Massive Hordes

An endless bone field covered the next room expanding to every region of it. The bones had a slightly blue hue to them, and floors were a dazzling blue color as well.

Kazami and the girls' eyes open a bit but didn't let it slow them down as they know what was coming after them.

Their feet step on the bones, but surprisingly none of the bones were crushed under their weights. And their Origin Formation bodies are capable of crushing boulder and stone effortlessly, and yet these bones seem highly resilient.

They had been running for a while, but Kazami started to notice something. No matter how far they got, this room seemed like there was no end.

No walls were surrounding them, and only blackness filled the space combined with the glowing blue floors. And in a split second, an incomprehensible pressure crushed the four once again.

Now that they were exposed in the open and continue using their powers, the other group of seven would have a much easier time sensing them now.

Although they did manage to gain a huge head start from the group, it still seemed in vain against an Emperor Spirit Sense.

Even from a far distance, the four felt the vast power of an Emperor Spirit sense and almost completely immobilized them right then. Taking a single look at each other, Kazami and Kuzumi's eyes flashed purple, and their hands shined a gleaming purple.


Their hands smashed against the bones, rupturing their hands but simultaneously causing a chain reaction among the scones. All of the bones started to glow blue and shake slightly.

"For mere Origin Formation juniors, you're quite troublesome." A booming voice was nearing closer and closer to them, freezing the four up entirely. Despite the distance away, the voice felt like it was inside their heads.

And in a flash appearing in their visions were the seven people with jeering expressions etched on them. Even with the five-second head start and the four pushing themselves to the absolute limit, these seven speeds far surpassed them.

Looking at the four youths who managed to cause that whole explosion, the group of seven felt slight shame and disdain for them.

Shame, despite their only being in the Origin Formation, those juniors almost caused the death of them. And disdain as of now there nothing but little bugs to squash now.

"I'll give you kids this; you sure have some balls for trying to mess with us Outlaw Clan and that little stunt you pulled seriously could've put us in critical condition. And from the looks of it, you'll pay us back nicely." Reade smoothly said, but a vicious smile formed on him as he started to stroll over to them.

When the group or Outlaw claw notice the youths cloaks, they sensed it wasn't mediocre cloaks but something extraordinary. Greed appeared in their eyes as they wanted to explore what other valuable items were on the four.

However, Reade only took one step forward when all of the bones started to snake and rattle uncontrollably. Such a sudden and violent shift threw them all of balance as the numerous bones began to form into skeleton creatures.

These skeleton creatures consisted of small wyverns, tigers, and even bears. But the one that stood out the most was a freakishly tall skeleton crocodile towering above all there.

All of these skeleton creatures had blue piercing lights in their sockets, and their bones were gleaming blue now. The numbers of these creatures seem endless, and everywhere they look, a skeleton creature was staring right back in them.

And yet at least for the Outlaw clan, the aura from these beasts wasn't too high and was somewhat manageable for them.

Although for Kazami, he felt an incredibly powerful growing aura coming from these creatures, which gave him a deadly omen.


A ghastly roar shook the whole space as all of the creatures rushed the surprised humans. Kazami and Kuzumi quickly, improvising, formed two layers of purple barriers around the four them as they rushed out of the entrapment.

While running out, a crack was forming on the barrier as the skeleton creatures attack them, and yet their attacks seemed to be holding back a great deal of power.

It was like something was holding these creatures back, yet their primal instinct was to kill them. Lun Yuo and Brenda had also put their hands on the twins' backs, supporting them with Qi to keep up the barrier.

Their faces got drenched with sweat, and they struggle to move as these creatures' attacks were relentless.

The Outlaw clan could only watch as the four youths struggle to escape as they had to face off against these skeleton creatures. Hastily defending together they formed a Qi barrier around themselves as the creatures struck them,


Unlike with Kazami and them, the creatures hold nothing back against the seven, surprising them as these creatures packed more power than they initially thought.

"HA!" The Outlaw Clan screamed out, pushing their powers to the limit and blasted out their aura, pushing the surrounding creatures away.

From the moment they screamed out, they flew up in the air, intending to gain some vantage only to receive a fright.

Skeletons wyverns zoomed straight at them like lightning, and the seven of them now used their weapons to clash against the wyverns.

The speed of the wyverns matched and almost surpassed all of them, leading to that hasty counter-attack. Such speeds caused grand turmoil in their minds since it was like with every second that past the skeletons were getting more powerful.

"Elder Ren! Use it!" Elder Zeek roared out to the other Emperor Sea level man while also clashing his dark scale to hold off two wyverns.

With Elder Ren, he was using a halberd to hold off the wyverns, but then purple lightning flashed in his eyes. In a couple of seconds, they would soon get warned by more skeletons, which got Elder Ren to push his Emperor Qi to the limit.

Purple lightning aura wrapped around his body as his power rapidly rose, and he flung the wyverns that clashed against his halberd.

"Get next to me! Star of Lightning!"

The other six had flung off the wyverns and got right next to Elder Ren as he unleashed his offensive cultivation skill.

A substantial purple lightning star instantly formed above them, shooting rays of lightning streaks everywhere. It had gotten the creatures to back off a bit before Elder Ren threw it to the ground.


A massive explosion of purple lightning swept the ones on the ground and kept on expanding. Even Kazami and the girls felt the hair on the neck tingling as the blast would soon catch up them.

But suddenly, the vast skeleton crocodile which hasn't made a single move yet rushed to the lightning, disrupting it with a swipe of bone claw hands. Its slaw was shining blue, and beams of blue energy destroyed the Elder Ren attack.

"WHAT BUT HOW?!" The Outlaw couldn't believe their eyes now. A single attack from the beast wiped of an Emperor Sea level attack effortlessly. Even with Elder Ren only being at the early levels of Emperor Sea, that attack could destroy other first levels of the Emperor Sea quickly.


Now the crocodile issued a booming roar. It got all the skeletons now to focus on the seven in the air. Even the creatures that were attacking Kazami and the girls stop to focus on the Outlaw clan.

The seven of them knew there was no turning back as they couldn't even see where they came from, and there was no outrunning these creatures.

Not wanting to wait to be killed, all of them formed another combined Qi barrier and was ready to play the attrition game until the crocodile disappeared abruptly.

None of them could even track it speed as it reappeared right above them and smashed its skeleton foot into the barrier-breaking it and sending them crashing into the ground like a cannonball.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" All of them jumped and screamed out as their Qi's formed an aura around themselves. In a wild and frenzied state, they rushed to the hordes of skeletons intending to take them all on.

While with Kazami, his attention was momentarily distracted from the fight when Lun Yuo pulled his sleeve, pointing to a mysterious blue door.

Nodding his head, Kazami yelled to Brenda and Kuzumi saying;

"Yuo found our way out; let's go!"

The girls took their eyes off the fight and also noticed this mysterious blue door. They didn't have time to question or consider other options and rushed to the door opening it up.

It was all black on the other side until it quickly sucked the four in without even a chance to resist.