Chaotic Duality

Sitting in a far more secluded area of the starlight district in which Kazami brought his girlfriends too, he and Kuzumi were leaning side by side to each other.

They gaze upon the beautiful mid-day sky, basking in each other presence. Kazami found this spot is particularly useful as it let them put their minds at peace, which is needed for the upcoming cultivation technique.

"So is it time now, brother? I feel entirely at ease..." Kuzumi told him while leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, I feel the time couldn't be riper." Kazami answers leading to Kuzumi nodding her head and sitting up slightly. The twins shift around a bit to where they sit facing each other faces.

In sync, they extended their palms out open and stared intensely into each other eyes without blinking.

The full name of the cultivation technique they were cultivating was 'Chaotic Duality'. Kazami had one day stumbled upon a plain ordinary grey looking jade tablet while in his family room for cultivation skills.

Kuzumi, on that day, had been bugging him to find a fresh-looking attack that would be fun to use. Then out of all the skills there, this tablet caught his eyes the most.

And it was for a good reason as well since ever single jade tablet they had in their family, were all elegant in appearance as well being extremely high rank.

However, for the 'Chaotic Duality' technique, it didn't hold any rank nor descriptions besides a vague and mysterious one saying, 'Two Can Control Chaos.'

Upon showing it to his twin as soon as Kuzumi grabbed it while he was touching it, the jade tablet had immediately transformed into a weird grey energy substance. The two didn't even get a chance to respond before the energy penetrated inside their heads, heading directly into their brains.

Most of the process was quick and painless, but the twins were left with one weird instruction; 'Merge and Control together. Harmonize Duality.'

Since then, they never told their parents or anyone else about this strange event; as being more younger, the two believe they uncover a hidden secret that only they can know about.

Though they soon quickly found out whenever attempting to call upon that grey energy, their bodies would be wracked with immense pain, draining their Qi too.

But a little pain didn't dissuade the twins, and Kazami came up with the idea of making past the Qi connection stage before attempting the 'Chaotic Duality' technique again.

Moreover, what soon follow after the Spirit Formation stage was their impromptu adventure, never getting the right chance to practice this technique again until now.

Concentrating entirely on each other, the twins began to call upon the grey substance locked deep away in their spirit sense after being transfered from their brains.

Because they have grown since the first day finding this technique and already had practice with merging their powers, the twins guessed they had to be in sync now.

And as soon the twins touch up the grey energy instantly, their bodies felt some pain but nothing they couldn't handle. Though shockingly for them, they could sense not just their own part of the grey energy but also each other parts!

Instinctively and slowly, they transfer the energy into the arms and out their palms, carefully forming a small orb shape of the grey power.

They didn't know why they were doing this way, but their bodies reacted on its own, giving them the feeling this was the right move.

It took a bit of time before two small grey orbs appeared out of their palms. Despite only performing seemingly straightforward actions, the twins were actually heavily sweating panting a bit.

Their minds were in an extreme state of concentration, and they had to move in complete sync and form the orb in sync too. Although they had deep experience with merging their powers, this technique left them more drain than ever.

Suddenly without any action from the two, their orbs had formed a stream of grey energy that connected the two.

In an instant, both of their bodies got filled to the brim with this energy. It unloaded an intense pain shared between them as their eyes blanked.


Snapping open his eyes, Kazami saw he was no longer in the starlight district but instead in an endless, entirely grey space.

He was on full alert and was planning to tread carefully until his vision abruptly blocked off!

It would've been a troubling event only if he didn't feel a soft pair of hands on his eyes and voice that could instantly wash away the turbulence of his heart.

"Guess who~?" The sweet voice whispered into his eyes as he felt two modest twin peaks smash into his back.

"Stop playing around, you should be getting serious now." His words did little to stop Kuzumi as she dropped her hands from his eyes but still cling on to his back, mushing her face with him.

"But don't you feel it, Kazzy~? I've never felt more in tune with you than now!"

"Haaah, I thought you left that embarrassing nickname behind when we turn 10? Though it does feel like we're almost conjoined in away." Kazami had, for the first time since starting his journey, gained a small blush from his sister's affectionate pet name.

If Lun Yuo and Brenda were to see this, their eyes would open wide as never had Kazami once blush or even acted a bit embarrassed from his bold teasing and touches with them.

Kuzumi seemed to relish in this and held no intention of letting him go feeling better, clinging on to him.

For the twins, it felt as if their souls were interconnected, and they could feel every thought or feeling of each other. It was a surreal but welcoming feeling as neither decided to move for a few minutes.

Though now, Kuzumi was feeling increasingly hot, holding on so tightly to Kazami, releasing short hot breaths in his ears.

It was getting Kazami to feel a bit hot as well, as he began to stroke her head getting wild and strange ideas until

"As I expected, you two certainly surpass any so-called 'bonds' that ever came before here."

