Blue Oblivion Sharks

"Everybody group up this mist is weakening our power! And those tridents are powering them up! Once your group up in some form, have one side attack, the trident, and the other attack their main body at the same time! Their not invulnerable even with this mysterious trident!" Kazami used his Qi to reinforce his voice and loudly informed them all while continually jumping back to Brenda.

Kazami was able to deduce the mist's weakening effect in a split second as he clashed with the trident; it should've killed the shark as he was in his divine power state.

But when he unleashed his fist, he felt more cumbersome and slower than usual, and he was able to handle some strange power when clashing with the trident.

Even with Brenda, he noticed her attack should've crushed its whole hand as it was an attack from her bloodline state something that breaks even 5th level Origin Formation, people.

Hearing this, the group all commenced to pairing up with each other to finish off these sharks.

"I will assist you two." Slade had hurriedly approached and spoken to them. Nodding their head, everyone then heard the strongest shark declaring,

"Hahaha! Do you hear that my brothers? They think they got us figured out! Fall back now!" He ordered, but Kazami wasn't going to let them join up again.

"Yu, go all out and block the strongest one-off and also separate the weaker ones!" He roared to her and capturing the idea, Lun Yuo initiated her divine powers to its highest state, which taxes her harder than usual being in the mist.

But she still was able to sprout several vines that came out the red ice where the strongest one was standing surrounding him and blocking him off from the others while it did that the vines also was shooting towards the weaker ones intending to separate them.

"The hell is this?!" The strongest one screeched and smashed his trident against one of the vines thinking it would break easily but,

"I can't completely break it?!" The vine did have along cut in it, but it was still blasting towards the lesser sharks.

The sharks watched several vines come at them; the nine others got forced to evade around the vines as the speed of the vines didn't give them enough time to use their tridents.

The vines led to the sharks falling right into their trap and having to fight the paired up people as the vines kept chasing them about.

"I think this should be enough besides your vine left one for us to deal with," Hilles said as he and Myla were both next to Lun Yuo and faced against a shark beast.

Turning off her divine powers, Lun Yuo felt slight dizziness but focus up to take on the shark in front of them, who was only a peak Spirit Formation shark.

"Do you honestly think that guy shitty strategy will work?! You won't even know how you die now!" The shark boldly declared, and with his trident shining, he swung it down, unleashing a big wave of blue shark Qi.

At their distance, it will be impossible for them to dodge it and realizing that Hiles went in front of the two and released a powerful defensive cultivation skill named,

"Masked Wall!"

He called out, and a transparent earth Qi wall sprouted out in front of them, shielding them from the shark attacks.

"Covering like a turtle, eh? Let me see how long you can last against my endurance." He challenged, and as it cost him no energy at all, he sends out another wave of the same attack. After one attack, he would immediately send out another one making sure they couldn't go anywhere.

"I can only hold on for a little bit; I have to pour everything in this wall since this mist is lessening our power, and his attacks are relentless. Do you two got something to strike this guy?" Hiles asked them while fueling his wall against the shark attacks.

"Ah, I have something! My skill is "Mad Mirrors," which allows me to create ice mirrors that can either blast out endless icicle spears or send me to my opponent in a flash!" Myla cried out, and this got Lun Yuo to think of something and explaining an idea to her she said;

"I got an idea, if you can create four ice mirrors, aim it only at the trident, then while he busy and defending against it, I rush and hold the trident in place while you flash to him and freeze him. Got it?" Lun Yuo had a sound plan as they all notice, the sharks will only use their trident to attack and never get too close to attack them.

Nodding, they didn't waste any time, and Myla went to the right edge of the wall just barely scraping out and started her skill.

Both of hand was entirely in blue ice Qi as a strand formed between her two hands which gave birth to four ice mirrors. Concentrating even harder, she pours all of her power into this attack pushing the mirror to be even more potent than usual.

As the shark was firing away from his trident without a second thought, he didn't pay attention to the ice mirrors.

He barely reacted in time to an icicle spear shooting his way, and the power coming from the attack wasn't something he could tank even with the trident strengthening his body. He stopped attacking the wall and swung at the spear with his trident breaking it apart.

"That the be-" He was going to mock until he now fully paid attention to four mirrors shining in bright blue light, and immediately when he sawed the mirrors, it shot out endless firm ice spears towards him.

Focusing on the spears, he, in a rapid and fluent motion, spun his trident in a circular motion in front of him, blocking all of the spears coming at him.

