Violent Return

Not a single sound could get heard as the deadly silence enraptured the whole tundra zone. The team of eight youths' eyes was in awe, and no matter how much Brenda tried, she couldn't move her body.

No pressure nor aura exuded, and yet the grand, magnificent blue Phoenix that stared down at them froze them to their very core.

"How peculiar, the only other one that could come this close to me is long gone from the humane plane. But compared to him, you little four far surpass him."

A female calm, soothing cold voice ranged in the eight ears as they still stared in wonder at the legendary bird. But abruptly inside Kazami, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda, their God bloodlines swirled in a chaotic frenzy rush.

It was like as they got suppressed by the mighty phoenix bloodline, their bloodlines reacted violently against it. On the outside, Kazami and Kuzumi gleamed a dazzling purple shine, and Lun Yuo glowed with a beautiful green shine.

With Brenda, her body dazzled with a mix of golden and white; all of their respective auras lit up the zone in a multi-color spectacular light show.

And in the same process, the phoenix eyes burst wide open when it saw a phantom image of a Kun Peng, Leviathan, Griffin, and Qilin beast. Furthermore, its bloodline got marginally suppressed, creating an unfathomable pressure as it stared down the youths.

The Phoenix wasn't the only one affected as Mara despite bearing witness to the youths God bloodlines many times before, now felt something inside her tremble like it encounters a god-like figure. Her eyes were enchanted and drawn to the heroic form of Kazami as her wing tattoo suddenly appeared.

Even Luo Ke, Dela, and Su Mo got affected as their minds were rapture by the four youths, and the purple lightning inside their bodies was in utter chaos. It rampages in a high frenzy as they felt the God bloodlines.

Although, as soon has it happen, the phantom images swiftly vanished as now Kazami, Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda were able to move enough to talk finally.

"Senior, perhaps you're the legendary ice phoenix beast?" Kazami asked to test the waters, feeling refreshed from his bloodline reaction.

But the Phoenix didn't answer Kazami for a moment as it kept on staring at the four. In a slight quiver of its voice, the Phoenix asked,

"D-do you four possess a fusion of two god bloodlines?"

For this phoenix beast, never would it have any grand reactions to any strange phenomenon on this planet. Even if all four youths possessed a God bloodline, its response wouldn't be much.

But in the very brief second, what it sense was something that caused it whole soul to tremble in fear. The first beast God bloodline is impressive enough, but their second God bloodline was on a tier it couldn't put into words.

Not only that, but the fusion aura they exuded was monumental, and while it didn't see it, the Phoenix was sure there was something else besides the phantom images of the god beasts, watching it.

"To shock for words, eh? Don't worry, we met beasts that are similar to your level, but they could do nothing but prostrate in front of our bloodlines!" Kuzumi boldly boasted somewhat, confirming the Phoenix suspicious.

"Is that so? Then I wi-" The Phoenix cut itself off as suddenly the eight youths were wrapped in white light. Watching this, the beast knew what it signifies and quickly told them,

"You must come back when you're stronger!"


And after its last piece, they all swiftly left without a chance for parting words. The ice phoenix was left to stew on its thoughts as inside the mountain it was on, a massive change was happening.


"Splendid work, everyone! All disciples here manage to achieve a breakthrough in one way or another. And for our prime star talents of the sect, you all exceeded my expectations!" Currently, all tens of thousands of disciples were back on the humongous plain field were they open up the mystic realm.

Every disciple there felt proud and powerful as all of their auras became stronger, signifying the gains of their journey. But not a single one dared to put their heads up as they all were bowing to one grand figure in the sky, which was next to other people.

The one who spoke and got all disciples to bow was an extremely handsome man that exuded an emperor's grace. He was wearing a classy orange, purple twilight robe that perfectly fit his lean body and matched his long-flowed black hair.

"Disciples thanks, Sect Master, for his praise!!"

All of the youths said as yes, this man was the powerful sect master of the Holy Twilight Sect!

With a smile and nod, the man turned around to the people floating close to him. One group was Guardian Lian and his disciples, while another one was just Guardian Chui herself, with a distraught look plaster on her face.

