Newfound Prowess

Slowly opening his eyes, Kazami felt warm and comfortable as he gazed upon the early dawn sky.

He was resting on a large majestic tree, not worried in the slightest about any dangerous beasts coming to attack him or the girls.

The reason being as on his laps, Brenda snuggled up very comfortably to his chest, snoring cutely as a bit of drool ran down her mouth. On his left shoulder, Lun Yuo snuggled up close as well with a lovely peaceful sleeping expression.

And on his right shoulder was Kuzumi, whose eyes were closed, but her eyebrows were wrinkling for some reason. Plus, on Kazami, Lun Yuo and Kuzumi were their god cloaks. While Brenda only kept her enhanced cloak on.

During the time while they were walking and chatting it up with each other, Lun Yuo proposed an idea to find a way where they can huddle up and sleep. Even as Brenda protested, they could typically go without sleep for days, she relented under Lun Yuo unwavering gentle gaze.

Kazami initially had the plan to find a cave or make one, until Kuzumi suggested something entirely different. Her plan was to use the god cloaks and the regular cloaks with their transform god bloodline.

She reckons now if they were to also merge their powers while at it, they could stay nearly invisible even against Heaven King Sea cultivators.

And after an even faster and smoother transition of merging their powers. Using their divine state, they poured all of their energies into their cloaks leading to results beyond their expectation.

For an experiment, they went a bit off slaughtering god route and soon encounter strong monstrous beasts. Ranging from Ruler Transformation all the way up to even Heaven Ruler.

Yet despite all of their high realms, not a single one of those beats took notice at the four. Their invisibility was even better than before as they could now get at a close distance with a late-stage Heaven Ruler beasts and still not get detected!

Although they still couldn't attack as they would lose invisibility, this trick will come in handy, and they immediately put it to good use. By using hours to experiment, they come to realize they can leave their bloodlines in a passive, weak state for hours using very little energy.

Which lead them to snuggle up to Kazami with cloaks on, having barely any worries of getting caught by beasts. After all, even if the slightest killing intent was directed their way, all four would instantly sense it.

Still, Kazami didn't take all of it lightly and only rested his eyes while his spirit sense was at full alert. For the girls, it seemed they felt too comfortable leaning on to Kazami's warm body, leading them to take a rest.

At least for his cute girlfriends, he thought as suddenly Kuzumi eyes sprang open and she told him,

"The timing is ripe, brother! I'm sure you sensed that group of five near us as well. It seems like they decided to take a rest similar to us, heh, heh."

She finished with a strange chuckle at the end while Kazami had even before her notice the group but didn't bother saying anything as the group wasn't coming their way.

"Hmmm, two small Heaven Rulers and three chickens Ruler Transformation. What about it? Unless..."

"Yup! You guessed it, brother! Time for us to see how we stack against our toys on this planet." Kuzumi finished for him, and after pondering about it a bit, he was going to agree until he felt a sharp movement from his lap.

"AHHH! Are we finally going to cut loose now!!" Brenda said with an unknown amount of passion as she turned her head around to look at the twins.

"I suppose so, well even I can't deny it's fun to squash bugs sometimes. Oh! One more thing, Brenda." Kazami told her slightly puzzling the wild girl until he quickly moved in to capture her lushes lips.


Brenda was caught off guard but soon melted in the kiss as her tongue frantically sought out Kazami's in a heated passion. Their beautiful eyes locked with each other as they both felt tender and lust.

Pulling away after a minute, all the while Kuzumi was watching a small blush adorning her face, a blazing trail of their saliva was still connected from their kiss.

"A kiss to start of my day and fire me up. And going by your expression, I see it's also to your liking." And indeed Brenda sexy dazed expression was something that made Kazami want to push her down right there on the dirt floor.

"Yoh~, you're a thousand percent correct! This is especially good since, in a bit, we're gonna have some fun." Licking her lips, Brenda said in a seductive tone, making Kazami want to kiss her again until from his left, a soft hand turned his head.

And this time, he was taken for a small surprise as Lun Yuo affectionately connected her soft lips with Kazami.


She sweetly moaned as Kazami responded in a more romantic craving as their tongues danced in a smooth connected motion.

Pulling back she was also licking her lips and was saying;

"You know I was planning on giving you a surprise first Kazami with a good morning kiss. But you were one step ahead; still, you and surprisingly Brenda taste are good fuel for this morning!" In a feverish sensual expression, Lun Yuo told them without shame but caused a reaction in Brenda.

