Elation Through Battle

A blue lightning fist got caught by the red frenzy woman locking the two in place as their powers clashed against each other. And she only instinctively reacted to a knee strike by Kazami using her other arm to block it.

It was a second stalemate before the woman felt her hand freezing and her arms burning as she raised her aura in an attempt to blast them off, but the twins let go at the last second.

It threw the woman slightly off but still managed to shield herself from two blasts of ice and fire skidding her away from the two.

The ferocious woman and the energize twins battle was becoming more brutal by the second. Kazami, during this battle, managed to identify the red Qi the man and woman were using was frenzy Qi.

Frenzy Qi was an uncommon type of Qi one would cultivate in as their many downsides to it, such as a lot more Qi needed to breakthrough, more bottlenecks, and it's hard to control without hurting yourself.

But the advantage was it would allow someone to enter a state where their power gets multiply and provide them with a massive amount of Qi to use.

However, the only problem with the man and woman was because of regressing in the cultivation realm.

It wasn't as simple as a decrease in strength as their upgraded spirit sense forged in the Heaven Ruler realm and beyond was now utterly destroyed.

A spirit sense after Ruler Transformation plays a substantial part in how a cultivator advanced through realms, and not only was the man and woman's improved cores also destroyed and degraded.

It's why despite being in this frenzied state, the power the man and woman were wielding was at most only initial level Ruler Qi power.

Although it didn't mean the twins had an easy time. The two did have trouble matching her frenzied strength, leading them to fall in disadvantaged positions.

Kazami and Kuzumi now only had their fists to fight with and traded blow after blow with the woman neither side willing to give an inch.

But even then, the twins after each blow and damage taken only felt their blood boiling more, and their power increases. And the two had also picked up on a few tricks while fighting.

The twins had further learned how to fight with each other and combine their attacks smoothly.

They had learned to sync up in unleashing fire and ice Qi attacks or combining their lightning Qi attacks for a powerful move.

But the woman only became more fierce during the battle, her red frenzy Qi became more chaotic, and her attacks were wild. She paid no heed to any injuries that she received, only focusing on attacking the two relentlessly.

It was then after blasting the woman away for an unknown amount of time, Kazami felt something inside him change, making his eyes light up. Abruptly he grabbed Kuzumi and formed a lightning shield.

And right when he did, the woman rushed and punched the shield hard, sending the two flyings while also destroying his shield.

However, the woman felt some lightning rummaging inside her hand and focused on stopping it.

Before they crashed into the ground, Kazami and Kuzumi flip themselves over while Kuzumi sent a questioning gaze at him.

And all Kazami had to say was;

"Trust me, I know you're feeling it too, but this time do nothing and only focus on the Qi in the air."

Kuzumi was skeptical, but seeing how they had very little time to plan, she nodded and closed her eyes. Kazami soon follows her but not before casting a mocking smile at the woman enraging her.

After stopping the lightning on her hand, the frenzied woman saw the twins closing their eyes.

She suddenly thought these two brats were planning something or gotten arrogant, seeing them closing their eyes like that.

And she brought upon a cruel smile herself as from her palm she blasted two red Qi beasts rocs! Once these rocs appeared, the pressure on twins expanded rapidly, feeling as if a mountain was crushing them.

"DIE! Frenzy Rocs!"

She screamed and sent the rocs straight at the two all the while they still had their eyes closed. The rocs neared closer and closer, but the twins were intent on only focusing on the Qi in the air.

When the rocs got right close to them, the twins felt a crushing feeling on them, and their bodies were about to crash.

Until suddenly, their divine bloodline crazily raged about their bodies, and they fell into unexpected enlightenment. Their divine markings on their foreheads flashed intensely, forming a barrier between the rocs protecting the two briefly.

In this sudden enlightenment, the twins sensed Origin Qi and quickly absorbed it. Their process of absorption was extremely smooth as they were comprehending a small part of the Qi and;


The woman rocs got slaughtered by a burst of silver and caused her to cough out blood.

A mass explosion of power shook the ground and stormed the air. Red lightning-ice raged around the whole battlefield as Kazami gleamed silver and purple. In his spirit sea, a small vague Origin core formed indicating he had flawlessly broken through.

And mixed with the red lightning-ice was blue lightning-fire further making the battlefield chaotic. Sparkling in bright silver and purple was also Kuzumi, who had as well broken through to Origin Formation.

The woman's eyes had now widened like saucer sensing their phenomenon and aura.

The two breakthroughs in the middle of battle weren't unheard of, but to advance to an entirely new realm was a considerable shock.

Never had she heard anyone on this planet achieving this, and the power she felt from the two had majorly threatened her.

