Deadly Tridents

Everybody was rushing to where the intense pressure was coming from. All sharks the group were combating all escape from their battle previously.

Making it over, they saw the still trapped elders bounded by the mist, and this time the fog seems to have a more powerful radiance. The elders were also sweating, and they seem to be struggling with staying conscious.

But what especially caught their attention was the nine sharks with their eyes wholly blue and their tridents wrapped in a blazing blue glow.

The pressure and aura the nine was exuding was tremendous and made it nearly impossible for the group to approach the sharks. The sharks noticed the trident in Lun Yuo hands and were even more pissed of how that human was touching it.

"Out of every human group we come across, none of them were as much trouble as you or, more specifically, those two little shits with whatever power they using." The leader of the shark group cursed and was unmistakably speaking about Kazami and Lun Yuo.

"You even managed to kill one of my men and grasp a trident, but it doesn't matter as in your hands the tridents will be useless. We never were forced to do this before, but now you forced our hands! Thank your juicy leaders for allowing your demise!" Once he spoke, they all raised their tridents shooting out blue beams that started to form something in the sky.

The elders were pouring sweat at this point and were a fine line away from crashing over.

"Like we'll let you!" Everyone started to charge a quick attack to disrupt whatever they were planning, however;

"Now, now we don't want any futile resistance, all of you will sit in despair while watching death come at you!" The leader screeched, and suddenly blue water chains sprouted out under the red ice wrapping all of them up.

The chain's speed was instantaneous, and none of them even sense it coming from the waters, which why they got captured so easily.

"What the hell is this?!" Alain screamed and struggled to break free from the chains but to no avail, as the chain was disrupting and slowly sucking all of his Qi. Not only him, but everyone was feeling the effects, not even Kazami or Kuzumi could break free at this state.

'Shit at this rate!' Kazami decided to unleash his divine powers entirely, and his pupils went half silver now. But almost immediately, his pupils went back to its golden color, and he was struggling even to maintain his divine powers state.

Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda all activated their extraordinary power as well, but it would only do nothing for them as the chain severely weaken them.

"Aww, what's wrong? No more false bravado now? Don't worry; this attack will send you away soon enough!" The sharks taunted them, and in the air, two big blue hands were slowly taking shape.

The two hands were giving them all, an immense feeling of an imminent disaster and destruction, and yet they could do nothing about it.

Lun Yuo throwing all caution into the wind pushed her divine power as far as she can and started to struggle to saunter to Kazami with trident dragging on to the ground and screaming out to him;

"Kazami! Come to me; I don't know what this trident can do or if we can even activate, but maybe you can do something!"

Hearing her roaring shorts, Kazami dragged on the ice with the chains destroying the surface. They were slowly but surely making it to each other, but the sharks notice this, and the leader savagely smiled, and his eyes shot out a beam and strike their chains.



Their chains suddenly wrapped tighter around them, crushing their bones tightly and made them fall to their knees.


Seeing Kazami warped in pain, Kuzumi's eyes shinned a frenzied light, and her whole body flashed silver. With the chains still on her, she jumped right towards Lun Yuo crashing right in front of her, yanking the trident, destroying the vines on it, and tossing it to Kazami before collapsing to the ground.

All of this happened in mere seconds. It was so fast that by the time the sharks even fully reacted, the trident was laying by Kazami knees.A flash of hope touch Kazami eyes as he recalled that weird feeling when he crashed against the trident.

'We hail from the God Realms, and I have divine blood running through my veins just maybe I can...' Looking down on it, Kazami fiercely bit his tongue and drawn out his Star Family bloodline essence.

Unlike others, in their families, Kazami nor Kuzumi trained much in their inherited divine bloodline because of their unique divine powers. Still, they can at least drawn on their bloodline essence. Using a bloodline essence, majorly power them up but will also exhaust all of their energy as far they know.

The drop blood was red like it should be, but in the depths of the blood was a budding light of silver, only Kazami could barely identify.

Once it hit the trident, the blood was absorbed in it, but nothing happens and this only promoted the sharks to laugh and ridicule them even more wildly;

"HAHAHA! What fools you honestly think your mortal blood can affect our godly weapons! Speaking of godly..."

Above them, the two deadly blue hands formed to completion, and the power it was exuding almost made them all faint.