A gentle yet loud booming voice awoke the twins from their stupor. Kuzumi had clung tighter to Kazami as the two saw a mysterious person wrapped in the same grey energy they produced.

"What's this the hidden ancient master that'll teach us divine techniques, right?" Kuzumi, without any care, was jesting to the figure wanting to get a reaction from it.

Though it would only disappoint her as the hidden person kept on talking in the same neutral voice,

"Kazami Star, the boy who wants to dominate anyone he feels like doing. Kuzumi Star? Well anyways the girl who wants to cause misery in people. Normally cultivators die from carelessly using this power. Special people make it the Duality forming stage before dying. And only rare people can come to the grey space only to die a second later. Your bonds are indeed at a high standard."

The twins were puzzled with everything that was just said. How did this person know their names or what they like to do? Why did they question Kuzumi's name? How did they even survive when everyone else can't?

Questions like these ranged in their minds until Kazami blurted out,

"How high is our bond?"

He didn't know why out of everything he wanted to ask this question, but it felt the most curious to him. Kuzumi shared the same sentiment as well, keeping quiet in anticipation of the person's answer.

"The fact you asked that question out of everything proves we don't have to kill you. You may be a bit of a womanizer with those other little girls, and may even become a bigger one in the future. But at least from you two thoughts, actions, words, and feelings, we can entrust the next step you to."

The more the person talks, the more confused the twins gotten,


"Save some of your questions for another date. For now, we will bestow you two with a powerful strand of what you dubbed as the 'grey energy'. Refine it into your Spirit Sea, it'll allow you two to advance a level or two. Once you finish, remember to practice the Duality forming stage until you will no longer feel any pain from the energy. Not a single bit! My estimation in these million of years it would take even the most special of the genius of a pair of cultivators at least, let's say fifty thousand years before achieving this step? Though for you two, maybe it won't even take a hundred years...until next time~."

And without any time to react, the person flick two strands grey energy inside the twins finishing of its speech with a slightly weird tenderly tone that nearly sounded like two voices?

Though for the twins, they had no time to think upon this for a second as the grey energy caused tremendous pain to them, booting them out of this mysterious space.

"I await you two great returns..."


Back in the starlight district, Kazami and Kuzumi folded under the pain slamming their hand into the ground as their bodies shudder.

The grey strand of energy chaotically rampaged around their Spirit Sea until in their bodes, a purple star and silver feather gleamed intensely.

It appeared in their Spirit Sea, calming the rampaging grey energy, letting it slowly being absorbed in them.

Neither moved a muscle for over thirty minutes and then,


The grey energy inside Kuzumi Spirit Sea got sucked down and was absorbed deep inside it. At the same time, her Origin core grew in size, getting to sixty percent formation indication she broken through to the sixth level of Origin Formation!

While the same process occurs for Kazami, his core only grew to seventy percent formation, indicating he broken through yet again to the seventh level of Origin Formation!

Finally, the two let out a deep breath they didn't know they were holding as they sat back up, their flawless robes drenched in sweat.

But while resting back up after this intense session, Kuzumi eyes suddenly sparkled as she called out to Kazami,

"Kazzy!...Err I mean brother! Look at the holes we made from that grey orb." When Kuzumi called out in that same affectionate pet name, she gained a bright blush and instantly corrected herself, feeling way too embarrassed to call him out in the open.

Kazami only shook his head at his sister's cute actions, though his eyes also widen in surprise, looking at the hole they made.

Generally, if they were to put push their powers to the limit, they could drill through the ground, but they wouldn't be able to go far in one attempt. At most, they could dig a few miles in the planet if they try hard enough, but this result was beyond expectations.

Injecting their spirit sense inside the hole, it went far down through the planet, even surpassing the point where they could sense up to. And the distance their spirit sense could travel up to was in no way small, going up to hundreds of miles in their base state.

This kind of power to so quickly drill through a planet and yet have it be undetectable could perhaps be at the level of an early-stage divine path cultivator maybe even more!

Though it in no way mean the twins had the prowess of a divine path cultivator, it did say that the grey energy was far more powerful than they thought.

"Now, this! This leads to a whole new can of playthings we have to try out in the future brother!" A statement that Kazami shared as they both began to rest back up and washed up with Qi.


On their way out of the starlight district after spending a little bit more time with each other and having a bit of fun, Kuzumi had abruptly grabbed Kazami's hand, pulling him towards a specific spot here.

Going behind a specific a tree, Kuzumi made shushing gesture telling him,

"Listen to this."

"Su Mo, it's been a long couple of days, hasn't it? Especially after those cruel Skull Mercenaries attempted to massacre us. And those rude guys back at the sect. It feels nice being able to relax like this."


The handsome young man who was talking was the same Luo Ke, and the beyond cute girl who simply nodded was also Su Mo, the two who Kazami team met when destroying the Skull Mercenaries Heaven Rulers.

