16: 12 Weeks Gestation

Eve's swelling abdomen is now deservedly called a bump. She appears to be 4 to 5 months pregnant by human standards. The gradual appearance of stretch marks has her a little upset, even though there are only a few for now. But now she can feel her unborn fluttering about within her easily, and even Evan can feel it a little now when he places his hand on the bump. They have the skeleton of their future home completely assembled and are now working on the dwellings innards: wiring, energy storage cells and plumbing. The ground of the clearing is extremely level, but the self-leveling system of the foundation will take care of that itself. They've been at the clearing for 3 weeks and away from their old lives for 7 weeks.

Evan awakens curled around Eve. It's past dawn and Eve is still sound asleep. Evan gives her a scan. She's healthy and so is the bump. It grows bigger, stronger and more active every day. He puts his hand over the bump and it flutters at his touch. Eve's hand slides over Evan's, yet her eyes remain closed.

"Evan," she mumbles half-asleep.

"Yes," Evan says softly.

"I love you, so much," sincere and true, Evan can feel it from her and kisses her cheek.

Evan wants to lie back down and be near Eve, but he's not tired. Besides, he knows he needs to get Eve to eat before they start work on the dwelling for the day. If he doesn't get her to eat first thing, it will be all the harder to get her to sit and eat later. So he slips on his shorts and exits the tent. He'll collect whatever his snares have trapped, plus gather fruits and nuts among other things along the way for the morning meal and other meals for the day. He hopes to return before she wakes up.

Eve awakens fully shortly after Evan has left. She won't start on the dwelling without him and is looking forward to eating the morning meal with her life-mate. She gathers a few things together and walks to the hot spring at the waterfall to get a morning shower.

Eve and Evan are perfectly content here with the only expected company to arrive when Eve gives birth.

17: The Search Is On

Four weeks after Eve and Evan left their old lives behind together, something occurs in each village that sends a small search party from each village in pursuit of each of them.

In Evan's old village his parents are having the usual conversation with Vor's parents about the future bonding of Vor and Evan with the possible result of a grandchild or two. Evan's mother, Alma, is still very worried Evan will start his luxste' while out camping alone and be unable to make it back in time to possibly save his-own life. Everant reminds his wife the squine would return on its own to the village if it weren't being tended to. She finds no comfort in this. For that would likely mean they'ld find Evan dead if the squine returned without him.

"[You will all see when he returns]," Everant speaking of Evan with fatherly pride in his voice, "[He is going to return focused and ready to accept Vor and become a respectable active member of the community. A hair cut he will even ask for.]"

"[Many go through a confused phase when young]," Vor's father Veioray empathizing with Everant and remembering his own confusing young adulthood.

"[Such times are always difficult]," Vor's mother, Zezna trying to sound like she understands, "[One can feel so lost.]"

"[This is the longest he has ever been gone]," Alma unable to bypass her worry for Evan. Zezna pats Alma's shoulder out of pity.

Zezna spots her oldest child and only daughter, Vor, headed in their direction with two female companions. The three young women bow respectfully to their elders. The four elders acknowledge them by touching the tops of their heads with the back of a hand.

"[Vor, are you looking forward to Evan's return]," her father, Veioray, motioning up stream and trying to gage if she's possibly happy.

The motion up stream causes Vor and her companions to look confused. "[I suppose]," Vor finally answers.

"[Is something wrong?]" Zezna asks Vor.

"[I do not believe so]," Vor answers, "[We found it odd father motioned up stream when he asked me about Evan returning.]"

"[Why would this be odd]," Alma's thick black eyebrows furrowed below her nasal tubes, "[Evan headed up stream to camp and find his focus.]"

Vor and her companions look at each other. Besides having no desire to contradict an elder, they don't want to upset Alma further. "[We are young. We may be incorrect]," Vor responds perfectly stoic.

"[Incorrect about what?]" asked Everant interested and concerned now.

"[We were not here when Evan departed]," Vor explained, "[We were picking berries in the forest near the river…We thought we saw Evan riding a squine down river.]" She points in the opposite direction from her father's point and her companions nod confirmation.

The next thing Vor knows is she's on a squine accompanying her father and Evan's father on a search for Evan.

