Freely Venting

"I bet the Redhead and Ke kid only need ten seconds to slaughter these little rats!!" Brenda commented as she was grinning in feral anticipation as Luo Ke and Dela matched their opponents.

In an instant, the surrounding turned into anticipating silence as both parties stared at each other down. Tiny and Ashely were highly agitated on seeing trash suddenly matched their words, and their constant barrage of words pissed them off to no end.

However, in an attempt to open their mouths to taunt them back, their eyes spiked up intensely.


Luo Ke and Dela exchanged no further words as they unleashed their powerful purple lightning aura. But to Ashely and Tiny, for some reason, their purple lightning Qi slightly trembled in the face of their aura.

Both of their minds began to grow weary, but disbelief took over them as just how the hell was their purple lightning so powerful?

"Huh, cold feet?" Dela mocked and pushed the two over the edge as they roared with blazing anger,

"SHUT UP!!" Instantly they unleashed their purple lightning aura, their half step Heaven King Sea aura on full blast!

Despite neither parties wielding the full power of King Qi, the surrounding space still fell into chaos as all disciples can, despite the barrier, still feel the pressure of Tiny and Ashely.

"Can Guardian Chui disciples win? Guardian Lian disciples have always been at the pinnacle of us."

"Dude, don't forget they're with Kazami Star that freakish youth."

"Oh, right!"

Numerous chatter sounded off as the two pairs stared down at each other. Ashely and Tiny didn't want to admit, but their minds were on great caution even if they were in the same realm as them.

But the wait didn't last long as,


Two massive collisions ranged out as Dela and Luo Ke rushed Tiny and Ashely! Tiny and Ashely could barely respond as they clashed with them, and in a surprising turn of events, Tiny and Ashely got pushed back ten steps while Dela and Luo Ke remained utterly still!


Whatever Tiny was going to say was cut off as Luo Ke appeared in his face along with Dela flashing in front of Ashely's face. Reacting quicking this time, Tiny threw a purple lightning encased right hook, but Luo Ke effortlessly caught the vast force of his punch with a smile.

And simultaneously, the left hook Ashely threw away was caught as well by Dela's hands who formed a vicious smile on her face.

"I was expecting more honestly." Luo Ke tiredly said, causing Tiny chest to burn in anger.

"Yea, can you at least make this fun for us." Dela mocked and,


At the same time, Luo Ke and Dela violently punched their chests, nearly sending them crashing into the barrier above the disciples.

"Woah!!! Holy hell who knew Luo Ke and Dela was so strong!!"

"Yea Tiny and Ashely are like little chickens compared to them!!"

Hearing such comments further irate the two, but before they could fly back into their action, they suddenly coughed up blood as Luo Ke and Dela purple lightning was overpowering theirs!

There were on the same level, yet it seems Luo Ke and Dela lightning was on another tier above their own. But why? How? Questions like this ranged in their hands as they forcibly pushed down their injuries.

But their purple lightning didn't go unnoticed as Guardian Chui eyes focused intensely on the specific properties of their Qi. At the same time, even Kazami picked up something in his fused God Spirit Sense.

Tiny and Ashely only used only a couple of seconds to force down the rising blood in their mouths, but they were confused about why Luo Ke or Dela rushed them again.

It wasn't until they looked up they noticed both were looking down at them with two of their fingers pointed out at them. Luo Ke and Dela's expression held the utmost disdain for them, and this very action further caused Tiny and Ashely's mind to swirl into chaos.

"Stop this?" As soon as this mocking question left Dela mouth, Tiny and Ashely brought a middle-rank Profound Spirit sword coating with purple lightning. During this process, Luo Ke and Dela fired off a single purple lightning blot that charged with blinding speed.

Despite the blot being small, neither of them dared to underestimate this attack and clash with the bolt at full power!


Sword met lightning bolt as Ashely and Tiny were having massive trouble with fending off this single attack. Both of their arms numbed from the colossal impact, and they felt their blood boil over.

They locked in a stalemate for a few moments only for the situation to suddenly changed.

Out from their lightning bolts spewed out purple lightning wires, which quickly wrapped around their bodies and tightly crushed them. With a bright spark, the purple lightning wires electrocuted them, bringing upon even more tremendous pain than before.


Both of them shrieked with unbearable pain as they struggle to overpower the lightning wires. Seeing his disciples getting ruthlessly tormented like this, Guardian Lian eyes flashed a menacing light at Guardian Chui and Kazami.

In his heart, he knew these two were the main culprit behind this, but he also knew it was a fool's dream ever to think he could match with Guardian Chui. Which is why he turned to Master Borson, a pleading tone carried in his voice.

"Master Borson, just for a battle to test strength is-"

"Lian, you know jack shit how a disciple fight unless it yours overpowering them with their massive realm lead. Despite these four all being the same level of power, your disciples have been nothing but continuously suppressed! I see how you can parade around fake top talents, truly an eye-opener for me!" Guardian Chui words cut him like a knife as he ferociously glared at her but before he could respond Sect Master Borson told him,

"Don't bother; this is 'her' specific orders and will." Hearing Master Borson tone when saying her instantly got Guardian Lian to calm down as a slight feared waned in his chest, thinking about that woman.

