18: 13 Weeks, Uninvited Guests

The bump is growing rapidly. The stretch marks annoy Eve. They're purple and there seems to be a new one every day, and sometimes they itch intensely. She's made a couple of thin strapped dresses, with room to grow, knee length and comfortable to wear in the hotter weather in this area. She has a couple more she's working on. She works on them in the evening after she and Evan have worked on the dwelling most of the day. But it's getting hard for Eve to keep up with Evan. It doesn't bother Evan; he's actually relieved when she takes a break. It bothers Eve that sometimes she just has to sit down.

Eve and Evan start this day the way they start most days. They both sleep a little past dawn. But Eve's in no mood to sleep in while Evan gathers the first meal. She stands on a large rock, her sitting rock, and picks a piece of fruit. Evan comes over and helps her down.

"You will ruin your appetite," Evan complains.

Eve looks up at him. Her big brown eyes soft, and takes a bite of the fruit.

Evan smiles. He can't manage to be angry with her for longer than thirty seconds, "I'll leave that off the list this morning," and gives her a kiss.

Eve gathers together a bar of lichen soap, a cup of tree sap shampoo, and some other things to take with her to the hot spring in a little basket she wove.

"Come with me," Eve request.

Evan touches the old robe Eve's wearing. It's one of the few items she brought with her she can still wear. His large hand slides over her swelling belly, "I need to ensure you and our bump are properly nourished."

A tear escapes her eye, "Our bump is starting to look like a mountain. And there are so many stretch marks. I have at least 9 more weeks to go. I'll be one big stretch mark by then. If I don't split in two first."

"But the stretch marks are beautiful like the rest of you," Evan honest and sincere, "These should be on display. In my community, you would be the envy of every Malyon woman. The shirts they wear when pregnant are split from here down. So others may come honor the miracle taking place inside her womb."

Eve is relieved the stretch marks don't offend him, "It's a special time in my culture too. But there's no appreciation for stretch marks. There just ugly reminders the woman wearing them is no longer pure."

"Purity is a state of the heart. One cannot judge the heart by the body," that's Evan's philosophy, "Both of our cultures have odd views, just on different things. My people and no smiling. Adults must be serious and stoned faced at all times."

Eve giggles at his exaggerated serious stoned face.

"We will make new ways for our child…" Evan smiles, "We will stop work on the dwelling early today. Then go down and soak together in the reservoir of hot spring water you call our little hot tub."

"OK," Eve smiles and sits on her rock. He sits in front of her and she brushes his hair into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

"Don't take too long," Eve request, "I'm hungry this morning." Maw stamps a hoof behind Eve, "And she says she's got milk."

Evan smiles, kisses Eve and is on his way to complete his morning chores. Eve grabs the basket with her things and heads for the hot spring. Maw and Girdy prance a head of her, knowing where Eve is headed. As Eve is walking, she wonders why Maw's milk sack has four teats instead of two. Eve has seen shoats give birth to twins, but not triplets or quads. Although, she supposes it's possible and occurs sometimes.

Eve has no trouble climbing up to the shower of hot spring water. There are irregular stone steps that go up to it. They look as if someone carved them and placed them just so.

While showering, Eve notices the ledge she's standing upon runs behind the waterfall. She's sure there is a cave behind the waterfall. Eve is very curious, but this time she doesn't let her curiosity get the best of her. It's just not a good idea for a naked, wet pregnant woman to go exploring a cave alone. And now she has Evan's feelings to consider, and he would be very upset.

Soon Eve is sitting on a warm sunny rock. She's dressed and blotting excess water from her hair as she enjoys the sun. She checks her dress' straps and is quite satisfied with how well they align with her support bra straps. Her bond mark is only a centimeter away from the crook of the left side of her neck. Her left strap covers a few millimeters of it. It healed nicely with less pain than she expected. This is the first scar she's ever had that she has thought of as beautiful. Eve leaves the rock to return to their clearing. There's sewing she can work on while she waits for Evan.

Eve arrives back at the clearing. She wasn't expecting Evan to be there, but she wasn't expecting guests either. Yet they have company. Three Malyons, two males and a female, are walking around the unfinished dwelling. They all freeze at the sight of Eve for a moment. Then they look to each other and come together at what will be the front door of the dwelling. The small pregnant human female is certainly no threat to them.

A male walks up to Eve, "Where my son, Evan?" A look of disgust is on his face.

