32: Guilty

The interviews do begin the next day. Vor is the first to be interviewed because she is still weak, yet up to answering questions. John and Veioray help Vor into the recliner in the living room area of the dwelling and let her know they'll be just outside if she needs them. John closes the door behind himself and Veioray as they exit the dwelling.

"Vor," the Malvoreckt begins, "[your mother has made serious accusations.]"

"[I know]," Vor interjects respectfully, "[I have been informed by my father, Eve and Evan. If you find validity to my mother's accusations, and bring charges, I expect to be charged as well.]"

"[There are no charges as of yet]," the Malvoreckt responds.

"[I understand]," Vor clear, "[yet I do not expect you and your companions to understand.]"

The Malvoreckt and her companions look at each other perplexed by Vor's statement.

"[We will begin]," the Malvoreckt feeling a little uneasy.

Vor simply nods that she's ready. So they ask questions and Vor answers.

"[No, I did not want to be Evan's mate. Yet I was not offered choices. I was expected to do as I was told, as I had always done.]"

"[No, I do not want to be non-conformist. I only desire a happy life.]"

"[Here I am free to think for myself. I am permitted to smile and laugh and enjoy those things. They are precious gifts.]"

"[Eve is not complicated.]"

"[Yes, we are friends now.]"

"[She is only small outside. Inside she is larger than any other person I know.]"

"[We fought and I was defeated. I underestimated her because of her small size and believed the fact that she was full of new life would make her easy to defeat. I was wrong.]"

Vor is the perfect non-smiling Malyon until she is asked about John. Vor's smile is reluctant. She wants her interviewers to take her seriously, but John just makes her smile.

"[I did not know true happiness before John. I was taught by my mother happiness is irrelevant. I had no hopes or dreams because I believed happiness was something I could not have. After coming here, battling for a male I did not want, I learned I have a right to happiness. John helped me remember how to smile and laugh. He is everything I thought I did not need or want.]"

"[I would rather die or spend my life alone than be bonded to a male who could not or would not make me, or did not care if…I smiled, laughed and had happiness.]"

Vor becomes recognizably drained from answering her interviewers' questions. Malvoreckt Lahan calls an end to Vor's interview, but adds that they may need to ask her more questions. To which Vor nods respectfully and thanks them for listening to her.

When Malvoreckt Lahan and her companions exit the dwelling, John hops up from the picnic table and is straight into the dwelling to check on Vor. Everyone else remains at the table sipping tea and watching the children play. The guests don't join them. They go straight to their campsite to have a conference.

Zezna is kept at the guests' campsite. They see to it that she does not pose any further threat to the wellbeing of anyone else. At night they put her in the Malvoreckt's tent where she keeps the Malvoreckt awake by rambling about evil human beasts and how everyone has turned against her.

The next few days, Eve and Evan find themselves spending a lot of time exploring with Ashton strapped to one of them. The Malvoreckt and her companions doing their interviews for the investigation into the accusations basically occupy their dwelling most of the day. Veioray is determined to be the best person to translate during the interviews with the humans who need help with the Malyon language.

The next interview is done with Vor's little brother, Zezvor. He's the youngest of the three children, but he's just as big as Nate, who's the oldest of the three children. Zezvor smiles a lot during his interview, squirms in his seat, plays with his fingers and at times seems completely distracted despite the fact he is listening and paying attention.

"[Yes, I like here a lot.]"

"[No, I want to stay here.]"

"[No, except my mother sometimes. When she becomes angry, I get scared.]"

"[I like playing with my best friend Nate and Evma.]"

"[Vor is nicer here. John makes her happy. I like John. He is funny.]"

"[No, everyone here is nice. Can I have a drink of water?]"

"[No, my father is nice. He plays with me and we go for walks.]"

"[Yes, I do not like it when my father makes me take a bath. And I do not like having to sit-out when I misbehave.]"

"[Yes, everyone here cares for me.]"

"[I know because they hug me, kiss me, read me stories, play with me, take care of my scraps when I fall down, scratch my head and lots of other good things.]"

"[I told you earlier. Yes, I want to stay here.]"

Zezvor is silent a moment to think a little before answering a question, "[Yes, I want to stay. Even If I am unable to see mother. It is safer when mother is gone.]"

"[Father explained mother accidentally hurt Vor. Yet I do not believe it was an accident.]"

