Frenzy Man And Woman

Kazami sprouted red lightning wings from his back and jumped high into the air. Now at peak Spirit Formation, he could jump significantly higher than before as if he could fly through the air.

And on cue, the frenzied red aura woman charged straight at him, blasting out powerful red Qi beams. These beams locked onto Kazami and gushed out an intense pressure that affected him.

To his surprise, however, his star hand flashed purple, cutting of the pressure that was affecting him and allowed him to regain focus.

Before the beams came close to him, Kazami hand like the time with Alian flashed bright silver and gushed several silver beams to match with the woman. This attack was Kazami's first time using pure divine powers, draining some of his energy quickly. But the result was evident as;


Their multiple beams clashed in midair, all canceling each other out as their power shook the ground.

Such a profound clash would've surely astounded anyone were to see it as Kazami was only peaked Spirit Formation, but this woman still at least had the power of Ruler Transformation.

Even as she was critically injured from her spirit sense being destroyed and her body crumbling inside out, she still had the power of ruler Qi, the dividing line of real power. And yet Kazami was still able to match her thanks to his divine powers and divine bloodline.

Still, the woman held no reaction to his prowess as her speed didn't decrease. And Kazami wasn't to be outdone as he glided straight down to her going slightly faster than her because of momentum and slash his sword.

Their speed was like lightning, but the woman still barely dodged Kazami slash as he cut a few strands of her hair in their brief exchange.

Right there, though, she caught the sword barehanded, locking Kazami in place. Her hand was covered all in the red aura Qi and was cracking the sword all over.

They remained fixed in the air because the woman can fly, and as her hand was flashing an intense red, Kazami quickly opened his mouth, firing off a red ice beam.

After a split second, the woman used her flashing hand to punch Kazami's chest, sending him flying and tearing a hole through his clothes. The woman had no other options but to headbutt against the ice beam canceling it out but also freezing her face some.

Kazami was coughing out blood as he got sent back but still managed to use his wings to flip himself in midair only to see the woman with her hand high in the air, holding the sword.

The ice beam didn't affect her much, and she prepares to throw the sword at the falling Kazami until her surroundings suddenly dramatically increased in temperature.

From down below, she saw Kuzumi charging up an attack. Because of her decaying state of mind, she didn't notice until now. Suddenly she heard from Kuzumi;

"Whirlwind Fire!"

The power of these flames, she sensed it wasn't something she could afford to take on carelessly, and she got forced to drop her attention from Kazami.

As a tornado of blue flames came roaring at her, the woman created a single strand of red Qi from her fingertip and swiped down at the tornado fire.


She shouted as the tornado flame gained a red hue and split apart at different sections. But to her shock, Kuzumi had already disappeared. And in a split second slashed up above herself.


Kuzumi and the woman's sword clashed as Kuzumi felt both her arms go numb from the clash. The stalemate didn't last long when the woman put more power into her sword and pushed off Kuzumi sword.

Her other hand formed a fist and flash to her stomach at blazing speed Kuzumi could barely react to. The woman fist did connect with Kuzumi's stomach, but she soon couldn't move as Kuzumi managed to hold on the fist.

Blood leaked from her mouth, and her organs stirred from the inside, but Kuzumi still held a crazed smile.

"Piercing Lightning!"

Was all the woman heard before the back of her head got smacked by Kazami. He unleashed a raging lightning bolt inside her body.

Pain racked throughout her entire body until her eyes leaked a blood trail and shrieked;


Her aura once again increased dramatically, and she blasted the twins off her, sending them crashing in the ground, forming craters underneath them.

The woman vomited blood after that attack and was panting; their combined forces were giving her a lot of trouble than she initially thought. But not even a half-second later, the twins stood right back up, also as their body bled out.

Kazami and Kuzumi was feeling an exhilarating sensation they never once felt before leading them to laugh out;

"Come! Let's keep going until you die!"

Meanwhile, Lun Yuo and Brenda were also locked in a desperate struggle with the frenzied red aura man.

The man was just as powerful as he clapped his hand together hard and created numerous powerful red Qi beams that locked on the two. And it wasn't only beams he made, as he generated sound waves as well disrupting the two minds.

Although for both of them, Lun Yuo heart shined green clearing her mind, and Brenda slaughtering Qi reacted on its own and dismantled the sound waves in her.

Lun Yuo only needed a second after clearing up to stomp the ground unleashing several quick swords like vines at the beams crashing against them. Each of their clashes would cancel each other out, indicating Lun Yuo was on the same level as the man.

Like the twins, her divine powers gave her this insane increase in combat prowess something that would shock the world.

And at the same time, Brenda's profound sword glowed a mixture of gold and white as she maneuvered in between the vines. Every clash that happens against vine and red Qi beam, a mini shock wave would occur to which Brenda's golden-white aura would protect her.

The man saw Brenda coming and prepared to rush her, but in his vision, a flash of gold and white occurred, and suddenly Brenda was right in front of him.

"Slaying Sword!"

She shouted, and her sword penetrated deep into the man's chest, squirting blood everywhere. Inside his body, golden Qi pressed his organ and slaughtering Qi recked havoc inside him.

Brenda's power after combining with slaughtering Qi and breaking through Origin Formation took a significant leap, being able to jump realms now fully.

The man coughed up blood, but he bit his tongue as his eyes shined a piercing red light and yelled;

"Raze Whip!"

And shock plaster on Brenda's face as a red Qi whip with razors edges blasted from one of his eyes and smacked her away along with the sword in his chest.

She got sent flying back, but Lun Yuo rushed and caught her. Although she got force got forced to push Brenda away and jump herself when the razor whip flashed above near them.

The whip drilled into the ground, causing cracks to form and dying the floor red. Right, when Lun Yuo landed the man flew in her face striking her with the whip, but at the same time she got hit, Lun Yuo clenched her hand screaming;

"Endless Leaves!"

And to the man, hundreds of leaves formed around him, entrapping his every move. Lun Yuo flipped over in midair and slammed her hand to the ground, making all the leaves fly straight into the man.

Lun Yuo had blood drooling from her mouth, and her body racked with pain after only taking one attack of the man whip. Abruptly her eyes widen when watching the crazed man.

The man's red aura was like a barrier to the leaves as they were attempting to drill in it but to no success. Suddenly in a familiar flash of gold and white, a golden white sword Qi crashed into his barrier, cracking it open!

All of the leaves pierced in him, wracking his body in immense pain, but the man's eyes dripped a single blood trail.



In a massive explosion of power, he managed to push the leaves but was left panting and vomiting up blood.

Lun Yuo and Brenda's eyes flashed, seeing this and prepare to end this battle.