He asked in English, so Eve replies in English, "You must be his father, Everant," Eve managing to mask her fear while speaking in a sober yet friendly manner, "My name is Eve. I am Evan's life-mate."

He glances quickly at the bond mark on Eve's left shoulder. His face contorts further with disgust, "I care not who are you, nor what you think are you. Where my son?"

Eve's fear is dissolved by anger, "Evan is gathering the morning meal. He will return shortly." She snatches up her sewing and sits on her rock. She doesn't think she should say anything else until Evan gets back. And as she suspects, he is already on his way back. He felt Eve's fear and felt it melt into anger. So at the moment, he's not rushing because he thinks she must have scared herself and is now angry with herself for it.

The uninvited guests start speaking in Malyon under the assumption Eve will not understand. Except Eve does understand every word they say, and she doesn't like most of what's being said.

"Veioray," Everant looks as if he smells feces, "[it has a bond mark on its left shoulder. Give it and the mark a complete scan.]"

"[Yes, Everant]," Veioray takes out a medical scanner and approaches Eve. He's surprised when Eve pushes aside her strap for him to be able to scan the whole bond mark. And she sits still while he scans her and the bump. Then he goes back over to Everant.

"[The mark is Evan's]," Veioray informs Everant, "[His genetic markers are fused within the mark. He fathered the new life she carries. They are in excellent health thus far.]" He deliberately doesn't mention that Eve appears to understand. Everant is already upset to unpredictability.

"[Is it too late to terminate the unborn monstrosity]," Everant ask.

"[Yes, it is too late]," Veioray answers shocked Everant even asked such a question. Termination of an unborn life is very serious. Other alternatives are always sought first and avoided unless absolutely necessary. Such as in the life of mother cannot be saved while she's still pregnant. Malyon pregnancy is so short that termination is an extremely rare event.

The Malyon female curiously approaches Eve. She touches Eve's damp hair. Then she touches the bump. She yanks her hand away quickly when it kicks.

"[She is so small]," the female comments.

"Vor," Veioray calls, "[come away from her.]"

Now Eve knows whom Vor is and isn't impressed by her. Eve thinks Vor might be pretty if she smiled.

"[Are all humans this small]," Vor asks.

"[No]," Everant answers, "[although most humans are smaller than Malyons, but that is the smallest I have ever seen.]"

"[Is she truly an adult]," Vor asks.

"[Yes]," Veioray answers, "[she is at least a year, possibly even two years older than you, my daughter.]"

"[It seems impossible for one so small to carry a life]," Vor tilting her head as she looks at Eve, "[Why would Evan want her?]"

"[Of course he does not want her]," Everant doesn't know his son as well as he thinks, "[This is some sort of freak accident, a horrible mistake. He must be so ashamed; he felt he could not come to his parents. He left home to deal with it on his own.]"

Eve's finding it hard to just sit and be quiet. The more Evan's father talks, the angrier she becomes. She accidentally pokes her finger with the sewing needle. "Ouch," she puts her finger in her mouth and cuts her eyes away from her uninvited guest.

"[I know my son would never purposely bond himself to this creature]," Everant hangs his head.

Veioray puts his hand on Everant's shoulder, "[I wish I had some advice for you old friend.]"

"[We just have to break the bond]," Everant sounding as if this is the cure for an unmentionable disease, "[There are supposed to be ways to break a bond that was a mistake.]"

"[Legends, we do not know if any of those methods work]," Veioray trying to be the voice of reason, "[They are merely old men's tales.]"

"[But I cannot just leave my son stuck bond to it]," Everant insist.

By now Eve has given up trying to concentrate on her sewing. She's sitting there on her rock with her arms folded tapping a toe on the ground.

"[But Everant]," Veioray still trying to be the voice of reason, "[Whatever you try may be harmful to Evan, possibly deadly. We should wait for his return.]"

But Everant is a stubborn prejudice man, "[One way says that the disapproving parent has the right to insist the unsuitable mate prove him or herself in combat with the approved prospective mate.]"

"[You expect Vor to fight this woman.]" Veioray unbelieving.

"[Vor cannot possibly lose to it]," desperation in Everant's voice, "[Besides, Vor was supposed to be bond to Evan. It is a matter of honor. It stole her prospective mate.]"

