind of angsty teenager before she sunk back into her seat, crossing her arms and finishing the image of a sulking teenager. Even if she is 20 years old.

Just as I heard Darcy sighing, Erik gave a tired sigh next to me and I had to hold back a glare as he spoke, "Jane...You can't keep doing this," he trailed off, looking at me with a worried gaze.

Scoffing, I went back into the van before going to look at all I'd found out on the mysterious 'storms' which had been occurring in New Mexico, "The last 17 occurrences have been predictable to the second--" I started but I was interrupted by Erik who was now sitting next to me.

"Jane, you're an astrophysicist, not some storm chaser," he said with a disapproving voice. I finally glared at him before replying.

"I'm telling you, Erik, there's a connection between these atmospheric disturbances and my research," I tried to convince him with this, showing him the files before carrying on, "I wouldn't have asked you to fly out to here if I wasn't absolutely sure!" I said with a slightly desperate tone, wanting my mentor to believe me and see the connections I was seeing.

Erik looked through the files but before he could give me an answer, Darcy's worried voice came from the driving seat of the van, "J-Jane??" I looked in her direction, hoping this wasn't some kind of stupid joke, but that thought stopped instantly as I saw the wide-eyed look on her face, "You might wanna see this.." she trailed off, pointing behind us at the open window at the back of the van.

What I saw...was exactly like the disturbances in the pictures I had. But this disturbance was...bigger? No, that wasn't quite right. It seemed more intense. Brighter. The dark-ish clouds spreading much further than I'd predicted, and between the clouds, cracks of bright light broke out and shone down on the desert under it.

"What...is that?" I question in a voice barely above a whisper. It looked like some kind of biblical event.

Shaking my head, I realized this must be what I was waiting for. It wasn't a 'biblical' event but advanced science that I had to understand.

Getting up, I poked my head and body through the sunroof again, only to hear melodic sounds, like massive horns of war being blown...Then something that sounded like thunder boomed throughout the sky as the disturbance grew more intense, like a storm cloud.

"Go!" I shouted down to Darcy who jumped into action and put her foot down and spun the car around to face the 'storm'.

I maneuvered myself into the van again as the ride got bumpier because of the uneven desert surface. Once in the back, I got into the passenger seat after hastily grabbing my camera and pointed it at the 'storm' as I leaned out of the window like some kind of maniac.

...I just want to get results for my research. Sue me.

As I felt the van slowing down, I glanced at Darcy before ordering her, "Get closer!" I shouted over the wind hitting my face and deafening me, but I still heard Darcy scoff before sarcastically replying to me.

"Yeah! Good one, Jane!" she said like I was joking to her. Getting back into the car, I looked at her with a stern gaze.

"Just go, Darcy! Please!" I yelled before I stuck my head out the window again.

Through the camera, I could see a heat signature spreading downward from the 'storm' to the ground. It looked like some kind of tornado or twister but there wasn't any turbulent wind coming from it.


My thoughts were cut off as the tornado-like disturbance connected with the ground and caused a massive explosion that sent tons of dirt flying into the sky, like some kind of meteorite hit the ground in front of us.

The impact sent a shockwave of dust over the van and obscured our view for a few seconds before the impact zone came into view again. The 'storm' which had been in the sky, was now on the ground, and what looked like lightning was flashing around the atmosphere making up the disturbance. Thunder boomed louder and louder as we drew nearer to the thing in front of us.

Just as we entered the cloud, I felt the van buckle to the left, so I looked to Darcy, only to see her hurriedly turning the wheel to get out of the 'storm'.

"What are you doing?!" I asked with an exasperated voice, glaring at her. But I only got a glare back from her.

"I am not dying for six college credits!" she shouted back, fear very heavy in her voice. I couldn't blame her - I was feeling the same fear - but we had to know what was causing this 'storm', and driving into it with the sensor on the roof would give us that answer. I had to know what caused this 'storm'. My research and my theory were riding on it.

With this in mind, I grabbed the side of the wheel closest to me before yanking it right so we kept going forward into the storm. We continued to fight over the wheel and I nearly didn't notice that something else seemed to be traveling through the tunnel of clouds, bringing with it more light, and some lightning. I also felt the temperature around us plummet even further, making me shiver like I was in the Arctic.

As the light reached the ground, another shockwave spread outward but too distracted by our petty squabble over the steering wheel, we didn't see the two big figures in front of the van until it was too late.

Luckily, Darcy slammed her feet down on the brake, and the van came to a stop, but not before the back end of the van spun around and slammed into the two figures.

The van felt like it had slammed into another car as the window cracked and the metal door creaked inward. But the figures went flying and the van continued to spin out of control

Finally, the van stopped and I gave a small yelp, the events of what just happened finally sinking in.

