Nightmare Mission

It was the midday upon a grassy courtyard field, and eight outstanding youth were seen huddle together on the field. Time flew like the wind before Kazami team knew it, the day had come for them to take on the mission!

"Yoh! What did Master Borson say, four middle-rank creatures, right? Heh, now from that mystic realm and our heavenly skills, I can kill even a peak stage sixth rank on my own! And with us four combines, even a seventh rank isn't a problem!"

Brenda stated in the utmost confidence, in the admits of their discussion. They were mainly just going over how to kill these creatures as quickly as possible and their newfound prowess.

"Mnm, this mission shouldn't take too long. And even if that higher rank creature shows up Zami, our bloodlines will fight any suppression to our body, at least up to the Divine Path from my thinking." Lun Yuo commented since they all knew despite coming with them, Guardian Chui won't help them at all unless they're genuinely about to die.

During the course of the week, Kazami and his girls thought about the aura of the Ice Phoenix beast. It was undoubtedly in the divine levels of cultivation. Yet, just like with the assassins, their bloodlines fought off the suppression of realms.

While it didn't mean they could fight with cultivators that are immensely stronger than them. It did mean people who are only merely one or two levels above their prowess isn't a humongous issue anymore.

Couple that, with Kazami Griffin's eyes, Brenda godly speed and Lun Yuo impenetrable vines, they have a terrifying force on their hands!

But not even these three knew about a hidden ability. Kuzumi was secretly cultivating that'll sure to rock on them if they ever got pushed into a corner again. Looking over to Mara group who all had serious looks on the faces, Kuzumi said,

"Right, right, we got everything we need. Now then since you all insisted, you better get conformable for your favorite tentacles! We're leaving now."

"We don't like tentacles!!!"

All four of them shouted in sync with embarrassed expressions. Mara, Luo Ke, Dela, and Su Mo all went through hellish train done by Kuzumi and Brenda, but they don't want to be left behind even now.

And with Lun Yuo absolute control over leviathan tentacles, Kazami and the girls thought, why not let them join? With their abilities, the Mara group will absolutely be safe nor get in their way. Plus, they all like having an audience anyways when fighting.

"By the time we come back here, we should have enough resources to make great strides. Let's go!" Kazami stated activating his God bloodline state along with the girls. And once Lun Yuo sprouted her tentacles and wrapped up Mara group, they all took off to the sky.

Thanks to a map of the mission provided by Sect Master Borson, Kazami and the girls all memorized it. They were heading straight into the creature den.

As they were blasting off to their mission, Kazami decided to test something. Turning on his God bloodline Spirit Sense, Kazami sensed Guardian Chui following them and the wandering presence of four other Guardians, all weaker than she follows.

Smirking to himself, he sensed only three held any slight harmful intentions, while the last one was intrigued. Paying no attention to them since he knew Guardian Chui will handle it, he focuses back at the mission at hand.

"Before anyone of you go any farther, stop!"

Guardian Chui, like Kazami, protected flared out her aura and locked onto the four nosy Guardians. All four of them felt pressure immediately, but Guardian Lian held on as he was the strongest out of the four.

"Look, Rou, we were just curious about what mission your precious disciple is doing, nothing else. Besides, during this time of the year, shouldn't you be a bit busier?"

The people who came into her vision were Guardian Lian, Mida, and two other men she wasn't fond of. One of them was an extremely handsome man possessing a noble like presence that accompanied his long flowing black hair.

This man was the fifth rank Holy Twilight Guardian, Guardian Zheng!

The other man was a darker shade, one exuding a more sinister vibe to him. He was blinding bald but also surprisingly tall with a more lanky build. The most unnerving thing about him was his pitch-black eyes that was like an abyss.

He was the seventh rank Holy Twilight Guardian, Guardian Mercy!

"Why I am quite busy, Lian. Don't you see I have free reign to watch over my disciples?" In a voice like she was talking to a child, Guardian Chui already irate Guardian Lian.

"And is Great Ancestor fine with this? Having a constant safety net was never the way for our disciples." Guardian Mida quickly spoke up. She and Guardian Lian still held a grudge over the complete domination of their disciples, and Kazami constantly disrespecting them.

They were planning on teaching him and the others a lesson in respect, but it seems like look today isn't their day...

Guardian Zheng as well didn't like the particular cruel treatment Brenda gave to his disciple, but he chose to stay silent. And Guardian Mercy got intrigued by these super disciples and purely came to watch the show if Guardian Chui didn't show up.

"Ways of our disciples, eh? Maybe it's simply the fact none of your disciples match up to mines? Which is why Great Ancestor allowed me to constantly watch over them? Look, Lian, Mida, and Zheng, I'm saying it for your own good health, but don't go poking your noses in their business. You wouldn't want to get on their bad side in the future, especially for two specific girls in that group."

Guardian Chui knows about Lian intense vendetta against Mara, and while she knew, he would never kill her; the same couldn't be said for the rest. He already never liked the other three, but with Kazami and the girls' addition, his distaste only grew for them.

