A Lonely Twin

Waking up in the fresh morning, Kazami felt incomparably relaxed and warm. On his body, he felt two heavenly soft bodies that were clinging tightly to him.

Opening his eyes, he let a booming wide smile as he watches Lun Yuo and Brenda sleeping in a blissful state upon his chest. Both had their arms wrapped warmly around his neck while Brenda was snoring lightly, drooling a bit on his chest.

They were tightly snug under the covers of their incredibly soft and fluffy bed. Last night from his memory was something he couldn't put into words and was still daydreaming about it.

At last, he finally made love to his cute girlfriends while also professing his love to them, making all three of them all the happier. Not only that but tasting and craving these celestial girls bodies awoke an unending lust he never thought he had.

Kazami wasn't sure how long they went at it like beasts in heat, but he was pretty sure hours past until they all passed out in exhaustion. It was surprising for Kazami as well since he never expected these girls to have quite an appetite for sex.

As he rummages on such thoughts, suddenly Kazami felt internal changes happening to his Origin core! Last night he clearly felt his bloodline and Qi undergo changes, but how he could pay attention to that when his full focus was on making love to his girlfriends?

Focusing up a bit, Kazami sensed inside himself and was astonished to see not only his core massively grew in size, but as well, he broke through to the sixth level of Origin Formation!

His core now was sixty percent formed, but Kazami never thought dual cultivating with the girls would allow him to advance. As before it took pushing themselves in a battle to improve and the amount of Origin Qi he needed increase as well.

'If I manage to advance to level then should these two...Ah! I see!' Kazami and sensed Brenda and Lun Yuo levels as well and recognize they similarly advance to the sixth level as well.

Not only that, but he could also more clearly sense their divine bloodlines and even felt more connected to his own bloodline too.

'Unexpectedly I discover a new past time we can do partake in for cultivation heh. Though if my body absorb both of the girls' powers, why I did only advance to the sixth level?'

Kazami was slightly puzzled on this front, it seems like his seed manage to upgrade the girls for two levels, yet he only gains one from both each?

Shaking his head of these thoughts, as he didn't care that much on how far he advances as long these girls stay right with him.

Hugging the two more tightly caused both of them to stir as their big bright, beautiful eyes open.

Looking down at them while smiling he was planning on saying good morning while kissing until,

"Kaz~, Kaz~!"


Brenda quickly went in and started to rub her face against his while Lun Yuo sighed contently drawing circles on his muscular chest.

Feeling an endless amount of joy, he gently cupped Brenda face giving her a passionate kiss as their tongue danced with each other.

"And a good morning to you too, Brenda." He pulled back smiling while telling her. It caused Brenda to flash a broad toothy smile that almost made him want to go in for seconds.

Though he was pulled away as Lun Yuo slowly saunter up to him, sensually kissing Kazami while their tongue coiled with each other.

"Good morning Zami dear~." She cutely said like a wife greeting her husband.

"Good morning Yu. Truly this is the best way to start a morning ever. Oh by the way check inside yourself, seems like we all also have been rewarded with gifts." Kazami chuckled at the end while the girls did as he asks.

"Yoh!! I've managed to get to the sixth level that easily from your dick?!" Brenda exclaimed in a shout, shock from gaining two levels in one night.

"I prefer to say our man love seeds propel us to the next level. As well I feel more in tune with my divine bloodline." Lun Yuo softly said while caressing Kazami face at the same time.

"Right, it looks like enjoying ourselves can also lead to power too. Speaking of which you girls up for a quick round this morning?" He huskily asked the two while tightly grabbing their juicing asses, inciting a moan from the two.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!! Kaz, I want even rougher this morning!!"

"My seems like my two partners are eager for action~. Though I can't deny I'm also craving Zumi love." Brenda was already grinding herself on Kazami leg while Lun Yuo was tenderly stroking Kazami dick.

Typically even for strong cultivating women, their bodies and secret gardens would at least need some hours of rest if they went as intense as these three.

Yet not only did Lun Yuo and Brenda didn't feel any discomfort at all, but their bodies were also hungrily craving Kazami as well. Perhaps it was because of their compatibility or their divine bloodlines, they didn't really know, nor they did honestly care to know.

All that they did know was they want to feel connected with Kazami again.

"Ah! Let's try not to take too long, after all, I promise Kuzumi I'll take her out today."

"Yoh, she a grown woman, right? She can wait!"

"Don't let her hear you saying that, dear Brenda." They all laughed lightly, as Kazami went to capture Brenda lips while also entering a finger into Lun Yuo pussy initiating the start another steamy session.

Standing outside her door, Kuzumi was feeling a mix of emotions ever since her brother and his girlfriends went out on their date.

She should be happy he was happy and enjoying himself thoroughly, yet for the first time ever, Kuzumi felt lonely. For as long as she could remember, ever waking moment she spent with her brother doing everything together.

To even the most mundane of tasks such as reading with each other sleeping in the same bed. And also, as Lun Yuo came into the picture during childhood, the status quo never changed for each other.