"[Yes, the day before Eve birthed Ashton. Mother became very angry. Evan tried to stop her, yet she grabbed Eve by the neck and Eve's feet kicked in the air. Nate bit my mother on the leg. He wanted mother to put Eve down. Yet mother hit Nate so hard he flew backward. She finally dropped Eve when Evan kicked her in the stomach. Then father stopped her from hurting Eve again and sent her away. Father said she would be back, but I hoped she would not.]"

"[Yes, I was very afraid. And I felt sad for Eve. Mother's fingers left bruises on Eve's neck that stayed for many days.]"

"[I cannot tell. It would make mother very angry.]"

"[You will not tell her I told.]"

"[Sometimes when mother becomes very angry with me, she squeezes my arm up here. I would have to wear long sleeves until the bruises went away.]"

"[If father saw them, I would have to lie and say I did not know how I got them. I did not want to lie to father, but mother said he would not believe me. I was afraid to make her angrier.]"

"[May I go now? I do not want to talk anymore.]"

Malvoreckt Lahan excuses Zezvor. He walks out sadly, seeming to be a different boy from the happy one who had begun the interview. Nate and Evma greet him as he comes out and immediately recognize their friend's sadness and attempt to comfort him. Veioray asks Zezvor what's wrong, but Zezvor only shakes his head not wanting to talk. Veioray attempts unsuccessfully to comfort him. Zezvor moves on to Erin, who gives him a big long hug and kisses the top of his head. He asks if he may pick out the story for her to read later and Erin agrees. Finally, he stops at Vor and John, who are sitting under the same tree Vor recuperated under after her fight with Eve. Zezvor sits in John's lap because Vor is too weak to hold him. They ask if he'ld like to talk and he shakes his head no.

"That's OK," John cradling Zezvor, "[Maybe later.]"

Vor holds Zezvor's hand, "[When you are ready, we will listen.]" Zezvor nods with his head against John's chest. It feels safe here with the two of them. So, he decides to stay with John and Vor.

Veioray is the third to be interviewed. Malvoreckt Lahan and her companions have a brief conference after interviewing Zezvor then call Veioray in. The very last person to be interviewed is Eve after Evan.

When Eve is asked about Zezna's attack on her, she puts a hand to her throat as she remembers; "[I wore the bruises Zezna left on my neck for over a week. Yet, I feel sad for Zezna. No hate, just sadness and pity. She has never known real happiness. It must make her crazy to be here and see so much happiness and there is still none for her.]"

Eve's serious demeanor impresses Eve's interviewers. They have believed for a long time humans are completely ruled by their emotions, and there by, incapable of a logical thought. Eve is clearly not over influenced by her emotions. She is quite rational and logical.

"[And we came here thinking we were saving everyone from having to deal with our decision to be together. We just wanted to raise Ashton free of contempt and scorn that we have each seen our own people have for the other.]"

"[Evan and I have a lot in common. We are both curious, inquisitive, intelligent, we like to swim and explore…Quite simply we complement each other well.]"

"[No, Ashton was not planned, yet a delightful blessing just the same. We were discussing relocating to be together before we learned I was pregnant. It simply caused us to rush.]"

"[No, I do not mind. You may ask personal questions.]"

Most of the companions' questions are similar to the ones the Malvoreckt has asked Eve during private conversations. But they are also curious as to what intimacy is like between Eve and Evan. Eve blushes a little when answering these questions. Yet, she answers openly and honestly, a slight smile gracing her round tan face here and there.

"[Intimacy between Evan and myself is more than a simple act of mating. It is not a duty I perform to satisfy his male urges. It also serves as a method for us to express our affection, caring and desire for each other. Even the simplest kiss on the cheek means so much more.]"

"[How does a kiss feel? …It makes your hearts beat faster. And the spot where the kiss was placed tingles in the most wonderful way. Well, experience is the best teacher. My description is not doing it justice…A moment please.]" Eve steps outside and calls the children. She talks with them a minute and they agree. Eve follows the children back inside the dwelling. Each child picks a guest and bestows a kiss on the cheek. And for some reason they all decide to give the Malvoreckt a kiss. So she receives one on each cheek and her forehead. Then each child hugs Eve on the way out. Eve says thank you and kisses the top of each child's head.

Eve retakes her seat as her interviewers discuss how their hearts are beating faster, and how the kissed spots tingle in such a nice way.

"[It was very clear to me my description of a kiss was lacking greatly. Only through experience could one truly appreciate the action. Affection from children is especially precious. I hope no one is offend with my boldness.]"