But the nightmare wasn't over yet for the woman as;


Another mass explosion of power occurred; only it came to where the man was fighting, and vines sprang out everywhere on the field. The energy radiating had also frightened her.

But she could no longer worry about that in a split second she witnesses a glow of blue and red in her eyes.

She barely had any time to react when a fist connected with her face and stomach sending her flying.

Kazami and Kuzumi stop for a second after realizing the significant boost in power. It was even further shocking as they only used their divine bloodline state, not even their divine powers.

Their newly founded power got them even more fired up, and they rushed the woman again.


The crazed woman jumped up and roared, blasting out her extensive frenzy Qi, intending to knock the two back. Only to watch in shock as the two only punched out lightning Qi negating her Qi shock.

This time before the two got close, all of the woman fingertips profoundly shined red, and she screamed;

"Lacerating Dreams!"

She unleashed ten red lines of powerful Qi to the which Kazami and Kuzumi had to stop blocking the attack as these lines were rapid.

However, it seems like the lines had a mind on their own as they spread all out around the two circlings them. The lines in a second busted out numerous red beams sealing the twins every movement to escape.

The power of this attack was tremendous, and it would be hard to block in their current state, although the two simply smiled.

A stream of silver happens as all of the red beams got destroyed, and the twins enter their divine power state now.


The woman shouted out in confusion but got cut off when a blue lightning rope zoomed to her.

She tried to blast it away, but the lightning rope exuded a pressure that slowed her movements. The rope caught and wrapped her and fiercely electrocuted her body, causing endless pain.

The woman couldn't even scream out pain when Kazami appeared right above and slammed his hand on her head, not in the least affected by Kuzumi's lightning rope.

And in a second, the woman got encased in red ice sealing her. However, Kazami wasn't done yet as he formed a mass amount of red lightning Qi on his hand and slashed the woman in half, spilling her frozen guts and organs everywhere.

He dropped to the ground and looked at Kuzumi was still was in a bit of awe.

During this whole process, Kazami and Kuzumi was shocked continuously on the power they now wield and just how fast they killed of the woman now.

When they were in peak Spirit Formation, the two had to give it their all in every attack, and even then, the woman only seemed to get stronger after every attack.

Being in the Origin Formation, their powers ultimately trumped her only having to use their divine powers for a swift defeat.

Kazami had then smiled and opened up to say;"I think the other two should be done right around now.

When Kazami and Kuzumi caused a substantial commotion breaking through, their divine powers and divine bloodline widely spread out the field affecting Lun Yuo and Brenda.

Before when Kazami first activated his divine bloodline, Lun Yuo didn't feel affected that much since he only did it for a second. But now, as the twins' divine powers and bloodline raged out, it has gotten her divine bloodline to react to it as her heart shined a brilliant green light.

Her whole body felt fired up, and she fell into sudden enlightenment like the twins and sensed Origin Qi.

In this state, she managed to absorb and comprehend Origin Qi a bit more smoothly, advancing to the Origin Formation realm.

Brenda as well felt her bloodline flare up and felt a rush of power through her body. She didn't advance to the next level but still felt stronger than before.

The red aura man had stopped fighting to watch all of this unfold and was immensely shocked as before the golden girl made him the weariest as she could directly damage and threaten him.

And now the vine girl suddenly advanced, giving out a power that endangers him, while also feeling the golden girl abruptly gets stronger.

However, it was only a couple seconds of processing what happened before a mass amount of vines blasted out of the ground in front of him.These vines were superiorly stronger and faster than before, giving the man only a split second to jump away.

It was to no avail as one of the vines sped quicker than the man and smacked him away. He tumbled across the ground before jumping up and spewing out a red mist from his mouth.

The red mist temporarily slowed the vines downed, but a flash of gold and white sliced through the fog and headed straight towards the man.

Brenda only smirked when she saw the man preparing a massive amount of frenzy Qi in his red to blast her away.

Right, when the woman was close to firing, from a behind him, a vine latched on his neck, strangling him. It stopped whatever power he had, and he couldn't move at all. He was lifted into the air and got a good look at the culprit.

He only could glance at Lun Yuo with a vine sprouting out the middle of her palm, which was on his neck. The man didn't even sense when she got behind him but then;


A sword penetrated right through his heart as fresh blood poured out of him. No noise got made as his eyes blasted wide open, watching the feral expression on Brenda faced as his life left him.

Brenda landed on the ground as Lun Yuo put away her vine, letting the man crash into the ground.

The two exchanged a glance with each other surprised on how strong they gotten but then smiled as Lun Yuo said;

"It's over."