The Duel

"Newfound powers? You mean you all can already use some of our natural abilities?" Senior Myla questions him, a bit shock, but considering what they already saw of these youths, it wasn't too surprising.

Instead of Kazami responding, Kuzumi jumped excitedly stretching out her arms and legs while telling the beasts;

"You'll see, you'll see an entertaining show now. Easily our new tricks will please of all you. Now can we get some space? Well, knowing you beasts, you'll just..."

And like she was guessing they would do, the mythical beasts nodded and vanish from sight. They had also stretched out the blue cave more to free up space as well.

"We're looking forward to what you godchildren have to offer."

They heard Senior Myla said, and now it was only these four teens that were visible in this wide-open cave.

"Alright! Now let's...Hey! Will you three get your asses up already! It's time to have some fun!" Kuzumi yelled at Kazami, and the girls who still even after the beasts left hadn't moved from their spots.

Brenda, however, only calmly matched Kuzumi's heated gaze and flashed her a wide-open smile.

She wrapped her arms around Kazami's neck, holding on even tighter smoothly, saying, "Oh, you know Kuzumi, I'm in much of rush to slaughter as well, but this spot is just ungodly comfortable. Maybe I'm really am falling under Kazami charms~."

"I couldn't help but agree with Brenda, besides haven't we've been moving around so much already? I wanna take this time and slowly enjoy this addicting sensation~" Lun Yuo charmingly said as laid even further back into Kazami's chest.

Kazami, all the while, was feeling on cloud nine and had thoughts of escalating it further, but he knew it wasn't the most appropriate time for that.

Looking into his twin sister's eyes, he holds up five fingers to her in which Kuzumi begrudgingly clicks her tongue. However, it was like they traded an invisible signal, and right after Kuzumi then grew an amused smile and started counting.

Starting off, Kazami put his hands on their thighs and began to rub them slowly.



Both of them started to moan quietly, feeling his smooth, warm hands on their thighs. It was like mild pleasurable shocks ran through their bodies from Kazami's hands, slowly touching them now.

Kazami was using a small bit of his bloodline as the star on his hand lit up, and unknown to him two little wings grew out from the star. However, Kazami was more focused on the particular effect his bloodline had on stroking the girls.

They melted in his embrace more as Kazami started to pick up the speed a bit until around Kuzumi mouthed four seconds.

Now Kazami had a mischievous smile as he suddenly stopped confusing the girls making them look up to him with bewitching half-lidded eyes. And abruptly, he grabbed both girl asses making their eyes go wide.

"Five Seconds!"



Instead of the quiet moans from before, now Brenda and Lun Yuo screamed out in pain and pleasure as Kazami harshly pinched their behinds.

They immediately stood up, grabbing and rubbing their glorious asses. Soon they glared at Kazami with teary eyes feeling embarrassed as before the girls were feeling a bit wet down there, and then it was suddenly intensified as he pinched them.

Luckily for them, it didn't show on their clothing, but all the while, Kazami only simply stood up wearing a knowing smile.

"Oh? What this? Don't tell girls want me to pinch your sweet soft asses again, don't you? Why else are you rubbing it so hard."

"I'm going to slaughter you!!" Brenda yelled out in anger and embarrassment, seeing Kazami act so casually and even having the gall to tease them about it.

Immediately she formed a white golden Qi out of a sword and crazily surged out a slaughtering aura. Only for her hand to be gripped tightly by Lun Yuo, who had a strange menacing smile on her face.

"Now, now, dear Brenda, let's not get too angsty here. After all, we will have the perfect opportunity to teach Kazami a lesson about teasing innocent maidens like ourselves."

Brenda still glared at Kazami for a second but soon gained a crazy smile as she nodded to Lun Yuo, who was still 'sweetly' smiling. Although their expression nearly crumbled when hearing Kuzumi taunting voice,

"HAHAHA! That was a good one, brother! Their pitiful expression was fantastic. And not only that, but you also pumped them up for a fun battle." Kuzumi came over, slung her arm over Kazami, still chuckling. Neither of them during the whole ordeal was affected in the slightest by Brenda slaughtering aura as well.

"Still, if I didn't do anything, you would've just whined until we got sick of hearing from you."

"Ah, you truly know me best!"

Getting a bit fed up at duos relaxed attitude Brenda tapped her foot gaining their attention while saying;

"Enough, just tell us how is the duel gonna go down anyways."

"It's straightforward. Once one team is unable to move anymore in any capacity, they win." Kazami stated, and Brenda was ready to jump in again until Lun Yuo turned her around to face her.

Brenda was confused, but Lun Yuo went her and pushed her face on Brenda's bountiful breasts, hugging her tightly.

"Yoh, Yoh! Wha-What are you doing?!"

Brenda faces blushed, but oddly enough, Lun Yuo was calming her down, generating a peaceful feeling between them.

"I'm trying to feel in touch with you before the battle. Even before I want to know a lot of things about your Brenda and feeling the sensations of your heart is the best way."

"I-I You-you, whatever fine! Just do what you want..." Brenda was still endlessly confused but didn't resist as something was soothing about Lun Yuo. And inside Lun Yuo body, her heart was shinning pure bright green, which brought about the calming sensations for Brenda.

Meanwhile, Kuzumi star hand lit up a bit, and she started to talk in her mind,

'So ignoring their weird bonding exercise, how are we gonna play around with them cause I have several great ideas in mind.'

