31: Zezna Returns

Six weeks have passed since Ashton's birth. Eve has resumed her habit of disappearing each day, but only for an hour or two. Not for a half-day or more like she did while she was secretly seeing Evan. She usually takes Ashton with her tied to her back. All anyone knows is that she heads toward the waterfall with the shoats and Fluffy right behind her.

Eve is returning now from where ever she has gone. She greets John and Vor as she passes them. They're obviously on their way to the swirling waters of the reservoir and they're holding hands. Ashton is lashed to the front of her nursing.

"[There they are]," Alma smiling as Eve approaches the picnic table where she is sitting with Everant, Ben, Jude and Veioray.

"[Terrem]," Eve greets Alma by calling her mother in Malyon and they hug each other careful not to squish Ashton. Alma runs a hand over Ashton's black haired head as Eve grabs a piece of fruit from the table.

"He's getting so big so fast," Jude notes, "Bob scanned you both this morning."

Eve nods confirmingly as she looks at the fruit, "We're both doing fine." Then she bites into the fruit.

"Why do you insist on leaving out the details," Ben irritated.

Eve swallows, "Because I know you already have the details. I know Doc Matos told you Ashton and I are in excellent health. And I know Evan told you Ashton has tripled his birth weight. What's for me to tell?

Ben wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say. So, he gets up from the table, "I'm going for a walk."

Jude sees the worried look on Eve's face as she watches her father walk away from the table, "He'll walk it off," she assures Eve.

"So, Eve," Veioray's voice soft and soothing, "[We may know the basic details, but tell us. How are you feeling?]"

Eve shrugs, "Alright, [still a little tired I am is all. I found something interesting]," she reveals.

"[Have you now?]" Veioray curious.

"[I think as a historian]," Eve tells Veioray, "[you will find it quite interesting. Plus, I would like your opinion and your assistance. Would you come with me tomorrow and have a look?]"

"Of course," Veioray interested in her find.

Ashton releases and burps. He's finally full. He turns his head to have a look around.

"I can hardly believe how fast he's growing and developing," Jude watching Ashton look around, "I thought Eve didn't stay a baby long enough."

"[When he is about thirty-six months old]," Everant smiling at Ashton, who is smiling back, yet talking to Jude, "[his rapid growth will slow to a more] human pace."

Evan steps outside followed by Mr. Chan. Eve's face lights up at the sight of Evan.

"Ashton [is not due for a nap yet]," Eve unlashing him from herself, "[You would all like some time with your grandson], wouldn't you?"

"Yes, of course," Everant smiling.

"Good," Eve preoccupied, "Diapers are in this bag and he just ate. And you're all parents so why am I jabbering at you?" Eve places the bag on the table and hands Ashton to Everant because he's the closest.

"[Are you alright], Eve," Alma asks concerned.

"[Fine]," Eve answers staring at Evan across the clearing "[Why?]"

"Honey, you're breathing funny and your face is flushed," Jude informs Eve.

"OK, Mom, I love you," Eve not registering her mother's info, "I'll be inside if you need me," and she walks away briskly in Evan's direction.

They watch Eve walk away not sure what to think of her odd behavior.

"Maybe she is ill," suggest Veioray to the others at the table with him. Ashton gurgles happily and flails his hands in the air.

They watch Eve greet and kiss Mr. Chan on the cheek. Then she stands facing Evan, who's back is to the doorway. And they watch as she slides her hand up Evan's chiseled chest onto his shoulder. She's whispering something in his ear and he runs his hand down her back onto her heart shaped bottom. Then she walks him backward into their dwelling and she shuts the door with her foot.

"She's not sick," Jude a bit shocked by her oldest daughter's behavior.

Mr. Chan walks up to the table, "Ahh, to be young and in love."

"[I did not know human women could be so sexually aggressive]," Everant making faces for Ashton.

"That's hardly aggressive," Mr. Chan smiling, "It's just a bit assertive."

"Good thing Ben wasn't here to see that," Jude now feeling embarrassed by Eve's behavior.

But there's other behavior going on elsewhere that might surprise them even more than Eve's open display of arousal.

"[Stop!]" Vor laughing hard as John tickles her, "[Breathe I cannot.]"

"OK," John freeing Vor then leaning back in the hot water of the reservoir. Vor sits across from him biting her lower lip as she catches her breathe. "[Beautiful you are,]" John unable to take his eyes off Vor, "[I desire so badly to kiss you I do]," he confesses.

"[Why]," Vor looking curiously at John.

"[You are a beautiful intelligent and desirable woman]," John moving next to Vor. He takes her hand and presses his lips to the back of it, "[Did that hurt]," asks John.

"No," Vor giggles a little.

John kisses her other hand, "[How about that one? Painful?]"

Vor shakes her head no.

John kisses one of Vor's shoulders and another giggle issues from Vor. "No pain," John inquires.

Vor shakes her head, "No pain," she repeats.

"[Care to try]," John asks turning his head and pointing to his cheek. Shyly Vor leans close and lightly kisses John's cheek.

"[Your lips are soft]," John looking intently at Vor.

"[Still no pain]," Vor casting her eyes down shyly a moment. Then she turns John's head and lightly kisses his other cheek.

"[Very nice]," John surprised and pleased. He was sure he would have to coax another out of her. "[May I kiss your lips?]" He asks Vor.

"[Yes]," Vor's answer surprises herself and she doesn't lean away when John leans forward and presses his lips to hers.

Vor touches her lips with her fingers while John waits for her reaction. John's wait is rewarded. "[Again]," Vor request.

John doesn't have to be told twice. Vor trembles a little in John's arms as they kiss. John pauses.

"[What is wrong]," Vor asks, "[Do I not please you?]"

"[You please me]," John touching Vor's face, "[If I do anything to make you uncomfortable, tell me to stop.]"

"[You make me smile and laugh]," Vor standing and removing her top and her shorts, "[I do not have words for all you make me feel]," sitting back down naked, "[I have some fear. Yet I wish to continue with you. I want to be with you,]" leaning in and kissing his shoulder.

John puts a hand on one of Vor's breast. Her skin is one even smooth tone. If her nipples weren't erect, he'ld think she didn't have any. What would be a triangle of curls for a human female is a diamond of dark dense straight silk on Vor. The top of the diamond stops in the middle of her lower abdomen below her belly button. On a Malyon male the diamond stretches all the way to the navel.

"[Remove your shorts]," Vor whispers in his ear, "[Be with me.]"

John doesn't hesitate. He's waited a long time to be with a woman, and Vor is a handsome woman with full breasts. And despite how well muscled she is, there's still a roundness to her hips. He thinks the swish of her tail as she walks is just the sexiest thing ever. He slides his shorts off and the kissing resumes.