The Malvoreckt is quietly touching her face. Her eyes are welling up with tears. And if anyone is offended, they do not say so.

Eve knits her brows, "[As long as you are here. You are free to smile and even laugh. It will not be frowned upon and no one will think less of you.]"

A lilac tear runs down the Malvoreckt Lahan's cheek and she smiles at Eve, "[It tingles.]" She even lets out a little giggle.

Eve smiles a large, wise, strong smile at all her interviewers, "[Sometimes the simplest of things brings great pleasure. The best part of kissing is practicing with your mate]," Eve winks at the two couples.

"[Do you have any more questions for me]," asks Eve.

"[You have been very helpful and cooperative]," Malvoreckt Lahan still rubbing the kissed spot on her forehead, "[We are finished for today. We return your dwelling for now and return to our campsite to confer.]"

Later that night, Eve, Evan, John and Vor are sitting at the picnic table stargazing. John notices some kind of sounds coming from the camp of their guests, "[What is that noise?]"

Everyone listens closely a couple of minutes.

"[It sounds like laughter]," determines Vor.

"[What would they be laughing about]," asks John.

"[They are practicing]," Eve with a knowing smile.

"[Practicing what]," asks John listening more closely.

"Kissing," Eve answers.

"[They were smiling when they left from your interview]," Evan curious, "[What did you have the children do?]"

"[They helped me open a door for our guests]," Eve answers.

"[I think they walked through]," Evan smiling.

"[We are going to retire for the night,]" John assisting Vor to her feet.

"[Maybe we should do our own practicing]," Vor to John as she leans on him for support while they walk back to the dwelling. Eve's orders are for Vor to sleep inside the dwelling until she has healed enough to get around on her own again.

Evan pulls Eve close and she relaxes in his arms. They sit there listening to the soft giggles of the Malvoreckt's companions as they practice kissing and gaze at the stars until they hear Ashton crying from his crib inside the dwelling. That's their cue to retire for the night.

At the end of the next day's communal lunch, Malvoreckt Lahan and her companions approach the picnic table with Zezna, who's wearing a superior look on her face.

"[We have concluded our investigation and have come to a unanimous determination]," Malvoreckt Lahan announces then continues, "[Eknor, Everant...Eknor, Ayah, Alma...Ture', Veioray…Ayah, Eknor, Evan, please stand…There will be no charges. We have determined Ture', Bekt, Zezna's accusations to be unfounded and made with malicious intent out of her own malcontent.]"

Relieved, Everant and Alma hug each other. Veioray releases his own sigh of relief. Evan simply sits back down with Eve, knowing he wasn't going anywhere no matter what the determination. But the superior look has disappeared from Zezna's face. It has been replaced by a look of disbelief. She had believed she had been unshackled because they had determined her accusations to be valid.

"[Ture', Bekt, Zezna]," Malvoreckt Lahan begins, "[this is your last taste of freedom and your opportunity to say good-bye to your family. You are charged and found guilty of child abuse, physical and emotional, assault, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, two counts of attempted murder and failure to tell the whole truth with false elaborations. We find you to be dangerous and a constant threat to others… My only regret is the death sentence I know this gives to your life-mate, Veioray, a good, kind decent man, who deserves better. We will take her back to our community and decide the consequences for her behavior. Veioray, you will be free of her the last few months of your life.]"

Veioray looks upon Zezna with pity. He can see she is in shock, and hasn't yet absorbed and accepted everything the Malvoreckt has said.

"[I am truly sorry for you, Zezna]," Veioray sincere, "[I wanted so much to make you happy. You were even unable to find happiness in motherhood. I do not know if you have ever known any type of happiness. Yet, it does not give you the right to trample on the happiness of others.]"

Zezna doesn't acknowledge Veioray. She looks away as if he's not standing there. Veioray looks over at Vor, who remains seated. It would be too draining to stand to say good-bye.

"[Good-bye, Mother. I hold no ill feelings about the wound. It's healing nicely.]"

"[Would have been better if you died]," mutters Zezna with her nostrils flared as if she's smelling dung.

Zezna's words sting Vor's hearts. Vor conceals her tears by hiding her face in John's neck. John places a comforting hand on Vor's head, but he keeps his eyes on Zezna.

Veioray motions for Zezvor to go forward and say his good-byes to his mother. Zezvor had been sitting between Veioray and Erin and is in no hurry to leave his seat of safety.

"It's OK," Erin assures Zezvor, "[We are all here.]"

