『There be Vampires I』

Vivian claimed a stave of fire from a crate, a twisted silver gilded staff in the shape of a serpent with an open mouth with an orange gem in its mouth. With a single thought through the awareness of equipping the object, feeding mana into it, the user could emit a steady stream of fire at an enemy target within fifteen meters of one's self. It was quite literally just like a flame thrower!

In Jack's crate was a multitude bags of gold, measuring out to be around approximately 1,000 gold in each. He simply shoved those into his inventory before turning to look at what the others were getting.

Kokei got a set of dark robes it seemed, something that would benefit him, compared to those shabby brown robes.

A small smile formed over his lips before he turned his gaze to Runa.

It seemed the other snow elf was getting a set of enchanted undergarments. She was just standing there staring at the items she was holding them up to the light which Vivian continued to emit from her orb.

Nakajima on the other hand was just staring at his box, he had broken it open, but there was hardly anything inside. Since he had died during this dungeon exercise, the Dungeon saw that he didn't contribute all that much.

So inside of the box was a simple piece of blue paper which had a blue print on it. On this particular blueprint was a Shoji, a traditional Japanese door window or room divider used in Japanese Architecture.

Jack looked at the door and then towards Nakajima. Whilst it wasn't much in the sense that it was a blueprint and simply allowed someone to learn how to make something, it was rare.

"What's with the sour face?" Jack asked curiously as he walked over to where he was standing, before reaching down and plucking the item from the crate.

His eyes then wondered down to the wooden box at their feet and there was a silver key. "Oh look, you get the unlock one of the doors." Jack uttered as he would roll up the paper and hold it out for him to take.

"You can keep that useless thing, I don't do building!" Nakajima snapped, swatting at the item, clearly not happy on how things turned out.

"Oh? Did you remember to pray to the statue?" Jack asked as he knelt down and took the key from the box, putting the blueprint in his own inventory instead.

Nakajima clenched his jaw. When one dies their prayer to the dungeon statue after their resurrection, ends the spell. So if they die, they will then appear at the entrance of the Dungeon. At least that was in the game.

If perhaps one didn't pray again, that is what would happen. However one could also believe they'd simply die instead in this world.

No one knew how much of the original functions still remained in this world.

Standing up, he would begin walking towards the corridor they had all once been going through earlier. His eyes were on the closest door to the room. Perhaps it was either the door to the stairs or it was a door to another dungeon room. He knew there were at least two to three levels. Sometimes the entire second level was the dungeon boss room, sometimes, it was just another set of rooms.

One thing was for sure, the deeper they went, the darker and colder it got in this dungeon.

So they four others would quickly follow after him, Runa and Vivian rushing in front of the two men as Kokei moved cautiously slow and Nakajima had angrily lost interest.

As Jack came up to the closest door, everyone's eyes was on his hand as he was holding out the key to the door's keyhole. As he pressed it inside and turned the nob, the door would jolt before being pulled up into the ceiling.

Their eyes all glared into the room, half expecting another dungeon room full of monsters. Instead, what they were seeing was none of that. Instead, inside was a set of stairs. It was just what Jack had been wanting. Clicking his tongue against the back of his teeth, he glanced back towards Nakajima who was having his arms crossed.

"Thank you Jack-oniisama we couldn--!"

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Jack immediately snapped as his voice cracked, his eyes fierce as he was looking through her, his sight along being threatening enough to cause Runa to become silent at a glance.

This was the first time the three original party members ever saw or even heard of him snapping.

Runa's eyes were wide, clearly startled, and Nakajima's arms fell to his sides.

After a short few seconds she nodded slowly to him, knowing what she had just done. What she had just said due to what had happened to him, what and who he had lost. It was probably what made him into how he was now.

"Sorry… I'm sorry," Runa turned her head to the side slightly, somewhat paler than usual.

Vivian blinked a few times not really knowing what was going on, but at least she knew it wasn't a good idea to address him in the manner that Runa did. Right?

Kokei didn't seem all that responsive to what had just happened.

Growling lowly in the back of his mouth, he nodded in acknowledgement. "I forgive you for the time being," Jack flexed his eyelids slightly, composure taking him back as he would begin to walk into the darkness which coated the stairs.

Vivian grasped the back of his torso, following him down the stairs.

When they passed through the 'veil' of darkness which obscured their view, she'd find herself standing at the bottom of the stairs in front of another statue. This time there was a closed stone door on the other side of the statue.

Once everyone arrived, Jack knelt down in front of the statue and prayed. They followed suit and did the same exact thing..

Each and everyone of them would glow in the dimly lit room, the orb which Vivian had summoned had become weaker due to the dungeon suppressing the light itself.

"It seems there were only two levels..." Jack uttered as he looked over the stone door as it opened into the pocket above the moment the group was within two meters of it.

A coliseum could be seen directly in front of them, a massive theater the gladiator arts. Standing in the center of the Dungeon was a single set of three Vampires. Two women, one male. They were dressed in rich dark victorian clothing with deadly cane handled parasols with blades protruding from their decorative hoods.

"Hm..." Jack and the five stared at the trio for a few moments before stepping into the room..

Near immediately the vampires turned their heads.

"Well Well Well…!" The youngest looking female vampire laughed all quirky and happy-like. "Breakfast is here!" They had long white hair down to their waist, a small stature.

Jack could see everything about her in just a single moment, which was how blatant she was. The others seemed to be grinning widely, their fangs protruding from their open smiles.

"Indeed indeed!" The male vampire said, rolling his jaw with anticipation. His eyes wondering over three of the for weaker party members. Then they narrowed their eyes on Kokei, "We'll save him for later."

"Yes, for sure... Brother." The third vampire to the right said with a muted and reserved tone. Her eyes moving towards Jack who's wings were spread. All six of them. They froze for a moment, seeing the unusual appearance of a high powered angel with four weaker beings. "Eh...?"

"It seems that the bosses are in some form or another... Sentient." Jack raised a brow at this, walking forward in front of the rest of the party.

"Should we take them!?" Nakajima had his sword at the ready, as if he was going to charge them again. If he started screaming again, Jack would likely be the one to put him down this time.

"Remain where you are," Jack returned his question with an answer and a brief deadly glance.

"Of course we're capable of feeling," The brother of the group of Vampires stated, being knowledgeable enough to know the origin of the word, Sentire which meant To Feel in Latin.

Jack narrowed his eyes on the being for a moment, "Keen senses."

"We're vampires..." The Vampire on the left was annoyed as they were being talked down toward as if they were some sort of lab experiments. "That's a given."

Jack just looked over the left one before looking over the right, then back to the one in the center. The one on the left with blonde hair was dressed in a black lolita styled dress with a large bow on it. Her doll-like shoes would make clacking sounds every time she moved them.

Rolling his eyes, the brother of the trio would point the parasol in his hand towards Jack. "Surrender now, and we'll make all of your deaths quick..."