Vor whispers again, "[Be with me]," as she slides over John's lap wrapping her long legs around him. John turns so he's over her. But he's hesitating, unsure if he has the correct place for penetration. Vor sees the uncertainty in John's eyes and nods to him as she whispers, "[Yes.]"

With that, John thrust his hips forward and Vor tightens her legs around him. There's no hymen to be broken as with human women. So, there's no initial discomfort and Vor's body adjust easily to John's invasion. Vor had believed she could never enjoy a male's touch yet is thoroughly enjoying John's touch. Her mother would be disgusted by the smile on Vor's face as she trembles with pleasure. John kisses Vor and slows his pace. He wants to make it last as he stares into her eyes. Vor begins kissing his neck and moves down to his shoulder at the base of his neck. John's adrenaline is in high gear, so what was painful for Eve, is pleasure for him. He can feel something about himself changing, but he doesn't stop. His thrust only becomes harder. Blood from his shoulder drips down onto Vor as she licks the blood from her lips.

Vor can feel her body bonding to John's. The changes causing her to be a more active participant. Which is no problem for John, whose primary goal for the moment is to get more of those sounds to escape from her mouth and the purr emanating from her chest. He wants that purr louder. The thrust of her hips in time with his just makes him work harder for more noises and an even louder purr. John lifts Vor onto the reservoir ledge for better access pushes her legs farther apart for a better view and pounds himself into her. Finally, Vor's legs tremble uncontrollably as muscles she didn't know she had contract out of control. She feels it when he releases into her and the pleasure causes her to cry out.

John rests on top of Vor with his head on her breasts. Both of them breathing heavily as they cling to each other.

Eve and Evan have not finished yet themselves. It's been over six weeks since Evan's been inside Eve and waiting to be with her while she healed after the birth of their son, Ashton, has been hard for Evan. The bump had started to get in the way and caused them to get creative in order to be intimate. At the moment, he has her in the position that was easiest after the bump became more of a mountain. He's standing with her on all fours in front of him on the bed.

They were so anxious for each other they didn't manage to get their clothes off. Eve's skirt is unbuttoned except for the top two and pushed just past her hips and Evan's hands are holding her breasts. The cups of her bra are simply pushed to the sides. He doesn't need to push with his hips to thrust into her. But he's discovered that an extra push with his hips causes extra sounds of ecstasy to escape Eve's full pink lips. Evan has become an expert at teasing those sounds out of Eve, but he also enjoys watching her face.

"How do your people usually have sex," Evan asks curious because they have always done it in the way of his people except for this position.

Eve's response is to crawl away from him and roll on to her back. She reaches out her hand to Evan, who naturally takes it, and pulls him between her thighs. He hovers over her assessing what kind of access this gives him to her. She likes being able to see him completely. The deep lavender head of him makes a circuit around the inside of her belly button as if it were his tongue. He's thicker than she thought and his length must be nearly 25cm. She touches him lightly with her fingertips. He closes his eyes as his shoulders shudder from her intimate touch. He doubts a Malyon woman would dare touch her mate so intimately. He opens his eyes to watch her face as he slides down her belly, over the top of the skirt to her nest of dark curls then her moist folds where he caresses her sensitive nub with the tip of himself. Her mouth opens to gasp and he captures her gasp with his own mouth. He slips back inside her and he swallows her sighs of pleasure as his lavender tongue dances with her pink tongue. He likes the full access this position gives him to her and the fact that this allows her hips to thrust in time with his rhythm more easily.

Evan increases the rhythm and the power of his thrust excited by the sighs, gasps and moans tearing from Eve's mouth. She begs him to thrust harder so he complies by adding the extra pushing with his hips. Her legs tremble and her channel spasms out of control in climax. Evan allows himself the pleasure of releasing into her body causing Eve another wave of uncontrolled spasms of climaxes.

Eve just lies on the bed catching her breath with Evan between her thighs as they stare into each other's eyes. Even though they're finished, he hasn't retracted himself from her yet. He knows she likes the way it feels just to have him inside her and he enjoys the feel of her around him. It's just nice and comforting to lie connected to each other, holding each other and kissing.

"I love you," it sounds as if Evan is confessing. These are the three most valuable words from her language. She sacrificed the perfection of her body to give him a son, but the stretch marks that now keep her belly from being perfectly flat don't bother him. To Evan there's something beautiful about the unique pattern they create.

"And I love you," Eve still trembling a bit.

Evan examines the fresh hicky he left on Eve's neck. He's not aware that she left two on his neck. Eve turns her head and looks through their open bedroom door. If the front door was open, she would be able to see outside.

"[Do you here that]," asks Eve.

Evan lifts his head and listens a moment, "[Ahda]," answering yes.

"[It sounds like arguing]," Eve says concerned and they don't like what they hear and decide to investigate. Evan retracts himself from Eve and pulls his shorts up from down around his ankles. Eve has to do a little more to put herself back together: pulling her nursing bra back up over her breasts, pulling her panties back on and pulling her skirt back down to its mid-thigh length while re-buttoning it down. She grabs her button down shirt off the recliner as she follows Evan, but neglects to button it. She spends most of the day with Ashton attached to one breast or the other anyway. She's worried about her hair looking too disheveled and runs her fingers through it.

As they step outside to investigate the commotion, their heart rates jump. Zezna has returned and she's not alone. The arguing they heard was her and Veioray. And Ashton is crying. The loud voices are frightening him. Alma and Jude are both trying to console their grandson and keep their distance from Zezna.

Eve grabs Evan's hand. He gives her hand a gentle reassuring squeeze. The argument is in Malyon. Eve's mother, Jude's, head is snapping back and forth trying to keep up with the argument. While Eve understands every word, she won't get lost no matter how heated the arguing gets. Cautiously, Eve and Evan, without taking their eyes off Zezna, make their way to their mothers and Ashton.

Alma hands Ashton to Eve and he quiets. But Eve and Evan can still see fear in his little brown cattish eyes. Eve speaks in whispers to Ashton, telling him all the comforting things a parent says to a frightened child. While Evan strokes his little black haired head as he clings to Eve by her bra straps hiding his little tear streaked face in the softness of his mother's breasts.

The argument continues with Zezna accusing Veioray of being a crazy fool, of being brain washed and corrupted by Eve, of allowing their children to be corrupted, allowing their daughter to consort with a human male. Veioray yells back that she is soulless, devoid of any joy for neither life nor any of its simple pleasures, that she is unable to accept Vor as an adult capable of making her own decisions.