Approximately the same time in Eve's old village there's a bit of a commotion taking place. Dr. Matos has picked up his medical scanner to go over previous scans and found a positive pregnancy diagnoses. Except there's no identifying data as to who tested positive for pregnancy. He goes to the parents who have daughters who are menstrual and asks them to bring their daughters to the medical center. Soon Dr. Matos has a medical center with several young women in it wondering what's up. Erin is the oldest at 16 and the youngest girl is 10. And several pairs of nervous parents are waiting outside.

Dr. Matos holds up the readout pad, "This is not a problem, and there's nothing to fear… You may be able to hide it for now, but eventually we're all going to know. Better you come forward now so I may help you."

The girls look at each other cluelessly. They have no idea what Dr. Matos is talking about.

"If I have to, I'll scan each of you individually if you don't just make it easy and come forward… You're parents have already given me permission to perform scans. But we can avoid an embarrassing scene if you'll be responsible and come forward now."

"What are you talking about," asked Erin even more annoyed than usual; "You're not making any sense. None of us has a clue what you want."

Dr. Matos held up the readout pad in front of Erin and she snatched it from him. She looked at it and rolled her eyes, "So, somebody's pregnant."

"But I don't know who," Dr. Matos explained, "I didn't perform this scan and it was done about a month ago. There's no name or any info that would tell me who's pregnant and it should say who. And the scan is incomplete; it has thrown up red flags that could indicate the embryo may not be developing normally, yet none of the red flags were investigate. This could mean serious problems."

"Well scan me and get it over with," Erin handed back the readout pad, "I know I'm not pregnant."

Dr. Matos scanned Erin. Erin stood there with her hands on her hips rolling her eyes and tapping her foot.

"You're fine," he said unrelieved because the oldest girl in the room isn't pregnant. So he assumed it must be one of the younger girls.

"Duh," was Erin's response. Then she stepped aside waiting to be dismissed.

"Anyone else wish to get this over with," asked Dr. Matos.

The response was all the remaining girls lined up to be scanned. Dr. Matos gave each a complete medical scan. He finally exited the medical center and the girls filed out one-by-one and he thanked them for cooperating. He would have preferred to have spoken to just the waiting parents, but the whole village gathered outside the center and they expected to be told what's going on.

"I'm sorry to have worried you," Dr. Matos apologized, "None of your daughters performed this scan. None of them are even sexually active."

"Hey! That's a private thing to be telling people," Erin incensed.

"Now, Erin," Ben's voice was calm, "it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'm not ashamed and that's not the point," Erin intended to make herself clear.

"Erin," Jude's tone caused Erin to hush for the moment.

"I would like everyone to think back," Dr. Matos requested, "This scan was done about a month ago. So, does anybody remember seeing anyone enter or exit the medical center unaccompanied by either myself or Eve."

They all looked around and there was murmuring among them. But the shaking heads told Dr. Matos no.

"Well, if anyone remembers seeing anything unusual. Please, let me know," Dr. Matos was obviously concerned, "Even if it seems trivial, it may be of some significance. Thank you all so much. Good day."

The crowd outside the medical center dispersed quickly as people returned to their daily routines. But Adam lingered till they were all nearly gone, and then he approached the doctor.

"Dr. Matos," Adam's voice lacked confidence.

"Yes, Adam," Matos immediately noticed the tenseness in the adolescence's tone, "What is it?"

"You said even if it seems trivial," Adam was unsure of it and himself.

"Yes, go on," Dr. Matos urged anxiously.

"It's probably nothing," Adam wanted to keep his promise to Eve, "It was a week before Eve went camping, my father and I were on sentry duty. She's going to be angry with me. I told her I wouldn't say anything to anyone."

"Who are you talking about," asked Dr. Matos.

"Eve," Adam answered matter-of-factly.

"Continue," Matos ordered, "It's probably nothing, but go ahead. What didn't she want you to tell?"

"That I saw her coming out of the medical center in the middle of the night. She said her stomach was upset."

"Ben," the doctor called Eve's father over. Ben didn't hesitate to leave Jude to deal with Erin's ranting about privacy.

"Yeah, Bob," Ben stepped up to talk with Dr. Matos and Adam.

"Adam, saw Eve coming out of the center in the middle of the night. Do you know anything about it?"

Ben shook his head no. Then both men looked at Adam for more information.

"I'm not bragging," Adam hadn't forgotten how upset Ben was over the breast bragging, "I want her to see I'm a man. And she was in her night shirt."

