Drastic Differences

There before the beast's eyes was undoubtedly Kazami and the girls yet all of them somehow went through noticeable changes.

Kazami stood taller, straighter than the girls highlighting an overwhelming confidence stride he didn't have before. Both of his arms were crossed right below his chest as he stares straight into the mythical beast's eyes with a slight smirk on his confident face.

Not only that from miles away, one would be able to notice Kazami purple silver enchanting eyes that admittedly made him even more handsome than before. His overall bearing in a word had to be described as superior.

And right there next to him was a weird sight they wouldn't have expected from this girl.

Kuzumi had a slight slouch over posture with a bored expression as she was whistling quietly to herself. Both her hands were inside her pockets, and her eyes were constantly darting around the black space. She wasn't bothering to even look at the beasts.

It was like she held no care over just receiving a godly inheritance.

Although similarly to Kazami, her eyes gained a stunning purple silver look that made her all the more beautiful.

Compared to the uncaring stature of Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, who was next to her, seemed a great deal more gentle and mellow.

She wore an ever-present kind and genuine smile that makes her inviting to talk and listen to. And in her left hand was a purplish green flower she was slowly smelling, making her look like an elegant herbalist.

As for appearance, her eyes now took on this pure shiny green colour that added to her gentle look with also a purplish green flower stylized at the top of her hair.

She was the spitting image of a soft, loving maiden you want to hold in your arms.

Although in direct contrast and probably the biggest shock to the mythical beasts was Brenda new look.

The biggest thing was the fierce intimidating feral expression that etched upon her gorgeous face. She held a small frown and her eyebrows got tightly knitted, looking as if she wants to break or destroy something.

She was also slowly tapping her foot as in anticipation for something as her eyes never left the mythical beasts. And those frightening eyes of her was another huge change.

Now her eyes were of a pure, dazzling white colour that sucked one soul by looking into it. It gave her a dangerous beauty vibe along with her white golden hair that flowed wilder in the air than before.

However, the most significant impact they felt from her was an uncontrollably slaughtering aura that even slightly affected their blood lust.

Has it only been a couple of hours? What kind of tremendous changes happens to them?

These thoughts ranged out in the beasts head until Ln Yuo began to walk towards the beasts. While walking, she had turned her back to see if the others would follow, but they only raised an eyebrow at her and didn't bother to follow.

Still, she smiled and shook her head not affected by their attitude and got close to the beasts and gently told them;

"Seniors at least I have to express my gratitude on this wondrous new experience you bestow upon us. My horizons had gotten broadened, and I learned several things about myself, and I'm sure the others did as well. Please accept my appreciation of flowers for all."

Her voice smoothly flowed to the beasts and they couldn't help but remarked on just how nice it was to listen to Lun Yuo voice now. It was sensual and tender, carrying a kind tone that anyone would love to hear too.

And from her right-hand zinnia flowers bloomed as she presented it to the beasts.

All of them took a look at each other but shrugged their shoulders seeing no harm from taking the flowers as Senior Myla uttered up with;

"My, I must say you young ones truly changed in a short time during this inheritance process. Although we would've never guessed it would be a bloodline fusion..." As she spoke, all of the Senior beasts were surprised with how soft and smooth the flower felt in their hands. It almost felt too good to hold on also.

"Ah, bloodline fusion what exactly is that?" Lun Yuo was the first to jump and ask, but in the back, Kuzumi sighed a bit hearing her.

"Heeey, if we're doing this can we get a change of scenery? I'm tired of staring into this black space. Also, can we hurry up the explanation, I wanna move on to more joyful things."

Kuzumi said tiredly but smiling a little bit towards the end. Yet despite Kuzumi indifferent attitude, Senior Myla simply nodded and snapped her fingers, bringing them back to the blue cave.

"Finally..." And without a second later she plopped down to the floor while stretching her arms. It caused Kazami to shoot her a questioning look, but all she did was pull on his hand saying,

"Sit with me brother, their gonna take some time anyways, and I want to lean on you."

Her suggestion got him to get a sudden idea when he glanced over to Brenda, who was still staring at the beasts.

"I see no reason not to." He said while sitting down as Kuzumi immediately lazed her head on his shoulder.

And when he sat down, Kazami put his entire attention on Brenda as his eyes flashed purple quickly. It had gotten Brenda to feel hot she took her eyes of the beasts and now was staring directly at him.

Smiling boldly towards her and without shame in the world he said,

"Come join us, Brenda, my other shoulder, welcomes you."

Brenda on her part staring into Kazami flashing purple silver eyes and hearing his commanding tone couldn't help but heat up a bit when hearing it.

Ever since her declaration of no more hesitation, Brenda felt she shouldn't hesitate on her feelings as well and wanted to explore them just like with the passion of slaughtering.

And now there was something about Kazami purple silver eyes and superior tone that greatly intensified her desires towards him. She didn't even care if Lun Yuo were watching as she knew he would take them both anyways.

With a faint blush on her cheek, she showed a toothy grin and slowly saunter over to him.

"Yoh, bold and daring aren't we Kazami, Luckily for you, I can't help it but be swayed by your charms."

Brenda teased and plopped right down on Kazami other shoulders. Unlike his sister, who he always close to, having Brenda on his shoulder felt heavenly, and he was going to wrap his arm around his wait until he heard a sing-song voice.

"Haah, getting a head start are we Brenda? But seriously you guys should focus on this as well; knowledge is fundamental after all." However, despite this Kazami only flashed his eyes purple again and bore straight into Lun Yuo eyes.

