Sect Elder Michi

Hours have passed since Kazami started the little exchange of moves between them, and he can tell all of them will be useful on this mission.

The most notable was the black shade man Slade, Alian, and surprisingly Ju Jia, someone only in the 10th level Spirit Formation.

For Ju Jia, she uses a variant on ice Qi and controls snow Qi instead. Snow Qi truly has many different unique uses compared to regular ice Qi as it can permanently impair foe vision in battle.

At the same time, the user can still correctly see through the snow and make a foe go almost deaf in battle from the massive buildup of snow. It can also severely weaken foe attacks, and it can even combine with other Qi for surprise attacks.

Slade, this time showed off more of his abilities, and his dark Qi was quite unusual. It was able to affect a user's mind and throw them off focus negatively, and it has the endless absorbing property and can massively slow down any opponent. It's suitable for a sudden sneak attack as well.

Alian showed off even more of his abilities this time, and his wind and metal Qi unification did make for a lethal combo. The air pressure combination makes it near impossible for one to dodge out of the way once one got caught in the middle of it. It's almost guaranteed taking it head-on will at the acutely at least injure even a strong 10th level Origin Formation cultivator.

The rest has reliable and useful abilities as well to complement each other. Now they were all either cultivating or talking to each other while waiting for Elder Wayne to arrive.

"Kazami, do you think whatever is taking Elder Wayne so long has something to do with what you guessed this mission isn't being as easy as we thought?" Lun Yuo asked in a low voice, sitting close to him while watching Kuzumi practice with Brenda.

"Probably partly related to that, I can't tell for sure, but I know it will be about us four." Kazami gave a vague answer as he wasn't so sure about what will happen on the mission.

"I see well I guess we can only focus on it when it comes and don't worry I will be the first one to say if anything goes amiss so we can rest easy for now." Lun Yuo proudly stated, wanting to give assurance to Kazami.

Making sure no one was looking and was distracted he quickly turned, and boldly hugged Lun Yuo grabbing her big juicy breast while hotly whispering into her ear,

"Of course, I expect nothing less from my grass goddess."

Blushing up a storm she panics and hurriedly said;"Ah! Ah! W-w-what are you doing out in the open?! Let go before someone see us! Augh~."

She desperately tried to suppress her moans, but Kazami hand on bountiful boobs just felt too good for her.

"If you wish so." He smiled and let go of her, his action going unnoticed by all, and Lun Yuo felt a sense of loss being out his embrace and a small hot sensation coming from her loins.

She wanted to reach out and grab his hands but froze up when she heard;

"Hey, are you kids playing nice now!?"

Elder Wayne had returned, but this time with him was a smiling lovely, charming looking woman. Everyone can feel a warm motherly vibe from her, and she had alluring purple hair and a graceful curvy body and was wearing the same classy purple robe uniform as Elder Wayne.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and went over to greet with Lun Yuo blushing and lagging a bit behind the group.

"Let me introduce you guys; this will be our second guide while we undertake this mission." Elder Wayne pleasantly introduced and allowed the other woman to take the floor.

'In the Heaven Ruler realm just like Wayne, and I have this weird feeling she may be slightly stronger than him.' Kazami concluded while carefully watching them.

"Greeting, everyone; my name is Michi, your second guide, and I'll make sure we'll all make it through alive." The robe elder warmly said, giving everyone that much more faith when taking on this mission.

"Now, from what I was observing, you all seem to have made great progress in familiarizing yourself with everything I see. Good! It's getting late now, so I shall show the new people here a place to get food in our sect, and then we'll rest up to leave tomorrow." Hearing how they were going to get something to eat, everyone rushed up to him since they were all tired, especially after the long matches they experienced.

"Alright, let's go." Elder Wayne said and started to lead the way with 13 of them going, but Elder Michi was blocking the four.

Of course, the four were Kazami, Kuzumi, Brenda, and Lun Yuo, as they were slightly confused about what the elder wanted.

Her eyes seemed to light up grey while intensely watching and grinning she pacified them with,

"Don't fret I want to see you four up close, and I have to say you all are fantastic kids from what I can tell. Now come on and let's catch up to them."

She told them and wandered off to the others while leaving the confused four only to follow them.

"The hell that was about it?" Kuzumi questioned out, but the other three could only shrug as they were equally as confused.

After going to a lovely cafe inside the large sect, the original group of ten was now back to sleeping quarters, ready to head in for a night of good sleep.

Kuzumi shared a look with a Kazami and pulled Lun Yuo saying;"Oh, right! Yu, I have something completely confidential and crucial to tell you!"


Was all the bewildered girl said before she got rushed into a room with her.

"Your sister...she weird weirder than you. But she was not dull in any way." Brenda was next to Kazami and told him, finding slight amusement from her actions.

"Yea, there certainly is no one like her, so are you ready for tomorrow." He asked and getting more severe Brenda replied;"Yes, I have a feeling after all this I will change after our duel." Devilishly smiling Kazami started to close in on Brenda while also saying in a warm tone,

"Right right, but be careful now I don't want my new friend and rival to go in over their head." Kazami was inching closer and closer to her sneakily, causing Brenda's cheek to turn slightly pink and was feeling a little rush of feelings but still tried to maintain her composure.

"Ka-Kazami, I'm starting to feel we-" She got cut off when he suddenly gave her a soft, warm hug saying,

"I'll have your back on this mission, don't worry." And quickly let go after a couple of seconds.

"Ah...AH! P-pervert!" Suddenly an intense flux of emotions she never felt before rushed in her and wanted to run off towards her room but stopped on the door handle when she heard,"Hey! What about my back! I need someone to watch it too!" Still feeling extremely odd she slightly turned around but not letting Kazami see the large blush on her cheek and blurted out,

"F-fine, I will watch my weird touchy friend rival back..." She rushed inside and slammed the door shut after saying her piece.

Laughing a bit, Kazami returned to his room and hit the bed, ready to get some shut-eye until he heard his door open and once again got tackled by Kuzumi's great sisterly hugs.

"Seriously, why can't you hug like a normal person?"

"Because I was never meant to be normal, brother!"