"Yo-A-Ah! W-what do you mean, my taste!?" Brenda stuttered out with a blush as she didn't expect Lun Yuo to actually comment on being able to taste her sweet saliva from Kazami's mouth.

"Oh? I just mean you have a sweet taste, although it was mostly shadow by Kazami's addicting taste. Which is why I need a more direct sample! A team should share a good morning kiss all around!!" Lun Yuo said to her with unexpected enthusiasm and caught the surprised Brenda, who was flapping her mouth open.

"Ah, yea?! I mean, no?! Kissing another woman?! Isn't that a little wei-"

Her rambling was cut off as Lun Yuo gently pecked her lips bringing upon an entirely different sensation compared to Kazami.

With Kazami for both girls, when kissing, they felt their heart race, their bodies heat up, and lust surging in between their legs. It was always a heavenly experience to kiss him.

But now the two girls felt serene and warm. They didn't feel any lust towards each other; instead, it was like they were building a rapidly secure connection. Pulling away after thirty seconds Lun said with a calm smile,

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Yoh, it was-I mean! Whatever just don't make this a habit, alright?! I still always want to kiss Kazami first over you!" Brenda just blurted, tearing her eyes away from Lun Yuo pure green one's.

"I too also want to connect with Kazami first, but you'll never escape me, Brenda~. You're just getting too cute!" Her words caused a bright blush, but Brenda didn't respond; instead, she groaned, she was finding it increasingly harder to deal with this flower girl.

"Now girls, don't you think it's time to reward my cute beloved little sis with some kisses as well," Kazami said and Lun Yuo instantly bright up more,

"Of course, we can't let Kuzumi feel left out!"

"W-Wawaw!" Kuzumi stammered out completely shock over Kazami and Lun Yuo coming to kiss her. Even though she was intensely watching never had, she thought these two would suddenly attack her.

"I-uhhhhh..." Brenda just trailed off awkwardly, still not really keen on the idea of kissing another woman.

And before Kuzumi could react, Kazami put his lips upon her forehead while Lun Yuo leaned to kiss the side of her face. Not wanting to be the only one doing nothing, Brenda opted to pat the top of her head.

Kuzumi face turned crimson and frantically shook her head while sighing,

"Haaah, whatever at least it felt good, though..." She trailed off only to then immediately jump up telling them,

"Anyway enough about that! Let's just go, time doesn't stand still for us!!" Kuzumi was stretching while also ignoring that comforting warmth she felt the most when Kazami kissed her compared to Lun Yuo.

Following her, the other three get up, and Lun Yuo asked the two,

"So, are we truly heading over to that camp? Cause we will need a way to approach."

"Yu, just sit back and enjoy a show I'm about to put on, and when I give the signal, you all come in. You agree, too, right, brother?" Kuzumi nudged him as she knew Kazami was the unspoken leader here.

"Sure this time, you can fool all you want, but make it quick you never know what might happen."

"Maaaan, I hope we can get back to the clan soon. Staying out here in this shit forest is wearing me down." Tiring words were said by a good looking male youth who was dressed in a black and white suit uniform. On his back was a long blue sabre looked elegant

His sentiments were shared by two other pretty looking female youths as one of them holding a red katana also cursed,

"Tch no kidding, all of the elders want to drive the youths into the ground until we can't stand anymore. I can't wait for these shitty qualifiers competition to pass!"

"Just one more day, guys, and then we can at least sleep in a bed...until we have to train again, ugh." The other pretty girl said while playing with her long sword.

They were sitting in a circle basking at this moment to catch their breaths. Their intense training barely left them with their lives, yet all of them did have the strive to break past their current Ruler Transformation realm.

Meanwhile, two young male adults who were out in front suddenly stood up in an instant. These two were half-listening to the youths' complaints until they sensed a frantic strong and weak aura rushing at them.

"Eh? What's wrong senior brothers?" The male youth asked until the three Ruler Transformation youths similarly sensed what their senior brothers had felt.

"Get into battle position!" One of the senior brothers commanded with an aura of second-level Heaven's Ruler.

Getting into position, they soon saw the most beautiful stunning girl they ever saw in their lives getting chased by a eyes bloodshot black bear beast.

All of their eyes were enamoured by her strikingly beautiful golden purple hair, bewitching body, and flawless face. The robes she was wearing was perfect and further enhanced her sexy charms.

