The Golden Sword

"Now we're in my element. I always did love to read through various books back at home." Taking a thorough look around, Lun Yuo was surprised by the extensive quantity of books and scrolls.

Many bookshelves were lined up row by row containing all kinds of information on numerous subjects.

Also accommodating the place was a decent-sized rest area if one desired to read in a calm place.

There were also all different types of cultivators here from rouge to even sect cultivators, all gaining valuable information.

Walking up to the receptionist Kazami asked a mature cute looking lading;"Hey, do you know where we can find books on the geography of the whole world?"

Giving him a warm, courteous smile she pointed him to a shelf to the far left of the store saying;

"Just right over there, oh, and remember if you want to read anything you have to purchase it first."

Nodding to the woman and saying thanks, the trio wandered over to where she pointed at. The tiro looked through the various covers of the books on the geography of this planet.

"Hey, I found, "The most deadly places on Sopra," this could give us a clue." Taking out a blue-covered book with golden text on it, Lun Yuo showed the other two.

"And I found "The Four Great Regions" this could be... hey come over here I sense a troublesome guest." Kuzumi pulled out a grey covered book with black lettering while also sensing a mighty person.

Naturally, Kazami and Lun Yuo similarly sensed it and went over to her to observe the scene.

What came through the front door got everyone to halt momentarily. A towering imposing dominating man came through. He had neat short black hair, an athletic tone body, and a commanding aura surrounding his body. He was wearing a green robe uniform indicating he was from the Launder Mercenaries, but his suit had two leaf symbols.

The thing that got the trio even to be cautious of this guy was the natural aura he had around his body, and they could vaguely sense he was a Ruler Transformation cultivator!

It's the realm that transcends Origin Formation and the dividing line in one cultivation journey, where only talents can make it through.

People became more apprehensive of this individual and didn't get in his way when he walked up the receptionist and asked;

"Have you seen three young youths wearing a strange short black cloak?"

The woman became a bit more serious when facing this man and replied;"No, may I ask why is sir looking for them?"

"Recent news had come up, and the last sighting of three high-level members of ours got reported missing even after we tried to contact them. They were last seen tailing three people wearing short black cloaks, if you see them don't hesitate to contact us and capture them, we'll handsomely reward anyone who can!" Using his power, he added more base to his voice so everyone in the whole store can hear him.

And after finishing his piece, he turned around and swiftly left, leaving everyone to ponder who messed with the Launder Mercenaries?

All the while Kazami, Kuzumi and Lun Yuo was seriously complementing until Kazami eyes flashed speaking up;

"Ah, I get it on that plump woman fingers; there was some green badge on it, but I sensed nothing and destroyed it along with their corpses. I guess that's how they stay in touch some way."

"To think even in death these so-called Launder Mercernareis still want to throw own their weight. So what now?." Kuzumi asked and making a plan in a second Kazami responded with;

"Ok, change of plans we'll purchase these books and go on to the test right now."

The girls agreed, and they swiftly went to buy the books and taking in the appearance of the trio entirely the receptionist became calmer and couldn't help but ask;

"These two books will be 20 blue jade crystals, and I couldn't help but ask, are you three going to take on the Great Cloud sect young division test?"

Nodding and taking out the crystals, the receptionist smiled once again and told them;

"Ah! Then you three better hurry; it's the final hours of the test."Jumping, they were shocked at such a close time limit. The trio thanked the lady, took their books, and swiftly made their way towards the sect, all the while the woman had a strange look in her eyes while watching them runoff.

"Failed! Next!"

"WHAT! THIS TEST IS BULLSHIT!!"A man in his thirties cursed, all tattered after his test.

The Great Cloud sect was lively and bustling when the youths arrived. The trio got led to a big open field where two divisions of lines set up — one for people aged 28-35 and the other for 17-20-year-old.

The trio was now on line waiting to get tested, but from observing, they could still tell this sect has a very high standard.

"Failure upon Failure. This sect sure doesn't hold back at all." Lun Yuo said, watching people disbelieving faces when they bombed.

"Well, their requirements at least for the average person and even for a genius is pretty brutal. The older division has to survive for five seconds without getting hit by a weak Ruler Transformation beast. Then, go on to tank a full-power attack from a peak Origin Formation with minimal damage and no rest in between."

Kazami said while also finding the difficulty of this test to be a bit much. The lower division levels will consist of 5th level Origin Formation to peak level, but even for peak levels, it's hard for them not to fail.

"Yea, and for our test given how everyone is in Spirit Formation of varying degree, we have to cause significant damage to an Origin Formation stone beast, and then they test our aptitude just to see where not cheating."

It was true what Lun Yuo said everyone was in Spirit Formation, and rarely in this city would one see a peak Spirit Formation talent at such a young age.

"But you know I can tell for all these impossibly high requirements they most likely have another reason for this test relating to that mission...but first look another one is going and this girl looks pretty good."

To whom Kazami was referring to was a beautiful young girl with an elegant alluring look. She had long graceful orange hair, an attractive face, and a fetching body having superb big bust and a ravishing grand behind.

The girl was wearing tight black jeans and a long sleeve red shirt that perfectly complimented her body. Her eyes held a bored, indifferent look, yet her steps were calculated and careful.

But what genuinely caught the trio attention was how she is in the 9th level Spirit Formation! Close to the peak, and they can vaguely sense she has good Spiritual Special Qi.

The girl went face to face with a Stone bear monster that still stood imposingly over everyone even after all the attacks it faces.

Closing her eyes, she opened her palm, and on it, a mighty amount of golden Qi was gathering there. Her golden Qi eventually took the shape of the sword showing she has sword Qi!

And this sword Qi compared to what Kazami faced was several times stronger and unique from what he was sensing.

She flung her most powerful Qi hard and struck the monster;


The stone monster got covered up in a golden light, and what came out was an arm that fell on to the ground showing her power alone is enough to completely severed it.

"Good! Put your hand on this white ball now."

A male instructor came towards after witnessing her work, and as she instructed, she put her hand there and infused her Spiritual Special Qi.The white ball flashed golden for 5 seconds and then died down with the man appraising,

"5-Star talent, you will automatically have a spot after this mission."


The crowd behind erupted as out of every participant here; no one manages to do as good as her. Not even the genius from the Yellow Sky clan did as good as her. And he was a genius on the 9th level as well!

All the while, the orange-haired girl had no change in expression, calmly nodding her head. She got guided by another instructor to sit on another side of the field, observing the rest.

"That was a big flashy performance. Hey! I just got an idea, how about we show these mortals what real talent is!" Kuzumi offered with a mischievous smile.

"Now that certainly sounds like a fun idea right Kazami?" Lun Yuo jumped in, while also egging him on.

"Well, then you two better go first then, but remember, let's not scare them too hard don't want any more unnecessary trouble do we now?" An enthusiastic light enters the trio eyes as their turns were soon coming up.