
Three locked stone doors doors on the sides and an open archway at the end, the path ahead was clear and our dear party was making their way down the stone laden corridor. It was cold, damp, and the dim lighting was getting darker the farther they traversed. It was as if the dungeon was alive, watching and monitoring them.

Jack could see the room at the end of the hall, thanks to his Angelic sight, the darkness didn't bother him. However, he was quick to notice that one member of their party wasn't holding up very well as it got darker.

Pressing against his side was Vivian, the Princess. He could feel her fingers knotting up with the holy robes which he wore. His eyes drifted over to her, she was shaking.

Frantically she was looking around, her breathing was erratic. It looked like she was perspiring, glistening in this dim lit corridor.

"Afraid of the Dark?" Jack inquired, not getting much of a response other than her fingers digging into his sleeve as he reached down to place a hand on her shoulder.

She was almost like a frightened kitten, clinging to whatever she could feel or see.

Perhaps the dark reminded her of the sack she had spent some time in. He had no idea how long she had been prisoner, how long she had been without her fingers or her toes, let alone the time she spent enclosed in the dark.

Jack took in a deep breath and let it all out in a single huff, nudging to fingers against the side of her head without looking. Yet when he tried to do that, he suddenly felt something warm and moist closing around them. Immediately he turned his head and gazed at the sight of his fingers in her mouth. Her teeth were lightly grazing his knuckles, her warm lips dryly sticking to his skin.

He could see her eyes glowing a multiple toned malachite green among the cool blue hue of the dungeon itself. "Hm..."

The other members of the party stopped and turned around.

Nakajima raised a brow at what he was seeing, "What in the seven hells are you doing?"

Jack simply glanced over at Nakajima from the corner of his socket, before returning his gazer back to Vivian who was still peering up at him. Even though her mouth was warm, she was still trembling, shivering as if she were cold.

Slowly removing his fingers from her mouth, he'd wipe them on his robes.

"S-s-sorry.." Vivian swallowed her saliva, her eyes continuing to glow in the dark.

"No... It's alright," Jack proceeded to place his hand on the top of her head for a moment before tilting his head to the side. "Remember the spells, I granted you."

Vivian blinked a few times as he had said this and slowly nodded in understanding. The fundamental spells he had given to her would help.

Especially as she went on to hold out her open hand in front of her, her palm to the ceiling, she called upon 『Light Wisp』. Suddenly a orb about the same size of her palm appeared, radiating pure white light which lit up approximately thirty meters in all directions. It would hover directly over her head, ambient and contrast to their surroundigns.

"Is that better?" Jack inquired, seeing as her trembling at had quickly ceased and she didn't look like she was on the brink of tears.

Bobbing her head up and down to affirm how she was, the five of them would all continue their approach on the large opening at the end of the corridor, which was the entrance of a larger room.

It was likely this room was where the mini-boss was. Each Dungeon had one, at least one anyways, since some of them had multiple. The maximum in the game was thought to have been three, though Jack had been in a dungeon where there had been five.

So as they entered the mini-boss room, a stone door didn't lower down behind them. The mini-boss could transverse the entire Dungeon, unlike those monsters that spawned before.

Kokei would remain closest to the door, holding his magic staff close to himself, his hand by the neck of the staff's head and the other holding it near the center as if he were ready to stab someone with a spear.

Jack gave him and simple once-over before watching Runa position herself a few meters away from Nakajima as they were now heading towards the nexus of the room.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked as he glanced up towards the ceiling, knowing the design of this particular room. The boss creature usually drops from the top, and he wasn't wrong.

Suddenly a massive armor Golem of forty five feet came crashing down into the far end of the room. Made of what appears to be black plate with silver trim with a blue plume sticking out of its head, the monster was armed with a massive greatclub in its hand and a crossbow on its back.

"Prepare yourselves!"

"WE got this!" Nakajima suddenly spouted.

Runa and the skeleton both looked at him for a few seconds before nodding, concurring with what the man had said.

"He's right! You've got us at least half of its level! Three of us could take him! Just protect Vivi!" Runa barked towards Jack which caused his eye to twitch slightly.

They were new players, they didn't really understand the scales. Even though it was possible for a level thirty to defeat a level sixty monster, it was very time consuming. That and they'd likely die over and over again as they continue to try.

If all of them were to be wiped out at once, its health would reset, at least if there was no one left in the boss room at the time of respawn.

At least that wouldn't be the case, but he didn't want to sit here and watch.

Plus he wanted the loot for himself, it was a mini-boss of a level sixty dungeon, and was expected to drop at least three rarities.

He watched as Runa made it for the left edge of the room, Kokei went for the right edge and Nakajima just used the center with his sword drawn.