"Come now, Yu, just join my lap, and we'll listen together." His words and eyes the same with Brenda made Lun Yuo feel an intense amount of desire heat up for Kazami.

And for her part Lun Yuo held feelings for Kazami for some time which is why feeling her cheeks heat up, Lun Yuo had a small smile and walked over to him.

"I hope you don't mind seniors." Lun Yuo said and gently sat down on Kazami lap, making him feel at bliss. And without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around Lun Yuo and Brenda waist pulling them closer.

Feeling his arms wrapped around them, made the girls feel even warmer and more relaxed in his embrace. All of them experience several changes in personality and being more open like this felt natural to them.

It especially excites the girl on how proactive Kazami was being, looking forward to future romantical development they imagined.

Watching them, the mythical beasts were a bit dumbfounded. It was like they didn't care; they were fooling around in front of god beasts and did things their own pace.

Hell Kuzumi at this point even closed her eyes looking like she was sleeping!

Yet for reasons, these unique teens did not know. None of the beasts was annoyed or even made but was very patient with them.

But they all were a bit awkward seeing them getting so comfortable and Senior Myla strangely cough saying;

"Ahem, it's not a problem at all...um right bloodlines fusion! It's as the name implies a fusion between bloodlines instead of a human body normally caring multiple of bloodlines. The process of fusion isn't easy at all; in fact, it could lead to irreversible effects such as the annihilation of bloodline, crippling yourself or even at worse death."

"And yet once again like the natural course of things we managed to do the seemingly impossible right?" Kazami stated while getting in close to sniff Lun Yuo gracious green hair causing her to giggle and lean into him more softly.

Seeing this, Brenda also snuggles closer to Kazami wanting him to sniff her hair as well. All the while, Kuzumi still laid on his shoulder peacefully with her eyes closed.

"Ah!... Yea it would seem so..." Senior Myla said a bit awkwardly and promptly Senior Lukil went up to the four and did something surprising all of them.

He bowed his head to them and humbly asked,

"Young godchildren your worth far surpassed any other youths or even gods we've seen in the past. We humbling request your assistance and will make it worthwhile for your time."

But besides the initial shock the beasts had, soon the other three came and bowed their heads to them as the youths got taken aback even further.

"His words aren't exaggerated in the slightest; you see there one crucial detail about the bloodlines fusion that many seem not to know. Which is one bloodline has to be at least at the Godly rank to fuse with any other and even then that Godly rank bloodlines must be absolutely superior. All bloodlines even Royal rank ones are endlessly complex and mysterious, making it near impossible for complete fusion and yet you all accomplish so easily I might add." Senior Quava explained to them which did cause the youths to be slightly surprised on how insane their bloodlines were.

Again and again, despite being past Godhood cultivators, they felt genuine fear and suppression coming from the youths bloodlines. And witnessing their Godly bloodline be devoured and fused like it was nothing severely impacted them.

What kind of freak do you have to devour a Godly bloodline smoothly?

The beasts did not know, but they did know if the news were to spread of this all kinds of Godhood cultivators would want these youths. And unlike other Gods who would have dark intentions towards these beasts held no such sinister thoughts.

It would be an extraordinary waste to them and the youths to make an enemy not only that these teens also received their entire inheritance.

Along with the other talent and insane comprehension abilities the youths showed, they knew would be a foolish choice to not ally themselves with them. Their futures were incomparably brighter than any other divine geniuses they have seen before.

"So what do you need our help with?" Kuzumi asked still with her eyes closed and Senior Alar picked up with,

"To escape this planet and transfer us to any random God Realm. As we mention before Slaughtering God was the reason we're stranded here and every person that came from God Realm to here failed our inheritance and either died by that red tiger or luckily escape near-death

Senior Alar was going to continue, but Brenda snorted and beaten him to the point saying;

"Yoh, I see now. Slaughtering God fed us some lies, it's not the fact that the mission centre doesn't kill you. It's that chaotic shard that protected you and those other Gods from the mission centre. I can also tell it made all of you severely weak otherwise why wouldn't you just ask the centre for help if it doesn't kill you."

Surprised she manage to make a spot-on guess but still Senior Myla continued responding;

"Yes, even now we're still not sure how he has gotten his hand on that shard, but it's far, far beyond what any of us could even think off. This space got built protected by the remnant chaotic shard aura we had allowing ourselves to be protected, but it won't last very long now. That Slaughtering God is incredibly crafty, but it seems like he believed he got you all under his grasps which is good. At this point, you'll be able to fool him later on."

"Now Seniors what will you give us to have a proof of your sense of trust. After all, in the future, we will need various advantages if those pesky gods would want to kill us suddenly." Lun Yuo softly said which immediately prompted the beasts to take out four golden jade scrolls.

Tossing towards them Senior Quava explained;

"These are high tier Emperor rank offensive cultivation skills. As we were mainly focusing on hiding, it's the best we could manage after taking this off some cultivator, but it will suit you all nicely. But once you do help us, we'll give you the Origin Law Manual of lightning, grass, destruction and speed laws."

And once she finished two grey orbs floated in front her face, while the other beasts only had one orb in their face.

Sensing these orbs was like peering into the creation of these several elements, nearly sucking them in until they took the orbs away. Once again they bowed, and Senior Alar told them;

"Also even when you help us we'll unmistakably help you all in the future in various ways, including coming to our realms lead personally by us."

"Alright if you're going this far we'll help but first would you like to witness some of the extents of our new powers? To get an even better understanding of us." Kazami smiled and proposed to them, and this is what finally gotten Kuzumi eyes to sprang open.