All of us looked toward the direction the figures flew in and got out of the van in a hurried, yet panicked fashion.

As we saw the figures, one lying on the floor and the other slowly getting up, I heard Darcy say something behind me, "I think that was legally your fault!" she blamed, sounding both worried and frustrated.

Rolling my eyes, I looked at her before I settled next to the two figures, "Nevermind that! Get the first aid kit!" I yelled before looking down at the prone figure, "Do me a favor and don't be dead!" I pleaded before I heard a light chuckle next to me; the other figure.

"It would take a lot more than that to kill him, I assure you," a smooth and deep voice entered my ears and I looked over at the man before feeling a bit stunned; he was seriously hot. Even his English Accented voice was hot.

Seeing his intoxicating green eyes squint in playfulness as if he knew my thoughts, I felt my face gain a bit of heat. Wanting to cover my embarrassment, I quickly stammered out a reply, "A-are you sure? I mean, are y-you okay?" I spoke, though I think most would rather call it stuttered, out some words before seeing the small amount of blood dripping from his nose, "Oh god, you're bleeding!" I panicked before looking for Darcy who would have the first aid kit.

Turning around I saw her looking at the sitting figure, practically drooling but seeing my look, she quickly passed the kit to me and I took some gauze before wiping up the blood coming from the man's nose.

As if unperturbed by the fact he'd been hit by a car, the man put a hand toward me before smiling in a charismatic way, "My name's Loki, what's yours?" his voice wormed it's way into my ear and entered my brain in such a smooth way that I felt like melting. But I quickly slapped myself mentally; this man is injured, Jane! Help him instead of ogling at him!

Keeping the gauze on his nose with one hand, I took his hand with one and shook it lightly, "My name's Jane Foster," I started before raising an eyebrow at him, "And 'Loki' is your name? Quite a unique one," I poked for information on him because, well, he'd appeared out of nowhere.

But he didn't answer me and only smiled at me with a certain look that I couldn't quite figure out. He instead, rapt his brother on the head with his fist, "Brother, get up," he said lightheartedly, not even trying to lightly wake his brother who'd just been hit by a car.

When he went to do it again after no reaction, I stopped him, "Waitwaitwait! Stop hitting him! He's injured!" I turned my attention to the blond man lying down, unconscious. He seemed to have hit his head hard because he was completely out for the count. Panic started to take a hold of me and my breathing picked up; what if this guy was really hurt because of me pushing so hard for results? What if he died?

As if he sensed my panic and distress, Loki, as he called himself, smiled and quickly flicked my forehead making me recoil in pain. His smile became a smirk and he slowly stood up and I finally got a sense of the size of the guy.

Erik was a tall guy but this man in front of me...He was easily inches bigger than him, and he was much broader. He looked like a warrior. Not a soldier. But like an old-time Viking warrior. Tall, broad, and muscular. Yet his muscles seemed perfectly proportionate and from what I could see, not a single muscle was too big or too small--Stop it, Jane!

I reprimanded myself and felt my cheeks heat up again. Deciding to try and hide it again, I covered my forehead which was actually stinging pretty badly, and glared at him, "What was that for?!"

He only laughed before squatting down and beginning to repeatedly flick the blond man's head.


. . .

POV Change - Loki

I looked away from the beautiful mortal, Jane Foster and instead turned my focus to Thor. I squat down next to him and began to rapidly flick his head.

Within a few seconds, and just as Jane was about to interrupt me, Thor moved and gave a grumble. I picked up the speed of my flicking, adding more power to each one, and he swatted at my hand like it was a fly.

Well, I tried a relatively nice way.

Generating an electrical current in my finger with the meager amount of magic I had, I jabbed my finger into his neck and his eyes shot open as his body straightened out like it was made of wood.

Smirking I took my finger away from his neck and he took in a few deep breaths, gasping in the air like he'd just been drowning.

It was only a little shock, Thor. Don't be such a drama queen.

Standing back up, I hooked a hand under Thor's armpit and helped him stand up before I supported him and made sure he could balance properly. I didn't want to have to pick his heavy ass up again.

As soon as he was stable, he pushed away from me in a groggy way, obviously not feeling well with his strength sealed. Then how was I dealing with it so well? I'd voluntarily sealed my strength over the centuries, so I could work on my control. I could somewhat function whether I was de-powered or at my full strength. Obviously, I prefer the latter, but sometimes you don't have a choice. Like right now.

Still feeling angry from our banishment, Thor flailed his arms around before giving a slurred shout, "Hammer!" he moved away from the group before shouting again, "HAMMER!

Off to the side, I heard Darcy whisper with mirth on her tone, "Yeah, we can tell you're hammered...it's pretty obvious~" she had a quiet laugh to herself as she said this. What she didn't expect was for me to join in before speaking as well.