Currently, they seemed to be resting under a bright, colourful tree as the wind swayed their clothes.

Only Luo Ke's eyes held a bit of obvious affection towards Su Mo while the girl was oblivious to it, thinking deeply about a specific subject. Of course, with Luo Ke watching how could he not pick up on her deep thoughts?

"Su Mo, is everything alright? Oh! I get it, your mind is still on that near life or death experience. Or is on something else?"

And with this question, Kuzumi decided it was good time to intrude as she said,

"Hmmm, perhaps that something else is my Star brother? Or maybe lovable me?"

"AH! Brother Kazami and Fairy Kuzumi! Who would've thought we run into you here." Luo Ke instantly jumped and greeted the twins with respect, shimmering in his eyes as they walked out behind them.

"Ah Star Kazami...Scary Kuzumi." Su Mo had her gaze entirely on Kazami though she for a second averted her eyes when looking at Kuzumi, loudly saying Kazami name but mumbling Kuzumi's.

Though Kuzumi did pick up on the scary about her and was about taunt the cute innocence girl until Kazami spoke up first with

"A coincidence indeed though I thought your group would've returned back to the sect earlier?"

"Hahaha...yea, we did only we've ran into some troublesome matters back at the sect, and now all we want to do is just take a bit of a rest." Luo Ke strangely laughed, telling them, not wanting to involve the two in their problems.

"Just...a a bunch... of bullies!" Su Mo quietly said while cutely glaring at the ground, balling up her tiny little fists.

It prompted Kuzumi to slowly walk up to the duo, freezing them both as Luo Ke's heart raced, and Su Mo was feeling a bit of fear. Even under their hoodies, both of them could never forget the angelic face of Kuzumi Star!

She slowly used two fingers, slightly moving the duo chins up with it, enjoying the awe on Luo Ke face and little worried look on Su Mo's.

"Common Sect troubles for you, eh? Perhaps we'll...not help! Hahaha! Or maybe we will who knows? Let's go, brother, I have my fun with these two." And swiftly, she walked past the dazed two, not taking a single to look back.

Looking behind them, they already notice Kazami was by her side, and he turned to them more specifically Su Mo and sent her a small smirk making the petite girl gain a faint hue.

"It's only our second time, but once again, they leave us too stun to speak right Su Mo?" Though Luo Ke didn't receive a response as she was dazedly watching the enigmatic twins leave.

Late at night, walking into his room after giving his sister a long bear hug who refused to let go for nearly five minutes. Kazami returns to a quiet and peaceful place where Brenda and Lun Yuo were leaning against each other on the bed, reading their separate books.

It was a serene scene until Kazami took one step, and Brenda flashed of the bed and into his arms, spinning Kazami around a bit. While Lun Yuo fell flat on her back with her support gone, and her book falling on her face.

"Kaz! You were right, this talisman stuff is easy to learn! Not only that it's actually really interesting to learn about as well. Even now, I have some wild ideas on how to make some absolute slaughtering talisman!" She began to rapidly fire off her experience while still holding her book in one hand.

Holding her place and sharing a short but sweet kiss with her he said,

"It's only natural my Brenda can learn something as complicated as that. Not even I can boast about knowing how to make talisman in a day. What about you, Yu?"

He asked while picking up the fallen Lun Yuo, who laid on the bed book still on her face, and he shared a loving kiss with her. Brenda was still on his right side, snuggling up to his face smiling a bit smugly at Lun Yuo figuring out something.

Despite having the feeling of wanting to unnerve her white hair partner, all of instantly went away as soon as Kazami tended to her.

As Kazami sat down, she leaned on to his chest sighing contently while telling him,

"A peaceful day us girls need to take more in the future. This planet history is honestly intriguing, I have to tell you about it soon. Oh! And next time we'll even bring Kuzumi."

"Ah-Ha! I think I get it!!" Brenda suddenly said out loud while snapping her fingers, still clutching on to Kazami.

Though she couldn't hold on to the feeling of elation for long as an ominous feeling welled up inside her.

"Got what exactly, dear Brenda~?" Lun Yuo smiled like a gentle demon while Brenda was looking all over the place but her.

"O-oh Y-you know..."

Sighing Kazmai simply shook his head and started to rub their heads in the girls' favourite spots making their mew like little kittens.



"Now, now don't bully Brenda too much, Yu. And Brenda mind your words now. Cause tonight, I want to hear all about your days while you both scream out my name." Kazami said and abruptly, playfully tossed them on the bed as the girls began to laugh.

"Hahaha! Kaz, I'll just scream out my day!!"

"Fufufufu~. My Zami is such brute~.' Kazami already couldn't contain his lust grabbing their juicy breast and beginning the start of many hot and loving sessions during their long week before their sects tests.