Zezna demands to know where her children are. She wants to take them back to their community with her and he, Veioray, can stay and die. Which is what will happen if he is separated from Zezna for too long.

Eve eyes their other uninvited guest. There are four squines, one is down without a rider. Zezna must have been riding that one. Two squines each carrying two rider, a male and female rider. Eve's guess is that each pair are life-mates. But the fourth squine carries a solitary rider, a dignified looking woman with an expressionless face.

Ben walks up with Dr. Matos behind Eve and Evan. Ben doesn't say anything. He gives Evan's shoulder a reassuring pat. Then gives a little squeeze to the back of Eve's neck and runs a hand over Ashton's head. He leaves Dr. Matos behind with them while he moves to his wife, Jude, and Alma putting a hand on a shoulder of each woman making them aware of his presence. He moves pasts them to stand next to Everant, who stands off to the side and just behind Veioray.

The dignified woman commands her squine to kneel and she dismounts. Calm with her head held high she walks over to Veioray and Zezna and simply raises one hand. At the raising of her hand Zezna and Veioray fall silent and glare at each other.

It's obvious the woman is a high-ranking member of their community who is highly respected. Eve listens closely as she speaks, because her father will want to know every word they said.

"[I thought I would give you both a chance to mend the riff dividing you]," the woman speaking to Veioray and Zezna, "[Yet it is clear neither of you is interested in repairing your relationship. And allowing you to argue serves no purpose. No resolution will evolve this way. Distance yourselves from one another. I will not permit this to become a physical confrontation.]"

"[Eknor, Everant and life-mate, Eknor, Ayah, Alma,]" the woman calls Evan's parents forward as Zezna goes and stands by her squine and Veioray sits down at the picnic table. Everant and Alma come forward before the dignified woman, stand side-by-side and bow their heads respectfully.

"[Ture', Bect, Zezna has accused you of betraying your people and fraternizing with the enemy]," the dignified woman informs Everant and Alma, "[We are here to investigate this accusation and determine your guilt or innocence.]"

The woman side steps Everant and Alma without dismissing them. So, they continue to stand with their heads bowed. She walks right up to Evan, who fails to bow his head and looks directly into her yellow eyes.

"[I see some of what I have been informed is correct]," the woman glancing at Eve and Ashton, "[Ayah, Evan, you are accused of fraternizing with the enemy, betraying your people, civil disobedience and failure to conform. You know the importance of conformity. I have explained this to you previously. Did you misunderstand me in any way?]"

"[No, Sir]," Evan answers, "[you were perfectly clear. By the way, I would like you to meet my life-mate, Eve, and our son, Ashton. Eve, this is Malvoreckt Lahan, community leader.]"

Eve had something to say, but the Malvoreckt cuts her off before she can utter a word. The Malvoreckt also misses the fact that Evan didn't use English to tell Eve who she was.

"[We will interview everyone]," Malvoreckt Lahan turning away from Eve and Evan, "[including humans and children. Dismount and set up camp. Dismissed.]"

The dismissed was for Everant and Alma. They lift their heads and turn to face everyone.

"[Ture', Veioray, you are accused of fraternizing with the enemy, betrayal of your people, as well as child endangering]," Malvoreckt Lahan just letting him know.

"What all did she say," asks Ben, "I got something about no solution, accused, enemy, I'm sure she means us, investigate and humans."

Evan gives Ben a brief over view of Zezna's accusations, and that the Malvoreckt is here to investigate the accusations and determine their validity and whether or not there will be formal charges. He explains she plans on interviewing everyone including humans and children to make her determination.

"Does she speak English," asks Ben.

"Extremely little," Veioray answers, "the ships computer often translated for us before the crash. Only a few of us, myself included, spoke your language for face-to-face encounters. But after the crash it was decided there should be several of us able to translate of which that includes Evan."

"She's not the original Malvoreckt," Ben remembering clearly the face of the woman he was trying to convince to stop the attack on his vessel, and this is clearly a different woman.

"Malvoreckt Katti did not survive the crash," explains Everant, "Lahan was first Malvort which made her senior officer when Katti died and Lahan became Malvoreckt."

"[What are you and the human discussing]," asks Malvoreckt Lahan.

"[Commander] Johnson," Everant knows Lahan will recognize the name, "[had some questions about your intentions and purpose for coming here. We were explaining.]"

"Johnson," Lahan does recognize the name, "[Why is he here?]"

"[Eve is his daughter]," explains Everant, "[Ashton is his grandson as well as mine and Alma's.]"

"[Is his life-mate, the mother of Eve, present]," asks Lahan.

"[Yes,]" Everant leading Lahan to Jude, "[Johnson's life-mate, Jude, mother of Eve.]"

"[Who is this human male]," asks Lahan.

"Matos [the physician]," answers Everant.

"Nice to meet you," Dr. Matos being friendly, but his Malyon is too limited to carry on a conversation and this makes him decide to actively work on that.

"[He says nice to meet you]," Everant translates.

Lahan nods to Dr. Matos her acceptance of his greeting.

Laughter, and everyone turns their heads in the direction of the laughter. Except Eve and Evan, they recognize the laughter of Vor and John.

"This could get ugly," Eve whispers to Evan.

"Mom," Evan getting Jude's attention, "Take Ashton into the dwelling."

Eve without question hands Ashton to her mother. Jude grabs Ashton's bag from the picnic table as she heads for the dwelling with Ashton. She looks back before entering and sees Vor and John come into view holding hands and leaning into each other.

Zezna and Veioray both stand as their daughter comes into view with John. Veioray is delighted to see his daughter so happy. But Zezna, Zezna is nowhere near being delighted.

"Vor!" Zezna yells, "[get away from the human!]"

Vor and John come to a dead stop in their tracks.

"[Get away from it!]" Zezna taking two steps forward.

Vor looks at John and steps closer to him, "[Daha]," looking her mother in the eye defiantly as she says no.

Zezna takes two more steps forward, "[Comply!]"

"[Daha, I will not]," Vor responds.

The tension in the air is thick and all eyes are on Zezna, whose face is turning black with anger and frustration. Zezna charges and everyone's feet seem glued to the ground.

Eve yells to Vor and John, "Run!" she knows they are both trained in self-defense, but Zezna has many more years of experience while being driven by blind rage. Besides the woman is an unpredictable charging bull. Zezna lifted Eve by her neck off the ground with one hand. Eve may be short even by human standards, but she's by no means a boney, twiggy little girl. Eve is a solid woman with curves in all the right places.