Ben snatched up Adam by the front of his shirt pulling Adam up onto his toes until Adam was nose-to-nose with him. "Night shirt!" Ben's shouted causing Adam to tremble with fear and people who were normally nosey found things to do elsewhere. Even Adam's own father wouldn't interfere, "Boy, did something happen between you and my daughter I should know about?"

Adam shook his head no. His eyes looked like they may pop out of their sockets.

"Ben," Dr. Matos was calm, "Adam saw Eve leaving the medical center in the middle of the night a week before she went camping. That coincides with when the scan was taken… Ben…let Adam go… Ben, that requires you open your fingers."

Adam stumbled back away from Eve's father. Ben is highly respected by everyone. He's an excellent leader. And in an emergency, he's cool as a cumber. But when it comes to the safety of his children, he's overprotective with a short fuse and no one wants to cross his path.

"Thank you, Adam. We may need to speak more later," said Dr. Matos, "Ben, come inside." And Ben followed the doctor into the medical center.

Once inside, Dr. Matos did most of the talking, "Ben, I'm sure you know Eve's a remarkable young woman. If she performed this scan, I'm sure there's a good reason she hasn't told anyone. This is probably a scan on someone else."

"But you said none of the adolescent girls were even sexually actively," Ben was worried and frustrated.

"They're not," Dr. Matos continued, "But this an extremely tiny community. There aren't enough people here to qualify us as a colony. And there have been rumors of infidelity. This scan doesn't give an age or any other identifying data."

"Do you think maybe she's keeping a secret for one of the older women?"

"Most likely," answered Dr. Matos.

"Maybe that's what was bothering her the week before she left," Ben speculated.

"She was a bit off," Dr. Matos recalled.

"A bit off is an understatement," Ben explained, "She was fatigued, nauseated and emotional. Jude was sure something was very wrong. She wanted Eve to let you examine her. But Eve insisted she was fine. Said she'd given herself a scan and nothing was wrong."

"It's not unusual for Eve to scan herself, but she usually consults me," Matos noted it was uncharacteristic of Eve, "Maybe I should call up her file."

"Couldn't hurt," was Ben's response.

Dr. Matos sat at his com-panel, he typed in Eve's full name, Eve Starlight Johnson, and clicked open file. It automatically opened to a basic history page that contains a recent picture of her, her name, parents' names, date and time of birth, current age, major illness, allergies if any, etc. He clicked last scan performed. 3D Ultra Sound appears in the corner along with the date and time it was done; the same date as the scan on the scanner and barely a minute later. He clicked replay. The 3D imager activated and the 3D image of the embryo appeared in the air.

"Bob," Ben stared at the image, "you open the right file?"

"Yes," Dr. Matos answered, "but something's odd. She has the conception date 4 weeks prior to this scan yet the computer says its development is 6 weeks. The development is accelerated, but the data is incomplete and notes other abnormalities. Eve's usually very thorough. She didn't do a cellular map or genetic graph… Maybe that's why she left."

"Why?" Ben more confused than before.

"She may have done this scan under her file to conceal it," Dr. Matos speculated, "or she performed this scan on herself and left because she's afraid of termination. She knows it's standard to terminate a pregnancy if there are signs of a serious physical deformity or mental retardation. Basically anything that could or would detract from a fully functional productive life is grounds for a termination. Pregnancy terminations are never pretty. We had to do one last year and she cried afterward."

"I have to find her," Ben needed to make sure his daughter was alright, "You mentioned rumors of infidelity. What if…?"

"Eve," Dr. Matos was quiet a moment, "it just doesn't seem likely."

"Nobody's perfect," Ben paused, "Not even my little Pixie. Being afraid to tell you've become involved with a married man is a good reason to make yourself scarce. John and Adam aren't the only men who find her attractive. I've accidentally interrupted a few interesting conversations several of our peers were having about her." Ben turned to leave.

"I know, Ben. Adam's own father has hinted to me more than once that he would be taking advantage of the close relationship I have with Eve." Dr. Matos is equally concerned for Eve, "I'll be coming with you to find her."

Ben is very worried for Eve. "You don't think rape," he couldn't even put her name with the word.

