Dark Dream

Eerie, dead and anxious were a multitude of feelings Kazami was currently experiencing as he was floating around in an unknown dark space.

This space was akin to an abyss, and the endless darkness with no sound would only stress Kazami out more.

He didn't know how he got here, nor know how long he has been floating aimlessly. Its as if weeks have gone by with him drifting around this desolate place and he was honestly starting to lose it.

Who could stand drifting alone in a dark space with no previous knowledge of how they got there. A terrifying nightmare one in which he can't wake from is what Kazami used to describe this place.

Many times had he also attempted to gather Qi, or activate his divine bloodline and divine powers. But what didn't come as great of shock was he couldn't use any of it here.

However, what seemed like eternal darkness suddenly got Kazami to take a sharp turn in a specific direction.

From all the time he assumed he spent here, never once did he sense any sign of life.

But now, not only did he sensed a sign of life, but it was also extraordinarily similar and close to him.

Heading to where this familiar sensation was coming from, Kazami eyes soon enlarge in astonishment when he obverse the similarly shocking figure.

What he was staring at was his twin sister Kuzumi, only she was wearing a long white shirt that dragged along the dark space.

An outfit that he notices was similar to his long silver shirt, but only he had spots of purple mixed in it.

This had to be an illusion he thought in his mind, as their no way Kuzumi would randomly appear in this space. Still, he took a shot and said;



The twins called each other at the same time, startling each other further. Shaking his head, Kazami said;

"This has to be some sort of weird dream..."

"Um I don't think it is brother, cause let me guess you've been floating for what it seems like for weeks and can't gather any power too right?"

Kazami was momentarily shocked at first but still was suspicious and stated;

"No, even so, you could just naturally know because you're apart of my subconscious."

"Haah, look I'll prove it."

Kuzumi challenged, and without a second she dashed towards Kazami but,


She hit something invisible crashing right into it, stopping all momentum. And its what got Kazami to dash forwards as well while Kuzumi complained,

"DAMN! Should've thought that one out better but my initial plan was touching you not crashing just so you know."

As Kazami neared her, he felt his forehead stinging and divine marking flashing silver a bit. Putting his hand on the invisible wall, Kazami asked her, "Do you feel it as well? I think our divine powers put us here somehow."

His reason for asking as on Kuzumi forehead was her divine marking flashing silver a bit as well.

"Yea I do feel it; still I wonder how our divine powers even dragged us into this depressing place," Kuzumi told and put her hands right where Kazami had his.

And in doing so, it caused their whole arms to lit up silver and strange an enchanting markings appeared there.

"What the fuck"

Their wonderment was held as another strange phenomenon happen as the place where they put hand lit up into a silver mirror that reflected a spiritual image to them.

Kazami saw a blinding silver figure with a womanly shape to it staring right back at him. This figure was too bright to stare in the face, but Kazami did notice one massive silver wing expanding for miles from the figure back.

All the while Kuzumi saw something similar only her figure was more androgynous but still had one massive silver wing.

"The essence of divinity; you're nearing the first step..."

A heavenly voice rang in the twins' minds as this single line caused them to fall in a deep trance.

Their eyes close and they saw a lone silver feather exuded a deep profoundness they yet to understand.

But whatever deep comprehension they were going to fall into was interrupted when both of their bodies jolted awake randomly.

Their eyes took in an enormous but dull blue room and looking to the left of them at the far end of the room stood four huge cave doors. Taking a second, they wanted to fall back asleep to obverse that feather but suddenly found their bodies full of energy.

And they also could barely remember that whimsical dream experience no matter how hard they try, which led them to realize another strange thing.

Oddly the twins notice they were surprisingly comfortable and as they look down a comfy and lovely bed greeted their sights.

Their sudden actions also caused Lun Yuo and Brenda to awake as they were on the left side of Kuzumi accompanying this large bed. Kazami was on the right edge of the bed and couldn't but question;

"Where the hell are we?" A sentiment shared by the girls' as all of them were continuously looking around in a confused state.

"In a place that will hugely benefit you, to answer your question, kid." Clear slow and methodical footsteps caused the four to quickly look at four extravagant people coming at them from the cave doors.

It was the griffin, leviathan, Qilin and Kung Peng look alike, and all of them had curious expressions concerning the youths.

Kazami and the girls, however, was drawn into the sights of these four figures. The female looking griffin and leviathan all had enthralling curvy bodies that can tempt even a monk and their distinct mythical features only added to their charms.

While the male Qilin and Kung Peng magnificent lean male bodies with their distinctive features that could swoon the ladies.

Never in their lives had they seen such appearances causing them to be a bit speechless for words.

Until the griffin spoke up again in a soothing voice that calmed their minds saying;

"Ah, the young ones must be amazed at our looks. All of you shall receive even further shock once you know about the benefits of coming here."

The griffin words caused the four to sober up a bit, and Kazami asked the underlying question;

"What are you?"

An adjourning smirk crossed the four marvellous figures faces the leviathan one spoke up now saying;

"Aren't the three of you from God Realms? Surely you can take a gander to what we are."

From the bold ways, these creatures carry themselves and how they sense no zero aurora coming from them, they got reminded of a similar sensation with the Slaughtering God.

It's why the Kazami and them didn't have a massive reaction to them guessing three of them hail from God realms. From their own guesses, these creatures similarly hail from God Realms as Slaughtering God proved nothing is entirely impossible.

With a challenging issue the youths wracked their brain on figuring on what kinds of creatures all these until Lun Yuo jumped up with;

"Ah! I remember reading about these mystical creatures. Their features match the description of a leviathan, griffin, Qilin and a Kung Peng. I'm not sure if you guys read or not butt their top races in God Realms not a single one of them are weak!"

"Talk about a stroke of great luck, huh? Usually, the most famous races talk about are dragons or phoenixes in terms of creatures...but still, how can you so easily tell-" Kuzumi started but then realize a growing suspicion and was soon cut off by the Qilin saying;

"Your cloaks held the rich aura of divine energies, not something one can find on this planet. Worries are unfounded no harm shall befall you for now."

A quick and concise response stunned the youths for a second but Brenda who was thinking hard at the moment suddenly asked;

"Seniors on the words of benefitting here, do you know of the Slaughtering God?"

Casually nodding the Kung Peng Chu one told them;

"Heh because of him we miraculously got stranded on this mortal planet, how could we not know of that guy. But first, before we continue on, we should do some proper introductions for everything to make more sense, don't the rest of you agree?"

His question got the other three to nod and for Kazami and the girls to feel growing anticipation in coming across such legendary figures and learning more about them.