Team Leader

Elder Wayne was trying his best to make sense of what presently transpired, but nothing came towards his mind.

He barely identified a powerful bloodline from Brenda as he had a chance encounter with a rather strong bloodline cultivator in his life. Still, he never saw anything like the trio power before.

It would be nearly impossible for on their planet to find someone that can skip small realms, but to jump an entire realm like the trio and Brenda shouldn't exist in their small province.

Kazami and the other's power was never even heard of before as divine powers are nearly never born in humane realms, and since the twins still had their headband on, they couldn't see their sacred markings to tell either.

"What! Ah! Yes, you all are truly magnificent, it is going to be an honor for the three of you and Brenda to join our sect after this mission!" He exclaimed after Kazami called to him but now had his eyes brow wrinkled after thinking about a matter.

"Oh, that reminds me I have an important meeting to attend to, so here are four space rings filled with the items we will have on the mission. Please familiarize yourself with it and with each other to come up with plans and strategies to cleanly kill any beast we come across. Also, I have some healing pills to put those three into top shapes again; I probably won't be gone for long." Tossing him four purple rings and three red pills, Kazami caught them all, and Elder Wayne hurriedly left them.

"He left like his wife was calling for him," Kuzumi commented while walking up to Kazami, grabbing a ring from hand.

Saying nothing while looking in the direction, the elder left in Kazami inspected the three red pills that had radiant life energy. Turning around, he looked at three peak Origin Formation disciples that were kneeling on the ground even now.

The other disciples were too afraid to go up and help them, in fear they may provoke the four again and wanted nothing but to avoid them.

They all saw the look in Elder Wayne's eyes while gazing on them, and they jumped to conclusions, believing he would either personally protect them or assign them to a Heaven King Sea Cultivator to be their masters!

Smiling, he walked over to three standing high above them while they could only lower their head as they were utterly helpless against him now.

"Now, now, don't be so afraid; I do have what you need that will at least put you back on your feet, but first, I want something from you three and the sect disciples over there."

Barely looking up, Alian and all of the disciples was dreading what might he make them do against their will.

"Honestly, I don't consider this feud worthy enough to bother with it anymore, so the only thing I want is complete submission while on this mission, and I'm the team leader out of all of us here you got it?" Kazami commended in a dignified tone that made it hard to disagree with.

"Yes! Yes! You're the boss!" Lo Zu blurted, and soon in rapid succession, they all were quickly kissing up to Kazami.

"Lead us away, Kazami!" All of their attitudes took a 180-degree turn, and the three on the ground lowly nodded their heads.

Everyone's obedience was the result of domination in pure strength and the high praise and evaluation from Elder Wayne. Not only that, but there was also three other monstrous genius that can wipe the floor with them.

Smiling he threw the three pills to them, and as they took and slowly getting up Kazami turned around to the other nine and ask,

"Any objections here?" The other six quickly shake their heads, not wanting to go against this monster while Lun Yuo only shrugged, not minding it.

Brenda wanted to say something, but after pondering a bit decided against it and didn't make any objections.

It seems pretty unanimous until they heard;

"Heeey, I want to be in charge this time! It's only natural for the other twin to get the spotlight sometimes!"

Kuzumi claimed while boldly strolling up to Kazami. Smiling and raising a single eyebrow he said,

"Oh, and what makes you think you're more qualified than me." And what Kuzumi failed to notice was behind his back on his finger a very faint red glow was growing on it.

"You'll see what I have and let's not forget I'm mo-" She stopped when she felt a shift in the wind coming from Kazami direction and in a second,


Their fingers clashed both in their respective lighting aura clashed with each other and at a higher speed than Kuzumi could handle from him,


A red lightning finger only an inch apart from her eyes stop right in front of her while her finger was only a couple of inches from Kazami face.

"If you had all that you claim you had, then a finger would've been at my eye at the start right when you near me." Realizing once again she was beaten, Kuzumi sighed and smile,

"Another one for the scoreboard, eh brother? Though soon we'll finally settle this." Giving up, she backed off while Kazami smiled and turned to everyone else who was even more in awe of their actions.

Nobody could even see the speed that they clashed or the rate Kazami used to outstrip Kuzumi.

He tossed the sect disciples a ring, the last six a ring and held on the previous ring himself while going off to explain,

"Now that's done with all of you huddle up and go over the contents in the ring," Since Kuzumi already had one, she, Lun Yuo, and Brenda decided to look through it together.

Taking a look in the ring fully this time, Kazami saw there were many helpful items like he said. Several aurae masked cloaks for traveling through the mountains, and several offensive talismans that contained an attack from a powerful peak Origin Formation.

Other useful items include defensive talisman, healing pills, a lot of protective charms to guard against any monster beasts special abilities gold rank nascent spirit weapons all pack inside the ring.

'These rings should do us nicely since we're a small team and if all were meeting is Origin and Spirit Formation beasts. But it was still suspicious how that elder ran off, and he still not back yet.' Kazami was thinking, and after a while, he called out to everyone;

"Alright, everyone! Since I, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda already exchanged moves with each other, now everyone else shall exchange moves so we all can get a better feel of our abilities and Qi." Saying that, and since everyone did agree with Kazami being the leader of the group, everyone started to prepare themselves since they did have quite some time on their hands.

He walked over to Witha the plain-looking girl and said to her,

"Witha, right? What's your Qi type?"

"I specialize in lighting Qi." She answered him quietly with a bored expression, and turning around; he pointed to Hu Tou, which got him to freeze up instantly on fear.

"You like to run your mouth a lot, huh? What's your Qi type?"

"Axe Qi!" He quickly said and coming to decision Kazami said to the both of them,

"Ok, you two will go up first and go all out so we can all know our limits." He matched the two up and started his time of seeing the extent of their powers.