Triumph Over Fire

Before the youths' very eyes, a supreme fire phantom of the mythical entity the Golden Crow formed in front of them. What should've been whimsical and fascinating to observe was now a growing nightmare for the four.

It was like boiling in a volcano and getting crushed by a mountain from the pressure the crow emitted.

All of them were half-kneeling, struggling to keep their heads up at the crow. Soon the Golden Crow would form ultimately, and once established; it would spell the end.

Kazami and the girls were wracking their brains at a rapid pace. Anything that could beat the phantom seemed like an impossible task to think of.

Throughout all possibilities, Kazami suddenly thought of those two unique weapons.

He took out the brown sword stabbing it into the ground and yelling to the girls;

"Yuo! Put your hands on my back and lend me some of your energy, and Brenda, you do it to Kuzumi! Kuzumi put your hand mines!"

The girls' eyes widen a bit in realization as they started to see a way out of this perilous situation. Even if it's only a tiny portion, one can transfer Qi energy as long the other party is willing.

It was a different entirety process from attempting to merge one Qi with another as this process is significantly more accessible and more streamlined.

Taking his instructions, Kuzumi crawled over to him, putting her hands over his all the while Brenda and Lun Yuo put their hands on the twins back.

The girls were a bit confused but could only pray whatever Kazami was doing work as the Golden Crow nearly completed.

"Kuzumi, inject the remaining power of your divine bloodline in the sword now!" He told her while crazily pouring his bloodline power in the sword as well. Kuzumi immediately did as instructed, and because of the energy gifted by Brenda and Lun Yuo, they manage to inject a significant amount in the sword.

Although during their process, it continuously got hotter and glancing up while still in the same position, the Golden Crow fully formed and was looking down on them.

Its as if the Golden Crow was sentient and knew the four below them were mere ants waiting to be burned by them. The original skeleton crow was ashes at this point, leaving only the legendary phantom to remain.

But to the Golden Cow surprise, the four didn't back down. Nor were they kneeling in pain because of the heat. Instead, a fierce determination was etched on their faces as the brown swords now had four purple lines running down on it.

When the Golden Crow had fully formed almost at the same time, the brown sword gained the four lines and alleviated them of most of the temperature and pressure.

However, the problem was their energy was draining at a rapid pace, and quickly they would soon pass out from the lack of energy.

While the Golden Crow had actually sensed a growing threat coming from the four and decided to end it quickly.

A miniature sun formed over its head, and at the same time, the four youths stood up while the brown sword glimmered a dazzling brown aura. Two astronomical power shook the space destroying all around them.

The Golden Crow sun was burning every part of the yellow space melting it at an alarming rate. Although around the four, nothing was burnt and got protected by the brown sword aura.

With Lun Yuo and Brenda hands on the twins back, Kazami and Kuzumi moved in sync as they raised the sword high above them.

And in sync, both sides unleashed a devastating attack. A scorching golden sun rushed to meet a purplish-brown beam.

But in a turn of events, neither expected,


The purplish-brown beam clashed with the sun for a mere second before bursting right through it and blasting to the Golden Crow!

Utter dismay and shock ranged through the Golden Crow as when its golden sun got destroyed. The beam flashed right in its fiery eyes.

No counter attacks nor resistance was held against the beam as the Golden Crow got blasted to smithereens. This beam ran through the Golden Crow and shot out into the unknown black space behind the wall of it.

Kazami and the girls' eyes bugged out as they initially believed it would've been a close and desperate struggle with them barely winning over the crow.

However, they soon felt their consciousness quickly slip away as this battle pushed them over the edge and drained them of everything. The four crashed on the floor, and thankfully their spot wasn't melting, unlike the rest of the space.

When they had passed out, four distinct extraordinary figures appeared over them like ghosts. These figures seemed unfazed by the scorching heat, and their aura protected the four youths' bodies from burning up.

Who had emerged was two looking like human males and the others being human females. All were mesmeric to gaze upon, and they were wearing plain blue robes. What made these figures so mesmeric was they all had distinctive features that gave them a unique look.

One of the looking female ones had an appearance similar to a griffin downing graceful brown beautiful long griffin wings and an elegant long brown mane flowing to his neck. Its eyes were a lovely golden colour, and the hands were a matching golden colour with long sharp black nails.

Its ears were also of a similar brown palate to its mane, and out from the back lay an alluring brown griffin tail.

The next one was one of the males looking and had aspects comparable to a Qilin with its most notable feature being two large blue marvellous antlers coming from where its eyebrows should be.

Its face had features similar to a Qilin, and above its mouth were two long graceful whiskers. And from its back, a majestic long blue tail swirled around.

The third figure, the second of the male, was that of a Kung Peng with enormous red wings growing from its scaley shoulder. Its pupils were vertical, and razor dangerous sharp teeth protruded from its mouth. A long tail in a mix between a fish and bird danced out its back.

As for the final figure with a female appearance, it was the most fearsome looking out of them all. Multiple long dark blue tails designed with exotic scales swayed from its back. Its eyes were entirely white and held features to a leviathan.

These phenomenal figures were observing the youths closely until the griffin like one spoke in a soothing voice;

"I had a feeling these four would be our true inheritors ever since they step foot into the cave, but their abilities are truly unorthodox."

In response the Kung Peng one had added on saying;

"It was like these kids had endless energy, yet they're still only in the lowly Origin Formation realm. Watching them inspire me with a hopeful feeling for the future."

"Not only that hidden and yet prevalent dangerous feeling coming from their bloodlines has to be something this universe rarely has seen..." The griffin continued, and as he was talking, the female leviathan dropped down and slung Lun Yuo over its shoulder.

"We can discuss and stare all we want later, for now, I want to take these kids back immediately." She stated and, without another word, vanish from the space.

Taking it as their cue, the Kung Peng pick Brenda, the Qilin took Kuzumi, and the griffin took Kazami vanishing from the space as well.