"Yes, he is pretty drunk. One thing to know about my brother? He can't handle his alcohol very well. Complete lightweight~" I joked, trying to play off his weirdness right now - I didn't wanna get tasered by Darcy after all.

As I was standing next to Darcy, she shuffled closer to me before staring at the gauze covering my nose with a slightly guilty look in her eyes.

Usually, I wouldn't be bleeding even if a Giant hit me in the face, let alone the back end of a car. But I guess this body is much weaker without it's inherent Asgardian/Jotunn power. The only thing that kept me alive was my higher than human body density which gives me a degree of enhanced strength and durability, even without my powers.

Pulling the gauze away, I showed Darcy that it was only a small amount of blood before smiling, "See, still perfectly straight," I said with a narcissistic tone and Darcy giggled before smiling back at me with a red face.

Good, I've still got it~

"Yeah...it does look perfect..." she trailed off as she blatantly stared at me. She realized she was being rude a few seconds into the staring and quickly stammered onward, "I-I want you to know that what happened was J-Jane's fault," she said hurriedly, seemingly trying to get closer to me and alienate me from Jane.

Oh? Is a catfight gonna break out over little ol' me?

Oblivious to my thoughts, Darcy carried on, "I wanted to turn around and exit the storm thingy but Jane just wanted to keep going forward!" she said with a slightly annoyed tone but it turned sweet and slightly nervous as she carried on, "So, don't, you know, blame me for the accident despite me being the driver, okay? I mean, if you do blame me, I could pay you back by taking you out for a coffee or something?" she shamelessly stated, openly coming onto me.

Such shamelessness...I like her!

Just as I went to reply, Thor started screaming at the sky.

...I'll kill him for making me look like I'm related to a crazy person. There's already one Hela in the family. We don't need anymore!

"FATHER!" Thor shouted, gaining the attention of the man who I recognized as Erik Selvig.

Shining his torch over Thor, Erik looked back at Jane, "Jane, we have to take him to a hospital," he said with a worried urgency in his tone.

Glancing up and seeing Thor's actions, Jane rolled her eyes, "Come on! He's fine, look at him!" she said in a voice that sounded like she was trying to convince even herself of what she was saying. Though Thor, in a classic Thor manner, decided to prove her wrong by continuing to shout at the sky.

"HEIMDALL!" he shouted, "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! OPEN THE BIFROST!" he said and I dropped my head to my hands, seeing his lack of awareness.

To my right, Jane and Erik were both looking at him with wide, troubled eyes.

"Hospital," Jane stated with a nod, "You take him and I'll stay," she turned to me before adding on, "And take his brother with him as well, Erik."

Hearing her voice, Thor spun around being pointing at her face and stumbling toward her, "You! What realm is this?" he rudely asked, "Alfheim? Nornheim?!" he was getting incredibly worked up and I stepped to him with my hands raised in a 'Calm down' signal.

"Brother, calm yourself," I started, gaining his attention, "We're on Midgard," I calmly continued, "You need to relax, otherwise you'll scare the people around us, okay? Remember how different Midgard is to Asgard, and just calm down," I finished, gaining a few weird looks myself. He seemed to be calming down until he looked behind me to see Darcy holding up a taser. I went to stop her but I felt so sluggish and slow that I didn't stop her quick enough and Thor had already stepped forward with an offended expression on his face and an aggressive posture.

"You dare threaten me, Thor, with your puny weap--ARGH!" he was cut off as Darcy fired the weapon off and Thor's body locked up because of the voltage and current traveling through his body. He dropped to the floor before his body started spasming.

I could only sigh before rubbing my eyes as I felt a headache forming.

If it wasn't because of my meager amount of magic available to me, I would have used a spell to calm him down. It was silly of me to think I could calm my pigheaded brother with only my words. Or maybe I overestimated his intelligence?

I'm going to say it's the latter.

And why didn't I stop him? I'm still a bit rattled from the harsh Bifrost journey. My brain feels like it's trying to leave my skull, so I'm sorry if I'm not acting seamlessly and without mistake.

Meanwhile, Jane and Erik just looked to Darcy with shocked eyes, disbelieving that she'd just tasered someone they'd just hit with their van.

Darcy, looking very indignant, looked between me, who had a hand on his forehead, sighing, and Jane and Erik who were staring at her like a pair of idiots, "What?!" she exclaimed before going a little red, "He was freaking me out...!" she muttered before looking down and averting her gaze from any of us and kicking the dirt in front of her.

Sighing, I walked over to Thor and bent over before heaving him up and onto my shoulder in a fireman carry before turning to look at the others, "Can you just take us to the hospital?" I asked with a wry smile.

"Y-yeah..." Jane stuttered out, seemingly genuinely embarrassed that she and her assistant were causing so much trouble for a pair of brothers.