For Mida, Chui could tell she only had a vendetta against Kazami. Going by the small killing intent, she felt from her during his fight with Ruta. Although Chui quickly squashed it, she still couldn't fully trust Mida might not do something.

She was the least concerned about Zheng since, at least in her eyes, Brenda didn't mess up Link that badly. And as well, she was weary around the unpredictable Guardian Mercy.

"Great Ancestor truly wants to nurture those kids, huh...fine, I'll take my leave." Guardian Zheng said and immediately flew off. It was plainly visible why Guardian Chui is considered the leader of all of them.

The fact that she can easily hold four late ranks Great Emperor Sea without a sweat already spoke volumes about her prowess...

It was also a fact Lian and Mida were painfully aware off since they knew Guardian Chui the longest.

"You know, as you said, Rou, not everyone in the universe, can win all the time." Lian flew off, and Mida silently flew off after taking one last look in Kazami team direction.

"Do those four perhaps hail from far away here?" Guardian Mercy spoke up after all this time. Yet all he got for his answer was pressure dramatically increasing on his body.

"You always asked too many questions, you know?"

His face didn't change at all, and with a nod, he dashed off into the air. Guardian Chui only snorted and locked back on to her disciples, following them at a swift pace.

'Thankfully, they didn't try to start something, or I would've been delay for a couple of minutes...'


Walking through the desolate but lushes forest, the Kazami team approached the general area of the Nightmares creatures. All four youths had donned their cloaks to get the jump on them, and Mara group aura was entirely suppressed by Lun Yuo tentacles.

"This should be the place, I'll sense them out with my God bloodline Spirit Sense and then we'll plan on how to quickly take them out, just in case that powerful Nightmare Creature comes."

Kazami informed them as the girls nodded. Even they at times can get a bit serious. Though more so, Brenda and Kuzumi was just bubbling in anticipation for their next fight.

Focusing up, Kazami spread out his God Spirit Sense and quickly pinpointed four distinct aurae hiding around the trees.

"I know where they are, All four of these creatures are at the sixth rank. I have a plan in mind what about you girls?" Brenda, Lun Yuo and Kuzumi all flashed ominous smiles, and Lun Yuo spoke up first saying,

"Oh I have a few ideas, shall we compare notes?"


Four grotesque looking beings that oozed sickly dark red liquid were hidden among the lushes tall bushes of the forest. For these creatures, their prime prey could never tell when they jump up, allowing for easy kills.

And despite how strong the younger-looking prey was, they were never a match for all four of them!

However, out of no, where all four of them felt danger! They didn't know where it was coming from, nor could they even think as in a split second,


Four powerful explosions caught them off guard as they got sent flying into trees.


They all roar with confusion, anger, and pain! The attack hurt them but didn't critically injure them, and in their chests, a beating blood-red orb was frantically pumping.

Although before anyone of them could move a single muscle, a golden white flash blinded their vision!


A soul stopping shout completely froze the creature's bodies. And at the same time, they felt their bodies get wrapped up by something tight. It was Kuzumi Qilin scales!

Two seconds passed, and for the final seconds, all four creatures saw Kazami, Lun Yuo, Brenda, and Kuzumi respectively appear in their faces. Their soul was stunned, their bodies were trapped, they were utterly defenseless for this attack.

"Savage Twilight!!" Kazami brown sword spark with power!

"Shiver, Star!!" Kuzumi's trident gleamed with tremendous twilight power!

"Serpent Twilight!!" Lun Yuo rapier dazzled with powerful green snakes!

"Star Sword!!" Far intenser than any other disciples from the sect, Brenda sword ignited a powerful golden star!



The anguished roar of pain from the Nightmare creatures shook the forest. Trees blasted away, the ground tremble, and the Qi in the air got thrown into chaos! This was the combined might of their Heavenly Skills!

Thanks to their cloaks, Brenda was able to use her insane speed to plant flowers of Lun Yuo 'Instant Star' attack, and the rest was history. Once the explosion died down, all four of them saw the ruined path of their attacks. At the end of the path, surprisingly, the Nightmares creatures were still standing with bloodthirsty gazes.

The four creatures, despite standing, were in tremendous pain. Their visions were fading in and out until they suddenly heard,

"Still standing?!"


While roaring, Brenda already appeared behind the creatures and lobbed off two of the creatures head with a clean strike! Blood spurted like a geyser from the creatures' necks, but the other two creatures didn't have a chance to respond.


Two leviathans tentacles easily punctured through damage heads, killing them instantly. Mara group who was watching from the trees by Lun Yuo tentacles were thoroughly entertained.

They just made it so easy to kill people higher rank than them!

Although what really seal their fates were Kazami Griffin's eyes. It didn't matter even if they did have more raw power than them; they couldn't block an attack on the soul. Which leads them to become completely helpless.


Like the wind, Brenda tore open the creature's chest taking their orbs. She brought it back to the others in merely a few seconds proudly saying,

"I got them! So are we going to head back now?"

Kazami took an orb, and he also sensed something far more challenging coming there way. With a battle-hungry smile, he clutched the orb saying,

"Not yet, it's time for us to fully stretch our bones now!"