With no other options, he tore his eyes back down to the struggling Ashely and Tiny, who aura have significantly risen!


They roared with power as they shredded the purple lightning wires off, glaring at Luo Ke and Dela while their swords glowed with a blinding purple spark. Their injuries only have gotten worse, but their hearts burned a typhoon as they wanted nothing more than to rip these two apart!

But watching Ashely and Tiny prepare their attacks, how could they be so arrogant and let them finish? Flashing out their swords, their purple lightning swirled a tremendous frenzied as the lightning in their blood raged in a chaotic passion.

They were becoming cold in taking these two down and rushed down at Ashely and Tiny with blazing speed! This sudden new speed and power nearly caught them off guard, but Ashely and Tiny hastily rushed backward, still preparing their ultimate offensive cultivation skill.

Looking at their pitiful speed Luo Ke and Dela feral smiled as Dela told them,

"You're trying to make that move?? Too weak and slow watch how a master does it!!"

In an instant, Luo Ke and Dela's sword gleamed the same purple spark only for them; it unleashed a monumental pressure among Tiny and Ashely. They needed only a second before at the tip of their sword a dazzlingly purple star shimmered there.

Tiny and Ashely eyes widen like saucers as they hastily put their swords in front of them to defend, but it was a hopeless avail,

"Twilight, Sword!!"



Everything became deathly silent again as every disciple, elder, great elder, and Guardians looked on in awe at Luo Ke and Dela plunging their swords deep into Ashely and Tiny shoulders tearing a hole in them.

Not only did Luo Ke and Dela perfectly executed an Earthly rank skill, but they also focus all of their power into a single point, leaving no extra energy to spray about!

Furthermore, they cleanly split a middle-rank Profound Spirit sword in half like it was nothing showing once again the complete dominance Luo Ke and Dela had over Ashely and Tiny.

After all, the weapon can only be as strong as the user, and this cleaned attack just shows how out class Tiny and Ashely really were.

"Four moves and thirteen seconds. Ah, it looks like we didn't meet Fairy Sister Brenda expectations." Luo Ke lightly said that as the sword that got plunged into Tiny was crushing his bones and organs, he silently scream from the extreme pain.

"Bleh! I'd rather not go along with that crazed woman's expectations. She might want to do more with us if we meet them!" Dela also commented as her sword crushed Ashely's body in the same process as well, silently screaming in pain.

Taking the swords out of their shoulders, Luo Ke and Dela strangled Ashely and Tiny neck, causing their neck to fold under their intense pressure nearly. Their hands weakly stayed at their sides as they genuinely couldn't struggle against these two anymore.

"P-p-ple-AHRG!!" Tiny pathetically attempted to plead only for Luo Ke to grip his neck even tighter.

"I-I-I-I-SO-R-ARGH!!!" Ashely also tried to plead but only caused Dela to choke her neck with a greater force.

"For years, you constantly crossed us, disdain us, and humiliated us. But now you dare have no shame and try to beg for forgiveness?! That's unforgivable!" Luo Ke roared as he felt exacerbated from crushing Tiny like this.

"Like said at the beginning of the fight, trash beneath my feet!" Dela went further and slammed Ashely on to her knee, ruining her face with a mass amount of blood.

And letting go of their necks, Tiny and Ashely floated down like broke kite only for Guardian Lian to flash and picked them up, taking them back with Moli and Jane. Gazing at their conditions, they got essentially broken, but Luo Ke and Dela were cruel enough to make sure they were conscious of every waking pain.

"T-Terrifying! There even more terrifying than what Ashely and Tiny was!"

"I-i-it really is true; these guys are the true star talents of our Holy Twilight sects."

Numerous roars and applauds rained for Luo Ke and Dela as they floated back to Guardian Chui, feeling incomparably refreshed. However, Guardian Lian was swiftly pouring his energy to at least stabilize Ashely and Tiny critical injuries, but the nightmare was far from over for him.

"Excellent fight Ke and Dela. I'm glad everyone can see the true talents here, but after all, half step King Sea is only half step. And Jane, despite you're noncaring attitude you're quite the egotist yourself, eh? Wouldn't you agree, Mara?"

Kazami piercing voice that sounded disgusting to Guardian Lian ears sounded out again as Jane became instantly alert once his attention was on her.

"Tch, shouldn't you be-"

"Am I talking to you?" Kazami asked a question interrupting Ruta, who tried to engage with him. He didn't even glance towards her direction, keeping his full focus on Jane while also spewing out a pressure that made Ruta grit her teeth.

"Senior Brother Kazami is right. No attention got directed at you, so it would be wise to stay in your lane; thank you. And as for Jane, it will be my honor to educate her like how Dela and Ke already educated Ashely and Tiny." Moli had stepped up next to Kazami, causing Ruta to seethe with silent anger seeing how dismissive they were with her.

All the while, Jane now a first-rank Heaven King Sea had always been the more rational of the group, and after seeing what Luo Ke and Dela can do, she was massively hesitating.

"Jane will fight with Mara! We need to see how true Heaven King Sea youths fight!" And in a sudden declaration Master Borson order as Jane felt her world crashing down on her.