Sect Inclusion Test

"So here we are! The big pristine Holy Twilight sect home to all the geniuses on this mortal planet. And least it's spacious." Kuzumi had lazily remarked upon gazing at the most extravagant large buildings since coming to this planet.

The sect had many interconnected buildings running along in the city, and each building was far more extensive than even a palace with intricate design placed on it. Every building was design in an elegant orange purple mix with beautiful looking stars paint on it as well.

It would be a sight that surely would've made anyone on this planet look on in awe except for Kazami team.

Kuzumi held no care for the sight nor the mass of powerful people going in and out of the sect. Lun Yuo though, was the only one looking in interest at the surroundings of the building, while Brenda had the same book from yesterday under her arm and was taking a note or 'targeting' every sect member there.

All the while, Kazami had an even look in his eyes, thinking upon the relaxed pass week. Currently, the four were slowly walking to an artistic orange, purple mix gate that was open to the public.

The week has passed quickly for the four, and all of them enjoyed it to the fullest. Every day, Kazami would either hang out individually with the girls, go on dates with his girlfriends personally or on a double date.

And late at night, he would engage in loving passion full sex with Lun Yuo and Brenda bringing them closer bit by bit.

The only thing cultivation related he did was practice 'Chaotic Duality' for a short while with Kuzumi, until their bodies broke down from the pain. Ever since the day the twins left the grey space, it was as if the grey energy ramped up in its intensity, making each session of their short.

And like Kazami, the girls were also enjoying the week such as Brenda, who became very invested in the making of talisman, reading several books on the subject.

Lun Yuo had managed to when she went alone to converse with people at Veiled City library, exchanging all kinds of tales. It was simple for her as even if the robe hood was on, Lun Yuo voice exuded a natural charisma that made people want to talk to her.

For Kuzumi, Kazami was trying to find a hobby for her to do though she would reply with, 'My hobby is enjoying our time together, brother!.'

Although Kazami still didn't know what she would be up to when he went out with either Lun Yuo or Brenda alone. He only hopes it was something that Kuzumi just didn't want to share with him.

Kazami shook his head with a small smile thinking about past matters, and looking around, he had confirmed Luo Ke and his team weren't lying about the talent of the youths here.

Nearly every youth there was either peak level Ruler Transformation or at the Heaven Ruler realm, and some were even beyond the first level of Heaven Ruler.

For a humane realm planet, this kind of talent where the Qi is naturally weaker, and there are massively fewer resources here compared to even low-rank God realms. This can genuinely count as the cream of the corp among mortals.

Though an odd thing he notices was all the youths on the outside of the gate were seemingly preparing themselves or huddle up into groups.

Naturally, this didn't bother Kazami team in the slightest even in the face with all the robust Heaven Ruler youths as they walked through the Holy Twilight Sect gate.

Two split apart after the gate, one leading to the main sect building and the other leading to a big stone arena. In front of the stage was an average looking man wearing a higher quality of the Holy Twilight sect uniform robes.

This man was sitting behind an elegant purple desk while several youths sat along the sides of the path leading up to the desk. On the front side of the desk, it read the 'Sect Inclusion test.'

Despite the mass amount of the younger generation outside around the sect, there was no line currently for the test in which Kazami and the girls took advantage of swiftly rushing up the desk.

"We're here to take the sect test, please." A tender voice spoke to the man as Lun Yuo was made the resident peace speaker for specific events like this.

The man who had first observed these particular four youths coming inside the gate was a bit surprised at the speed they use to rush here and felt a little bit good inside listening to that oh so ever sweet voice.

Still, rules were rules as he plainly stated,

"Reveal your realm."

It was an unspoken unanimous requirement every sect pulled for these tests. Just having some ability to hide one's realms wasn't a huge issue at all, only they need to know what they were working with.

Kazami and the girls shrug as they released a small portion of their powers, causing not only the man but the youths that were watching them become stunned.

"Three sixth level Origin Formation? One seventh level Origin Formation? Are you kids hear to play around?" The test taker man spoke in a bit of cold voice, not expecting for such a joke of little Origin Formations juniors taking their test.

"What the hell? Do these kids come from some powerful family or clan? Their heads must not be screwed on right if they think they can take on this test at such pitiful realms! Heh."

"Hahaha! Maybe they don't know only peak Ruler Transformation or higher have taken this test, or they have their heads shoved up far in their asses!"

Hearing all the jeering and taunting, furthermore, the tone of the man's voice, Kazami, and Lun Yuo were indifferent. While Kuzumi put on a playful smile and Brenda etched a feral grin.

Before anymore, questions or taunts were further thrown their way Kuzumi said,

"Oh jeez, would you look at this? My hands are being forced by all of you, remember this!"

"Oh, they'll remember Kuzumi, especially the fear!!"


In a sudden and dramatic turn of events, Kuzumi and Brenda unleashed their divine bloodlines without going into their transform state.

After casual and repeated practice during the week as well, the four them learned how to control the level of their divine bloodlines aura a bit. It develops to the point where they can gush out an atmosphere and pressure of a Heaven Ruler without showing off their God beasts parts.