Eve can see where this is going. But she's too stubborn to run. This is their home and she is not going to be run off nor be separated from her life-mate. Mr. Chan has always told her she's the best student he has ever had. Yet she has never actually fought anyone before. Sparred for practice where you deliberately hold back so you don't severely injure your opponent, but never truly fought. Eve is not sure what she's capable of in an actual confrontation. Eve closes her eyes for a moment as she takes a deep breath. She can get no readier than she is now.

"[Everant, you cannot be serious]," Veioray looking at a bigger picture than just the here and now, "[This could lead to severe problems with her people. We have an agreement for peace with them.]"

Everant is only hearing what he wants, "[Vor, are you going to let it have the male that should be your mate?]"

"[It does not seem right]," Vor has never fought before. She has only trained. She has no fear of the human female. Vor is stuck on Eve's size and pregnant condition. Vor is average height for a Malyon female, which is super model tall for a human female. But Vor is not super model thin. She's muscular like all Malyons. Not masculine muscular, but more muscular than the average human female. All Malyons are naturally muscular. There is no such thing as an obese or mousy Malyon.

"[Of course it is not right]," Everant thinks Vor agrees with him, "[Now correct it]," he points at Eve.

"[You misunderstand]," Vor explains, "[It is not fair to her. She is so small and swollen with life, she has no chance.]"

"[How can you feel pity for it]," Everant determined to have his way, "[It is not even a person. So, get it over with.]"

Vor looks to her father for guidance as Eve rises from her sitting rock.

"[It is your decision, Vor]," Veioray has no guidance for his daughter. He's never seen Everant like this before. Plus, he's afraid of being accused of being sympathetic towards humans.

Vor looks at Everant. Her fears are similar to her father's fears. Everant is a respected community leader. Offending him could make life for her family difficult.

Vor turns to face Eve and takes her stance. Vor's not sure what to think when Eve bows and takes a similar stance. Eve knows she has an advantage over Vor in that her opponent has underestimated her. Vor has assumed that Eve will be an easy victory, but Eve's not planning on making anything easy for Vor. Evan's the best thing that ever happened to Eve and she's not going to lose him to this woman nor any other woman.

Eve stands perfectly still waiting for Vor to make her move. There's an eye-to-eye stare that seems an eternity. Vor finally makes her move, attempting to kick Eve in the head. Eve blocks. Another kick towards Eve's head, Eve blocks. Vor attempts to punch Eve. Then suddenly Vor finds herself sitting on the ground gasping for air. The small human female is standing ready about 2 meters away.

Evan's hearts begin to race. He's on his way back. But he wasn't hurrying because he thought when Eve's fear turned to anger, she had merely scared herself. This has happen at least twice before. Now he realizes his hearts are racing because Eve's heart is racing. Something is wrong. He can feel some fear from Eve, but mostly he feels from her the need to defend and protect. Evan begins to run to return to Eve. If he didn't have everything he collected secured in a backpack, he would lose it all. But the heavy pack is keeping him from running full out.

"[Get up]," Everant orders Vor.

"[I would not listen to him]," Eve advises in perfect Malyon to Vor. Eve's Malyon was far from perfect when she met Evan, but now they have a tendency to use Malyon more than English. Eve actually prefers Malyon because the language is more direct with fewer miscommunications.

Vor slowly stands and retakes her stance. This time Vor manages to make contact. A trickle of blood escapes from Eve's bottom lip as she takes a kick to the lower back. Vor's reward as she hits the ground is hairline fractures in two ribs and a bloody nose.

"[This has gone far enough]," Veioray recognizes that his daughter is fighting a losing battle. There's more to this small human female than meets the eye.

"[No]," shouts Everant, "[Vor, get up. You are a Malyon, descendant of two great-enlightened races. It is only an animal. How can you let it get the better of you?]"

Reluctantly, Vor picks herself up off the ground. No desire for Evan drives her. Her hearts are not in this fight. All Vor has to drive her is her fear of Everant's influential position and the damage he could do to her family's reputation. The friendship between Veioray and Everant may not matter in this situation.

Eve blocks a number of kicks and punches sent toward her head. Vor is trying hard, but finds it difficult to adjust to Eve's small stature. Eve on the other hand has always had to deal with people much taller than herself. And for someone who is loaded down with an extra life within, Eve is swift and agile. Vor manages to get in an indirect blow to one of Eve's cheeks.

When Vor attempts to kick Eve in the stomach, there is an all stop. Eve caught Vor's leg by the ankle and is holding it with her small fingers pressing painful pressure points. Vor tries to pull away, but Eve's not letting go.