Were they going to coordinate like this? The corner of his lip twitched slightly. A golem of this size did area of effect attacks. Just by slamming or swiping that large club around. And if they got out of range, it'd just pull out that crossbow on its back.

The thing was large, clunky and slow, but once you were close enough to it, you'd be easily crushed.

Just like that though, Nakajima without taking or asking for any advise, charged forth towards the monster with a loud: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Jack could only shake his head a bit, watching as the swordsman started activating multiple temporary enhancement skills.

With a gold glow engulfing Nakajima's body, his approach began to increase in overall speed and dexterity, not that it really mattered.

Once the little man got within five meters of the Golem, a large metal club came crashing down on top of him, even as he rolled to the side. The loud sound of flesh being crushed echoed in the ears of his colleagues.

Gore and loose clothes being sent flying in all directions, nearly painting the whites of Runa's outfit red, but stopped a hint before her.

Jack just continued to shake his head in disappointment. Even at a higher level, a new player was still a new player. Strategy and direct coordination was needed to win. Not some half assed strategy.

The other two members of the party were just staring, not even having had started their first casting. They hadn't talked this through or came up with a plan, or even verbally communicated of when they were going to attack.

"This is why I hate people," Jack uttered quietly beneath his breath as he turned and looked down towards Vivian, who was hunched over heaving from the sight.

Kokei just dropped his staff and dropped onto his side like a toy doll, or an actual skeleton. Yet because he had reached over the level of thirty, his eyes were like little beads of a fiery blue marbles floating in pitch black sockets.

"Hm..." Jack's sight then moved to rest on Runa as he was rubbing Vivian's back, watching as she was kneeling down, he raised a brow.

What exactly was she doing? Didn't seem like a normal spell... Was this one of those Faith Spells? He wondered if the faith based magic from the game would even work here. The deities there didn't exist here, did they? So far he only heard of ones from Norse Mythology due to his brief interactions with the catfolk upstairs.

"Anti-climactic death, isn't it?" Jack would lightly tug Vivian's hood down, causing her to look up at him as she was wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

"...Mm..." Vivian paused "...Mhm..." It was a meaningless Death she had just witnessed, and it was anti-climatic. Nakajima made his death look rather pathetic, saying how he could handle it, only to die a few seconds later.

His eyes then shifted over towards the other elf who was still on her knees. She wasn't praying, no, she was casting an advanced spell which seemed to be taking up time.

The Golem had already noticed her and was slowly growing in aggression, it could sense the flow of magic going towards her. It knew she was casting!

"Runa, you should move..." Jack advised with a dull tone before looking over to Kokei who appeared to be still playing dead.

"It's hard to take you serious, Cookie! Go back and make sure Nakajima responds if you're not going to fight." Jack ordered as he pointed with his spear towards the open archway behind him.

Almost immediately the shambling skeleton would be pushing itself off the ground and darting for the door. The Golem would turn its head and set its sights on the running skeleton, before lunging after it.

Jack raised a brow, it was running right after the skeleton who was running away. He was pretty sure he could hear Kokei screaming in his head. As the thing was lunging across the dungeon floor, the ground beneath everyone's feet shook. Making most of their movements unstable and clumsy, it'd be easy to stumble and fall over...

Tugging Vivian aside as he took steps to get out of the monster's path, he'd then hold out his spear, grazing the side of the Golem's shin in the process.

Suddenly the massive pieces of armor came crashing down onto the ground, rolling in every which direction before vanishing in poofs of black smoke.

Runa, Kokei and Vivian who were within the immediate vicinity suddenly gained a handful of level ups. However since Nakajima was no where to be seen, he didn't get any.

As the smoke dispersed there were five boxes, one for each of the participants of the Dungeon. Jack pursed his lips, looking over each box, he glanced down the corridor and watched as Kokei was making his way back towards them.

Kokei was hunched over, his arms dangling in front of him and his jaw was dropped, perhaps he was shocked by how easily Jack could put down the living construct?

Soon enough Nakajima came running around a corner, running on over towards the group, his weapon drawn. Though the moment he entered through the archway, he paused and looked down at the boxes. "I thought we were going to take care of it..."

"Seems like the respawning system still works, at least in the Dungeon." Jack pointed out as he tilted his head to the side slightly. "Experiment complete."

"Experi... Experiment?" Nakajima took a step back, his hand tensing around the hilt of his sword at his side. "What do you mean Experiment complete!?"

"What do you think it means?" Jack blatantly responded with a shake of his head.

Kokei was face palming, sitting on one of the boxes.

Runa was propped against another one of the boxes, just blankly staring at the two. She knew very well that Jack had let Nakajima die. He could have just ignored the three of them, but he let one of them get crushed as a lesson.

Or at least that is what Runa thought he had done. It was more like, Jack was going to let them die, left to their own devices since they asked for it.