Old Enemy



A maddening roar shook the forest! From far away, Kazami sensed this creature to be a little familiar, and he now knows why.

Enemies truly do meet on a narrow road.

"Bree seems like you'll be getting your wish to kill a seventh rank! Get ready!" Kazami roared out as he sealed the orb in his hand along with the other ones in Brenda's hands.

Putting them in his space ring for later, Lun Yuo, Brenda, and Kuzumi all got pumped up! Despite being outclassed in raw power, their auras only increased, and their desire to fight burned with a passion!

"Heeey sensing this thing, isn't this one we encounter before?" Kuzumi picked up on it as well but before anyone else could answer her,


Crashing a few feet away from them was another grotesque Nightmare creature. Only this time, it was far more mangle up than the other creatures. Its jaws was crooked hanging loosely open as sickly blood pours from it.

Its eyes had a trail of disgusting blood running down its face, and the creature's body was riddled with injuries! The most notable thing surprisingly was its beating blood-red orb.

Only for this creature, it shinned brighter than the other ones.

Adding on to this already miserable creature was its fluctuating aura. At this point, the quality of King Qi power it could use was limited, and it showed.

Kazami and the girls didn't even need to use their God's bloodlines to fight off its aura.


Immediately without any warning, Kazami and the girls had to jump up as four of its fingers suddenly extended to them! The fingers were insanely fast, but because of its injuries, it couldn't even utilize its seventh rank, Heaven King Sea power, for maximum speed.

However, this would be no slouch of a battle, and Kazami and Brenda quickly counter!

In a flash of golden-white, Kazami and Brenda popped in front of the creature's face. His purple silver pupils met its disgusting bloody red ones, and instantly Kazamai shouted,


Before the creature got a chance to respond to their sudden appearance, his soul was violently grasped by Kazami Griffin's eyes! For a second his body ceased all movements, but its ears heard,

"Slaying Sword!!"

Brenda's golden sword ignited in her tremendous God bloodline power!

Gold Sword Qi and Slaughtering Qi spewed out crazily from her sword, slicing the trees around them. Thankfully for Kazami, he was protected from her attack.


Her sword punctured cleanly into the creature's stomach!

Blood spurted from the attack, and Brenda slaughtering aura interjected with the creature. However, to both Kazami and Brenda's surprise, the creature didn't roar at in pain or madness; instead, it grits its teeth!

They both landed on the ground after Brenda attack and attempted to get away only in that split second. The two felt immense power coming from the creature.

On the second, it broke free of Kazami eyes and demonic Qi swirled in its hand. The forest got thrown into chaos, trees, leaves, and dirt fell all around them as the creature ready its attack.

On its own, the demonic Qi attempted to infect their mind and suppressed their bodies; however, in an instant reaction, the two God's bloodline squashed that effect!

Hastily, Kazami, who was still holding on to Brenda, flashed his feather tattoo mark and combined his power for a golden silver barrier! This was the result of many night time connections, and being so in tune with each other allow for simple combination skills.


Its hand that formed into red claws smashed against the duo barriers; however, they held their ground!

And right when its attack ended, the creature gazed upon numerous Qilin scales in the shape of spikes tearing to him. To combat this, it was planning on charging up demonic Qi in its hands, yet!

Two leviathan tentacles grabbed hold of its hands, and the creature saw another golden-white flash once again!

The same glaring pupils stared into the depth of its soul, and the same voice said,

"Soul Eyes!!"

Instead of combining his red ice Qi, Kazami went all out and poured most of his God bloodline power in his eyes. In return, it, of course, drastically distorted the bear.

Not only it couldn't move, also its vision suddenly saw multiple Kazami, and Brenda appeared in thin air!

However, it soon couldn't focus on that for long as,


Kuzumi Qilin scales pierced right through the creature like tofu!

Multiple holes riddle the creature's body like swiss cheese, yet it was somehow still standing conscious.

Not even the piercing sword Qi of Brenda's full power strike could achieve this feat. This was one of Kuzumi's natural bloodline abilities the, immense ripping power of Qilin scales!

If Kuzumi were to pour all of her power into one scale, she could probably even penetrate the impenetrable Lun Yuo devil leviathan tentacles. Although it wouldn't be able to slice off the tentacles, it was more than what Kazami could do even with his mighty brown sword.

The creature was near death now. Its aura already got heavily suppressed by Lun Yuo tentacles; furthermore, Brenda slaughtering Qi was still wreaking havoc inside its body.


The creature was struggling to thrash around in pain, but Lun Yuo tentacles held a tight grip. Still, hand in hand with Brenda, Kazami squeezed it, signaling her for their next attack. In a flash, they vanish once again and,

"Savage Twilight!!"

Kazami brown sword burst with tremendous bloodline power!

In one clean strike relying on Brenda's speed, he sliced through the creature's neck!

His sword was like butter, easily tearing through the creature's neck as its head rolled on the ground.