"[You have no shame]," Eve becoming irate, "[That is our Bump, our unborn child.]" For Eve, this is the straw that has broken the squine's back. She has no more patience left for this.

Eve begins with Vor's leg as she slips into a fit of rage. Everant wanted Eve to prove herself in combat and that's what he's getting. Vor tries to fend Eve off. But the little human female is quicker and stronger than she looks. If Vor knew what a food processor was, she might think this is what it feels like to be inside one set on chop. The unconscious blackness Vor slides into as she hits the ground is welcome.

Veioray rushes to his daughter, "Vor!"

Eve pushes her hair back away from her face as a tear runs down her flushed cheek. Eve has never hurt anyone before. As a doctor in training, Eve is very upset with herself for hurting Vor. Eve enters their tent and comes out with her emergency medical kit and scanner. Then scrambles over to Vor. Veioray is cradling his daughter as if she were a baby again. Violet tears streak his face.

"[I am so sorry]," Eve apologizes to Veioray as she scans Vor.

"[This is not your doing]," Veioray responds, "[You did not ask to be part of some ancient barbaric ritual which probably wouldn't have worked anyway. But you proved yourself worthy just the same.]"

"[I never…]" but Eve doesn't finish. She winces at the damage she's done to Vor.

"[How is she?]" Veioray wondering what he did with his own scanner. He doesn't remember dropping it as Vor hit the ground.

"[Dahaaa!]" Everant screaming no as Eve finds herself sailing backwards through the air. Luckily she lands on a large pile of grass she collected for weaving mats and baskets.

"[My family will not suffer this embarrassment]," Everant rants, "[I will kill you myself!]" He pounces on Eve intending to strangle her to death with his bare hands. But Eve pulled her feet up before he landed. She pokes him in the eyes. Then with all her might, sends him flying backward away from herself with her legs.

"Eve!" she hears Evan shouting her name from a distance. She's on her feet running toward his voice and shouting back, "[Evan! Here I am!!! Evan!]"

It takes them less than a minute to reach each other. Yet it seemed to take forever to both of them to reach the comfort of each other's arms.

"[Evan, my son]," Everant hadn't been far behind Eve. She doesn't take her eyes off Everant as she slides behind her life-mate, careful not to let go. "[I was about to correct this problem for you.]"

"[What problem]," Evan visibly not happy to see his father, "[The only problem I see is you here frightening my life-mate. And what happened to her face? Did he do this?]"

"[Indirectly]," Eve answers clinging to him, her life-mate.

"[Evan]," Everant smiling a bit confused by his own denial, "[there are ways to break the bond. You do not have to live with this mistake]," following behind Eve and Evan as Evan leads Eve back to their clearing.

"[There has been no mistake]," Evan answers his father with barely a glance backward. Then he asks Eve, "[What happened?]"

"[They were there when I got back from cleansing.]"

"[Who is with my father?]"

"[Vor and her father, Veioray]," Eve stops Evan about a meter from their clearing. "[I hurt Vor]," Eve afraid Evan may start to see her negatively and possibly regret her.

"[Evan]," Everant still in disbelief, "[I know you would never intentionally bring such shame to your family.]"

"[I did not choose my life-mate based upon what would make you proud]," Evan responds angrily, "[I left to live in peace with Eve, my life-mate, my choice for myself, my happiness. We came here to be together and raise our child free of ignorant pride and prejudice.]" Evan turns to walk away but pauses, "[If you have a problem with my choice in a mate, you may leave. You are not welcome and invited you were not.]" Evan walks away with Eve under his arm, his tail stiff with anger. The hair that runs the length of his spine bristling like the hair on a cat's back. Leaving his father behind to Everant's disbelief.

Vor is still unconscious. Evan helps Eve tend to Vor. Then Evan tends to Eve, listening as Veioray explains why they came looking for him and what happened after they arrived.

"[I have never seen your father behave in such a manner ever before]," Veioray shaking his head sadly.

"[Well, my Eve is fine except for a few scrapes and bruises]," and Evan gives Eve a gentle kiss.

Veioray looks away, not out of disgust, just out of embarrassment, "[I think you made the best choice possible.]"

"[Thank you, Veioray]," Evan grateful for Veioray's kind words and understanding.

"[I did not think you had a chance]," Veioray addressing Eve, "[Valiantly you fought for Evan and your unborn. Who could know someone so small could possess such power?]"

"[It is not how big you are outside]," Eve responds, "[It is how big you are inside.]"

