Destroying One Self

Lun Yuo, just like the others, was currently facing off with her clone but was similarly having difficulties with finishing it off. She was now waiting for the clone to get back up after knocking it down, but unlike the twins, she only had one clone to face.

'There gotta be someway to finish this thing off all at once. If it just keeps getting up, I won't be able to hold on for long.' While she was thinking hard, the clone got back on its feet. Forming a small green energy ball on its palm and she threw it to Lun Yuo quickly.



Having only seconds to react, Lun Yuo threw herself to the floor while the green ball flew past her hitting the mirror at the back.


A breaking sound occurred, and looking back, she saw the mirror has a hole right in the center of it and in the center was nothing but darkness. Lun Yuo got back on feet and started to think as she saw the clone behaving strangely.

Its blank expression now turned into something as if it was experiencing discomfort, and it was rubbing its hand.


Before she could think any further, the clone rushed Lun Yuo at a fast speed! However, Lun Yuo only decided to stand still as the clone quickly charged into her.

At the last second right, before she clashed, Lun Yuo struck out with her fist, causing the clone to do the same thing.


As they met, Lun Yuo didn't use all her strength in attacking and let the force from the clone attack propel her towards the mirror. Unlike the twins, Lun Yuo couldn't freely control her special Qi and use it to enhance her physical abilities.

Like many other peak Qi Connection cultivators, she can only form Qi blast as demonstrated by her clone with the small green bast. Her Qi being green means she has the Element of Grass.

And although she can't encase her body with her Qi, it doesn't mean her body is weaker as her Cultivator Body is stronger than most her age and has already surpassed the limits of physically peak average humans.

Lun Yuo reached the mirror at an insane pace and tried striking the mirror with her momentum.


Her fist did nothing to the mirror and only served to make her hand hurt.

'Argh! What the fuck, why didn't it...unless?'

The clone was relentless, as it was already on track to strike to her again. Lun Yuo waited and focused on the clone's breathing. At the last second, she turned around, avoiding the clone altogether and catching its fist!

With its fist in the hand of Lun Yuo, she wasted no time to lift the clone and smashed it into the mirror!


That crash into the mirror had managed to completely cracked it and break the mirror leaving nothing but a black wall now.

The clone now had an expression of pain on its face and immediately jumped at Lun Yuo while she was still holding on to it fist and punched with the other hand at Lun Yuo. Lun Yuo predicting this dropped the clone and backed away from it.

'Well now looks like I have to use myself to destroy myself.'

With a mocking smile, she made a beckoning motion with her hand as the clone looked like it gotten serious and chased after Lun Yuo.…'BOOM!'

An explosion ranged out, and Kuzumi had nearly avoided the combination of a lightning ball and fireball attack. She manages to shield herself with a lightning barrier protecting her from the attack, however.

As she did, she notices all around the mirrors surrounding their space had become more ruined as it gotten filled with countless cracks.Kuzumi dropped her lightning barrier and had a maniac smile on her face.


She crazily started to gather up a considerable amount of Qi, making a blue lighting flaming aura flare up around her.

Through this battle and trading blows with the two clones, she was able to practice control of her Lightning and Fire Qi making rapid advancement as she felt pressure from the two.

It has to even get to the point where she can also form an aura around herself to permanently enhance her physical abilities for the time it stays up.

The clones sensing this wanted to run at her to stop her. However, Kuzumi finished charging in mere seconds and appear in between the clones like a ghost. She punched at the two, and the clones had no other choice but to defend by encasing their fist with blue fire and lightning.


The clones got sent flying to the back mirror and front mirror, separating them both. Flipping in midair just before their backs touch the mirror, the clones landed on their feet and poured all their Qi for one colossal attack.

Lightning was swirling around the first clone, and it pushed both palms forward as the mass amount of lightning Qi was forming. The second clone was the same, with its fire, and as they were in sync, it took 3 seconds to fire off their beam at Kuzumi.

Kuzumi, however, did nothing but kept on charging her Qi. Then suddenly, instead of dodging or counter-attacking, she dropped to the ground and lay still their right as the beams missed her and connected.


As the beams clashed against each other, Kuzumi, who was on the ground still with her aura out then in a split, pushed out a small blue Lighting Qi blast to disrupt the two attacks and caused them to explode.

'Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!'

And because of this tremendous explosion of power, all the mirrors couldn't take any more damage and was destroyed!

The two seemingly durable clones were filled with countless cracks before they exploded in numerous glass shards.

Kuzumi, throughout this whole ordeal, was still on the ground, then get up and dispel her lightning flame aura. Her clothes were a bit messy, and she looked out of breath, but other than that, she was still able to keep going.

'Phew! That was a pretty dangerous good thing I poured everything into defending. Now I wonder if my brother had finished by now.'