Tundra Beasts

As the four ferocious gigantic polar bear beasts hasten down to Kazami, he put his hand behind him and erected a red ice barrier for the other safety. However, this red ice was weaker than any of his previous barriers, given his current state.

Yet Kazami had no time to think it over as four blue ice Qi bear palms came crashing down on him.

Hastily he formed a red ice wall as his head swirled with pain since he forcefully called upon his feather tattoo mark to block this attack.


Both Qi broke apart upon impact, sending snow flying everywhere as Kazami rushed out to meet the bear beasts head-on in a split second. He held no clear game plan and was near the edge, but something in his blood refused him to back down.

His head was still blazing with pain, Kazami ignited his hands in a silver flash as he clashed with one of the polar bear beasts clawed who looked surprised by the impact.

Kazami silver hand was causing a burning sensation, and it felt a bone crack from the clash. But unlucky for Kazami, these polar bears have frighteningly high pain tolerance, and something like a broken bone would barely affect it.

The bears' prey was astonishingly stronger and faster than expected, but it matters little as it used its other claw to strike at Kazami, along with the other three beasts.

Hurriedly Kazami rushed back while forming a dark red lightning shield in hopes of when they clash it'll temporarily stun the beasts a bit,


Four beasts claws met the dark red lightning shield in a heavy collision as Kazami got sent flying back while puking out blood as his shield dissipated. The polar beasts did felt the electricity numb their claws a bit as their claws held flashes of dark red shocks.


But this numbness only fuel to further anger the beasts as they couldn't believe a combined attack from them wasn't enough to destroy their prey. Unleashing another mighty roar, they hurry down to the kneeling Kazami.

Kazami had his brain working a hundred miles per second, as from that very brief exchange, he knew he could barely control this godly silver power to work effectively.

When striking the polar bear, his feather tattoo mark went into chaos as his body couldn't hold that output of power.

What was even worse for him was how he knew he couldn't use his Profound Spiritual Eyes now without immediately passing out or use his god bloodline in a competent manner that won't burn him out quickly.

The four beasts were quaking the tundra as they would pounce on Kazami soon, but suddenly he gained a new thought.

'My body is nearly useless, but if I had a weapon?'

Two flashes appeared next to him, and it was the brown sword and Neptune God Trident! He hasn't trained with them nor used them in some time, but in this perilous situation, he recalled the wondrous effects his bloodline had on them.

In a swift motion, he picked up the brown sword, which gained a faint purple line on it and swung down to the polar beasts that neared him, unleashing a powerful brown beam!

The beasts' eyes widen like platters, but at their distance, it was impossible to avoid now. Though at the last second Kazami didn't see it but the bears' furs spiked up.


All four of the beasts got sent flying back as Kazami stayed protected from the aftershocks of the attack.

Now with the little time he brought himself, Kazami bit his tongue, burning his blood essence. In a rush, he drips his blood essence on the trident and sword in hopes something magical will happen again.

Kazami knew this time his blood essence will be far weaker than any other time as he's sustaining numerous massive injuries. And to his joy, the weapons immediately lit up with purple lines!

Furthermore, he notices in the middle of the two weapons was a faint silver dot.

But he didn't have time to question it as both weapons flew slightly above him and gleamed a dazzling purple spark that held a faint silver hue.


Kazami felt incomparably comfortable being under the two weapons, but for miles, the tundra fell into chaos as the two weapons pressure and aura kept climbing up. And for the four beasts, they all halted their charges once sensing that power.

Their furs were all spiky as it acted in defense for Kazami brown beam, but blood did drip from their mouths. From gaining this slight injury, the four were in a near frenzy and sped back at an insane speed, but now they couldn't move a single muscle.

And Kazami didn't let them get the chance to think as he grabbed the Neptune God Trident with a vicious grin.


He unleashed a roaring death cry and fiercely swung down the trident unleashing an enormous purplish silver shark beam!

The four bears beasts hastily bit their tongues jolting them up as they attempted to run away, only it was too late as the beam far surpassed their speeds.


A tremendous explosion shook the zone as Kazami watch the bears' beasts turn into ash from the attack. Once it died down, Kazami gained a small smile as he was preparing to go back, but abruptly he felt his blood run cold.


Kazami eardrums got assaulted with a anguish bellowed that boomed in his mind. The voice sounded female, although it was akin to more of deranged beast cry. Kazami could barely stand his ground as he felt a more violent earthquake.

The pressure and aura he sensing was unmistakably similar to the assassin man, even slightly stronger than the man. A second rank Heaven King Sea beast!

Glancing in front miles ahead of him, he saw the pure white polar bear beast, even more, gigantic than previous four polar bear beasts, and he assumed it was a relative or close person to them.