And there was two other people with them, two incredibly beautiful females. One was older and held distinct facial features similar to Guardian Chui and lushes glowing black hair that skimmed down her back.

Her body was curvaceous, and the twilight robe she wore showed off her sexy body perfectly.

As for her realm, she was a late-stage seventh rank Great Emperor Sea! She was the third Holy Twilight Guardian here.

Next to her was a gorgeous young girl that breathed an air of confidence. Her stunning face held a proud look, and her bewitching body stood stall along with protruding breasts and ass. Adding on her twilight robe snuggle tightly on her, and her lascivious pink hair neatly swayed to her shoulder.

"Out of everyone here, you five are either stepping on the Heaven King Sea level or are already making great progress! Moli, Ruta, it's assured you two will make it the top ranking of the qualifying competition, and even in the Grand Yin tournament, you two will achieve magnificent results!" The Sect Master honestly praised them prompting, Moli and the girl next to the beautiful woman to float and bow saying,

"We honor Sect Master praise!"

As they were paying respect, all the youths on the ground and even the elders and great elders watching eyes spiked up once sensing these two realms.

When talking, Moli had exuded a grand aura of a third-ranked Heaven King Sea, and Ruta was even more shocking, spewing out a fourth-rank Heaven King Sea aura!

All disciples and elders were in awe as such a jump in levels was outrageous as only before Moli was a first-rank Heaven King Sea. While Ruta was far more reclusive, everyone knew she was only a second rank Heaven King Sea cultivator before going in.

"Guadian Lian, Guardian Mida, you're quite lucky to be blessed with such talents."

"Hm? Sect Master, aren't you forgetting about my disciples?" Guardian Chu had suddenly spoken up, but her face still held the expression of worry.

"Hey, that's right, where are your disciples? Surely they would've shown up at the same time as the rest...or maybe they met with an unfortunate accident." Guardian Lian spoke as if he was trying to comfort her, but his tone held a faint mocking trace.

And to his words, Guardian Chui sharply turned to face him, bringing down a pressure that even made slightly frown.


"Now now, there's no need to fight. Rarely it would happen, but it could be possibly her disciples made it far in the upper zone, and in it, there lie some beasts that can slow down our process of transferring them out." The sect master calmly said, but his tone and eyes showed he had little care about them.

"They would die." An indifferent voice plainly stated as Guardian Mida open her mouth for the first time.

This time Guardian Chui turned to her and was ready to jest her all the while Moli held a small smile. Guardian Line kept his ever plaster calm smile while Tiny was feeling better, and better with each second, Kazami didn't show up.

Although Ashely was also getting increasingly worried, Jane and Ruta held an uncaring, indifferent expression to those youths' fate. And the rest of the elders and disciples were also puzzled on why they haven't shown up yet;

Though right before Guardian Chui said something to Guardian Mida, a heavenly girl voiced ranged out as eight bright white lights flashed in front of Guardian Chui!

"So everyone really was waiting for our descent! I'm glad we showed up when the tension is just right." Kuzumi loudly stated as the team of eight appeared before everyone.

"Oh my. It seemed when we got swept up; we didn't have a chance to turn off our God bloodlines what a mistake~." Lun Yuo angel voice sounded in the quiet field as while her leviathans tentacles let go of Mara group, Kazami, Kuzumi, Brenda, and she was still in there transform state.

And while they all weren't at their full power, all of them still exuded a Heaven King Sea pressure, despite only being in Ruler Transformation!

Kazami especially caused Moli and Ruta's eyes to spike as it felt like their egos just took a massive blow. The aura he exuded was no less than theirs and may even match Ruta fourth rank aura!

Ruta's eyes held a challenging light while Moli nails dig into his skins, drawing blood as he felt Kazami became even stronger than before. While in the past, he was weary of Kazami, he didn't perceive him as much of a threat as he believes he could cultivate faster than him.

But the reality was a crushing blow as Kazami mere aura was causing a significant threat to him. Ashely's eyes held an obsession craving light in them as she stared at Kazami grand figure, and Tiny violently gritted his teeth as felt Kazami aura far surpass him.

Even the usually bored Jane stared intensely at the four glowing youths.