Never ever once had their been a girl that looks so beautiful as if she was a celestial fairy.

All of them were brought from their stupor as they heard,

"AHHH! Can you all help me, please! I can pay it back!" The stunning girl shouted to them and sensing her level she was only at the second level of Origin Formation, yet the bear was at 8th level Ruler Transformation!

In an instant, the second level Heaven Ruler boy flew towards the beast and suppressed with it his Heaven Ruler aura. The creature felt its body be weighed by a mountain as the boy grabbed its head.


The bear beast head burst open in a fountain of blood as the boy injected heavenly Qi into its head.

This was the real difference between Realms!

For the three transformation youths, all of them were at the 9th level and would need a bit more time to kill the beast.

Yet it was akin to stepping on a bug for the Heaven Ruler boy.

Turning around, he was pleased by the amazed expression of the girl. While the others in the group put their full focus on the girl.

Despite the beast being gone, none of them even bother to think how a mere Origin Formation kid could outrun an 8th level Ruler Transformation beast?

Yet this one girl's appearance was otherworldly, that focusing on such details wasn't worth it. It was like she cast a powerful charm over them.

Before any of them could speak the boy was already back as he took charge saying

"Ah, graceful fairy, you're fortunate to run into us from that bear."

"Ah! Yes, thank you for saving my life! I don't know what happen that beast suddenly started to chase out of nowhere! Thankfully I had talisman that could increase my speed to barely survive."

The fairy-like girl said while expressing her gratitude, not in the least affected by the men's intense gazes.

"It's no problem, hell it's our luck to save a heavenly fairy such as yourself, miss..." The other young adult who was at the first level of Heavens Ruler trailed off with an infatuated look, never leaving his gaze from Kuzumi.

"Oh! My name is Kuzumi! A pleasure to meet you all! And I must say you're all a fabulous group, especially you, Mr..." Kuzumi trailed of this time as she pointed to the second level Heaven Ruler boy while praising them, all causing them all to unconsciously smile listening to her words.

The boy in question smiled brightly and told her,

"Ah, my name Lu Zhen but you can just call me Zhen."

"My name is Obal." The first level Heaven Ruler youth said.

"Ah, Ah, hello! Yea, I mean, my name is Rica!" The sabre youth said awkwardly.

"Oooh, my name is Heray beaufiful sister." The katanna girl said.

"Right and my name are Kada!" The long sword girl said.

All of them instinctively felt compelled to Kuzumi and wanted her to join their group.

"I see, thanks again, everyone! Oh, I almost forgot about my rewards for all of you saving me." Kuzumi said which gotten Lu Zhen to hold out and tell her,

"Oh no no no, there no need, after all, it's man duty to help a girl in need."

"I insist besides, all of you will surely love my rewards." Kuzumi acted quickly and put her hands to the floor, confusing the group. None of them were the least bit wary of Kuzumi as she was only in the second level of Origin Formation.

Although it was their greatest mistake as this pleasant situation changed in an instant.

Out of nowhere, the group of five suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure and aura entrapping them all. All of their eyes bulged out of their sockets as Kuzumi instantly donned her god bloodline.

This girl in front of them, only being in second-level Origin Formation, exuded an incomprehensible power that suffocated them. They couldn't even react to sudden purple scales wrapping their bodies and Kuzumi screaming,


Kuzumi power, these sudden hard scales were only the beginning as the five all were thrown into even more hellish nightmare as several other auras as powerful as she jumped to them.

All of them saw three other lovely youths in the same gorgeous robe rushing towards them.

"AH-AHHHH!" The two Heaven Ruler struggled to break free from the scales but to no avail as Lu Zhen saw a purple-red lightning fist in front of his face.

And Obal saw a purple flower graced his face.

'BANG!' Kazami punch and Lun Yuo flower, which exploded in the Obal face, sent them flying miles away.

All the while, Brenda got in the middle of those Ruler Transformation youths and sensing her slaughtering aura put immense fear in all of them.

The youths were uncontrollably chattering their teeth as they stared into Brenda's pure white eyes and wild white hair. Kuzumi had already taken her hands off the ground as the scales broke off though the youths still stood frozen in place.

It was like Brenda was pulling apart their bodies in the bloodies and cruellest way. Their bloodlust did arise a bit, but Brenda slaughtering aura deeply impacted their spirit sense.

She walked over to Brenda, who had a crazy smile watching the youths terrified gazes.

"You're right, Kuzumi, this is more fun!"