Mission Center

In a tremendous tavern-like place jam-packed with all races of beings and expanding on multiple floors, Cathal, Kazami, Kuzumi, and Lun Yuo were at the entrance of this place, taking a look around.

"So this is the famous mission center, huh? This place looks exactly as I imagined it." Kuzumi observed while processing everything about this place.

The mission center one of the most famous locations across the universe and where all cultivators go to if they want to grow and experience the world.

All mission centers expanded up to four floors and filled with many exotic furniture, various entertainments where one could hang out in for a price and even a restaurant one can eat from occupying in the vast space.

There was also an item trading center one could get various helpful tools from as well.

The floor the four of them was on was the humane realm floor, where only youths or people under specific cultivation can participate in these missions. Walking up to the registration desk Cathal started to explain some things to them.

"Now, as I said before, you all don't have to worry about facing any Divine Path cultivators in the humane realm unless you take on an S level mission. But those rarely pop up, and seldom one is insane enough to take on those kinds of missions while being a humane path cultivator."

"Even if there was a divine path cultivator, it will still be too simple for us," After gaining complete affinity with Spirit Elemental Qi and better use with divine powers, Kazami confidence was at an all-time high.

"Is that so? Well, even then, every mission center across the mortal realm will kill any unwanted 'guess' that somehow crash-landed there.."

"So, what are the kinds of missions we can take on?" Lun Yuo asked.

"For now, worry about E-D missions. It's what your powers can competently deal with. After this first one, I'll teach you the rest."

The four had reached the desk but was halted by a decent size line in front of them as mission centers are always busy no matter what time of the day.

"Hey, what with these mission centers anyways? Do they just exist everywhere in the universe allowing for infinite missions?" Kuzumi was wondering while still taking in the bright business-like atmosphere in the place.

"From my knowledge, the counters of mission centers go out and strike deals with all families, clans sects, or other organization. They range from mortal rank realms to even central rank god realms; it's a system going even longer than our Family been around."

"Do these guys possibly come from the ancient era? From the way they run things, it's like they have an unspoken monopoly across the universe." Kazami was getting more and more curious about just how are things operated here.

"A good guess, my boy, but it's only as good as mines. Seldom people below central god realms have any detailed information on them."

"Well, well, as long they can keep pumping out missions, who cares about origins?" Kuzumi chuckled with a laid-back attitude.

"Of course you would think that they way lazy. But Mr.Star, what are we going to get from the registration desk?"

"A badge, you'll start from an F-tier badge and work your way up through the ranks from missions and advancing through cultivation."

"Surely, these badges are just more than for show, right?" Lun Yuo concluded, thinking about them.

"Oh, they unmistakably do have quite the magical hidden properties. But you'll experience it soon enough. Now you all have the humane rank offensive cultivation skill, right?"

They all checked their pockets and felt the jade slip in it, nodding their heads in confirmation.

"Good remember it better to practice these skills in battle and find a space ring as soon as possible all humane path cultivators have it since they don't have their storage abilities yet." The four had finally reached their turn at the desk and who greeted them with a calm, beautiful, business-looking woman in an all-black suit, and her hair was neatly tied up.

Looking at the man and the three youths she said;"These three, right?" Cathal nodded, and the woman brought out three crystal ball and started to explain;

"Put your hands on these balls and pour your Qi energy into it to see you meet the base requirements for an F-tier badge."

Even if one reaches the Origin Formation realm, if they're power isn't enough to form their badges, then they naturally not worth enough to take on missions.

Following her instructions, the trio poured their Qi energy, and quickly the ball started to morph into a copper color badge.

The lady was a bit surprised and even slightly praised them with;"Not bad would usually take longer for most. Enjoy your time at the mission center."

The lady would be even more surprised if she could sense the three cultivation levels. Cathal was very limited in what he could give them, but he did give them a seemingly ordinary short black cloak.

This cloak is extraordinary as it has properties to even mask their level from even a God Path level cultivator provided the three don't use a lot of Qi power. And they used a little bit of pure spirit Qi to form the crystal ball as Spirit Elemental Qi would've revealed their levels and caused unwanted attention.

Every day in the mission center, unusual kinds of people would show up here. Hence, it's a prevalent phenomenon to hide one cultivation level, and everyone would assume they're at least Origin Formation.

After collecting their badge, they went over to the crowds of people, all looking at boards and choosing their missions.