"[Wise words]," Veioray compliments, "[And your Malyon is excellent.]"

"[Thank you, Veioray,]" Eve even more grateful he's not angry with her for harming Vor. Then watches Veioray return to his daughter.

"Evan," Eve looking at Vor, "[We cannot leave her on the bare ground.]"

Evan nods and gets out the fur that came from the large beast that attacked them the second day of their journey. Then he and Veioray move Vor onto the fur under a tree. Veioray thanks him.

Eve sits on her rock. She's tense and Evan feels it. Her hair still needs brushed out. He fetches the brush from the tent and gets a fruit from the pack for her.

"[Thank you]," she takes a bite from the peach-like fruit. Evan stands behind her and begins to brush her hair. Eve closes her eyes and starts to relax. When Evan stops brushing her hair and steps in front of her. Eve opens her eyes onto the back of Evan. She feels his tenseness, anger, fear and the need to protect the strongest.

"[Step out of the way son]," Everant's voice sends a chill down Eve's spine and she can see the soft black hair that runs from the nape of Evan's neck down into his tail rise up. Eve drops her half eaten fruit and Maw assumes it's for her. Eve peeks around Evan to see Everant has emerged from the woods holding a weapon.

"[Why?]" Evan stands his ground, "[So you may destroy the most important person in my life.]"

"[Everant, you do not want to do this]," Veioray attempting to talk Everant back to himself, "[That is your son with the female of his choosing. A choice he is happy with. And they await a new life they have created together, your first grandchild. They are no accident.]"

"[This is not acceptable]," Everant unwavering.

"[Then I am not acceptable as usual]," Evan insulted.

Eve clings to Evan and whispers, "[Do not antagonize him.]"

"[Everant]," Veioray trying to be reasonable, "[what if he does not survive the withdrawal from her? Then your only son is no more. At least now you know where he is: alive, well and happy.]"

"[He is young and healthy]," Everant answers, "[I am confident he will survive. It is a risk I am willing to take.]"

"[I will not survive]," Evan says solemnly, "[The moment Eve stops living, so will I. Withdrawal I will not enter.]"

Evan turns and Eve slides into his arms and lays her head on his chest. "[He is going to kill us]," her voice is barely a whisper.

"[But we will still be together]," Evan stroking Eve hair. Tears run down both their faces.

Everant looks perplexed, "[That is obtuse.]"

"[No]," Evan looking down into Eve's eyes, "[We have what every Malyon hopes will occur when they bond with another, ionnu.]"

"[Impossible]," Everant determined, "[it is too rare a thing. It almost never happens between Malyons, and you expect me to believe you have it with a human.]"

"[Believe what you will]," Evan focused on Eve, "[We know what we have. I know what she's feeling every minute of the day. When her heart races, my hearts race with it. Her breaths are my breaths.]"

Everant shakes his head in disbelief.

"[The legend about the origin of our people says]," Veioray knows Everant is aware of the legend, but maybe he needs to hear it again, "[That our race is the result of the union of two different humanoid species. The Maly was an advanced race, but they were dying out, their punishment for trying to play Creator by manipulating their own DNA. Generations passed and problems developed because of the changes. Attempts to fix the damage done to the Creator's work failed. They determined the only way to survive was to find a pure unspoiled race to bond with or they would become completely extinct. They searched and found the Yons. A simple pure species that still walked about naked, yet to discover fire or the wheel. They didn't even hunt yet. They just gathered food. The Yons thought the Maly were gods from the heavens and were eager to do anything to please them. And who would turn away the opportunity to join with gods. The Yons were honored and allowed themselves to be bonded to Malies. They were allowed to choose each other. The choice was left up to the individual young people. And all couples had ionnu as the Maly and Yons became the Malyons. But as the generations past, the history of the old two were lost to the new one. Parents were not always happy with the life-mate choices of their children. Parents felt they could make better choices than their inexperienced young. And as the parents did the choosing, ionnu occurred less and less. But I guess we have not learned much, have we old friend?]"

"[But Vor is an excellent choice for Evan]," Everant unable to admit he's wrong.

"[Vor is not Evan's choice]," Veioray explains, "[No more than he is Vor's choice. They do not want each other. That is why Vor lost. Her hearts were not in it. She feels nothing for Evan.]"

"[But the feelings would develop over time]," Everant insist.