Dr. Matos shook his head, "With her self-defense skills, I doubt it. But," he considered if someone used one of the laser pistols and threatened to harm her family, "She doesn't have any peers. Makes for a lonely position. She's intelligent, but that doesn't mean she couldn't be sweet-talked. We all want and need to be loved."

Evan's father left that same day to seek out his son. But Ben doesn't set out till the next morning accompanied by Dr. Robert Matos, Mr. Chan, the Martial Arts instructor, and John Phillips. Jude wanted to go with them, but Nate's too young to be dragged on a search and rescue. Besides, she's the only other person capable of running the medical center unassisted as long as nothing requiring surgery occurs.

Two days after Ben left to find Eve; while rummaging through her clothing, Erin founds Eve's black vest mixed in with her own things and under the vest was an ERL, electronically recorded letter. Eve's face was down cast on the screen. Erin went straight to their mother with both items.

"Mom," Erin's tone was reserved for once, "I found these in with my things. Eve's vest and a letter."

Jude accepted the letter from Erin and sat next to Nate at the table. Erin pulled a chair around and sat on the other side of her mother.

"Your father should be here," Jude was nervous, "I'm sure this explains everything and we're all over reacting."

Erin squeezed her mother's hand. But Nate was less patient, "Play it, Mommy."

"Okay," and Jude touched play.

Immediately Eve looked up at them from the screen and smiled lovingly. "Hi family, by now you may have figured out I've left on a trip I have no intention of returning from. And if you haven't, I'm telling you… I'm not coming back.

Dad, this is not your cue to come looking for me. I'm not a child. I'm an adult. I'm fine and we don't need to be found… I said we, didn't I??? Well, I just…I'm not alone. I'm making this trip with someone extremely special to me. We need to be together.

I love you all so much. I'm going to miss you all something terrible. But this was the right decision; the best way to ensure there's no trouble and everyone's safe.

Mom, try not to worry too much and be happy for me please. I found that one special guy. I didn't know it was possible to be this happy. I am actually in love. I never thought I'ld be so blessed.

Doodlebug, I'm giving you the vest you're always asking to borrow. You're so beautiful with a perfect smile. That's all I ask of you. When you wear my vest, I want you to smile. I promise your face won't break. And don't say I never gave you anything.

Sport…Nate…you're the hardest to leave behind. You've been my best friend. I hope you understand. You're probably the only one who does. I just don't want you to be angry with me. I hope you're enjoying the stories I recorded for you. (A tear runs down her cheek.) Wish I could continue to read them for you in person, but I can't.

And Dad, a part of me will always be your Little Pixie.

Take care of each other and don't forget, I love you." And Eve blew them a kiss from the screen with two fingers.

Jude started crying. A tear even ran down Erin's face as she leaned her head against her mother's shoulder.

"Don't cry," Nate was the voice of wisdom, "Pixie's fine. She's with her new friend. The one that makes her happy all the time and keeps her from being lonely."

Nate's consoling words earned him a big hug and kiss from his mother, and ruffled curly hair along with his hug from Erin.

The squines Everant, Veioray and Vor are riding keep them more than a day ahead of Ben and his search party. But being on squine doesn't make tracking any easier. The soft sandy ground along the river holds an imprint until a heavy rain washes it away. No heavy rains but a couple of light rains have partially to completely washed away the lighter tracks while the deeper footprints remain. The fact that Evan and Eve didn't ride consistently alongside the river doesn't assist in the tracking. Their tracks are only present where they stopped to water the animals and where they obviously made camp just several meters away from the river. Then their footprints can be seen going to, into and coming out of the river.

Everant and his companions being ahead see everything basically as it was left. He can see that the companion his son crossed the river to meet is small. This person's feet are almost as small as a child's feet. Everant can't get over the fact that Evan crossed the river. He sees where the grass is still partially crushed where they slept. They chose to sleep under a tree that provided lots of coverage to avoid putting up a tent. And he notes they carefully refilled their fire pits.

Ben finds the same things except he also finds that someone is tracking ahead of him by a day or two. The scans of the tracks tell him and his companions which sets of tracks are most recent. The old tracks have him curious as to who came across the river to travel with his daughter. Perhaps a native of this planet. The newer tracks have him worried. The newer tracks from the 3 large riding animals sometimes trample over the old tracks left by his daughter and her companion. He notes the still partially crushed grass. Eve hates to set up a tent when she knows it'll have to come right back down the next day. She thinks it's a waste of time.