A Reflection

Kazami had his eyes shut tight as he got pulled through the grey door, and when he opened them up again, he notices it was in a mysterious space, and the ground he was standing on was all white.

Looking around, he saw glass walls to his left, right and above him. But upon closer inspection, he found his reflection missing in the glass walls.

Staring straight ahead, Kazami had seen something very bizarre and familiar. At the end of this mysterious space was a figure that looked similar to him standing completely still.

Deciding to take a closer look at the figure, he walked closer and closer, and as he was reaching the middle of this space, he was able to see this familiar figure was him!

Kazami was shocked; it indeed was like a mirror image of him only with the exception that the copy had a completely blank face. When they were 5 feet apart, both didn't make a move, only staring at each other. Until suddenly, the copy rushed up quickly to Kazami.

Kazami was already a bit cautious of this copy and seeing it run up to him; he got prepared to react. The faker encased his hands with red lightning and punched towards Kazami quickly while Kazami had made the same motion meeting him in the middle.


Like two bricks colliding against each other, their fist connected, and both had to take five steps back after that clash.

'I'm not quite sure what's going on, but I'll just crush this thing since it dared to attack me!'

With that thought leaving no room to breathe, Kazami had taken the initiative this time and rushed the copy. He jumped up high in the air and instantly formed a red lighting ball at his fingertip and fired a red lightning beam at him.

In a split second, the copy reacted, forming a red lightning barrier around himself as the beam crashed into him.


The barrier cracked open, but the copy had already retreated, encased his feet with red lightning, blasting a beam from his feet.


He swiftly closed the distance between him and Kazami and had his palm ready to strike him. Kazami hastily struck out with his palm, but simultaneously coating his hand with red lighting; he formed a single red ice pike in the center of his palm at the last second.


Both palms met, but neither moved an inch. Even with the incredible speed, the copy had when charging towards Kazami.

On the copy hand, red ice had started to form on the front of it, and taking this as a chance, Kazami punched out with his left hand striking a definite hit on the copy head.

Like a bullet, it sent the copy flying straight back to the ground while Kazami's hand got slightly charred from taking the full force of that attack.

Landing back on the ground Kazami was still on his guard but was questioning;

'Is that it? I thought he would have more tricks.'

But before he knew it, the copy was back on its feet, and above him, he felt an extremely cold Qi. Looking up, he saw multiple red icicles come crashing down on him.

Kazami hurriedly jumped away backward while he formed red lightning around his feet, adding more distance towards his jump.


Once he looked back over, a bigger surprise awaited him as there were now two copies of him!

'Well, shit looks things had gotten a lot more fun.'

Kazami thought with a big smile forming on his face. Taking the initiative once again, he bounced up in the air with his copies following close behind.

Using one hand, he formed a small red ice wall to block the incoming red lightning blast. And with the other hand, he sent out waves of red lightning to crush the red icicle pikes coming at him.

Once the other copy red lightning clashed against his red ice wall, he used the blast's momentum to propel himself to the other clone while it was falling.

His speed was faster than before, and giving the clone no reaction time, he grabbed his face and threw him with all his might to the ceiling.


The mirror upon the ceiling gained a noticeable crack, as both clones froze up entirely. Landing on the ground, a thoughtful smile crept on to Kazami face.

'Oh, so that's your secret...I wonder how long Kuzumi thought to figure this out.'



Kuzumi, when face to face with her copy, didn't even think twice about it and slammed her blue lightning hand on the ground creating countless sparks of blue lightning to rush towards her copy.

After watching Kuzumi, the copy started to spin rapidly, making herself in a spinning lightning tornado and managing to fend off all Kuzumi lighting sparks.

However, Kuzumi was expecting this and closed the gap between the clone. She created a blue fire palm and slapped towards the spinning figure.

Her palm cut straight through the lightning, a fierce palm strike connected!


The clone flew out and hit the ground with a low thud. Still, Kuzumi didn't move from her spot where she hit the clone seemingly waiting for something.

Sensing something coming straight to her, Kuzumi looked to her right, seeing a blue fireball roaring towards her. Within a second, she formed a blue lightning ball at her fingertips and fired her beam.


A vast dust explosion occurred between the clash of blue lightning and fire, leaving Kuzumi slightly blind, but she still saw something within the dust.

The figure in the dust waved it's hand and cleared all the air away, revealing a second clone just like Kazami! Meanwhile, the first copy and already gotten up and was ready to go again.

Blood started pumping, and Kuzumi was getting more excited by the second thinking;

'These games are gonna be fun!'