Rushing And Abandoning

On Elder Wayne's fingers, his purple space ring flashed, and out came a strange looking talisman. It was a deep blue color and had peculiar animal symbols on it.

"Elder Wayne, what kind of talisman is that we have nothing of the sorts among the tails men we receive." Joe Xiu asked, and similar to him, everyone felt no energy from the talisman or any feelings.

Usually, even from the weakest of talisman, one can feel a bit of power radiating from it. Still, this specific one was as if an ordinary mortal with no cultivation crafted it together.

"This one was something I received from sect master after our little meeting with him; it will give us an absolute edge over the beasts here." Elder Wayne stated confidently.

He then threw it to the wall, and it latched flawlessly on to the wall. Kazami closely watched every move of his, and in the depths of his eyes, he could tell there was a hint of cunningness there.

"Now remember my words don't resist." Elder Wayne announced, and then the tails men shinned blue brightly, and under the spots of Hiles, Witha, Azus, Myla, and Slade, a blue circle emerged under them.

The blue circle made them feel warm and comfortable, lowering all of their guards down and bask in this comfy feelings. The talisman blue light made them feel a pleasurable sense.

"Ahhh, it's like relaxing under the soothing sun," Myla commented, and the other couldn't help but agree. Likewise, the others by the elders felt something calming coming from the tails man now.

After a little bit, the circle rose, forming a big blue aura around them, and they all felt foreign but powerful energy invading them. This energy smoothly connected with their Qi and got inside of their veins. It was making them feel as if they can crush anything beneath their feet and kill anyone.

And it didn't stop there as the tails men in front of them shot out five blue streams of energy going directly inside of their chest, furthering powering them up.

"AHAHA, THIS IS GREAT!" Hiles screamed in excitement, feeling more powerful and in control than he ever had before.

The other that was gazing upon them felt their power was equivalent to a sharp peak Origin Formation cultivator. Even with Witha and Azus as they were the ones not even in the Origin Formation!

"What's going on? Why is that talisman suddenly making them more powerful?" Myria asked as the rest of them were also similarly confused about what process Elder Wayne was hoping to achieve.

"Just wait, and when I say go, everyone will pour all of their energy into the cloaks to its maximum output and follow us." When Elder Wayne explained to them suddenly, the five that were cover-up in the blue aura started to kneel and groan in pain.


All of them screeched out as if they were in excruciating pain which caused Ju Jia to shriek out,

"Hey! Shouldn't we stop this?! It looks their all going to die!" But it was as if the Elders didn't hear her and right when everyone else was going to raise their concern an unbelievable power gushed out of the five of them.

Their combined power they were radiating was rapidly increasing from peak Origin Formation to Ruler Transformation!




The entire cave trembled vigorously, and the whole wall in front of them exploded in a blue flash, creating a new pathway from them, and at this time, the power the five was outputting was at the Ruler Transformation realm!

There was a substantial blue barrier surrounding the five and that colossal roaring sound came from inside the boundary, but the sound wasn't like any other beasts the group heard before.However, the five inside the barrier couldn't even enjoy or process what kind of sensation they would've felt by controlling this power.

All were struggling to kneel still crying out in pain as the talisman in front of them had blue streams of energy in their chest, and this time their chests felt like it was on fire.

Although the rest of the group couldn't even react to them as when they heard Elder Wayne screamed go numerous of other wild and powerful aura locked on to their location.

Acting on pure instinct, they all ran following the elders as they took off first, but they all did look behind them and was surprised at seeing the five in so much pain and the elders seemingly abandoning them.

They, however, had no time to dwell on that as the beasts that can rip them to shreds was rapidly approaching them and pushing their cloak to the maximum, they kept up behind the elders.

It was a dark white path they were traveling on, and looking at whatever scenery they could see, they all notice after the wall it was a lot more extensive and spacious with various distinct beasts all crawling everywhere in here.

But at least for them, the good thing was none of the beasts paid attention to them. All of them seemed crazed and in a frenzied state like they encounter their mortal enemy.

Their cloaks helped a lot in letting them go unseen, but there were even Ruler Transformation beasts rushing past them!

Their cloaks, while very useful wasn't at the level of Kazami god realm cloaks where no matter what level a person is, they couldn't sense his level; for these cloaks, it would be tough for them to disappear from a Ruler Transformation beasts sense entirely.

Yet just like the other beasts, they were in a similar frenzy state rushing to the five locations. Soon while they were running, they heard as if someone was banging onto a metal wall, and the banging was becoming louder and louder.

"There!" Elder Michi pointed to an ordinary hole in the wall, but above the hole was a tiger claw imprint.

Rushing through the wall hole, it was entirely dark save for a small light of a brown glow from the far end of the tunnel. It was what the Elders was rushing too, and the others had no choice but to follow behind.

Once they reached the brown glow, what appears in front of them was what resembles an exotic-looking human male with overly long white hair going down to his feet wearing a pure white fur coat. The male eyes were closed tight, and sweat was coming down from his forehead.

He was sitting cross-legged on top of a wooden sword perfectly balancing himself on it as the sword was stabbed deep into the ground, radiating that same brown glow from before.

While this man was utterly still not even looking at them, the group all felt a dominating aura and pressure coming from him, almost making the Spirit Formation disciple faint. The exotic man was a Heaven Ruler cultivator!

"So you all finally come. Good, its time to die." The man calmly told them.

But the two elders now widely smiled as not at all worried about this man calmness and Elder Michi taunted him with,

"White slaughtering tiger seems like you have more tricks up your sleeve to kill us, but are you sure we ran out of tricks?"