While Myla was doing this she nodded at Lun Yuo and getting the signal, she aroused her divine powers and rushed in between the spears flawlessly maneuvering around them in a way the shark didn't even notice.

"Hey, you do know once you burn, it's your death... Huh?!" Before he knew it, there was Lun Yuo right in his face, and wasting no time, her hand shinning green had successfully grabbed the spinning trident not even affected by the trident glow and wrap the trident up with vines.

"What! How can you even touch my trident?! You should be burning up in a silver light!" But no matter what he thought, Lun Yuo wouldn't let go meaning almost all of his advantages were useless.

Realizing the dire situation he was in, the shark was going to bite his tongue to escape from this predicament, but a hard rock launched into his mouth, making him bite on to that, shattering some of his teeth.

The shark couldn't even process how did that happen when Myla appeared like a ghost above him and holding out her hand she shouted;

"Below Zero!"

Strings of ice blue Qi shot out of palms and latched onto the shark. The shark was slowly getting encased in ice, but before he could fully freeze, his eyes went mad his trident shined brighter than ever before. It shredded the vines that were on it and were even burning Lun Yuo hands.


He fiercely shrieked, but guessing on what the shark planned to do, Lun Yuo eyes went half green now, and she yanked the trident out of his and tossed it high in the air.

"Run back to the wall!"

Lun Yuo shouted to Myla, but not before she thrust a vine that sprouted from her hands through the shark head, killing him. They managed to make it back to the wall, and Lun Yuo turned off her divine powers and then;


A blue blast blinded their eyes, and they still had to form a barrier around themselves as the wall didn't entirely block the blast.

Once it was over, the trident fell to a huge hole formed on the red ice surface. The three were exhausted from this battle as they had to unleash all their energy in every attack.

Walking over, Lun Yuo picked up the trident floating in the water. Suddenly the trident was starting to glow blue, and not wanting anything to happen, she quickly activated her divine powers and suppressed the trident blue glow.

With it, in her hands, she started to think,

'This could be our ticket to victory.'

Then, the three of them felt a suffocating pressure coming from where the peak Origin Formation shark was.

At the same time, Kuzumi, Muji, and Ju Jia paired up with each other and was facing against another peak Spirit Formation shark and were trying to come up with ideas on how to attack the trident.

Ju Jia had created a hard blizzard where they were fighting and Kuzumi, and Muji was following her not to get lost and confuse the shark senses.

The shark could see clearly in the mist, but the blizzard massively messed with its senses and vision, making it harder for him.

"Enough with the cheap tricks! You can't run forever!" The shark exclaimed while sending out blue shark Qi attacks to whatever previous spot the three were hiding in once it discovers it.

"You have blade Qi. Cause I just got an idea on how to beat this shark. Follow my lead." Kuzumi said to Muji while in a blind spot for the shark.

"Tch, I'll give these prey one thing at least they're better at running around than the last bunch." The shark beast mocked, but then he felt something sharp graze his face in a second.

Sharply turning around, he tried to identify where they were, but again he felt another sharp graze on his other side. It became a repetition process where the shark kept trying to feel out what was grazing him, but whatever it was, outmatch his reaction speed.

While the trident did give them astronomically prowess in attacking and extra bodily defenses, their other abilities, such as senses or speed, would still be far weaker than what the trident was providing them.

Even if he tried to relly on his hearing for the attack, it proved useless as the quick attacks were soundless.

"Don't fuck with me!" Finally, having enough of getting scratch, he yelled and raised his trident above, pouring a lot of power into it and making the trident shine a bright blinding blue light.

During this, from the snow right under him, a sturdy blue blade Qi sprung out and struck his head, knocking him off balance.

The shark was dazed and confused from that surprise attack, almost falling backward on his ass. But suddenly he stops falling and couldn't move his trident no matter how hard he pulls. Turning his head behind, it was Kuzumi with her pupils half silver being in her most active state.

Her hand was pure silver and was preparing to yank the trident out of his hand, and Muji was coming in for the kill, but out of nowhere, the shark eyes went utterly blue, and his trident flashed a blinding blue. He shook Kuzumi off and shot out of there faster than the three of them could react too.

"The hell was that about it?" Ju Jia question, but right then, they all heard a loud and booming voice accompanying by overwhelming pressure.

"Looks like judgment day has come for all of you!!"