But John and Vor don't run. John releases Vor's hand and steadies himself ready to fight. Except Zezna has no plans for fighting fair. Eve sees Zezna reach back and pull something out from under her tunic.

"Weapon!" Eve yells as she breaks her feet free of the ground and sprints. But Eve's not fast enough.

Vor reacts to protect John and steps in front of him. Vor holds her breath a moment and then gasps.

Zezna shakes her head, "[Daha, Daha.]"

Vor looks down as Zezna releases her and sees a dagger sticking out of her own body. She stumbles back against John, who immediately begins to cry at the sight of the dagger sticking out of Vor.

Zezna steps back denying to herself what she has just done.

Vor collapses to the ground. John collapses with her, holding her in his arms.

Eve steps in front of Zezna, the first to make it to John and Vor. Dr. Matos and Evan are next with Veioray.

"[What have you done]," Veioray asks Zezna.

"[Not for her]," Zezna responds as the two males that came with Zezna and the Malvoreckt grab her by the arms. Zezna does not resist.

Eve kneels down and begins to examine Vor and the area the dagger is sticking out of.

"You are my first real friend," Vor tells Eve.

"Don't you dare try to say good-bye to me," Eve glances to meet Vor's gray eyes, "I'm not going to let you die."

"Eve," Dr. Matos feels helpless, "I don't know enough about their physiology."

"But I do," Eve looks at Dr. Matos, "You'll assist me."

Dr. Matos nods affirmatively.

"Evan," but Eve doesn't need to finish. Evan knows what she wants and runs into their dwelling.

"Let's move her on to the table," Eve naturally taking charge for the crisis, "John support her head."

John nods.

"Thank you," Vor to John, "for love."

"Doc there, Dad there, Terrah here, Veioray there and Terrem support her feet," Eve's mind racing, "Now, everyone on three…One…two…three."

And they all lift together. Eve runs over to the picnic table and tosses the benches out of the way.

"Come to the head of the table," Eve directs, "Good. Now, down each side of the table so she's directly over it…Excellent…On three we set her down…One two three."

Vor loses consciousness as she's placed on the table and Evan is already there with Eve's EMK (Emergency Medical Kit).

"Doc, I'll explain as we go," Eve scanning Vor, "Good thing she's a little taller than you John, but this is way too close for comfort…OK, Doc, time for a little on the job training."

"Chuck and Erin are headed this way with the kids," Ben spotting them.

"Head 'em off. Head 'em off. Head 'em off!" Eve doesn't mean to shout, "The children don't need to see this. Especially not Zezvor. Evan hold this up here like this for me…Perfect. Veioray, there's nothing you can do here. Go be with your son and explain this accident as best you can. Doc, laser scalpel."

The grandmothers look after Ashton in the dwelling. The Malvoreckt's companions have cuffed Zezna's hands and feet and they stand guard over her. The grandfathers stay with Veioray and they explain the accident as best they can to the children. John stands vigil at Vor's head. While Evan and Dr. Matos assist Eve as Malvoreckt Lahan observes.

Eve manages to extract the dagger with minimal loss of blood. She closes the wound and asks Dr. Matos to dress the wound. He has no problem dressing the wound for Eve while she gives Vor a complete scan. She notes some instabilities in body temperature, hormone levels and immune system response.

"What now," asks John.

"We wait," answers Eve still puzzled by the few irregular readings she's getting from Vor. Then she notices a discoloration on Vor's neck. Upon closer examination she realizes it's a hicky. Eve steps up to John and scans him.

"Is something wrong," asks John.

"Probably not," Eve answers, "just confirming something."

"What," asks Evan.

"Look familiar," Eve asks Evan holding the scan up for him to see. Dr. Matos curiously peers around Evan's shoulder at John's scan.

The scan looks very familiar to Evan. John's scan results are similar to Eve's read-out after they had bonded. But Evan doesn't know what to say. He's speechless as he looks from John to Vor. Evan knew John and Vor were becoming close and spending a lot of time together, but they have still surprised him.

"Take off your shirt," Eve orders John.

"What for," asks John.

"So, I can see it," Eve's not amused.

"See what," asks John trying to act as if he doesn't know what Eve is talking about.

"Playing dumb isn't going to work," Eve staring John down, "Now, take off your shirt so I can examine your mark."

John finally yet reluctantly complies.

"Oh, my," Dr. Matos at the sight of the bite in John's shoulder.

The Malvoreckt steps up to John to have a look. She looks closely at what will heal into the scar her people call a bond mark. Then she looks at Vor and raises her eyebrows. Then joins her companions at their campsite for a conference.

"Did you lose consciousness," Eve looking up at John from his scan.

"No," John puzzled, "Should I have?"

"Not necessarily," answers Eve, "I did, but I'm sure the bonding process is slightly different for each couple. It appears to be going well. How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure how to describe it," John thinking, "I've suddenly felt feverish a couple of times."

"Your temp hasn't stabilized yet," Eve explains.

"But other than that, I feel fine," John finishes.

"May I see that," Dr. Matos asking to see John's medical scan. Eve hands it to him.

"Do you understand what's happening to you," asks Evan.

"I think so," John shrugging, "I've fallen in love with Vor and I think she feels the same about me."

"I'm sure she does," Eve noticing Vor's purple blood on her hands and finally starting to feel the weight of what's happened there today, and her breast are leaking because Ashton was crying.

"Do you know what that means," Evan asks John pointing to the bite in John's shoulder.

"It's how your people mark their mates," John wasn't present when Eve and Evan explained bonding to Eve's father, Ben and Dr. Matos.

"It's more than that," Evan tells John.

Eve walks away from them and squats down in front of Zezna, who's shackled leaning against a rock.

"See this," Eve holding up her hands before Zezna's face.

Zezna barely glances at Eve.

"She's my friend and I love her like a sister," Eve's voice a soft whisper yet her tone serious, "If she dies, you have no one to blame but yourself."

"[She is better off dead]," Zezna whispers to the ground.

"[You are selfish]," Eve responds, "[And you care for no one, not even yourself.]"

Jude exits the dwelling followed by Alma holding Ashton.

"Eve," Jude approaching her daughter, "We managed to spoon him some shoat milk, but…"

"I need to clean up," Eve interrupts, "I'll be right back." But she doesn't go near the dwelling she shares with Evan and their son, Ashton. She turns and walks away.

The faraway look in Eve's eyes keeps Jude from saying anything else.

"Dr. Matos," Evan seeing Eve walk away and feeling her distress, "I've explained bonding to you. Finish explaining to John please."

Evan walks over to Jude and Alma, "I'll take him," removing Ashton from Alma's arms.

"Is Eve alright," Alma concerned.