'Great ideas that will actually scar them for lives, yea no, we're not going with your ideas. Besides their mine women, even I don't want to hurt them too badly.'

'Tch! So what do you have in mind then.'

'Don't get too worked up now, besides I'm sure this will satisfy you, Cause after this duel I will let them know their mine in the most dominating way.'

'Ooooh! Are you gonna tie them up and fuck them while the god beasts are watching?!

'Uh-No just shut up and listen.'

During the twins' mind conversation, Brenda had actually closed her eyes a bit until she notices it was too warming to be like this.

Shaking her head, Brenda glanced over to the twins who only was smiling and staring at them.

"Yoh, what's with their looks? Their not even taking this time to discuss or plan."

"Hmm, maybe they just that confident in their power? But they should know it wouldn't be wise to underestimate us." Lun Yuo still had Brenda in her arms with head on her chest which in turn caused Brenda to quietly plead,

"You will you let go already?!" And listening to the request Lun Yuo began to let her go until abruptly a flash of pure light blue lightning appeared in their eyes.

Two blue lightning fists threaten to smash their faces if Brenda didn't immediately jump to her side while a wall made out of rose petals blocked the fist.

Kuzumi's third stage of blue lightning Qi, when connecting with the petals, was immediately making it tremble until the flower in Lun Yuo hair spewed out purple destruction Qi fortifying the wall.

Despite Kuzumi having the superior advantage in stages of Qi, Lun Yuo was able to hold on because of her smooth combination.

All the while, Kuzumi sensed a huge slaughtering aura affecting her mind, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.

No words were needed with Brenda as she instantly formed a white golden sword of Qi rushing to the unguarded Kuzumi.

Only she was met with a dark red lightning fist crashing towards her.

Despite the sudden attack, Brenda merely smiled and increased her speed, avoiding Kazami all together appearing behind his back. However, Kazami's eyes flashed purple, and out of random, he ducked under the white golden sword of Qi.

Seeing her attack dodged Brenda once against vanish from his sight only now, Kazami once again threw out a fist at seemingly random for Brenda, but she got startled.


Contrary to her expectations, his fist locked with her Qi sword locking them in place.

This sudden and brief exchange all happen in a matter of a couple of seconds, but it wasn't over yet.

Kuzumi, when she heard the loud crash jumped up as several vines appeared from the petal wall.

The vines rushed her at blazing speed, but Kuzumi smiled as if she was prepared for this. She sees Kazami had gotten into a deadlock with Brenda, which prompted her to clasp her hands together.


Light blue lightning shock waves gushed out of her palms, affecting the girls.

Lun Yuo and Brenda felt their Qi go into slight disorder, briefly stunning them, giving Kazami the time to grab at Brenda's neck and send out a lightning chain to Lun Yuo.

But it wasn't so simple as in a split second, Brenda's eyes flashed an intense white golden aura, disappearing from that spot.

And out from Lun Yuo left hand the purplish green flower flew connecting with Kazami lightning chain,


An explosion between incredible power ranged out as the cave violently tremble.

Focusing his eyes again, Kazami saw the slightest movement of Qi flowing in a different direction in the air as he hastily formed a lightning shield.

And his precautions were proven to be accurate, as Brenda white golden sword Qi clashed against the shield from his left side.

From his back, he sensed five vines speeding towards him but paid it no heed.

Lun Yuo attempted to get the jump on Kazami only to watch as her vines were sliced apart by Kuzumi chopping them with a single blue lightning hand. However, she only smiled when seeing it.

Suddenly once the vines were chopped, they all began to glow an intense purple.

Half of the glowing purple vines still speed to Kazami, who was relying on his lightning shield to hold off against Brenda's insane speed.

This looked like a difficult situation for the twins, but they only grew calmer.

Kazami abruptly dropped his shield and allowed Brenda to get closed. And as soon as he did, he raised his flashing red ice Qi hands.


A red ice barrier temporarily froze Brenda and the glowing purple vines!

Kazami, of course, wasn't affected and using mere seconds, he jumped high into the air escaping the entrapment while watching Kuzumi.

When glowing purple vines surrounded her, light blue lightning wings and armor sprouted out of her.

Faster than what Lun Yuo was expecting, Kuzumi sent blue lightning strings to the glowing vines halting their explosion for a second. Her superior advantage in Qi stages allowed for this, and using this momentum, she rushed to Lun Yuo.

Immediately Kuzumi had zoomed past Lun Yuo briefly surprising with her speed as the vines now floated around her.

At the same time she took away her lightning strings, Kazami snapped his fingers.


Kazami and Kuzumi already retreated to a safe distance as the explosions went off. The two had grouped up back together and raised their auras to adequately protect themselves.

Once the explosion died down the twins were only left smiling as Kuzumi said,

"I guess that's enough of the warmup, right? It's for true fun to begin!"

As from across the twins, Lun Yuo and Brenda stood perfectly fine only they had a change in appearance.

Brenda's magnificent white hair swayed crazily in the air as a white golden aura wrapped around herself. But the most significant change was two white wings made of pure power growing from her back.

While Lun Yuo now had a purple flower standing proudly on the top of her hand. And from the back out were several purplish-green tentacles that swayed in a rhythmic pattern.

And without another word, Kazami pupils turned into bright purple stars as pure purple wings of power grew out of his back.

Kuzumi already had her blue lightning wings and armor on, but it was covered by a layer of the purple aura, and from her forehead, a menacing large purple horn made of power grew there.

Looking to her brother she nodded and smiled telling him,

"It's time!"