First Stage to Second Stage

Running around the mysterious space, Kazami was currently dodging blast after blast of red lightning and ice Qi. Like Kuzumi, he took the time to sharpen his control and gain familiarity with his Qi's.

However, unlike Kuzumi, who traded blows with the clones, Kazami was taking the time to feel all the access Qi they fired off and study the movement of how the clones control their Qi to attack.

While this is going on, Kazami also noticed the vast destruction of the combined clones' attacks. Those kinds of attacks would break the mirror as well.

'Alright, I think I understand enough; it's time to end it.'

With that thought in mind, he suddenly stopped and headed straight for the clones who were next to each other, firing all kinds of attacks at Kazami.

Looking at the rushing Kazami the clones had gathered up all their Qi's in mere seconds, creating a red lightning aura around the first clone and red ice aura around the second clone.

In their palms, a big red lighting bolt appears in one, and a giant red icicle looked in the second, and they hurled it as soon as its form, straight to Kazami at breakneck speed.

Kazami didn't decrease his speed nor take the time to charge his attack, and instead, he formed a dual red lightning-ice aura and charged straight at the two attacks.

Right before the attack tore Kazami apart, he pushed out both his palm at the same time and right when he made contact with the blot and icicle;


Both icicle and bolt were torn in half by Kazami with his palm at the same time! He got right in the middle of them, increasing his speed even further and giving no time for the clones to react.

'Bang! Bang!'

Kazami slapped them right in the middle of their chest and froze them in a human-shaped red ice cube. Wasting no time, Kazami picked up both ice statues and threw one to the front mirror and one to the back.

The clones were furiously trying to break free from the frozen prison, but Kazami ice was too strong to break free. Having no other options right before they smashed into the mirrors, they gather all their Qi into their stomachs and then combusted it!


However, even if it did allow them to get free, the power from their explosions had destroyed every mirror surrounding the space.


And just like that, everything that was surrounding the space was shattered into countless pieces. Kazami had before they even exploded, created a red ice barrier tanking most of the attack, and look a little bit tired from it.

'Well, that was sure fun, but now what?'

Then out of the blue, the familiar grey door had shown upright in front of Kazami's face. Thinking that this was the end of the stage, he went through the door


Opening his eyes again, he saw he was back on the scene where the two hosts of this game were and even saw Lun Yuo and Kuzumi there.

"Well, well, guys, look like I'm taking the victory for the first stage! But how was your guys' experience in this test" Pumped up, Lun Yuo pointed her finger and told the twins.

"A good training exercise, I must say. I feel my Qi control has gotten even better, isn't that right, Kuzumi?" Kazami question while he sensed her blue lightning Qi being more refined than before.

With a smile, she walked over, and made blue lightning danced around her hand telling him,

"See for yourself, brother! Those clones made for good punching bags for me to practice. You were right, Yu; this is fun! Oh, and what did you gain from this stage?"

Strolling over to them as well and forming grass Qi on her hand albeit slower than the twins she said,

"Haah, not as far as you two. Seriously it's like you twins were born with cheats for cultivation!"

Suddenly two more gray doors popped up and came out two redheads; Castiel and Lauren. Seeing all three of them ahead of them they were surprised and cursed;

"What the hell! There just no way!"

"You gotta be shitting me!"

"Ah, and there the sound of precious egos getting shattered. Hahaha!" Kuzumi ruthlessly taunted the two furthering irking the two redheads.

Chuckling a bit Pisiconic Law Master walked over to the five before the trio could further provoke the two redheads.

"Congratulations to you for being the first five to complete this stage and in record time! Now it's time for the second stage, are you ready."

He finished with a mysterious smile. All five of them then nodded their heads without hesitations eager to outdo one another.

"Good now, it's time to die..."