"She will be," answers Evan. He holds Ashton close as he turns and walks off in the direction Eve headed.

Eve climbs the steps to the shelf and puts her hands into the hot water showering from out of the cliff wall about a meter above her head. She washes the blood from her hands. There's some blood on her shirt and stomach. She takes the shirt off and drops it. Then she steps under the water and washes the blood from her stomach. Then she just stands there letting the water beat down on her.

Evan watches Eve stand under the water as he strokes Ashton's hair. Evan hears a twig snap behind him. He turns to see Malvoreckt Lahan standing about two meters away.

"[Your mate is alright]," inquires Lahan.

"[She needs comforting]," Evan tells Lahan, "[Hold Ashton for me, please]," placing Ashton into Malvoreckt Lahan's arms.

Lahan is actually nervous. She's never held an infant before and she looks Ashton over carefully. His eyes are Malyon except for the color, brown like Eve's eyes and his nasal tubes are slightly less pronounced. Evan smiles at the nervous Lahan and turns away. Lahan watches Evan as he climbs the steps up to the shelf where Eve is standing with the hot water showering down over her.

Eve's eyes are closed and her hands are pulled into her chest. She can feel Evan's presence. She opens her eyes and looks at him. He puts out his hand and Eve takes it as she steps out from under the water into Evan's arms.

Malvoreckt Lahan watches as Evan comforts his distressed mate, how gently he touches her, the care and concern in his eyes. Lahan watches curiously as they kiss. She knows what a kiss is, but she's actually never seen one before. It doesn't look to be the terrible thing she was raised to think it was.

Evan leads Eve down from the shelf and they walk up to Malvoreckt Lahan. Evan takes back Ashton from Lahan's arms and hands him to Eve. Eve immediately positions him to nurse.

"[Your mate is feeling better I hope]," Lahan to Evan.

"[A little]," Evan responds.

"[I watched her tend to Vor]," Lahan tells Evan, "[She handled herself expertly. I was quite impressed. Despite the fact she is human, and small even for a human, you seem to have chosen well for yourself.]"

"[My choice was for myself]," Evan a little insulted, "[Not for your nor anyone else's approval.]"

"[I merely wish you to convey my favorable impression of her for me]," Lahan realizes she said something wrong.

Evan looks at Eve knowing Eve understood every word the Malvoreckt said and that Eve has something to say to the Malvoreckt. Eve looks from Evan to the Malvoreckt, opens her mouth and to Lahan's surprise Malyon comes out, "[I suppose I am to be grateful for your favorable impression of me.]"

Malvoreckt Lahan stands there in shock. She had no idea Eve spoke any Malyon. And Eve speaks more than just a little Malyon, but perfect Malyon as if she's spoken it her whole life.

"[Favorable impression]," repeats Eve. Then continues, her Malyon flawless, "[Uninvited you arrive to our little community, mine and Evan's. You are outside your jurisdiction. This is not your community. How dare you arrive here making accusations?]"

Malvoreckt Lahan is more than two heads taller than Eve, yet finds herself backing away from Eve as Eve steps forward toward her.

"[And you brought that violent woman with you. Zezna is not welcome here. Her last act before Veioray sent her away was an attempt to choke the life out of me.]"

The Malvoreckt steps onto a fist-sized round stone, loses her balance, and falls over backward. Eve stands over the Malvoreckt, who is shocked to find herself flat on her back.

"[We will allow you to conduct your investigation and do interviews]," Eve looking down at the Malvoreckt, "[Yet no matter what your determinations, since I suspect you brought all your petty prejudices with you, the only person who will be returning with you is Zezna.]"

And Eve walks away with Ashton as Evan steps up to Malvoreckt Lahan and puts out his hand. Lahan takes it and Evan helps the usually imposing Malvoreckt to her feet.

Malvoreckt Lahan doesn't even think to thank Evan for his assistance, "[You neglected to inform me your mate speaks our language.]"

"[My life-mate's name is Eve]," Evan offended, "[And you neglected to ask if she spoke our language. You just assumed she did not. Just as you came here assuming you could impose your authority.]" Evan has more to say, but decides that's enough for now. The Malvoreckt is speechless and watches Evan walk away.

The Malvoreckt makes her way back to her camp and companions, which are within sight of Eve and Evan's clearing. Her companions begin to fuss over her and brush the dirt from her back and hair.

"[What happened]," asks one companion.

"[Are you injured]," asks another.

The fussing over her only makes Lahan feel more ineffectual, "[I am fine I am]," she tells her companions, "[I only made a fool of myself I did.]" Then she retreats to her tent to get away from her companions and clear her head.

Eve exits her dwelling later in the early evening. Ashton has been nursed and Eve is wearing clean dry clothes, her hair in one long braid. Vor is still unconscious. Eve does another medical scan. Then scans John, who hasn't left Vor's side.

"How is she," asks John.

"No change," responds Eve, "Well, that's not accurate. The changes taking place in her body to bond to you make it difficult to tell how she's doing. But she seems stable. We need to move her. Can't leave her out here all night…Evan…get Veioray and our fathers, please. We'll move Vor to one of the spare sleep-room in our dwelling."

Evan, John, Ben, Everant, Veioray and Eve move Vor into the dwelling. Once Vor is in a bed, Eve scans Vor again to be certain the move didn't cause any further harm. John sits on the floor next to the bed. The other men leave the room and the children show up in the bedroom doorway. Zezvor comes in and looks at his older sister, Vor.

"Vor wake up soon," Zezvor asks Eve. He has learned a lot of English.

"No," Eve sorry to disappoint him, "[She will sleep for at least a day, maybe two days.]"

Zezvor nods his head understanding and sits on the edge of the bed next to Vor's feet. Eve shoos Nate and Evma from the doorway as she exits the bedroom.

"Nate," Eve asks him, "would you get John's bedroll from his tent, please?"

"[Ahda]," Nate answers with a firm nod of his head. He enjoys using the Malyon he has learned. He uses English very little now and prefers to be spoken to in Malyon. And when he finds he has to use English because he doesn't know the words in Malyon, he still unconsciously signs now when he talks which has greatly closed the language barrier between him and the other two children.

Eve watches Nate run out with Evma right behind him.

Erin exits the lavatory, "Where are my kids?"

"Zezvor's in the sleep-room," Eve answers, "I sent Nate on an errand and Evma went with him. They'll be right back."

Erin plops down on the couch, "What a day?"

"Well, at least I don't have to listen to you complain that you're bored today," Eve with a slightly amused smile as she removes clothes from the washer/drier combo unit.

"You make it sound like I complain every day," Erin staring at the ceiling.