This beast pressure and aura even matched his weapons aura, and Kazami knew then he had to make a rash decision.

Grabbing the two weapons before this enormous beast could near Kazami rushed the bear despite his body burning with pain telling him to stop. He gritted his teeth to the point where blood flowed out of them, but he still raced on.

The bear beast who saw the human that killed its brothers rush to him grew frenzy and rushed Kazami with the same swiftness. In seconds, they both crossed dozen of miles, and the bear claw ignited in a powerful blue ice Qi aura as it fur spiked up as well.

Kazami, on the other, hand burned his feather tattoo mark to the point where it felt his head would split open but caused his weapons to kindle in a blinding silver, purple mix spark.

He knew compared to his body, these weapons should be able to hold his intense godly power, and both attacks met as,


Both humans and beast got sent flying for miles, but the bear flew even further as Kazami attack was slightly stronger than his. And while Kazami flew out, he shifted his body to crash right into his red ice barrier.


His force broke the flimsy barrier, but Kazami paid no attention to nor his critically severe injuries as he flung himself up both weapons in hand. He held both weapons to his face, and he didn't know if this would work, but he had to try.

"Erect the strongest defense barrier you can! And hold on for only several minutes!!" He roared to the weapons, and instantly there was a reaction!

Both sword and trident flew out his hand to hover above the eight and glimmered in a bright purple silver mix. And like Kazami asked, the weapons formed a purple silver barrier around them.

With this, even when the bear comes and strikes them, they wouldn't be affected.

Swiftly Kazami went to Brenda's pocket and got eight of the blue crystal pearl orbs and came to an immediate decision.

Putting one in his mouth, he kissed Brenda's lips, prying her mouth with his tongue, and used the small bit of Qi he had left to transfer the orb inside her safely.

His tongue met with Brenda, but now, he had no time to enjoy her sweet, succulent tongue. Once the orb started to react in Brenda's body, he did the same thing with Lun Yuo pushing the orb in her mouth as his tongue wrapped around hers.

Moving on from her, Kazami gave no further thoughts and first pried open Dela mouth and transfer the orb insider her. Unlike Lun Yuo and Brenda, he didn't bother with meeting her tongue, but he did note how soft her lips and tongue were.

In a flash, he did the same process with Su Mo, noticing her lips and tongue carried an incredible amount of sweetness to it that would make any man addicted.

Furthermore, when he was doing the process with Mara, her lips and tongue carried an exotic taste that would make anyone's mind fall. But all of these thoughts were pushed in the back of Kazami mind as he rushed around each girl.

When he finally got to Kuzumi, he suddenly felt his heart speed up slightly as he felt an odd attraction to her lips and the thought of touching them with his own.

But he held no hesitation and pried open her mouth to transfer the orbs. During this process, he couldn't help but wrapped his tongue around her, feeling a burst of different feelings.

The most explicit feeling of them all was he wanted to stay like this for longer, but he immediately got rid of those impure thoughts about his cute little sister and dragged his body to Luo Ke.

Kazami used his hand to pry open his mouth, and, coating his hand in Origin Qi, he safely shoved the orb in his mouth, guiding it down in his body with Qi.

Kazami didn't give any thoughts on how he could've done this process with the girls as he already senses that beast barreling towards them, and swiftly he took the last orb in his mouth and felt a tremendous amount of divine energies.

Instantly the purple star and silver feather in his spirit sea ignited in a frenzied rush as it took hold of the divine energies to absorb it.

Simentousnaly, the polar bear beast was barreling down in a deranged state as the snow flew all around it. During the whole fight, Kazami had with the bears; no other monsters came close in fear of their insane powers.

The bear was insanely fast dashing a dozen miles like it was nothing, and its eyes landed upon the same boy sitting with his eyes closed along with the other seven figures lying down eyes closed.

Its eyes also notice the purple silver barrier; the weapons were exuding, but it also didn't felt any pressure coming from it now. Currently, the beast mind was full-on in killing intent and didn't think as its claws shined even brighter than its last attack with its ice Qi aura freezing the ground.

The beast dived like a cannonball to crush all eight of the humans in one fell swoop while also destroying the barrier, although,



The bear shrieked out an anguished cry as when it struck the barrier, both weapons glimmered and sent the beast flying for dozen of miles once again.

None of the youths felt even the slightest shake on the inside. After the polar bear beast crushing attack, seven of the youth's eyes flung open as,


An intense mix of auras and Qi crazily spew around the barrier as all seven of them experienced a powerful breakthrough! Furthermore, it was like an invisible aura protected themselves from each other as everyone's power crazily exuded out.

All of them sprang back up to their feet, their auras still raging about as Brenda screamed out,

"I will shred all of them into a million pieces!!"