Reluctantly, Zezvor gets up and stands in front of Zezna. Zezna squats down before Zezvor, a touch of affection in her eyes for Zezvor.

"[I am sorry, Zezvor]," Zezna in an uncharacteristically sweet tone, "[I have to leave you in this awful place. You will not even have one good parent to look after you. And in a few months when your father dies, there will be no one to care for you.]"

Zezvor knows none of what his mother just said is true. This place is nowhere near awful, his father is a good parent, she's not sorry and if his father died, there are plenty of people here who care about him. He knows everyone at the table would take care of him. Erin already spends a large part of the day looking after him. But he dare not disagree with his mother. So he simply says nothing.

Zezna scoops Zezvor up into her arms. He's rigid as she holds him. Zezna pays no attention to the rigidness of Zezvor's little body. She simply continues to hold him as if she's a loving caring affectionate mother. Then she hears one of the Malvoreckt's companions open manacles in preparation to reshackle her.

Malvoreckt Lahan finds herself flying backward. The Malvoreckt's companions attempt to swarm Zezna, but they don't want to hurt Zezvor. She has a tight hold of him in one arm. In trying to avoid harming Zezvor, they have given Zezna the advantage and find themselves on the receiving end of crippling blows. Veioray's attempt to deliver his screaming son from Zezna's arms end with him hitting the ground. Next Erin lands on top of Veioray when the crazed Zezna knocks her out of the way as she tries to grab Zezvor from her grasp.

Mr. Chan and Dr. Matos try to rush Zezna. But they're not fast enough; Zezna leaps onto the bench and then onto the picnic table to avoid them. John and Evan jump up from the other side of the table planning to grab her and pull Zezvor from her grasp. But Zezna kicks them both in their faces as she leaps from the table hitting the ground running.

Eve hands Ashton over to her mother, Jude, and takes off running in pursuit of Zezna. Soon Evan and Veioray join her in her pursuit of Zezna. Not far behind them is Erin, Mr. Chan along with Malvoreckt Lahan and one of her companions. They pass Dr. Matos' partially constructed clinic where he'll share duties with Eve. Then past Ben and Jude's shuttlecraft/dwelling next to the shuttle/dwelling is Everant and Alma's tent.

They seem to run after Zezna for an eternity, ducking low branches, dodging trees and bounding over large rocks. Eve can hear Zezvor yelling for his father and Erin ahead of her. And she can hear Erin yelling back to Zezvor from behind her along with Veioray's own shouts to the frightened boy.

Eve concentrates on not letting Zezna get out of her sight. Veioray and Evan pull ahead of her. It takes Eve two strides to match one of Evan's when running. It was much easier to run from a snarling beast than it is to run after one. Zezna's a beast Eve would prefer not to catch.

Zezna finally has to stop. She's come to the edge of another cliff and waterfall. The drop here is at least twice the drop of Eve and Evan's waterfall. Zezna steps up to the edge of the cliff and looks down. Then she looks at Zezvor's frightened tear streaked face.

"[I do this for you]," Zezna tells Zezvor. Zezvor simply shakes his head no. He's too frightened to say anything.

Evan and Veioray burst through the trees and stop in their tracks at the sight of Zezna standing at the edge of the cliff holding Zezvor ready to step off.

"[Zezna, do not do this]," begs Veioray.

Eve burst through the trees. Her chest heaving as she catches her breath, "[Zezna, if you do…I win… Lahan… and her companions… will return to your community… and tell all… how insane Zezna leapt to her death and took her son, poor innocent little Zezvor, to his death with her.]"

Zezna turns slowly and faces Eve. Eve has her attention.

Eve takes two steps forward and forces a smile, "Jump and victorious I am."

Zezna takes a step forward toward Eve and away from the ledge. Zezna looks from Evan to Veioray and back to Eve, who motions for Evan and Veioray to back away.

"[If you kill me, Evan will begin a luxste' twice as strong as his first luxste']," Eve still forcing the smile, "[You put him together with Vor at its peak and he will be unable to resist her. He will bond with her and break the bond she has with John.]"

Zezna looks at Evan then Veioray and back to Eve.

"[No one will lift a finger to help me. Evan will not try to defend me]," Eve looks back at Evan, "[He will keep his place]," she nods to him then looks back at Zezna, "[Kill me if you can.]" Eve kisses her lips at Zezna just to taunt her all the more.

Zezna walks over to a low bolder and sits Zezvor on it, "[Wait here]," she tells him. Eve winks at Zezna as she steps away from Zezvor, and Zezna charges.