"You do," Eve looking out the window at the men congregating by the picnic table. Evan waves Ashton's hand at her, and a big smile spreads across Eve's face.

"Someone has to," Erin responds glancing at John as he enters the lavatory.

"Certainly, no one could do it as well as you," Eve now folding the clothes she removed from the washer/drier combo unit.

"We all have talents," Erin picking at one of her fingers.

John exits the lavatory just as Nate and Evma are returning. Nate has his bedroll and Evma has his pillow.

"[How thoughtful]," John smiling down at the two children, "[Thank you.]"

"[You are welcome]," Nate glad to be of service. While Evma simply smiles shyly at John. She's shy around most people. She's most comfortable with the other children, Erin, Evan, Eve and her parents of course.

John gives Evma's cheek a soft pinch when he takes the pillow from her. Evma giggles and runs to Erin to hide her face.

"Let's go back outside," Erin getting up from the couch with Evma. Nate doesn't wait for them. He literally hops out the door.

"Bob explained bonding to me the best he could," John coming over to Eve, "So, it's like a permanent thing."

"Yup," confirms Eve, "You are now Vor's life-mate. Until one of you dies, you'll be unable to mate with another female."

"Good motivator for making things work," comments John.

Eve nods her head.

"Well, you know where I'll be," John returning to the bedroom.

After John enters the bedroom, Zezvor comes running out of the bedroom and out of the dwelling. He returns a couple of minutes later with his own bedroll and pillow.

Eve looks back out the window over the sink. She sees the congregation of men stop talking and look toward the dwelling door. So she looks toward the door herself. Malvoreckt Lahan appears in the doorway.

"[May I enter]," asks Malvoreckt Lahan.

"[Ahda]," answers Eve, "[enter, please.]"

Malvoreckt Lahan's head is only a few centimeters from touching the top of the doorjamb as she steps through the doorway, "[A long time has past since I have been in a proper dwelling.]"

"[This is our first true dwelling]," Eve stacking the freshly folded clothes, "[Sit, please. Make yourself comfortable.]"

The Malvoreckt tests the couch with her hands before seating herself.

"[Thirsty I am]," Eve isn't a rude hostess, "[Would you have cold water?]"

"[Ahda,]" the Malvoreckt accepting Eve's offer.

Eve pours two cold waters from a pitcher she keeps in the refrigerator. She hands one to Malvoreckt Lahan and sits on the other end of the couch.

"[Toe kar]," the Malvoreckt thanks Eve.

"[No trouble]," Eve sipping her water.

"[May I asks personal questions of you]," ask Lahan.

"[Is this to be part of the investigation]," asks Eve.

"[Daha]," shaking her head no, "[for my own curiousity.]"

Eve nods her head yes, "[I will hear your questions.]"

Eve sound more like a serious Malyon than Zezna to Lahan's ears, "[You did not panic today]," Lahan hoping she won't say anything offensive, "[You seemed to know exactly what to do for Vor.]"

"[Panic would not have assisted Vor. Do what is necessary first and save breaking down emotionally for later]," Eve only feels she did what was needed, "[Vor was very fortunate. Zezna's aim was for John. Vor is taller. Two centimeters higher and Vor would be dead now. Zezna narrowly missed Vor's life-artery intersection. Humans do not possess such an intersection of arteries in their torso.]"

"[The male], John," Malvoreckt Lahan still learning names, "[would not have expired from such an injury?]"

"[With immediate medical attention]," explains Eve, "[most likely no. Yet the possibility of death from uncontrollable bleeding or internal organ damage even with prompt medical attention is high. And even after prompt appropriate medical attention, we still have to worry about possible infection as with Vor now]."

Malvoreckt Lahan nods her head, "[I understand…I am going to get more personal now. Please try to overlook if I say something offensive. I am not good at being tactful, only direct.]"

"[I prefer direct]," Eve being honest, "[Tactfulness or attempts at being diplomatic are often annoying.]"

"[You sound so Malyon]," Lahan developing respect for Eve, "[Evan would never say such a thing. He seems to rebel against everything as a people we hold dear. I have discussed with him many times appropriate behavior and appearance. He wanted to please and understood what was expected of him...]"

"[Yet he could not stop being himself]," Eve's face solemn, "[In this, you ask the impossible of him.]"

"[You understand him]," an enlightened look on Lahan's face, "[I wondered what drew you together despite so many obvious differences.]"

"[What initially drew us together was loneliness with a good dose of curiousity]," Eve clarifies, "[Evan's inability to fit in isolated him. I was suffering from isolation within my own community because I have no peers there. We cured each other of a suffering many cannot imagine.]"

Malvoreckt Lahan nods her head in understanding as she listens to Eve.

"[The differences]," continues Eve, "[you see with your eyes are insignificant. Sometimes they're fun,]" Eve admits with a dirty little grin.

"[What about personality differences]," asks Lahan.

"[All couples have personality differences. Ours are not strange or unusual]," Eve is comfortable and secure with her relationship with Evan, "[Most of our personality differences complement each other. Sometimes we disagree as all couples do, yet we never truly argue.]"

"[Does your bond have unity,]" Lahan curious.

Eve nods her head yes, "[Ahda.]"

Malvoreckt Lahan is quiet with thought for a minute. Wondering why Eve and Evan have unity when no Malyon couple has been blessed with unity for several generations with her own people.

"[It is good to sit in a true dwelling again]," Lahan with a favor to asks of Eve.

Veioray enters the dwelling. He has his bedroll and pillow in his arms, "[I desire to sleep here tonight.]"

"[Of course my friend]," Eve has come to see Veioray as extended family.

"[Thank you, I am sorry to have interrupted]," and Veioray enter the bedroom where John and Zezvor are watching over Vor.

"[If you will allow it]," Lahan asking her favor of Eve, "[I would like to conduct the interviews for the investigation here. I believe it will make all participants more comfortable.]"

"[I agree]," Eve doesn't want to seem uncooperative, "[unless Evan disagrees for some reason, you may use our dwelling for the interviews.]"

"[Thank you,]" the Malvoreckt feels welcome, "[You are a gracious host]," standing up, "[I hope to have more informal communication with you.]"

"[I would enjoy that,]" Eve remaining seated.

"[Until later]," the Malvoreckt showing herself out with a pleased look on her face. No smile but pleased just the same.

Eve stretches out on the couch and dozes off. Evan wakes her by gently caressing one of her cheeks with a finger. Eve opens her eyes and smiles.

"Ashton [is waiting for his] mommy [to put him to sleep]," Evan smiling as he sits on the edge of the couch with a cranky tired Ashton on his lap.

