The Next Realm

A multitude of incredible power was still raging about in the weapons barrier as the seven youths neared the end of their breakthrough. All of them felt energize and a rush of vengeance as they recalled how badly they all got beaten by those assassins.

And while none of them had definitive proof, they all reinforce the idea that this was all Moli fault and maybe even Guardian Lian plan as well.

The only person who didn't thoroughly think with them was Kazami, who still had his eyes closed in a cross-legged position. Soon before the end of their breakthrough, the seven youths' senses touched upon a roaring beast strutting down to them.


A tremendous ferocious roared quake the tundra zone as their eyes gazed at a humongous tall white polar bear beasts barreling to them in a deranged frenzied state.

"So as soon as we wake, a big fat sheep come out to play, huh?" Kuzumi remarked with a cruel smile as,


Seven thunderous loud bangs ranged from the youths' bodies as everyone finalized their breakthrough! And this time while advancing, Luo Ke, Su Mo, and Dela all gained a bright purple lightning aura as they transcended to the ninth level of Heaven Ruler.

For them, including Mara, it was all too easy to ever since the beginning of their cultivation journey to advance when they reached a breakthrough stage, only having trouble gathering enough Qi for each level.

And the Heaven Ruler realm was the biggest bottleneck for the three of them, plus Mara, who held the highest level of all of them.

In the Heaven Ruler realm, one would have to receive enlightenment through extreme situations such as life or death battles and cultivate their mental state to transform their ordinary spirit sense into a heavenly spirit sense.

This process could only get performed in the Ruler Transformation realm since one spirit sense would need to experience several bouts of enlightenment to reach Ruler Transformation and then continue to the next stage.

Furthermore, one body has to be strong enough to hold heavenly Qi and use their heavenly spirit sense.

And for the next five levels a cultivator after crossing the initial boundary of Heaven Ruler and touching upon their heavenly spirit sense, they would need to temper their heavenly spirit sense and body with heavenly Qi to wield this power without losing control perfectly.

Once the fifth boundary gets passed, one would comprehend the hidden profound mysteries of heavenly Qi and transform their Ruler Core into a Heavenly Core for the next five levels.

And for Su Mo, Luo Ke, Dela, and Mara at their initial stages, they had a perfected heavenly spirit sense and could smoothly control heavenly Qi. Furthermore, they manage to comprehend the mysteries of heavenly Qi as well, but the amount their bodies and core were vastly superior to any other youths in the sect.

It's why they appear to have slow cultivation speed, but thanks to the Kazami team, their potential got unleashed through the divine energies and broke through levels like glass, near to transforming their heavenly core.

On the other hand, with Mara, she was able to advance faster than the other, but once she hit the fourth level, her body and core needed an insane amount to breakthrough and gotten stuck for quite sometime before the Kazami team showed up.

Mara had gained the familiar blinding white light once again as the mark in on her forehead was taking shape in the form of something akin to a wing, although it immediately went away as it appeared. Yet Mara still manages to cross into the tenth level of Heaven Ruler, transforming her core into a complete heavenly core.

For Lun Yuo, Kuzumi, and Brenda, their god bloodlines aura exuded out as their Origin Core got formed perfectly. All of their cores grew to enormous sizes, and it all signifies the girls had stepped in the tenth level of Origin Formation!

The polar bear beast had stopped a few distances away from the barrier, utterly unaware of why seven of its prey suddenly decided to stand up.

Even now, it still couldn't sense any strong auras coming from the barrier, but after the last attack, the bear decided to take a more cautious approach. But everything soon changed when a bright golden-white flash crossed his vision.


The beast couldn't comprehend what happened but in the very next split-second,


It howled out in pain, and its mind fell into a slaughtering sensation maddening it even further as its entire arm got cleanly cut off. And right behind the beast was Brenda smiling decked out in her Kun Peng bloodline state.

The evidence was clear as day from this one attack, her prowess took a quantitative boost, and if she wanted, she could've cleanly cut off the beast head.

But she wanted to vent a bit as suddenly a leviathan tentacle wrapped around the beast mouth silencing it and crushing down on it. Lun Yuo came walking out of the barrier as she felt refreshed from this breakthrough.

The bear mind was already in chaos, and once Lun Yuo crashed down on it with her leviathan tentacle, she majorly suppressed all of its King Qi as it struggled to break free. Not even its spiked up fur made a difference.

However, suddenly the bear felt something land on top of its massive head, and its eyes soon came face-to-face, blinding purple pupils.

"You're gonna love this final attack!" Kuzumi stated after bending over to stare the beast in the eyes, instilling fear in its chest. Getting up, Kuzumi coated her hand in roaring blue fire Qi and slammed on top of the bear head.

Jumping off as Lun Yuo recalled her tentacle, the polar bear beast burst into raging blue flames!

The beast couldn't even roar out in pain as it got burned on the inside of its body as well, experiencing a slow, painful death as the light gradually faded from its eyes. And no corpse was left behind as the blue fire consumed the bear.

"Now that was slightly cathartic, alright, you four can come out now it's safe," Kuzumi said to Mara group as they watch with amusement on seeing the girls effortlessly do something shocking again.

They were walking out the barrier, and quickly their bodies shivered as they got hit by the freezing temperature of this tundra zone and immediately wrapped their bodies in heavenly Qi.

"Ahh!! Even with my Qi, I'm still freezing my ass over here! I'm not even surprised you girls can resist this!" Dela whined out as she and the others were holding themselves while continually shivering.

"Oh my, it seems like my cute little junior disciples can't stand a little cold. Luckily I have just what you need." Lun Yuo sweetly smiled to them, and with a snap of her fingers, four vines sprouted from her knuckles wrapping the Moli group as they also gained a gentle green aura.

