Bloodline Powers

Even though Eran had an untimely death, the group still trucked on, and just like the elder claimed, they indeed did have a flexible time going through the cave. The cave they were traversing through had all-white walls and numerous other holes that beasts would take resident in.

And while they were walking, all of them notice there was only a long linear path for them. This path also had no traps on it, either making the whole group feel that much relaxed and even more so when they found out what kind of beasts they were facing.

The beasts they faced were all peak Spirit Formation to early origin formation, giving the group no stress as well. Although the monsters did have the white fur coat and strange abilities, none of them broke even sweat when killing the beasts.

Now the whole group was starting to calm down a lot more and even were casually talking to each other as they were placing their full beliefs on the two elders taking out the white slaughtering tiger.

While Eran's death was still a mystery for them, none of them suspected the elders would have a doing in his grave.

They couldn't slip off the bridge as their Qi would keep them balance, and the elders were right in every beast they encounter so far would have strange abilities and thought it was Eran's tragic fate.Kazami was intensely concentrating on the elders' faces and expressions, but like always, they were indifferent beside that one moment before.

'These two defiantly can't be trusted; my gut feeling is telling me so. But I also have to tell Kuzumi about it as well without these two listenings as even if we mutter, they will still hear us.'

He was contemplating what they both share, which could give them the edge. His train of thought leads to the battle with the sharks of how he called upon his bloodline essence.

He recollects asking his father about what their bloodline can do, but he only gave a vague 'many incredible things' answer. They were all too focus on their baffling and powerful divine powers that they neglected their own inherited bloodline powers.

'Maybe we can...' And getting an idea, he started focusing intensely on the sensation he felt when called upon his bloodline essence.

Because his bloodline had such a wonderous effect on Neptune God Weapons something that seemed to be very special in God Realms, he was interested in what other things it could achieve.

Doing the same process as before but slowly and more carefully, he suddenly touched on a strange yet familiar sense of energy. Kazami instantly connected with that energy, and in a flash, he felt a burst of power on his hand.

He quickly looked up to see who felt the sudden burst of power but much to his surprise beside Kuzumi, who was intensely looking at him and Brenda, who had an awe expression no one else notices a thing.

Even Lun Yuo, who was casually talking to Brenda, was only confused about why she had such an awe expression and was taking long glances at Kazami out of the blue.

Realizing the coast was clear, his eyes gazed over to his right hand, and he saw a purple star symbol with strange divine markings symbols underneath it. 'So this has to be my bloodline, eh. It was so quick and easy, and if that all I have to do then, hmm...'

Thinking of something on the spot, he originally planned to pull Kuzumi to his side, but she was already marching towards him with a sharp gaze.

"Was that our-" But before she could question him, a strange but familiar sensation warmly invaded her body when Kazami quickly poked his finger that got filled to the brim of his bloodline power on her back.

The energy that was currently flowing through her acted like it had a mind on its own and traveled right where Kazami awakens his bloodline.

Promptly picking up on the idea, she concentrated and connected herself with that energy feeling a flash of power on her hands.

Brenda once again had a surprise face and looked at Kuzumi, but this time she wasn't as drawn as was with Kazami.

Gazing to her right hand and just like Kazami, she also had a purple star with divine marking symbols.

"Is it our bloodline?" She asked since this energy felt as if it was another part of her.

Saying nothing and only nodding, Kazami refocuses all of his bloodline power into a single point on his finger while it was still touching her back.

'Can you hear me?'

'The fuck?! Brother, how are you in my mind?!' She screamed out mentally, but all Kazami said was,

'Calm down I'm just as surprised as you are that this work but I can't keep it up for long so let us make this quick, tell me what do you think of these two elders?"

While she was still shocked she knew, there was a crucial reason for doing this hearing his question she answered him,

'Obviously like you guessed earlier they have some hidden agenda. I noticed when Eran was falling; the tails men activated first without any input from him. And the power of the tails men they wield distinctly goes beyond the level they have given us.' Nodding his head, Kazami also continued with,

'Right, I also saw the two smirkings just right before they threw it as well. They're up to something, but I think they want us to lower our guard because of the smooth traveling we're experiencing now.' Thinking deeply on it she then asked him;

'What do you suppose on how we should deal with them. Even at our strongest Heaven Rulers are far stronger than us, and we'll get subjected to anything they have.'

'Well, at least from what I can tell, they will go out of their way to protect Lun Yuo and us because we would be a great asset to their sect. Not entirely sure about Brenda, but they would somewhat try to protect her. For now, warn the two to keep their guard up and be ready for any sign of mishaps.'

'Got it, oh, and brother, we can officially be called the mind twins!'Following his request, Kuzumi went to warn the two sneakily without the elders taking noticing of it.

Soon after their relatively calm travel, they made it to what it appears like dead-end against a darker white color wall.

"Well, what now? I doubt we can break through without alerting the white slaughtering tiger." Myla asked, and they all were confused about just what they can do face to face with a dead end now.

The two elders, however, was undisturbed by this and Elder Wayne told them,

"Don't worry, we have the perfect plan for this, although it will require specific instructions that you all must follow very carefully.

They earnestly nodded their head, and he explained that they would line up in a specific way. Hiles, Myla, Witha, Azus, and Slade were standing in a particular form against the wall while the rest were standing right next to the elders.

"Ok, for this next part to work, all of you must not resist whatever we do to you, or it will mean the death of us all! Are all of your ready?" Elder Wayne stated and asked them with everyone else, giving their oral agreement.

But Kazami only traded a knowing glance with Kuzumi making sure she prepared for any action that will come up next.