Planet Sopra

In a deserted tall grassy field that appeared to expand on for miles, three flashes of white lights abruptly appeared, and what came out was three striking youths who were taking in their surroundings.

Kazami, Kuzumi, and Lun Yuo were somewhat surprised by what they saw and can feel. To their right was the grassy field, which eventually led to a road most likely heading towards a city. And on their left was a stone road that went on for miles.

The Qi in the air was significantly weaker than what they felt in their God Realms, and the laws that governed this world seemed far, more fragile, making the trio feel like their on-air compared to what natural for them.

"Talk about luck, no one around for miles. So you girls up for the Bloodshed that is the cultivation world?" Right of the bat, Kazami was severe as this time, they were truly separated and can encounter a crisis at any second.

From Kazami question Lun Yuo and Kuzumi was slightly surprised, but still, Kuzumi answered first with;

"Heh, brother, I've come to develop a certain mindset very early. And you know what it is?. To ignore things that bore me and take what I want. Besides, I don't really care for spilling blood, but of course, I have no problem with doing it."

Picking up Lun Yuo answered as well;

"Bloodshed, huh. In all honesty, I prefer calmer and peaceful resolution, but I'll also do what is necessary."

Kazami was satisfied with their answer. He prepared for such things like this when training with monsters, he held no remorse for killing and got a bit excited from this sometimes but told no one.

It was like a little spirit telling him those who die under him was the result of his superior power.

"Thinking about it, this was useless to ask anyway after all we're god realm geniuses, not mortal ones."

"Don't forget we're the embodiment of what it means to be a star as well. This planet can't possibly stop us!" Kuzumi proudly stated while playing with her smooth hair.

"Hmmm, if you two done boasting, how about we ahead on that road. Got nowhere else to go, right?" Lun Yuo pointed out to the dirt road far ahead of them.

"I see no reason why not, oh, and keep your hoodies on. We should try to avoid attention as much as possible, at least until we advance." And with the Kazami agreement, they started off to the first step of a long journey.

While on the road, the trio saw more humans walking in every direction. They were all either on foot alone or in a group, riding in a carriage led by monstrous beasts, or riding monstrous creatures.

As they were walking, they also felt out the level of these humans, and from what gathered, this was a low-level area as most of them were only new level Origin Formation, and rarely would they sense a late-stage Origin Formation.

To add on to that, most middle Origin Formation were either leading a group or under a late-stage showing the trio; there must be several sects nearby as well.

They decided to follow what most people were heading to, a decently large city filled with spacious buildings and groups of humans walking around.

No one took particular notice in them as their face was covered, and they walked with their head down, avoiding eyes as much as possible, and their aura got hidden as well.

As they neared the entrance of the city Lun Yuo suddenly exclaimed;"Hold on, guys! Information costs money, and we have no money!!"

"Relax, we'll simply kill some beast and trade it in for money. Easy as that now hold on for a bit." Kazami stopped the three of them and started sense around a bit.

While in God's Realms, his spirit sense was very restricted and could hardly cover any distance, but now, on this planet, he can cover a reasonable range while also making sure no one discovers him.

He turned west and pointed a fair bit of way saying;"Over there, I sense a monster inside a grassy cave; we can surely get that for some money first."

Changing their direction, they started to walk faster to where Kazami pointed, and eventually, they came upon a deep eerie dark cave.

As they were walking to the cave, it was becoming less and less populated to the point where there was no one else around them.

However, from close behind them, they could sense three people that started to follow them once they changed directions.

But when the youths sensed the ones who were following them, they got the trio to smile casually and walk into the cave.

As soon as they set foot in the cave, however, what greeted them was several small red spikes hurdling towards them.

Reacting quickly they dodged out of the way and then;


A big red spiky bally shot straight out, right when they dodged and landed in front of them. A monster human-size hedgehog standing on its hind legs is what greeted them. Blood red spikes were menacingly protruding out of it's back, and it had distinctive black razor teeth.

Sensing its power, they realized it's only a 6th level Origin Formation beast. The beast was lightly cautious of the three humans as it couldn't sense their strength as it usually could do, leading it to watch them warily.

"Only a middle-level Origin Formation beast...Oh! You girls wanna see how fast we can kill this thing?" Kazami turned to the girl and asked;

"Hmm, I say we can do it in three seconds? At most, I give us six seconds." Kuzumi was already stretching her arms in agreement.

"Those guys are closing in on us, let's finish this quickly." Lun Yuo reminded them, and without any more words, the three rushed the monster.

The trio unleashed their divine powers and blazed at the monster with speed beyond what expected from them.

Before throughout the trio conversation, the monster hesitated on attacking as it couldn't sense their level, nor did they seem to fear him.

Only this would be its greatest downfall.

The monster pried open its mouth in an attempt to shoot something only for a vine to wrap on it tightly. With its mouth sealed up, the beast couldn't even react to a blue lightning punch coming from it's back.


It flew towards Kazami at high speed, but he already got prepared. From his four fingertips, four ice pike shot out piercing the beast's eyes and chest.

Immense pain racked the beast senses, but it couldn't even scream out as Lun Yuo vine still latched on to its mouth.It crash-landed in front of Kazami and,


A cruel blue lightning foot smashed its head into meat paste.

"Five seconds!! A bit slower than I expect." Kuzumi stated after their crushing victory.

Indeed the beast held no chance against the three superior divine powers. Added on with their combination attacks, it was inevitable for the beast to get killed.

And just like the three predicted, they heard a voice calling to them,

"Yo, kid! You're pretty good for killing that beast! But I can offer something great in exchange for that beast!"

The one who spoke was an average height plump cute woman with short black hair wearing a green uniform robe.

Next to her was a muscly man with short brown hair wearing the same outfit and indifferent expression. The last one was a slim kind-looking man with the same uniform wearing a kind smile.

"Oh? What kind of exchange?"

Kuzumi asked with a playful, curious tone knowing what direction this will turn to be.

The woman smiled suspiciously and said;"Oh, trust me, you'll love it."