
Gathering Information

After experiencing my first death, which is rather confusing on how I died, I immediately logged out and search the internet for information on the monster I have just encountered.

Thinking that the boar that just did me might be a rare monster or even a boss monster, I prayed for my luck for its information to be not yet existing to increase the chances and maybe... I might have a chance encounter for a get rich quick scheme.

Visiting some sketchy sites that provided some logical yet exaggerated information, then onto the official forums where I found out that there is no information about the boar yet.

Thinking that the information about the boar might not be well known to the public, I immediately went back to the game to gain monopoly over the boar as much as possible.

Welp, since I remebered the way towards where I encountered the boar, it was easy backtracking towards its location while looking casual to avoid attracting attention as much as possible

Looking at the situation in the newbie area further strengthen my hypothesis as the monsters there are pretty much hunted down without a fight against the players.

I did not make any preparation as I would only be gathering information about the boar.

To be precise, I would be dying too much, so wasting money on potions and whatnot are useless.

I mean, that boar did oneshot me without me even knowing how I died, so I would not be wishing that is not a coincidence.

Oh well.

Looking at that peaceful looking boar, one might not expect that the guy can kill without even moving(?).

First attempt: Since I died while near the boar, I tried attacking it from afar with stones, with small stones to bigger ones as I tried to get its attention. Result: the boar instantly charged at me the moment the biggest stone successfully attracted its attention, then I died after somewhat catching its frame in front of me. Its eyes were glowing red.

Second attempt: I tried to sneak towards the boar. Many lives were lost, but they were worth it. Result: I had learned the hard way to gain a stealth skill.

Third attempt: I tried to search for its weakness, I even went to the NPC instructor for change of weapons to check its resistance. (I also replaced my about to break weapons for new ones). Result: I found out that I was too weak to determine which weapon works better. It doesn't matter if its blunt, edged, or whatever, the boar takes it all and ignores it like nothing happened.

Fourth attempt: Basically... I tried all kinds of ways to damage the boar. Result: Well, the only way I can damage that monster is improving my Energy-related skills. Its like breaking through with brute force; if I lack hatred, I'll just use friendship.

After gathering enough information, and finally searched the way to damage the monster, I stopped engaging the boar monster but kept it in my sights to prevent the case where I have to search for it again after an intensive training.

Why do I have to do that instead of just using the boar for training? Well, dying too much sucks as the system considered me dying repeatedly in a short period of time as a game addict or something related and has prevented me from logging in for a while. That is the case even when the system still haven't remove the restrictions in death penalty... I demand a title for my tenacity.

I need to do this quick and efficient as my coffers in real life is visibly decreasing at a quite progressive rate. Considering that I am on a power/cost-saving mode consisting of: two meals a day, instant/ready-made meals, plus no outdoor activity, one can see that my savings are really running low.

But worry not, I can already see the solution for my pending problems. With this, I can secure a source of income for the upcoming and immediate future, optimistically within a year or so.

Worry so, I still do not have a clear image on how to improve my energy related skills. I may have many source of inspiration and information, but digging through them would take time and testing them one by one also takes time, which I do not have. It's not like I test one process and already see the immediate result as comparing two small figures is beyond my senses. I can't see the difference in .1 mm and .2 mm without specified instruments.

I can only gamble that what I will do is somewhat correct and will not cause trouble along the way. I read too many cultivation novels saying that one just need one step wrong and the character dies in trying to breakthrough.