Cathal stopped and hugged the three saying;"Now this is as far as I can go I can't influence you all on what mission to take or what level but I'm sure you can figure it out. Now go on, we'll be right back at home waiting for your good results and don't worry about taking your time. Unless the mission has a certain time limit, you can take as much time as you need."

The trio felt relaxed from Cathal hugged, and after a few seconds, he broke the hug and parted from them after taking one last look at them and waving at them.

Turning back around from Cathal's hug, the trio wandered around the several board's papers detailing all kinds of missions going up to B-rank missions.

"Hmm, I wonder if Castiel or Lauren is here; it would be interesting to see what they would choose, but what should we choose?" Kuzumi was letting her eyes roam all around.

There were people either by themselves or in a group picking up a paper and going to the back of the floor where several cloak men were next to a pad and teleported people away.

Then an average short black hair guy with no distinctive characteristics got in their way with a friendly smile and said to them;

"Newbies, right? The mission center can often be overwhelming for the first time and estimating from that man that left you guys, you three must be from a high-class family right."

Currently, the trio had their cloaks hoodies on, and Kazami and Kuzumi were wearing a silver headband to hide their divine markings, considering the three of them are famous. Even Cathal changed his face to go unnoticed, but his power could still be feel and dreaded.

The trio only nodded and Kazami seeing an opportunity asked;"If you want us to join your group, you could forget it, but we would like some information if you don't mind since you're such a nice guy for us newbies."

The man paused and laughed a little seeing them pretty cautious."Haha seems you three got taught something, but no worries, I'm not here for an offer but to guide new people so we can set up future deals. I'm very experienced in these missions since I'm a D-tier cultivator, and I can tell you three will have a great future here."

This average man casually mentioning, his tier didn't necessarily disturb the twin as they gather he was at a higher realm than they were as they couldn't sense his level. But they did start to wonder if the man was explicitly watching them.

They became even more cautious and also felt something about the man that seemed strange to them but still decided to listen to him as no one can cause trouble in the mission center.

The man strolled over to the ball and, after taking a glance, picked off a paper and brought it the trio.

"Now take a look here this C-level mission fits groups of three quite well and guessing from that man and how you all present yourself, you all pretty strong on your own and together."

While he was presenting the paper, Kuzumi felt a strange sensation and looked over to where one lone article was on the board, and people are only taking a glance at it and proceeding to ignore it.

The paper he was holding to the trio read, "hunt down and eliminate the Black Lion gang that is terrorizing a section on middle-tier planet Char. And collect the fabled Penetrating Swords they have hiding in their base. Bonus reward if one can lead an army to finish them or have the gang destroy themselves. Minimum level needed; late Origin Formation realm. Recommended level Ruler Transformation realm."

"Are all C-levels cultivation in this general ballpark?" Lun Yuo asked the man.

"For the humane realm missions most of the time yea. D-levels missions would only recommend someone being in middle Origin Formation." The man answered.

"Alright how about this mission I think found a perfect one for us. It says, " On high tier planet Sopra kill the horned red tiger and collect the mystical Chaotic Shard from its lair. Leave the corpse intact and bring it back. Minimum level middle Origin Formation. Recommended level; peak Origin Formation." We appreciate the help, but I think this would be better, don't you guys agree."

While they were discussing Kuzumi went over and brought that lone paperback thinking people were missing out on an easy mission.

Looking at the mission Kazami and Lun Yuo felt this was manageable and to the point and agree with Kuzumi.

However, they missed a strange glint in the man's eyes and a small knowing smile when looking at that mission. But it quickly went away once he said;

"Ah, yes, that a perfect mission for you guys I do hope we can do business with each other in the future. I'm also quite well known in these parks." The man held the upmost conviction in his words and gotten the trio to think about it.

"We'll think about it, farewell for now." Kazami, Kuzumi, and Lun Yuo nodded at him and walked to a cloaked man.

Kuzumi handed the paper towards following what everyone else would do, and after reading the article the man told them;

"Get on."

On the pad, a white light shinned over the trio, and while they were getting transported, they could've sworn they heard a "Good Luck" but couldn't do anything to see who said it. And then they were gone off to their mission.

The one who said good luck was the cloaked man after realizing the mission the trio has chosen.

Meanwhile, the ordinary man was still looking at where the trio disappears with a strange smile. His friend came over to him with a contemplative expression asking;

"Why didn't you say anything about that strange mission 90% of the time whoever takes on that mission dies and the other 10% come back but failed the mission and never open up why they failed it."

"Because I feel like I just maybe struck gold with these three."The friend was confused but let it go since he was often very peculiar in his behavior and the two-headed back to their group.