Eve sits up and stretches, "[We need the] mommy person." Eve unbuttons her shirt and Evan hands her Ashton. Ashton makes his little starving noises as he attaches to Eve.

"[We thought we were starving]," Eve stroking Ashton's head. Evan watches contentedly.

Ashton falls to sleep while nursing from the second breast. Evan follows Eve into their bedroom where Eve places Ashton in his crib.

"[I am going to check on Vor]," Eve whispers and Evan nods.

Eve retrieves her medical scanner from the kitchen table. The room Vor is in now is their spare or guest bedroom. Their third bedroom is set up for Ashton, but they're waiting for Ashton to start sleeping through the night before they move him complete into it.

When Eve slides open the door to the spare bedroom, her heart is warmed at the sight of Veioray, John and Zezvor all sleeping side-by-side on the floor next to the bed where Vor lies motionless except for the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. Eve is careful not to step on anyone as she moves to the side of the bed where she scans Vor. Then Eve pivots around on one foot, squats and scans John. Zezvor has his head on John's chest and John has an arm around him. Scans complete, Eve returns to her own bedroom where Evan is waiting in bed for her.

"[How do things look]," asks Evan.

"[Much better]," Eve stripping down to her underwear and climbing into bed with Evan, "[most of the fluctuating readings from the bonding have stabilized and there is no sign of infection.]"

"[Good]," Evan nods. Then he and Eve snuggle down for the night.

The next morning Evan starts breakfast while Eve scans Vor and John. John follows Eve as she walks away nodding to herself as she goes over the results of the scans. Eve stands by Evan, who's at the cooking surface. Eve holds the results up for Evan to see. Evan glances over the scans results quickly and nods. Eve turns around to talk to John and Veioray, who's sitting on the couch holding Ashton with Zezvor sitting next to him.

"[Everything looks good]," Eve positive, "[There is now balance between Vor and John. The bonding is complete. Which means her body is now completely focused on healing.]"

John lets out a relieved sigh and sits at the table.

"[It is nice to hear good news]," Veioray relieved also.

Eve grabs plates from the cupboard and sets the table as Evan finishes preparing the first meal of the day.

As they sit down to eat Evan asks Eve, "[During your conversation with the Malvoreckt yesterday, did she indicate when she would start the interviews?]"

"[Daha]," Eve shaking her head no, "[She asked if we would allow her to use our dwelling to conduct interviews in. I thought it was a good idea so unless you say no the answer is yes.]"

"[The reason for conducting the interviews in our dwelling is…]" Evan asking.

"[Everyone would be more comfortable and relaxed here in our dwelling]," answers Eve.

Evan nods, "[Agreed. Being interviewed will be uncomfortable enough. It would be easier on everyone if done here.]"

"[When I inform the Malvoreckt she may use our dwelling for conducting the interviews in]," Eve's face serious, "[I will asks when she plans to begin the interviews.]"

After breakfast, everyone congregates in the clearing for self-defense practice led by Mr. Chan. The picnic table is moved out of the way and Ashton is placed on a blanket with toys over a bed of cut grass near the dwelling entrance yet out of the way of the practice area. Fluffy takes her usual watchful position next to Ashton's blanket. Eve's shoats know what time it is and head to the riverbank to be clear of everything.

The group warms up with stretching and Tai chi. At the end of the warm up things get busy and their uninvited guests, who had been trying to ignore the morning activities and keep to their camp, come to the edge of the clearing and becomes a small audience. Eve invites the audience, made up of the Malvoreckt and her four companions, to join them, but they decline.

At the end of group practice Mr. Chan stops being the instructor and becomes the student as Veioray takes over for the critchow lesson. Eve and Evan take their places as Veioray's assistants. Eve has already mastered the basics of critchow and is mastering the advanced stages. Most of Veioray's lesson she has already mastered through practices with Evan. Finally, they pair off to practice one-on-one till midmorning.

Practice ends just in time for Ashton, who is becoming cranky as he becomes hungry. He has rolled himself next to Fluffy so he can bat at her. She tolerates the little black finger nailed hands that bat at her face and occasionally licks Ashton's forehead affectionately. Eve scratches Fluffy's head as she leans over and scoops Ashton up, who begins to behave as if he's starving. Eve knows he's not starving and with him propped on her hip, she enters the dwelling and drinks three glasses of water to quench her thirst. Back outside, Eve sits in her rocking chair to nurse the fussing Ashton, who is content the second he begins nursing. Here she is out of the way for everyone else to go in and out of the dwelling for a drink.

"That boy sure likes to eat," Ben referring to Ashton.

"Just like you dear," Jude giving Ben's little pillow belly a pat. Except for that little belly, Ben is in excellent shape. Then Jude kisses his cheek.

But Eve can't contain a little giggle, which causes the children to bust out in laughter. Ben puts his hands on his hips and a serious look on his face, but it doesn't help. Everant puts a hand on Ben's shoulder then burst into uncontrolled laughter. Ben looks down at his belly and starts laughing also. He and Everant put an arm over each other's shoulder and walk off together.

The audience, led by the Malvoreckt, cautiously walks over to Eve. Eve sees their bewilder faces and explains what all the laughing was about. Comedy isn't really a part of Malyon culture anymore; so, they don't quite get it and the sight of adult Malyons: Everant, Veioray and Alma all laughing was unsettling.

"[You need to remember this is not your community]," Eve's smile disappears, "[Here smiling and laughing are permitted, even for adults.]"

The guests' faces remain unchanged.

"[We came to inquire as to the status of using your dwelling for interviews]," the Malvoreckt speaking.

"[You may use our dwelling]," Eve disappointed with the stoic faces of the guests, "[When do you plan to start the interviews?]"

"[We think it best we wait until Vor is conscious and able bodied,]" the Malvoreckt.

"[Agreed]," Eve as serious as any Malyon, "[Until then we will be in and out of the dwelling checking on Vor.]" She switches Ashton to the other side.

"[Her nipples are darker color than rest of her body]," one of the Malvoreckt's companions says causing an embarrassed look to overcome the Malvoreckt's face with his loose lips.

Yet Eve isn't daunted, "[There are differences between human and Malyon body same as there are differences between males and females that we are grateful for. Yet differences do not mean peace is impossible.]"

"[There has been peace]," another of the Malvoreckt's companions finds his voice.

"[Daha,]" Eve disagrees, "[each side has simply gone about their lives as if the other did not exist. Teaching their children to stay away from each other because those people on the other side of the river are evil, dangerous animals.]" Ashton's suckling slows as he starts to doze.