"[Maybe]," Veioray not yielding, "[I care for my life-mate. But when I look at them, I see that what I feel for Zezna is a pale shadow of what they share. I wonder how strong our feelings would be if we had chosen each other.]"

"[I am not unhappy with Alma]," Everant's arm still rigidly holding the weapon.

"[But we both know some are so unhappy]," Veioray reminding Everant, "[they never touch each other again after the bonding. It has become rare for life-mates to have children. I am an only child. My parents had me hoping it would bring them closer…it did not work. And even when they decide to have children, none ever has more than two anymore. And households with two children have become rare. Even in our own little community away from our home world, we are the only families with two children while most have no children.]"

Everant's brows are furrowed with thought.

"[We are starting to die]," Veioray finishing, "[Just as the Maly were…Can you honestly look at your son and be blind to his happiness? Are you so blinded by hate you cannot see they belong together? Would you really deny your only son the happiness he deserves?]"

Everant answers all three questions at once, "[No. But she is human, the war?]"

"[That war began over twenty-five years ago,]" Veioray finally reaching Everant, "[It has probably been over for some time now. We do not even know how it started. It never even existed for them.]"

Everant retightens his arm to align his aim, but the shot would destroy Evan with Eve. Evan bows his head to Eve's and they close their eyes. Everant's arm falls limp at his side. His blind rage has faded and he can't do it.

"[What am I supposed to tell your mother]," Everant finally ask.

Evan looks over at his father, a man with too much pride. Everant's family was important back on his home world and that carried over for Everant on this planet. But now he stands there looking broken and defeated.

"[The truth]," Evan answers, "[if you think she can accept it. Lie if you think it best. Either way, I will not be returning and she should not be led to expect my return.]"

"[Will you ever forgive me my behavior]," Everant asks feeling quite foolish.

Evan and Eve look at each other. Eve pulls in tighter to Evan as she responds, "[Forgiving is easy. But forgetting will be impossible.]"

Everant nods in understanding, "[I will make camp in the forest and wait for Vor to be able to travel.]" Then he walks away, head hung low with his squine in tow.

Evan and Eve don't work on the dwelling this day. Eve is exhausted but refuses to take a nap. She only picks at the meals Evan prepares for her. She's on her guard, partially waiting for Everant to try to shoot her again and waiting for Vor to regain consciousness. Evan and Veioray have both explained that it is unlikely Vor will regain consciousness today. It is not unusual for a Malyon to be unconscious for up to thirty-six hours after sustaining multiple or serious injuries. Vor has fractures in her cheek and jawbones along with fractures in her ribs, ulna and femur. She has a concussion, numerous bruises, her nose was bloodied but not broken, with numerous other scrapes and contusions.

Vor does regain consciousness that day. It happens while Evan and Eve are soaking in the hot spring reservoir. Veioray tells them of it when they return. She wasn't conscious for very long, but Veioray says to regain consciousness so soon even for a short time is a good sign. And the fact that she drank some water is encouraging also.

That night Eve awakens twice screaming from a nightmare. The first one, Evan didn't have much trouble calming her after. She had dreamed Everant hadn't had a change of heart and fired upon them. When Eve awakens from the second nightmare, she is in a complete panic.

"The bump! The bump!"

"Eve," Evan feels her terror, but is calm himself.

Eve looks around wildly, "He cut me open. He killed our bump!" shaking uncontrollably and sobbing, "he…the bump."

"Eve," Evan placing his hand on the bump, "it's here alive, well, moving within you. Do you not feel it?"

Eve places her hands on the bump. It's still there and it's very active tonight. Relieved, Eve relaxes into Evan's arms. Cradling her he lays back down slowly. She falls right back to sleep, but it's a fitful sleep.

Eve screamed loud enough from the second dream, Everant heard her from his camping spot several meters into the forest. He ran to the clearing, but the screaming had stopped, only occasional soft fitful sobs remain. He looks around. His large Malyon cat eyes allowing him to easily spot Veioray checking Vor in the dark.

"Veioray," Everant whispers.

Veioray stands up and walks over to Everant.

"[I heard screaming]," Everant wanting Veioray to explain.

"[Yes]," Veioray confirms, "[it was Eve. That was her second nightmare you heard.]"

"[Is she alright]," Everant concerned because he's never heard anything like that before.

"[Fine]," Veioray answers, "[she has had a tough day.]"

Everant nods knowing he gave Eve the tough day and that's why she's having nightmares. Disappointed with himself, Everant turns and walks back to his tent, but he doesn't sleep much.