Guardian Lian eyes flashed with surprise, but he still maintained his calm prestige, and Guardian Mida, for the first time looked on at something with interest. All the while, Sect Master gained a casual smile as he turned to meet them.

But all other disciples, elders, and great elders became far more in awe of Kazami and the girls since it only a week ago these four were in the late stages of Origin Formation with only middle stage Heaven Ruler prowess.

Now, not only have they advanced to Ruler Transformation so quickly but also have the prowess of a Heaven King Sea cultivator?!

Was there no common sense that existed for them?!

"Ahhh, so you four are the famous new genius disciples I've heard so much about. And yes, you all are quite good." Half halfheartedly praised the Sect Master, but Kazami was half listening as a fair distance away from them; he could sense a person that will surely help with his plan.

Not missing a single beat Kazami turned of his God bloodlines and said,

"Kuzumi, Yu, Brenda turn off your power. We're not the only genius here." Following his word, the three reverted, and finally, everyone took notice at Mara group as they all, including Guardian Chui, became bug-eyed at Mara group power.

"WHAT?! Impossible there no way you four trash could ever match us!!!" Ashely roared out in disbelieve as Tiny also spoke up with,

"It doesn't make sense, three of you were only trash first level and second level Heaven Rulers! And Mara was only merely at the fourth level how did you become a Heaven King Sea cultivator, and how are you three at the half step level!?!"

"I-is this just the breaking common sense curse of Kazami Star team??"

"Maybe I bashed my head into this unrealistic dream in the mystic realm!!"

"I-I just have no words for these youths..."

Great Elder Lin and numerous chattering disciples being to express their amazement as they were also the clearest on Mara group strength. Even if they were to find the luckiest of resources without sufficient comprehension and talent, they wouldn't be able to go far.

But here they were floating in front of their faces as living proof that maybe they, along with the Kazami team, are the real top talents of the sect?! It was far more outrageous than even Moli and Ruta's achievement as they flashed by many levels and seemed to have a rock-solid foundation too.

On the Twilight Guardian faces and even the Sect Master, tremendous shocks was plaster there as it was inconceivable to jump levels like this unless they are,

"D-divine talent..." Guardian Chui quietly said, and Kazami had kept his God bloodline fused with his Spirit Sense and sensed the hidden person also perk up a bit more.

"Perhaps we all are, but honestly Ashely, Tiny, you have been running those big mouths of yours for far too long and without punishment. It'll be slaughter for me or any of my partners to fight you, so, Ke! Dela! Vent out your hatred a bit on these two." Kazami took charge and told those two who swiftly rose to the occasion, and Luo Ke said,

"Tiny you've run all over us for long enough. Now it's time for swift karma!" Luo Ke put pressure on Tiny, who once again felt suppressed but even more pissed off than before.

"Hahahaha! It's about damn time I get grind you beneath my feet, Ashely!!" Dela also taunted putting pressure on Ashely feeling marginally threaten and, at the same time, pissed by her.

"Enough! Do yo-"

"Shut up, Lian! Do you honestly think the universe revolves around you and your damn disciples?! If my disciples want to challenge someone, then they will challenge them! Besides, wouldn't you always say it's far greater for the youths to rival against each other, wouldn't you agree with me, Master Borson?!" Guardian Lian was beginning to talk, but Guardian Chui promptly cut him off and directed her attention to the silent Sect Master Borson.

He was planning to end the whole farce, but suddenly his ears ranged, and his eyes flashed in new information.

"If they want to challenge, then so be it. Furthermore, we must test out top tier talents after gaining such massive breakthroughs." Sect Master Borson readily agreed, creating a barrier for the disciples who all were watching in rising anticipation for two top tier geniuses fights! All the while, Guardian Lian eyes widen in shock. Clearly, he was expecting him to take his side!

But it didn't matter to Tiny and Ashely as their new half step Heaven King Sea aura spewed out, and they flashed away to the middle of the sky. They turned and promptly saw Luo Ke and Dela looking at them with challenging smiles.

"The day has come to break you!!" Dela remarked as her purple lightning raged about her in a fiery frenzy.