Eve continues, "[There are no monsters here except the one you brought with you. Zezna believes Vor is better off dead than happy. I certainly hope none of you believes happiness is irrelevant.]"

The guests look at each other because none know how to respond to Eve. How does someone so small sound so big?

"[We practice together every other morning]," Eve deciding to change the subject, "[I hope you will all join us next practice. Try not to isolate yourselves.]"

Eve stands careful not to wake Ashton. She stops in the entrance of her dwelling and turns back to face her guests, "[Isolation is bad for the soul. It is something I know all too well.]" Eve's eyes are sad at remembering what it felt like before she knew Evan.

The guests watch Eve go inside the dwelling and suddenly Eve doesn't seem so small to them. Somehow she now seems bigger and wiser.

The next day they manage to coax their guests to have lunch with them at the picnic table. Eve and Evan serve as translators when needed.

"Johnson," the Malvoreckt, "[all in our community knows your name. You earned our respect.]" Evan translates to Eve's father.

"And how did I come to earn that honor," Ben asks and Eve translates.

"[You managed to out maneuver us]," the Malvoreckt explains, "[and bring us crashing down on to this planet with you in the process.]" Evan translates.

Ben's face turns serious, "I took no pleasure in those events. I simply did what was necessary to try to keep what was left of us alive." Eve translates.

"I think we should focus on happier times," Jude trying to break the sudden tension, "Let's lay the past to rest. No need to open old wounds." Eve passes Ashton to her father as she translates knowing his grandson will have a calming effect on her father.

The Malvoreckt nods her head in agreement to Jude's request and watches as Ben lavishes affection on his grandson.

"My grandson," Ben starts, "a man doesn't get more blessed than I. I have a beautiful tolerant wife, who has gifted me with three beautiful children." Eve translates then Ben continues, "I want everyone to know how happy I am Evan fell out of that tree and landed on Eve. Evan, you're a wonderful son-in-law, an excellent husband and wonderful father…Thank you, for just being you." Eve translates for the guests.

John suddenly straightens up in his seat with a strange look on his face. He looks confused or lost.

"John," Veioray concerned.

"Vor," John says quickly getting up from his seat.

Eve stands slowly and calmly, "[I believe Vor is conscious. Veioray, Zezvor, would you accompany me?]" Eve puts her hand out and Zezvor takes it.

Inside the dwelling, Eve, Veioray and Zezvor find John fussing over Vor.

"[I was beginning to fear you would never wake up,]" John almost sobbing.

"[How long]," Vor manages to scratch out from her dry throat.

"[Two days]," Eve answers as she stops inside the doorway of the bedroom.

Zezvor runs around John and throws his arms around Vor's neck. Veioray squeezes himself in to hug Vor, Zezvor and John, and even plants a kiss on each of their foreheads.

Smiling, Eve steps up to the side of the bed to perform a general scan. Eve nods her head approvingly, "[A little dehydrated.]"

"[I will get water]," Veioray getting to his feet.

Eve focuses the scan on the wound, "[No sign of infection and we seem to be healing quite nicely. It is nice to have you back. We have all been worried; especially, your life-mate.]"

"[Yes]," Vor stroking John's cheek affectionately, "[I feel.]"

Veioray returns with a pitcher of water and a cup. John scoots behind Vor to help her sit up enough to have a drink. Veioray helps Vor hold the cup as she sips water. Eve turns to leave the room.

"Eve," Vor catching Eve before she leaves the room, "[I feel John. It is same for you and Evan?]"

"[Yes, it is[," confirms Eve, "[Congratulations my friends…I will be outside if you need me.]"

Back outside, Eve hands Vor's scan to Evan and Dr. Matos leans over to have a look and asks questions.

"[How is she]," asks the Malvoreckt genuinely concerned for Vor.

"[Conscious]," Eve answers, "[a little dehydrated and very weak…Yet I expect her to make a full recovery.]"

"[Then perhaps we may begin conducting interviews tomorrow]," the Malvoreckt inquires.

"[Perhaps]," Eve considering Vor, "[We will see how Vor feels tomorrow.]"

Malvoreckt Lahan nods agreement to Eve. Everant and Alma have been quietly translating to Ben, Jude and Mr. Chan so Eve could speak with the Malvoreckt uninterrupted.

Zezvor comes hurrying out of the dwelling up to Eve, "[Vor is hungry. What may she eat?]"

Eve smiles at Zezvor as she picks up an empty plate, "[We should choose a few easy to digest foods…some crackers…fruit and…some vegetables.]" Then she hands the plate to Zezvor, who smiles real big at Eve.

"[Must she clean her plate]," asks Zezvor.

"[Daha]," Eve shaking her head no, "[she has not eaten for two days. Too much too soon may make her sick. So, if she does not eat much, do not worry.]" Then she kisses Zezvor's cheek and gives his chin a pinch. He giggles and carefully carries the plate of food back to the dwelling for Vor.

"[Showing affection is very important to you and your people]," the Malvoreckt observes.

"[Yes]," Eve responds, "[we believe words without action are meaningless. That actions speak louder than words. I may tell you I respect you. Yet if I fail to display respectful behavior, my words were empty.]"

"[What other beliefs do your people hold]," asks the Malvoreckt.

"[Behave towards others the way you desire them to behave toward you]," Eve elaborates, "[If you desire kindness and respect from another then you display kindness and respect yourself. Family is extremely important, because they are the ones you come home to, who care for you no matter what, want the best for you and would give their lives for yours…And of course, respect your elders. Do not interrupt when they speak. We share many of the same beliefs.]" Eve notices the Malvoreckt is trying not to look at Dr. Matos.

Then Malvoreckt Lahan asks a curious question, "[Your physician and defense instructor have no mates?]"

"[They did]," Eve answers, "[I never knew our defense instructor's mate. He lost her to an accident when their son was a toddler. And his son died when the ship crashed here.]" Eve keeps her voice low so no one else will hear.

"[We are sorry for the lost lives of the children," the Malvoreckt apologizes, "It was unknown the vessel carried children…I was told one child survived, while his parents did not. What became of him?]"

"John," Eve motions to the dwelling.

"[And the physicians mate]," the Malvoreckt inquires.

"[She was the translator]," Eve answers, "I learned much of your language from her…She died from complications incurred during child birth a few years past. The infant did not survive either.]"

"[Yet these men do not hate us nor blame us]," the Malvoreckt notes, "[Not even John after we stole his parents and childhood from him…Why?]"

"[My guess is that it would serve no real purpose, except maybe become like Zezna. Such strong negative emotions are consuming]," speculates Eve, "[Yet, you should really asks them. They should speak for themselves on this.]"