Swift Escape

The talisman only took a few moments to get prepared and activated. Kazami ran up to the seven, having already developed a bit of his divine bloodline.

While Slaughtering God concealing talisman can indeed shield anyone away, its drawback comes for when someone uses too much power while in this state.

If that were to happen, it's highly possible for even a peak Heaven King Sea cultivator using his King Spirit sense to detect an invisible source. It's why the four were under a time limit when battling the frenzy man and woman and why Kazami wanted to go in alone.

Everyone out of the radius of the concealing barrier they set up around the man and woman would've felt no fluctuation of power, nor would they have felt the ground shake.

Going in alone will boost the effect of the talisman since it only has to focus on Kazami, and he can move more freely this way.

Kazami slithers past the seven people who got lost in thought of who to pass this trial. They knew if even Reade attack got effortlessly reflected off, then there is more of a foot to this hallway.

It's because Reade is a powerful late-stage Heaven King Sea cultivator, and his purple fire can't usually be taken on. Even the Emperor Sea men knew if they try, the same results will occur again.

Kazami, however, paid them no heed as none of the notice him and got right in between the rhinoceros skeleton beasts. With his fingertip that was now purple touched the monsters injecting his power in them.

At first, for a few seconds, nothing happens, slightly disappointing Kazami until the skeletons beasts shined a dazzling blue light, and their aura started to increase rapidly.

Taking it as his cue and before the seven had a chance to react, Kazami darted back over to the girl until he stopped midway. It wasn't because he wanted to stop as he now couldn't move an inch!

While with the seven people, they endlessly shocked and puzzled on how the hell the skeleton beasts suddenly lit up. One of the Emperor Sea men tried to turn his head backward, but an unfathomable pressure started to crush them.

"AHH! Did we take too long?!" Reade shouted as he and the rest were struggling to resist this sudden growing pressure. This amount of pressure and power bypass the norm for them.

As they're in the Heaven King Sea and Emperor Sea realm with their level of Spirit sense, it will be immensely challenging to pressure them, which initially gave the group boundless confidence.

From the depths of the skeleton rhinoceros beasts eyes, a piercing blue light quickly formed and spiked the attention of everyone there.

"Burn your blood essence!" One of the Emperor Sea men struggle to say, and he manages to resist better than the other as black scales started to grow out of his body.

He, along with their others, fiercely bit down on their tongue, burning up their blood essence and hastily forming a Qi shield around themselves.

Kazami was endlessly worried if the girls were being affected and throwing all caution into the wind, for a split second he raised his divine bloodline aura higher to break out the entrapment.

Fortunately for him, while running back, six of the people didn't notice, but the Emperor Sea level man with the black scales eyes twitched as glanced behind him.

Kazami swiftly made back the girls who were all gathering up Qi to protect themselves as Kuzumi told him,

"Whatever you did trap us all, we can't leave this cave now!" And quickly, she formed a purple barrier around them as they all poured their Qi into it.


In a matter of seconds, a blinding blue explosion blasted the group of seven into the walls and blasted Kazami and the girls into an invisible wall.

Once the explosion died down, everyone coughed up blood and felt as if their bodies were all but broken. However, Gylas was the first to notice the blue color bones lying at the entrance of the door.

And right when he saw them, the bones flew into the door, burying themselves inside it. The bones protruded out the door, and with a tremble that shook that whole hall violently, the door slowly open.

"Damn! That was close, at least the door open now." Wade commented while taking out several healing pills from his space rings. An action soon followed by the rest until the black scales man quickly stood up.

His skin reverted to normal, but with a powerful voice he shouted;

"Get out here now!"

His words alerted the rest of the group as they quickly scanned around the area, and the Emperor Sea level man spread his Emperor Spirit sense throughout the hall.

The man shout stunned the girls causing their ears to bleed, adding to their already injure state thanks to the explosion. In a second, the man King Spirit sense would've undoubtedly discovered them, but Kazami right then interfered.

With his head still ringing because of the shout, he quickly crushed the second and last talisman spreading it out to the three girls hiding them entirely.

When Kazami unleashed the talisman, the girls' divine bloodlines raged in their bodies, jolting them awake.

No other communication was needed as they took off to the door without a second to spare, knowing the situation was rapidly deteriorating. All the while, the group of seven was concentrating on finding what the black scales Emperor Sea level man seemed to found.

And they didn't know right under their noises the four youths ran until when they made it to the door, the woman with staff abruptly pointed her staff to them.

Qi swiftly gathered at the point of the staff and, in second invisible strands of Qi blaze to the four and wrapped them up.

It was too quick and sudden that the four of them couldn't even react, and they were only running without power. That woman's ability completely immobilized them, and slowly put immense pressure on their bodies.

Although when they got wrapped up, a wild glint enters the four eyes.

"I think I got who you're looking for, Elder Zeek!" She told which got the rest of them, but Elder Zeek to have a slight shock on their faces.

"Good work Edna, now le-" When Elder Zeek was talking, his pressure was already forming to the spot where Edna pointed, but he soon had to sallow his words.

As of right when Edna wrapped the four in her invisible Qi, all of them immediately combusted their blood essence, unleashing their special powers in full blast and poured all of their energy in breaking free and running.


Like a supersonic blast, they took off beyond the door while inside their bodies, their organs churned. Edna Qi was already crushing their bodies slowly, and because they hastily went all out, it further worsens their injuries.

Although they were only able to escape because the blast weakens them and they didn't expect for whoever it was to break free in a split second.

"Quickly shove a healing pill down and get up! We need to chase and capture whoever that was!" Elder Zeek ordered as he and the rest of the group took out an Earthly rank yellow pill to stabilize their injuries.

None of them even now could sense the realm of whoever the person was that had escaped, but they know it was someone with a bit of skill.

And they all only needed five seconds as they similarly rushed into the door, intending on chasing this mysterious person down.