But now ever since the god beasts trials, she felt a bit loss and longing feeling every time she sees Kazami flirt and kisses Lun Yuo or Brenda.

And last night only multiply that longing feeling as she felt an itch between her legs and a sour heart as she thought about how good of a time Kazami was having without her.

Though she manages to keep somewhat of her clarity by repeatedly saying there only twins and that's it. Which would make her a bit sad for some reason though suddenly all of her thoughts vanish as she heard Kazami door opening.

Kuzumi had actually woken up way before Kazami had woken up and been silently waiting for his return with bated breath. A few hours have passed since then, and now it was the first time hearing any movement from their room.

And hearing the door open instinctively arouse something inside her, as she felt her body move on its own to his door.

Without any words she latched herself around Kazami snuggling into his chest, sighing contently just being able to smell his scent again.

"Looks like someone is overly eager for our day out." Kazami teased while petting Kuzumi head.

"Hmmm?? The baby sister can't handle being without her big brother??" Brenda taunted her too, putting her hands behind her back, leaning ever so slightly forward.

"Haaah, you two...Zami just treats her good today." Lun Yuo sighed out, being the one to more understand Kuzumi sudden change in mood.

Although Kuzumi, who heard the three words and feeling Kazami sudden petting, made her realize she showing such a side to her future sister in law! The girls who supposed to look up to her in terms of seniority. She was the girl who was the closes to his heart!

Blushing up a storm, she wriggled out of Kazami grip and loudly cough telling them,

"Ahem!! Seems like you three had lots of fun last night...and now it's time for my fun with brother!!"

Her words nearly ended up in a fumble as she rushes out of the hotel in hand with Kazami.

"Heh, that girl who never croaks under pressure still gets so easily fluster with her 'dear brother'." Brenda chuckled while watching the Star twins leave the hotel.

"Yes, well, there are other things that need to be resolved between them later on. For now, you know what time is it for us, dear Brenda?"

"No??" Brenda confusedly said, making Lun Yuo gently grab her hand telling her with a peaceful smile,

"It's time for us to immerse ourselves into the history of this planet and other stories the cultivators here have to offer!"

"You mean some boring library? No thanks, maybe we co-" Brenda choke on her words as suddenly the hand holding her tighten and Lun Yuo gained an ominous smile that slightly unnerved her.

"Hm? What did you say? Oh! Your just excited to learn about talisman right~."

"Yup that's right one talisman book here we come!!" Brenda suddenly felt like going to the library will let have a smoother day as in hand with Lun Yuo she sped towards Veiled City library.

Though she was a bit puzzle inside, she never had shown this side to Kazami even when he disagreed with her? But she pushed those thoughts down thinking it's only apart of her quirkiness.

In the middle of a luxurious street with high-class cultivators all bustling about, Kuzumi was still tightly gripping Kazami hand feeling a bit chaotic in her heart.

Though suddenly she stops as she felt the warmest embrace in her life. Kazami was noticing the slight distress in his twin and immediately went to hug her to calm her down, wrapping his arms around her stomach.

"Kuzumi is feeling jealous or lonely? Big brother is sorry for making you feel this way, today we'll do something special to make it up to you, ok?" As he was talking to her, he was rubbing her stomach. And speaking in a tone in remembrance of their childhood.

Whenever they were younger, whenever Kuzumi got upset, he would sit down and hold her in this position calming her down instantly.

On her face Kuzumi smile blossom like a rose, as her heart calm down and a new blush crept on to her face.

She didn't care if they were doing such intimate action in the middle of the street as she leaned back into Kazami coyly saying,

"And you better brother, I expect nothing less!! Today the day is for the Star twins to have good old fashion fun!"

Honestly, she was acting like her child self again even with that proud smirk and looking up proudly, Kazami thought to himself.

Getting out his hug and holding his hand while walking the twins felt the most at ease than they ever did before with just the two of them walking.

"Today will be extraordinary as we're going to finally start the duality technique today." His words got Kuzumi to bounce up with a spring in her step excitedly saying,

"No, joke?! For real this time! Finally, we're...hey you advance two levels without me?!" Kuzumi at the end was astounded while sensing Kazami level. She didn't bother to do it with the previous excitement, but now on the topic of a cultivation technique, she unconsciously sensed his level.

"Oh, this? It's just from dual cultivating with Yu and Brenda even I was surprised as well with my advancement."

"Tch, whatever watch brother. We'll show them that the Star Twin duality technique can't compare with simply sex!" Kuzumi cutely pumped a fist while onlookers were starting to look at the twins' strange interactions.

Shaking his head while sighing he explains,

"It's not a competition, you know? Besides this technique is vastly different from simply dual cultivating."

Still, Kuzumi was grinning ear to ear and asked Kazami,

"Right right, so where are we going to practice anyway?"

Stopping the two for a bit, Kazami eyes suddenly lit up as he got a perfect place for them,

"I know of the excellent spot for us. You know your right in a way girl after today the Star Twins will undergo a small transformation."