Mystical Hall

Running through the dark cave Kazami and the girls couldn't use their spirit sense at all. It concerns them, but they didn't majorly panic as the seven people ahead of them surely experienced the same feeling.

Eventually, after running for a minute, the four youths heard the sounds of those people talking again. Their speed slowed considerably, and they soon crept into a long blue hallway with an unusual appearance.

The hallway wasn't anything like they have seen before. Blue pillars got lined up in an orderly row with strange markings on them. Anyone could tell time affected these pillars as they also were cracked everywhere.

And the floor and ceiling had similar damaging cracks with patterns on it that seemed to make up a particular looking beast. It had the shape of a dragon, wings of a crow, and tentacle-like legs.

Kazami and Kuzumi suddenly, while looking around, felt their divine bloodline flaring up as if something was calling out to them.

The twins didn't let it show on their faces, but now, their minds were on full alert. The four of them also made sure they stayed a safe distance from the seven people.

From the far end of the hallway, the seven people were in front of a door with writing none of them could understand. These writings were carved deeply in the door and possess a certain amount of profoundness.

"Should we break through the door? It seems like no one been in this hallway for years; I doubt it will cause a disturbance." Glyas suggested that, from the cracked pillars of the hall and damaged floors, it was a reasonable conclusion.

"No, at least not right now. Wade, see if you can find anything hidden here." One of the Emperor Sea men directed them.

And the man with the dual-wielding hammers strained his eyes as they started to turn a bright red color. His whole eyes became bright red, and he surveyed all around the hall.

While at the start of the hall Kazami who was straining his eyes to watch the seven, swiftly felt a bad omen. The girls were also straining their eyes to watch them, but they couldn't quite see that far, unlike Kazami, who naturally seemed to have this ability.

Lun Yuo was the first to notice Kazami shift in demeanor and quietly asked him;

"Are they coming back here?"

"No, everyone step a little bit back into the darkness and push your cloaks abilities to the max." Kazami quickly said and immediately started to inject more of his Qi into the cloak.

The girls hearing the seriousness in Kazami's voice held no question and injected more Qi into their cloaks.

Kazami wasn't sure why but he felt something awaken from where the seven was that would've spelled the death of them. He didn't want to take out a concealing talisman as there was no time, so this was their second-best option.

Wade's red eyes were genuinely mysterious and magical. He was able to see every little detail in the hall down to the smallest particle. And he could also clearly see the Qi swaying through space, although there was a limited amount from what he saw.

Wade's eyes were continually going about the place until he looked back at the hall's start and saw something slightly strange. It was like a weird black shadow mysteriously shown up there.

But he soon paid it no mind thinking it was from the previous darkness of the cave. Then his eyes abruptly open wide as he gazed at a spot on the wall.

The others notice his huge reaction which prompted the spear-wielding man to say,"Well, did you find the way to get through here."

Wade only nodded and went to the spot on the wall as it had a strange pattern barely different from the rest of the hall. One of the tentacle-like legs of the unique beasts was only scarcely shorter than the rest.

Something that almost, if not all, would've missed. Wade put his hand on the spot when suddenly the whole hallway lit up blue.

The blue light was intensely bright that forced all to block their vision from such a view.

When opening their eyes, they got greeted with two skeletal figures in the shape of a rhinoceros beast. These two skeleton beasts held no aura or even any sign of energy, and yet they stood right in front of the door.

"What the hell are we suppose to use these skeleton corpses to open the door?" The other woman in the group who held a staff said out loud.

"Ah! Yes, that's it, I see some strange inscription on those skeletons and their the same as the door." Wade had explained and got the other to contemplate a bit before the spear-wielding man started to walk up.

"Fuck it let's just smash these skeletons to bits and see if that works." He said while gathering a bit of Qi in his spear. His words and action got the bow-wielding woman to shake her head and snort saying,"Do you really think such a barbaric method will work Reade? Although I should expect nothing less from you." Her mocking words only got Reade to stick the middle finger up at her biting back with;

"Whatever you say, Wena, but unlike your bitchy self, I'm a man of action. Besides, we're Heaven King Sea cultivators I doubt anything here can truly endanger us that much." And once he finished, Wade swiped out purple fire Qi from his spear, sending it flying to the beasts.

The purple fire Qi was incredibly powerful and raised the hall's temperature quite a bit before hitting the rhinoceros skeletons.

But before Reade could smirk, the purple fire Qi didn't damage the skeletons beasts body at all and bounced off their bodies flying back to Reade.


He wanted to dodge, but his own Qi was coming at him with blazing speeds. Reade formed a purple fire shield around himself, blocking the reflected attack skidding him away from the skeleton beasts.

Looking back at Wena condescending smirk and the other also finding amusement to his own expense, Wade only grunted and walked back.

"So now that we know mere brute force won't work, what should we do now?" Gylas said since they concluded without destroying these skeletons properly, they won't be able to advance.

Kazami was intensely focusing on the skeleton beasts and seemingly got an idea from the start of the hall. Looking at the girls, he pulled out the concealing talisman and started to explain seeing their questioning gazes.

"Those skeletons I'm not sure if you all can even sense it, but I sense rich divine aura coming off the two. The seven up there think their no aura, but it's simply they can't sense the aura." His explanation got Lun You and Brenda to raise questioning eyebrows, but Kuzumi seemed to focus more intently.

"How can you be so sure of it? Our realms are even weaker than their unless it has something to do with your divine bloodline?" Brenda asked, and Lun Yuo also added on with,

"When the hallway lit up blue, my bloodline reacted a bit, but even now, I can't sense anything from the beasts.

This time instead of Kazami speaking up Kuzumi jumped in saying;"He's right when I step in this hallway, and I'm sure he also felt our divine bloodline flaring up. And now, when I focused up, I felt the tiniest aura of divine energies."

"Still, even with this discovery, what are supposing we should do?" Lun You asked this time.

"For this time, I'll go in alone since these kinds of talisman will have the best effect if the focus is on one person. And I'll go right in between the skeleton beasts and transfer some of my divine powers to it. It should activate something about those beasts." Kazami explains while Kuzumi looked lax, but Brenda with Lun You was a bit concern.

"Please think it over. None of us and you specifically can't afford to get hurt." Brenda spoked up to him which prompted Kuzumi to sigh,

"Look to the Slaughtering God, and any other godly things that shouldn't exist on this planet, I'm willing to bet those seven will never figure out how to get past. Especially considering this place got our divine bloodline to flare up. Besides, we all know the polarizing effects of Slaughtering God talisman as well."

Lun Yuo and Brenda stayed silent once she finished since all of what she said was true. A legendary place like this surely wouldn't go unnoticed for so long to where the influential people on this planet would not know about it.

Furthermore, Slaughtering God handpicked this place, further reinforcing the fact that this cave is hiding great secrets.

"Alright, this shouldn't take long," Kazami said and grasping the talisman; he started to pour his Qi into it, preparing to go straight into the fire.