Around Kuzumi was a graceful purple aura, and Brenda gained a dangerous white aura. All of the youths shut their mouths while the man stood up in an instant.

Their aura and pressure it was no mistaking it, all of them clearly felt it was at the level of the Heaven Ruler realm!

And like Brenda said even as the other teens were at either peak Ruler Transformation, or at the first level of Heaven Ruler, all of them felt intense fear from her slaughtering aura.

Not even the small few who were at the second level of Heaven Ruler was spare from feeling fear.

"I always find it interesting how we have to constantly remind the little people. Though it is fun in its own way."

"Hopefully, after this all, we all can learn or thing or two."

Kazami spoke up first with Lun Yuo following close behind as they made the situation even more chaotic.


Same with Kuzumi and Brenda, Kazami gained a beautiful purple aura while Lun Yuo donned a gently green aura.

But all the youths just felt even more pressure than before since Kazami, and Lun Yuo also exuded the aura of a Heaven Ruler! Their bodies started to sweat, and they simply couldn't process this scene.

The four realms were clearly Origin Formation, and yet they have Heaven Ruler prowess?! Anybody, if they were to hear such a line, would mock and ridicule it, but here they are witnessing an unimaginable scene!

"This-this...are you four truly in Origin Formation?!" The test taker man asked such an obvious question, but his mind refused to believe reality.

"Is this a question that needs answering Mr test manager?" Kuzumi jested, smiling under her hood. The man upon hearing her words had to shake his head, but still, the four youths were in front of his face.

Slowly he reached under the desk taking out four dark black stones. Each stone wasn't huge, but the weight of each was on a whole other level.

The surrounding youths still feeling the immense pressure from Kazami, and the girls' aura now had their minds wander on if they can truly take on this stone.

"These are four heavenly stone designed to test one control and power over Heavenly Qi. With heavenly Qi you will or supposed to smoothly control your Qi going inside the stone while also making sure it doesn't disperse by increasing your power. Depending on how much heavenly Qi you pour in before it disperses, the stone will lit up to brighter colors."

The man carefully explained as for this test, it did not matter what level one would be at in the Heaven Ruler realm; instead, it was all about control.

Many times and especially for the early levels of Heaven Ruler, cultivators will have a tough time efficiently wielding heavenly Qi, leading them to run out of Qi quickly.

Without proper control, it can lead to an excessive amount of Qi getting wasted when one charges an attack or even fly with heavenly Qi.

This stone could accurately tell who would have some talents in control as well with their level of comprehension. Since a significant fact with controlling heavenly Qi is being able to profoundly comprehend the unique properties behind it.

Kazami and the girls took the stones from the desk, feeling it around in their hands while everyone else waited in bated breaths.

Even if magically, they have the aura and pressure of a Heaven Ruler, they couldn't wield heavenly Qi. After all, they all could keenly sense their Origin Formation realm, and Origin Qi can never match heavenly Qi, right?

While feeling the stone out, Kazami and the girls could sense the stone wasn't of high quality since its power only match up to the fifth level of Heaven Ruler.

The four guessed it was because no other youths surpassed the second level of Heaven Ruler, and even then, having second level challengers was rare.

Kazami and the girls exchanged a knowing glance with each other and smirk, preparing to shock everyone there even further.

Casually they increased their divine bloodline power making the stones quickly change color. First, it transformed into a dark brown color, then it jumped straight into a light blue. But it in no way near done as it changed into a bright white glow!


"B-b-but how?! Don't tell me they actually have the prowess of a Heaven Ruler?!"

Shock and surprised cries ranged out from the youths as their eyes couldn't believe reality. Despite feeling and sensing Kazami team aura and pressure, seeing it with a live example caused a tremendous shock.

Now it could even be said, the four could possibly fight a strong first-level Heaven Rulers yet! Though the fact they can also skip an entire realm in prowess was mind-boggling to being with.

The test taker man went utterly silent at this point. His eyes bulged out if his sockets, and he prepared himself to congratulate the four until he notices the stone slightly shaking.

And withing mere seconds he notices the slight shake, the stone began to quiver violently. It was looking like it was getting overloaded until,


Four thunderous explosions caused everyone in the vicinity to go dead silent. The youths who were watching had all passed Holy Twilight inclusion tests, but never had they seen someone explode the heavenly stone!

The man was in more of an intense shock as he clearly knew, a feat like this could only be caused by a sixth level Heaven Ruler or higher. There were multiple stones design for the various levels of Heaven Ruler, and these stones were accurately meant for the early levels.

And if they all broke it wouldn't this mean, not only they surpass the first level of Heaven Ruler, no the four could all fight with intermediate Heaven Ruler?!

His mind raced a million miles per minute, but one question dominated it,

Just what sort of freaks have their sects come across?!

Kuzumi who was basking the ever presenting awe silence decided to speak up in a playful tone,

"So is time for us to beat some ass? That's why you have that big stone arena behind you, no?"