Because of her, now they all felt incomparably warm and comfortable as Luo Ke sighed out with,

"Haaah, like always, we're blessed to have Fairy sister Yuo on our side!"

"Hm? Hey, why is brother still taking so long to breakthrough?" Kuzumi, while the other was talking, had abruptly recalled a blissful feeling that her mouth felt while knocked out but couldn't quite remember the entire sensation.

And she knew the only there who could make her feel like that was her great older twin.

Kuzumi's words did also get everyone's attention to turn back Kazami as the Qi inside the barrier had suddenly increased in intensity. Brenda had excitedly perked up watching Kazami as she exclaimed,

"Yoh!! Kaz is going to become a Ruler Transformation cultivator!!"

"So easy, just like that?! It took even the most talented disciples to cross over from Origin Formation to Ruler Transformation in our sect at least a year. Senior brother Kazami is outstanding." Mara breathed out as she looked on at Kazami in awe.

Su Mo, Dela, and Luo Ke also held the same awe look, as they knew Kazami breaking into Ruler Transformation is significantly different than any other youths attempting to advance.

"As expected of my Zami~. And it looks likes he nearing the edge too." Lun Yuo held a feverish gaze, always proud and impressed by her boyfriend.

Inside Kazami body, his large core had a mix of bright purple with a hint of a silver hue in it. He had already passed the tenth level of Origin Formation and now connected his spirit sense with his Origin Core to enter the core enlightenment stage.

In this process, his core accelerated his spirit sense to a supreme degree, which allowed him to sense an unknown but powerful Qi. Instantly he was able to connect it as Ruler Qi!

Typically the enlightenment core process could take even the most talented of cultivators months to get to, and when performing the enlightenment, it could last up to even a week.

But unsurprisingly, Kazami broke the rule by only needing a few seconds tops to sense and connect with Ruler Qi. He felt little resistance when using his spirit sense to absorb this Qi and smoothly comprehend some of the profound mysteries that govern Ruler Qi.

Effortlessly Kazami guided the Ruler Qi through his body and down to his Origin Core. Thanks to the mass rush of divine energies, his core was in a perfected state, and in seconds it started to gain a faint crack.

This crack represented the process of transforming the Origin Core into a Ruler Core, and Kazami was near the completion of the first level of Ruler Transformation.

And abruptly without his input, the purple star in his spirit sea gleamed a bright spark as,


The first large crack formed wholly on Kazami Origin Core signifying he advanced to Ruler Transformation! On the outside, everyone saw Kazami purple griffin wings shined a harsh purple light as his feather tattoo mark also shined in a silver mix intensity.

His dark red lightning Qi and ice Qi raged out of him in a tornado-like fashion as the snow beneath him got ruined. This phenomenon lasted for a minute as Kazami slowly opens his eyes, feeling a whole new level of power.

And he also felt a familiar soft, intense force latch on to him and rubbed against his face.

"My Kaz is perfect, like always!" Of course, it was his cute Brenda that fawned all over him for his recent breakthrough. Though he still gained a huge smile and stroked her lushes white hair as it always felt right to him to hear her praise.

"And like always, my irresistible crazy Brenda can't help but show off her overwhelming cuteness to me."

Getting up, Brenda got off him, still spouting a wide toothy smile, and Kazami made a grasping motion with his hand pulling his two weapons back in his hand as the barrier dispel.

As soon as he did, he then felt two more soft presses on his body from his front and back.

"Ahhh~. Kazzy~." Kuzumi, for a reason she couldn't explain, felt her heartbeat up when recalling the tingling sensation she felt on her lips and looking at Kazami, which caused her to dive onto his back, saying his childhood nickname in their minds.

Kazami who felt and heard her felt the surge of the same strange feeling he had before about Kuzumi, but his thoughts was distracted as Lun Yuo said,

"My Zami really put his life on the line to protect us all. I think I got the perfect reward for you~."

Lun Yuo held an angelic blushing smile as she looked to Kazami with a burning gaze, hotly breathing down his neck. It gotten him incredibly excited for her sweet rewards and bent down to her ear level still with Kuzumi latched on to his back,

"I can't wait then, and I can tell down there you're just roaring to go." His hot tone and words caused Lun Yuo to spout a huge blush as Kazami was utterly right on this point.

"Would you look at that I didn't know little Yu was quite the roguish girl." Kuzumi had also chimed in getting off from Kazami back, and going to his side to lean on his shoulder.

With a gentle but swift push off from his body, Lun Yuo ignored Kuzumi provoking comment and cleared her throat to keep up appearances in front of the others,

"Mara, Mo, Ke, Dela, isn't it about time you also give thanks to Zami for saving our lives?" She questions them while still holding on to them with her vines, and Dela reacted first as she felt like her lips experienced bliss previously.

"I was just getting to that senior sister Yuo after you all went first. But still thank you for not only this but everything Senior Brother Kazami!"

"You're akin to a perfected holy spirit from the heavens Senior Brother Kazami!" Luo Ke clasped his hand and sincerely told him.

"Thank you, Star Kazami." Su Mo shortly told but held her hands in the same clasped position as Luo Ke.

"All four of you, you have our sincerest gratitude." Mara gracefully said and slightly bowed her head in the form of respect.

"Ok! Ok! Now that brother got rightfully praised, it's time for me to take charge and lead the next...oh, Oh! AHAHAHAHA!!This is great!!" Kuzumi had called for everyone's attention, but at the end of her talk, her sudden burst of laughter confused them as she sensed something highly amusing with her fused god bloodline sense.