The clash begins with Eve mostly just defending herself as she studies Zezna's style. Zezna is confident her size alone is enough to defeat Eve. She plans on torturing Eve into begging for death. And the beginning of this clash makes her confidence grow. Eve takes a couple of painful blows that make her angry, but she doesn't allow her anger to break her concentration. Eve focuses her anger using it to deliver some surprisingly painful blows of her own. Zezna can hardly believe it when bright purple blood trickles from her own nose.

It's hard for Evan to stand there and do nothing except watch. Veioray has to grab his arm twice to remind him to keep his place as Eve said. Each time Eve takes a painful bow, Evan's body shudders. Malvoreckt Lahan and two of her companions step out of the trees. Veioray motions for them to stand their ground and wait. They nod their understanding. They stand in place, watch and await the outcome of the battle.

For a moment it looks like it's over for Eve as Zezna runs her toward a tree with the intention of ramming Eve into it. Such a ram with Zezna's strength behind it would crack and fracture many of Eve's ribs, possibly collapse her rib cage completely. Instead, Eve uses Zezna's strength to propel her up the tree at a run. Eve flips over Zezna clapping her hands over Zezna's sensitive ears as she glides over her head. Then rams Zezna into the tree meant for her as her feet hit the ground.

"[Daha!]" Zezna yells shaking her head no as she catches sight of Erin picking Zezvor up and running back into the forest with him.

Zezna charges after Erin, but Mr. Chan emerges from the trees driving her back toward Eve.

"[You said no one would interfere]," Zezna angry.

"[No one will help or defend me]," Eve reminds Zezna, "[He is defending Erin, not me.]"

Zezna stands there stewing in her own anger. Mr. Chan blocks the direction Erin ran in.

"[We can end this now]," Eve offering Zezna a choice, "[You can return with Malvoreckt Lahan and her companions. I am sure you will have a few sympathizers.]"

"[No]," Zezna not liking her choices, "[this ends when I snap your sister's neck after I kill you.]"

"[I will not permit you to harm anyone else]," Eve firm.

Zezna's response is a snarl and the clash resumes. Zezna attempts to flip Eve, which results in Zezna finding herself sailing through the air as Eve deliberately falls over backward pulling Zezna with her and using her small feet to throw Zezna.

Zezna goes sliding across the ground and over the side of the cliff. Not something Eve intended to happen. It was Zezna who intended to send Eve over the cliff.

Eve scrambles to the edge of the cliff and is joined immediately by the spectators. They all look over the edge and see Zezna hanging by one hand from a rock jutting out of the cliff wall about a meter and a half down from the top.

"[I think I can reach her if you lower me]," Eve to Evan and Veioray. So, Veioray and Evan lower Eve by her ankles. Eve is within reach of Zezna. Except Zezna needs to give Eve her free hand if she wants to be pulled back up.

"[Zezna, give me your hand]," request Eve, "[We will pull you up.]"

The look in Zezna's eyes tells Eve she has no intention of giving Eve her free hand.

"[Zezna, let us help you]," Eve pleads.

"[I prefer death]," and Zezna releases her handhold on the rock. Eve watches shocked as Zezna permits herself to fall to her death. Zezna doesn't scream nor even attempt to grab any of the branches of the trees she's falling past.

The instant death of Zezna as her body shatters on impact with the ground below sends a shock through Veioray's body. The shock to his system is so sudden and great he lets go of Eve's ankle as he stumbles backward.

Evan jerks forward with the suddenness of having all of Eve's weight to hold. But Mr. Chan grabs Evan, preventing him from going over the edge. And Evan would have let himself go over the edge rather than let go of Eve. The Malvoreckt's companions grab Eve's other ankle and they pull her to safety.

Sitting on the ground with Evan's arms around her, tired, battered and glad to be alive, Eve has a request, "[I say we never do that again.]"

"Veioray," Eve concerned.

"[I am fine]," answers Veioray, "[How are you?]"

Eve is assisted to her feet. Then starts to take inventory on herself in order to answer Veioray, "[This hurts]," pulling her left arm to her chest. She takes a few steps, "OK, [that hurts too]," lifting her right foot off the ground, but meaning her ankle.

"[How do I look]," Eve asks everyone. Veioray, the Malvoreckt and her companions all shake their heads not wanting to answer. Eve looks at Mr. Chan.

"Not good," Mr. Chan answers.

