Casually Crushing

Among every beast, powerful cultivator, or any other authoritative figure the Ruler Transformation youths came across by, never had they felt such primal fear.

It didn't stem from the fear of suppression of power or authority, but the slaughtering aura Brenda had wrapped around them. To them, Brenda was fear herself staring straight into their eyes with an insane smile.

"Would you take a look at this Kuzumi, they're all like little children in awe by their idols. I think I'll take the girls if you don't mind." Brenda savagely said while Kuzumi showed a feral smile at Rica.

"Go ahead I'll have my full with this one..." This beautiful girl who once instantly enrapture Rica's mind was now a terrifying nightmare he couldn't escape from.

He desperately didn't want to die, nor did he want to suffer against Kuzumi's cruel hand. These kinds of desperate thoughts frantically swirled in his mind until he fiercely bit his tongue through the fear.

"AHHH! HERAY KADA! WAKE UP!!" He shrieked at the top of his lungs after biting his tongue, causing the two girls to stir a bit.

His waning and fearful shouts manage to arouse their desperate will to cling to life as their eyes return to clarity.

But even then, throughout this little ordeal, Brenda and Kuzumi didn't move an inch, only looking at them as if they were an impressive show.

"We-WE-UGH!" Heray attempted to move her legs to run while shouting only to have a soft, steady hand choke her neck, holstering her in the air.

Rica and Kada couldn't even process what just happen. One moment Brenda was standing causally, and the next she was on Heray neck!

Brenda's speed was far beyond what they had ever seen before.

With Heray in her hands, she couldn't put any resistance as intense slaughtering Qi was injected in her. Her eyes soon turn entirely bloodshot, foam began to form at her mouth, and she was sputtering utter nonsense now.

Although the difference now is before, she couldn't muster any killing intent to Brenda, but now she blasted ever single bit of killing intent without any fear.

Her mind held no rational thought besides wanting to kill Brenda akin to a wild beast in berserk like state.

This transformation fiercely impacted Kada and Rica as with a single touch, Heray turned into a madwoman!

"W-w-what k-k-kind of de-"

"mon? You're going to say what kind of demon, am I right?"

Kada was stuttering out until Brenda finished her sentence and as she did Brenda put on a pondering expression,

"Hmmm, thinking about it all of you are completely innocent, and we probably would've never met in this life. Yet I'm struggling to find any emotion of guilt or remorse. Instead...instead, I only feel an unending rush of freedom, joy, and excitement. Ahhhh, yes, thank you for letting me experience my true start in life."

Throughout Brenda's speech, Kada was endlessly confused, afraid, and near close to collapsing being so close to her slaughtering aura. She didn't know what the hell this demon was talking about, yet the devil looked like she had some sort of epiphany.

Brenda, on the other hand, truly did experience a bit of change in her mind. From the constant and prolonged use of being at one with slaughtering Qi, Brenda's blood lust emotions were in a wild state of haste.

However, mainly because of her shared feeling with Kazami and with the other girls helping our her heart didn't fall entirely into slaughtering, letting her feel for the first time in her life connected with people.

She was able to suppress down the intense burning slaughtering sensation and no longer hesitate with any actions and speak frankly on what's on her mind.

Though after killing the jaguar beast, the slaughtering sensations once again flared up. This is why she was so excited to take on this group.

And now witnessing their frightened faces, and the direct effects her slaughtering aura had on people, it was like mind were broaden. She felt more in tune with her slaughtering Qi and didn't feel any sense of disgust or rejection.

"I still may not know a lot of things about slaughtering or anything like that, but I do know this is my way of life." Brenda viciously smiled and broke Heray neck, killing her instantly.

Throwing her body next to Kada, who already fell flat on her ass shivering nonstop, Brenda turned to gaze at her.

"Now, how shall I deal with you?"

Near them, Rica was watching with horror, his eyes never taken off from Brenda. He simply couldn't fathom on why this cruel nightmare was happening to them, and once Brenda snapped Heray neck, he wanted to run.

Only he couldn't as he felt an equally overbearing presence right next to him,

"Isn't that interesting? This weird girl somehow gained something through this session. Though even I can admit, she may have some screws loose."

A voice that rummaged through his mind that sent him into the depths of hell was right next to him.

Rica simply couldn't utter any words until Kuzumi got in front of him watching his expression with great amusement,

"You know if you just had a bit more of fierce expression, I would've enjoyed this a bit more...Oh! Hey! I'm sure if you were massively higher in realms, you would have a bit more pride. So that's why I should fight more people way above my realm, don't you agree?!"

"I-I-I-I." Rica hoarsely stutters, not understanding the slightest bit on what this hell monster was saying.

"Although then again, this expression is also good for you." Kuzumi had extended a finger to touch his forehead, unleashing her pure light blue lightning.

"AHHHHHH!" Rica roared out in immense pain as the lightning was dismantling his body. Every single part down to his bones was slowly getting destroyed by it.

And with Brenda, she simply pointed at Kada and, in an exaggerated movement, swiped up. A flash of white swiped her eyes, and in the next second, she suddenly lost all feeling in her body.

Brenda walked past her as Kada all at the same time experienced a tremendous amount of pain as her body split in half by a single white line. She didn't even get the chance to roar out in pain.

"You're done with him?" Brenda asked as Rica had stopped struggling out in pain and only laid motionless on the ground.

"Yep! Next time we have to do it with people who can put up a bit more of a fight. That'll make it thousand times more interesting."