Blood squirted from its neck, and lifelessly, its body fell to the ground.

Going over to its body Kazami tore out the beating red orb from its chest. This one he could sense was far more powerful and valuable by the first touch. Immediately he sealed it with his bloodline putting it in his space ring and he heard,

"My, that was...surprisingly easy." Lun Yuo had remarked since this exchange barely lasted for a few minutes.

"Heh considering the fact this creature was originally an Emperor Sea, yet it fell so low to the 7th rank of Heaven King Sea. It would be a shock if we did struggle with it." Kuzumi's words made both Brenda and Lun Yuo eyes flash in realization!

"So this really was that beast that fought with the Iron Wind guy! Hahahaha!! Looks like it only escapes death to be fully slain by our hands!" Brenda found the situation entirely ironic, and even Kuzumi joined in laughing with her.

Kazami however, sensed people observing them, but obviously, after seeing their robes and probably sensing Guardian Chui, they are only watching.

"In any case, let's head back to the sect; surely, these most likely aren't the last of these creatures, and the sect could track down more of them."

Flaring their auras, the team of four plus Mara group wrapped in leviathan tentacles blasted off into the sky. All the while, seven extraordinarily looking people watched the youths leave.

Five were elegant beautiful youths while the other two was a pair of powerful-looking man and woman. All of them were wearing high-quality black robes with a raven designed etched on to them.

"Those four...they were obviously from the Twilight sect, but I never have seen them before. More importantly, what the hell are they? Their realm it was clearly Ruler Transformation but their prowess...surpassed us all!"

A handsome young man who appeared the leader of the youths remarked out loud. He was similar to Link being a fifth rank Heaven King Sea genius. And the most notable thing about him was his eyes shaped like a hawk one.

"I'm not sure who they are, but they could possibly be the new young super genius our sources picked up on from the Twilight Sect. Whatever for certain if we tried to intervene, then the Holy Guardian protecting them would've made us suffer."

Despite being a seventh-rank Great Emperor Sea, the older man held no confidence against the mysterious figure that locked on to them!

Another one of the youth a beautiful young woman this time said with a battle-hungry smile,

"Finally! The Qualifying Competition this year will bring about fantastic fights! I especially want to face the silver hair guy."

Even as the Kazami team showed off their unimaginable prowess, these youths didn't have any feelings of backing down. They knew, in a month, they would rapidly improve to the point where they can contest with those youths.

Only they didn't know the storm that will come from this event...


A half month passed in a blink of an eye since the Kazami team mission on hunting down Nightmare creatures. Since then and from absorbing the orbs and gaining various other rewards, all eight youths made significant progress!

Kazami advanced to the fifth level Ruler Transformation. Kuzumi, Lun Yuo, and Brenda all made it to the fourth level. Even if this would be considered slow for others, it was fast for them as they needed far more Ruler Qi than anyone else in the world to breakthrough.

Mara had made it to the fifth rank Heaven King Sea, and Luo Ke, Su Mo, Dela all made it to the Heaven King Sea realm officially and even gotten to the third rank by now.

With full support from Ancestor Ardis, the youths were given far more valuable resources to train with, and the progress was evident.

Currently, Kazami was sitting on his bed with Kuzumi in his lap. To his sides were Lun Yuo and Brenda, who were prepared for their fun escapades tonight.

For the past days, Kazami had been waiting patiently for Kuzumi to take the final step herself. And now today was the day, and Kuzumi was feeling all giddy inside.

"I'm still surprised it took you so long for this Kuzumi! Surely with your personality, you would've jumped on Kaz when he first kissed you!" Brenda chided with challenging smirk.

And just like that giddy feeling was replaced with slight irritation as Kuzumi said,

"Unlike you, Bree, I can show restraint at times. And I wanted the perfect mood to get set up for my Kazzy!"

Kazami, in response, began massaging Kuzumi's modest breast, getting her to cutely moan.

"Ahn~! You're magical hands~! I can't get enough of them~!" While Kuzumi began to grind on his lap from Kazami used one hand to shoot out two of his God bloodline hands.

"Mnh~...Even with multitasking Zami you still know how to treat a lady right~." Lun Yuo angelic voice ranged in his ears as his purple hand began playing with her loins.

"Yoh~! This is one of your best abilties~!" Brenda was given the more rougher treatment as his purple hand fondle her bountiful breasts.

"Honestly, if I didn't do this, you two would be in a restless state. But for now, Zumi..."

Tenderly Kazami turned Kuzumi's head and passionately kissed her!

"Ahn~, Mnh~!"

She responded in eager kind as her tongue frantically sought out his. In her, a heated passion their tongues tangle like a dance. Kuzumi's mouth tasted angelic to Kazami, and he immediately felt the moistening of her secret garden.

Splitting apart after a minute of kissing, Kazami could tell Kuzumi was ready from the feverish, enamor gaze she gave him.

It will be another long night for Kazami.