Wide Destruction

Inside a broad and expansive rustling and bustling tavern, numerous people talked with each other, bringing in various items or getting assigned to duties.

This place also had numerous high-quality weapons on the and wall and high-quality armor for all the cultivators' needs.

The people in this place also all wore red leather armor with a heart-etched mark on it.

And not one person in this tavern could be considered weak with lowest level only being peak 10th level Origin Formation to having Heaven Rulers strolling around here.

It was a joyful and busy environment for such a guild until four youths loudly burst through the doors using their aura.

Everyone's attention turned to them as these four were wearing short black cloaks, and from three of them, they couldn't sense their level at all.

While the fourth, they could sense they were vaguely somewhere around in the Origin Formation realm.

Despite all the attention being on them, the four were undisturbed by it and only calmly walked to the center of the tavern.

Another odd thing they notice was these four were all holding on to something, but it was kept hidden. Nobody sensed any energy coming from it and decided to ignore whatever odd action there.

Although the four cloaks youths there moved slowly and purposefully as if they wanted to stir a commotion here. Everyone could tell they held no respect for anyone in here.

Getting a bit annoyed with their attitudes a peak Origin Formation man walked up to them unleashing his aura in hopes to suppress them saying;

"Oi kids, do you know where you are at right now?"

Everyone else only had a mocking smile at such a scene as they believe these four were only some overly cocky brats.

But only one of the four-spoke stating;"We do, and it's only a so-so place with forgettable characters in it who thinks they worth something in life." A female voice said, and her insulting words caused everyone to get even more annoyed at them, and even a Ruler Transformation aura descended on them.

"Tch, let's not waste time on some retarded brats, Wuji crush them and then throw them out!" A woman said as she was the one who leaked some of Ruler Transformation aura on them.

Her aura seemingly caused the four to freeze up and cease all movement, letting the others know that the four weren't strong at all. But what they didn't notice was a small smile on each of the youths' faces.

Her words caused everyone else to start chanting "crush them," turning it into entertainment for them, seeing they had the rudest attitude towards them.

"I agree, let's not waste time, sleep." And before anyone could react, their joined hands suddenly clenched, and a sleepy aura infected everybody there but the youths.

The Origin Formation man immediately dropped to the floor and fell asleep along with the other Origin Formation, and Ruler Transformation falling asleep as well.

"W-Wha." A Heaven Ruler managed to squeeze out before passing out along with the other Heaven Rulers.

This sleepy aura didn't stop at this part of the guild building as it extended to every nook and cranny of the whole large building.

Soon enough, the four youths heard numerous thuds coming from everywhere as they all passed out. Once it got done, Kazami brought out another talisman that had a grey pattern on it.

As soon he did bring it, the girls and he joined their hands again and started to charge it up.

"Remember, once the talisman charges up, we have five seconds to get away far enough from the blast." Kazami reminded them as everyone here will be asleep for twenty seconds, and it took ten seconds to charge this talisman up.

The grey talisman started flashing after ten seconds, indicating it was ready as the four threw it to the ground. They didn't take a second look at as they instantly rushed out of the guild.

The grey talisman started to sink into the floor, causing all the floor and walls to turn grey. During this process, grey strands energy began to sprout from everywhere, and the place was becoming more chaotic with each passing second.

Kazami and the girls managed to blast out the front doors and kept on running for a reasonable distance until they heard;


A grey cloud explosion destroyed the entire Occult Heart Guild building reducing it to nothing but rubble and dust.

Their plan went off without a single hitch, as they had to be inside the guild to have the sleeping talisman work on everyone there, and the combustion talisman did the rest.

Witnessing all these supreme effects of the talisman, the four started to feel more apprehension for the Slaughtering God as these items were positively too overpowered.

The four was already far away when the blast went off, not affecting them at all, but they know it will cause some traction.

"Haah, alright, now we have at least forty minutes for the main event if there any still alive." Lun Yuo remarked, and once again, Kazami took out another talisman for they all could hold on too and went to investigate the site.

While going up, they tactically unleashed their strongest state in case any mishaps were to happen.

And as they got closer, two terrifying and intense aura blasted out of the dust and rubble. It blasted all the debris away, and the wind was chaotic as two figures appeared in the four visions.

It was a man and woman both who before would've exuded grace and composure now was pissed beyond belief and are in ragged clothing.Their bodies bloodied, their hair half tore and had blood leaking from their mouths. But the surprising thing was they still looked roaring to kill despite their injuries.


They crazily shouted, and an encompassing power almost destroyed the four spirit sense and crushed their minds.

All the two did was merely shout, but already, the four almost fainted. The four only held on because they were in their most potent state.

However, because this time they were in their strongest state, the time it took to charge, the talisman was instant as it glowed bright yellow, and a domain immediately formed around them.

As the domain got formed, the talisman also rushed out of the four hands and split in half, turning into two yellow beams that smashed into the man and woman.


The man and woman had no time to react as they felt a burning sensation and their cultivation dropping rapidly.

Before they knew it, their realm dropped to the Ruler Transformation realm! The two sensed they were at the fifth level of Ruler Transformation, but the pain of downgrading was enormous.

Their bodies were getting churned inside out and breaking; their spirit sense was getting destroyed, severely damaging their minds.

Even if they were at the fifth level because everything about the bodies was getting broken down, the two wouldn't be able to use even middle-level Ruler Transformation prowess.

And the four wasn't going to let such a golden opportunity pass as Kazami and Kuzumi rushed the woman, while Brenda and Lun Yuo rushed the man.

A mixture of red and blue flashed in the woman's vision as she forced herself to bite her tongue and block against two Profound Spirit swords.These were mere blue aura swords, and neither Kazami nor Kuzumi had training in them, but they at least knew a sword could get used for fast and swift attacks.

And for the man, gold and green with a hint of white appeared in his eyes as he also bit down his tongue to block two Profound Spirit Weapons.

While Lun Yuo had no training with the sword, Brenda had her whole life to practice with, unleashing a stronger attack than the other three could.

The man and woman hastily threw a fist at the weapons clashing against them,


All of them bounced off each other and forced back equal distance.

"As expected, even as their critically damaged, we can only clash against them even in our strongest state. This battle is going to be fun." A wild smile shared by both the twin etched on their faces. While Brenda's face grew feral,

"Yoh, I agree!!"

Lun Yuo only shook her head at her partners over excitement.

But their eyes spiked when the man and woman's eyes went utterly bright red, and their aura increased.

"DIE DIE DIE!" The two chanted like they were under some trance, and red Qi surged out of their body wildly and wrapping them up in a red aura.

Before the four knew it, the man and woman jumped at them at incredible speeds. However, they soon halted when vines sprang out in front of them, wrapping them up.

Although the vines did little to the man and woman as their red Qi shredded the grapes and they flashed right in the four faces.

The man and woman's red Qi locked on to them, and the four had no choice but to go all out and clash against them.

Pouring everything they had into this attack fists met sword again,


Only this time, the man and woman got slightly pushed back while the four got sent flying a bit. They did manage to flip themselves in mid-air and stop, but their mouths now leaked blood. And their hands were now numb.

But for the twins, Brenda and even Lun Yuo a bit, this only made their blood pump up more as Kazami screamed;

"Use your skills now!"