"Right! Right! I'm sure if we do that, I'll feel even more in tune with my slaughtering Qi!" Brenda proclaimed with excitement apparent in her eyes.

"Oh, jeez! I just realized, brother and Yu should've been finished with those Heaven dudes ages ago! They're probably making out on their bodies or something."

Kuzumi words illicit Brenda to jump and grab her hands, rushing to the other two.

"AHHH! You're probably right; we can't afford to waste any more time here!!"

While Kuzumi and Brenda toyed around with the Ruler Transformation, Kazami and Lun Yuo truly were taking their merrily time in walking to the Heaven Rulers.

"Kazami, since it just us, I have to say we must somewhat slow those overzealous girls down a bit. If we let them run wild too much, they might end up biting off more than they can chew."

"Oh? I wouldn't exactly worry too much. Kuzumi, while even experiencing several changes, still shares some qualities of my sharp mind. She won't recklessly charge into death, and for Brenda, she is of the same boat as well. Those girls merely need an endless supply of strong people to slaughter, and luckily our universe is on full stocks of them." Kazami replied to her concern as he could always read Kuzumi, and with Brenda, he felt he could read her mind with their newfound connection.

Playing with a purplish-green flower in her hand Lun Yuo still had some concern saying,

"Still, we should help them find other hobbies; after all, there's much more to life than simply enjoying battles and slaughtering."

Kazami gained a perverted smile and was about to show Lun Yuo one of the most striking aspects of life until he sensed a bug coming their way.

"Hold that thought for a second."

"DIE!!" Two mighty frantic shouts filled to the brim with heavenly Qi came their way as Lu Zhen, and Obal rushed them with black claws made of Qi.

After getting sent miles away by the two, a rush of killing intent spurred from them as Kazami, and Lun Yuo one attack had injured them.

Their organs churned, and bodies were racked with pain, but all rational thought left them as the remnant of Brenda slaughtering aura still affected them and only multiply after getting a surprise attack.

Despite their mass rush of Heaven Ruler powers, it held little effect on Lun Yuo and Kazami as they were in their god bloodlines state. The mythical beasts thought before the four combined only could fight half step Heaven Ruler, but they grossly underestimated the fusion between to god bloodlines!

Even now, Kazami and Lun Yuo felt their actual limit could also go up to the fourth level of Heaven Ruler! These first level and second level Heavens were nowhere near their match.

Kazami in response to them merely snorted in disdain as his eyes flashed purple and silver,


He yelled as the two Heavens Rulers suddenly felt their souls were violently grab. At their realms, one soul would be the most under developing component though very rarely could a cultivator at their realm could take over this advantage.

However, this didn't apply to Kazami, and once they were frozen, Lun Yuo shot two leviathans tentacles through their stomachs.

Like fragile paper, her tentacles pierced through as they both coughed up blood and felt a rush of pain.

Getting a better look at them now Kazami realized their specific ways of clothing and openly stated,

"Oh, so you two are from the Outlaw clan, huh."

His statement caused an extreme shock from the two, all but confirming Kazami's suspicions.

"H-How, w-why?!?" Lu Zhen roared out in pain while Kazami simply shrugged his shoulders saying,

"Naturally, there just people who will always be superior to you. And it was your shitty luck; you were made the first target for use." Kazami plainly said and flicked two dark red lightning bolts through their skull, killing the two quickly.

While it was true these two weren't their match, it would've taken a bit longer to kill them if Kazami and Lun Yuo were to fight normally.

But Kazami's eyes power simply dominated anyone weaker than him!

If it was someone stronger than they could use all of their power to break free from Kazami's eyes, though the same can't be said to those who can't match Kazami prowess.

"My Kazami! Your eyes are simply too wonderful! We would've needed to expand a bit more effort if we clash head-on." Lun Yuo praised while letting the bodies fall to the ground.

"I know even I'm a bit surprised at the effectiveness of these eyes. Well then, where we before, we were rudely interrupted? Hobbies for the troublesome girls, right?"

"Quite, I was thinking we when ge-"

"HEY!! I want to be apart of your pink world too!!" Brenda booming shout came tearing through the forest as she forcefully dragged along Kuzumi.

"Quite her down, Yu," Kazami told her, gaining a playful smile. Which lead Lun Yuo to also obtain a playful smile.

"The forest is more peaceful quieter."

As Brenda was running, she was only relying on her body as she no reason to stay in her bloodline state nor use speed intent laws. Which is why she didn't notice a long vine springing out of the dirt at the last second.


Brenda gasped out as she trips nearly falling along with Kuzumi if they didn't put their hands out to stop their falls.

"And what was for?!" Kuzumi question them as Kazami shrugged his shoulder saying,

"Oh? I don't know? Maybe it the forest tell for you two to tone it down. Anyways had your fill yet?" Kazami simply didn't give them time to retort as he quickly went up to caress their faces.

Brenda smiled and instantly forgot about their trip telling him,

"Ah! Yea, it felt great! I needed to cut loose like that."

Kuzumi blushed from his hand but still snorted and slapped away his hand saying,

"I'm not so easily duped...But I did have fun, though."

"Excellent though rather extreme, it still good we all cut loose." Lun Yuo brightly smiled, and Kazami nodded his head telling them,

"Alright, let's get back on track, but you two don't expect to fight every little group, I simply can't be bothered."

"I'll think about it if you stroke my head a lot more often," Brenda told him earnestly, staring into his eyes.

"Life is unpredictable, brother, but I'll try not to play around so much."