"Know this; you have the privilege to be torn apart by our "Neptune God Strike!"

The shark screamed and was going to smash them all into meat paste, but right then, the trident miraculously glowed an intense combination light of silver and blue! It was raging about, and Kazami felt a connection with it.

Because the trident glowed, it stunned the sharks and made them feel an overwhelming fear it.

"KILL HIM!" The leader frantically screamed and sent the hands at Kazami, but the trident rushed forward on its own to meet it.


It sent the hands flying back while also flying back to Kazami and burned the chains off of him. The trident landed in his hand when he got up, and Kazami felt as if he had boundless power.

"NO! How is this possible?! We were told not even humans from God Realms can activate the tridents beside our people?!?" Like a terrifying nightmare, they couldn't wake up from the sharks' realities were being crushed by this handsome youth.

Smiling, Kazami said nothing and swung down the trident unleashing a blue silver beam at the hands, wiping them off with little to no resistance.


Because of how their attack got quickly wiped off, the nine sharks formations shattered, and they all coughed out blood kneeling from the harsh black lash.


Kazami plainly said and shot out another beam to the kneeling sharks.

Seeing their impending doom, all the sharks ignored their injuries and collectively fired of their blue shark Qi beam at Kazami.

The beams, however, once they met in the middle, cancel each other out. Kazami, in the next instant, flicks his trident to destroy the chains holding the group and part of the mist that was keeping the elders. With that done with way, he sped to the sharks in a split second.



A peak level Spirit Formation shark was utterly unprepared for Kazami as he thrust the trident through its head, killing him instantly.

The rest didn't even have a chance to scream as Kazami swiped in a circular motion lobbing off six of the Spirit Formations shark heads.

Generally, with the tridents in their hands, it shouldn't be so easy for Kazami. Still, because they used a massive amount of energy for their ultimate attack and from forcibly ignoring their injuries, they could barely resist.


The two Origin Formations managed to react quicker and clashed their tridents against Kazami, but they got stuck in a stalemate.

Increasing his strength, Kazami pushed off the two, but blood got drawn from his mouth, and his arm felt numb.

"We will kill you!" The two sharks madly rushed in, but at the last second, Kazami held onto the 7th level Origin Formation shark trident, immobilizing him while also swatting the peak level one away.

His hand was bleeding profusely from holding on to the trident, but he was wasting no time, Kazami opened his mouth and fired off a lightning blast to the shark head, blowing his head right off.


The peak Origin Formation shark was deranged at this point and rushed Kazami with no care. Kazami made the trident shine blue and silver to a point where he almost couldn't see and pierce straight through.


Right from the chest to the stomach of the shark, a gaping hole appears, and all the shark thought was, 'Is he a God?' before his vision fade to black forever.

Kazami was on the other side, standing tall but soon started to fall back; however, someone caught him before he hit the ground.

It was Brenda who immediately rushed towards Kazami after he finished the sharks off.

"Kazami!? Are you okay?!" She yelled in distraught and panic as this was the first time she ever worried so much for someone else safety. Her chest tightened up, she felt unexpected pain, and her body had reacted on its own when catching him.

Seeing his bad shape form, tears began to pool in Brenda's eyes, but Kazami surprisingly still manage to held his open eye just barely and warmly said;

"Ah, now there a perfect sight to see after such an intense battle. Let me rest on you for a little bit..." He was even smiling in this situation. Brenda thought as some of her relief began to lessen, knowing he'll make it.

"Rest well, weirdo. You did a good job." She warmly told him and slung him over her body, walking to the rest of the group.

Everyone in the group was finally able to loosen up now and sigh in relief of how they're not dead. In their eyes as well was an appreciation for Kazami as he did save them all.

Lun Yuo watching this scene wanted to rush up to Kazami first but had to carry Kuzumi when she said;

"How are you going to abandon your dear older sister?!?" Even as she thought how their not blood-related, she still picked her up and watching those two little moments irked her feeling an uncomfortable feeling in her heart before Kuzumi said quietly from arms;

"Isn't that a great sight! And one day, that'll be you in his arms!!" Kuzumi words got Lun Yuo madly blushed, but everyone's attention soon sober up when the Elder Wayne called out;

"Now not the time to rest! Everyone grab a trident and rushed across to that path; we need to leave now!"