"Terrible," Evan confirms letting Eve use him as a crutch.

They find Erin waiting in the forest with Zezvor behind her clinging to her waist.

"[She is not with them]," Erin, who prefers English, doesn't mind making an exception for Zezvor. He peeks from behind Erin as Veioray squats down to his eye level.

"[Where is she]," Zezvor's voice a whisper out of fear his mother will hear him.

Veioray keeps the answer simple, "[Gone.]" Veioray feels his son is too young to be burdened with the whole truth for now. If he ever asks for details, Veioray will tell him.

"[Gone]," repeats Zezvor, his black eyes big.

"[Yes]," Veioray confirms, "[She departed and will not return.]"

A relieved Zezvor throws his arms around his father's neck. Veioray picks him up and kisses his cheek. Zezvor puts out a hand for Erin and she holds it as they walk back. Zezvor resting his head on his father's shoulder.

"[How far did we run]," Eve actually complaining, not asking.

Evan answers anyway, "[A long way]," scooping her up off her feet to carry her.

"[I can walk]," Eve not complaining, just crabbing.

"[You can limp]," Evan corrects, "[Besides, at your rate of travel, it will take till night fall to return.]"

"[But I would get there]," Eve insist.

Mr. Chan chuckles at the way Eve and Evan's conversation sounds. It sounds as if they've been together forever, yet can't make it through the day without a little spat just to say I love you.

When they make it back, Dr. Matos is using a bone knitter on one of the guests, who has two cracked ribs from the blow received from Zezna. John is holding his broken bloody nose waiting his turn with Vor beside him rubbing his back. Evan sits Eve on a bench and retrieves the EMK from their dwelling. He scans Eve and is relieved there are no broken bones. She has lots of scrapes and bruises, a few cuts, but the worst is her sprained wrist and ankle. Evan wraps her right ankle first. This sprain is the most severe. Next, he wraps her wrist. Then he tends her scrapes and cuts. Evan is very gentle and makes Eve feel like the center of the universe. For him, that is exactly what she is.

Later, after the late meal, Eve is sitting on the sofa in their dwelling nursing Ashton. Her foot propped up on the coffee table with a pillow under it. Malvoreckt Lahan is sitting on one side of Eve and Dr. Matos is on the other side. Veioray is at the counter preparing tea for all of them. The conversation centers around the medical scans done earlier in the day. Eve is giving the Malvoreckt a brief lesson on the major differences between Malyon and human physiology.

Eve's father comes in and goes straight to the lavatory. He comes out a couple of minutes later after washing his hands.

"Did you remember to put the seat down," asks Eve, "I don't know who it upsets more when you leave it up, me or Evan."

Ben does an about face to return to the lavatory to put the toilet seat back down. Eve explains to Lahan one of the biggest problems human females have with human males is they forget to put the seat back down after they urinate.

Ben sits on the coffee table next to Eve's foot, "That boy is out there brooding," Ben referring to Evan, who's outside.

"Yes, I know," Eve responds, "He's upset with me."

"It was hard for him to stand there and do nothing," Ben staring at Eve's battered face.

"Yes, I know," Eve responds, "but it was necessary."

"Are you insane?" Ben is upset with Eve himself, "That woman was twice your size. You're lucky she didn't snap you in two."

"Your daughter," Malvoreckt Lahan isn't fluent with English, but Ben's distress is clear over the dangerous situation she put herself in, "brave woman. Save Zezvor's life. You be proud."

"[Toe kar]," Ben thanks the Malvoreckt as Veioray comes over with the tea. "How are you feeling?" Ben asks Veioray concerned.

"Good," Answers Veioray, "It will be a few weeks before I expire. I will not start to feel ill for a couple weeks. But for now, it is good to be free."

"Forgive my curiousity," Ben afraid he might say something offensive, "But if she had left with Lahan and the others. How long then?"

"I would have had several months," answers Veioray, "I have a favor to ask."

"Ask my friend," Ben wanting to be of assistance to Veioray if possible.

"Zezvor is close to Nate. And he is also comfortable with you and Jude," Veioray's eyes smiling, "I think he'ld be very happy with all of you. Will you finish raising him for me?"

"Of course," Ben answers smiling, "We'll be honored. Erin adores him."

"Veioray," Eve changing the subject, "[remember I shared I had found something.]"

"Yes, I remember," Veioray rarely forgets anything.

"[There is a cave behind the waterfall]," Eve share, "[Tomorrow we will go. You will like what I have found.]"